348 resultados para rough rock


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The lipids and kerogens of 15 sediment samples from Site 547 (ranging from Pleistocene to Early Jurassic/Triassic) and 4 from Site 545 (Cretaceous) have been analyzed. A strong terrestrial contribution of organic matter was found, and significant autochthonous inputs were also present, especially at Site 545. Both strongly reduced and highly oxidized sediments have been found in the Cenozoic and Jurassic samples of Site 547. On the contrary, all the Cretaceous sections of Sites 547 and 545 are anoxic. Sediments from anoxic paleoenvironments are immature and have a high content of sterenes, diasterenes, steradienes, hopenes, and ßß hopanes. Samples from oxic paleoenvironments are mainly mature and their content of hopenes and steriod structures is below the detection level. Nevertheless, their hopane distributions have the immature ßß homologs as the predominant molecular markers. For Site 545 the most abundant molecular markers are ring A monoaromatic steranes, and their presence is attributed to microbial and chemical transformations during early diagenesis.


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The Antarctic Circumpolar Current is key to the mixing and ventilation of the world's oceans. This current flows from west to east between about 45° and 70° S connecting the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans, and is driven by westerly winds and buoyancy forcing. High levels of productivity in the current regulate atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Reconstructions of the current during the last glacial period suggest that flow speeds were faster or similar to present, and it is uncertain whether the strength and position of the westerly winds changed. Here we reconstruct Antarctic Circumpolar Current bottom speeds through the constricting Drake Passage and Scotia Sea during the Last Glacial Maximum and Holocene based on the mean grain size of sortable silt from a suite of sediment cores. We find essentially no change in bottom flow speeds through the region, and, given that the momentum imparted by winds, and modulated by sea-ice cover, is balanced by the interaction of these flows with the seabed, this argues against substantial changes in wind stress. However, glacial flow speeds in the sea-ice zone south of 56° S were significantly slower than present, whereas flow in the north was faster, but not significantly so. We suggest that slower flow over the rough topography south of 56° S may have reduced diapycnal mixing in this region during the last glacial period, possibly reducing the diapycnal contribution to the Southern Ocean overturning circulation.


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A linear, N-S-trending belt of elliptical, positive magnetic anomalies occurs in central Nordaustlandet, northeast Svalbard. They extend from the Caledonian and older complexes in the vicinity of Duvefjorden, southwards beneath the western margin of Austfonna and the offshore areas covered by Carboniferous and younger strata, to the vicinity of Edge¯ya. One of the strongest anomalies occurs in inner Duvefjorden where it coincides with a highly magnetic quartz monzonite-granite pluton at Djupkilsodden. U-Pb and Pb-Pb zircon dating of this post-tectonic pluton defines an age of c. 415 Ma, this being based on the Pb-Pb analyses of three specimens (Pb-Pb ages of 414±10 Ma, 411±10 Ma and 408±10 Ma) and a U-Pb discordia with an upper intercept at 417+18/-7 Ma. Neighbouring felsic plutons in central Nordaustlandet, including the Rijpfjorden and Winsnesbreen granites, lack magnetic signatures in their exposed parts, but have a similar Caledonian age. The central Nordaustlandet magnetic anomalies appear to be part of a circa 300 km long linear belt of late Silurian or early Devonian post-tectonic plutonism that characterizes the Caledonian basement of eastern Svalbard. Felsic intrusions of similar age further west in Spitsbergen are likewise both highly magnetic (Hornemantoppen batholith) and largely non-magnetic (Newtontoppen batholiths / Chydeniusbreen granitoid suite). They all appear to have been intruded at the end of the main period of Caledonian terrane assembly of the northwestern Barents Shelf.