204 resultados para periglacial slope deposits, anthropogenic over impression, dry maar, Eifel


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Anthropogenic elevation of atmospheric carbon dioxide (pCO2) is making the oceans more acidic, thereby reducing their degree of saturation with respect to calcium carbonate (CaCO3). There is mounting concern over the impact that future CO2-induced reductions in the CaCO3 saturation state of seawater will have on marine organisms that construct their shells and skeletons from this mineral. Here, we present the results of 60 d laboratory experiments in which we investigated the effects of CO2-induced ocean acidification on calcification in 18 benthic marine organisms. Species were selected to span a broad taxonomic range (crustacea, cnidaria, echinoidea, rhodophyta, chlorophyta, gastropoda, bivalvia, annelida) and included organisms producing aragonite, low-Mg calcite, and high-Mg calcite forms of CaCO3. We show that 10 of the 18 species studied exhibited reduced rates of net calcification and, in some cases, net dissolution under elevated pCO2. However, in seven species, net calcification increased under the intermediate and/or highest levels of pCO2, and one species showed no response at all. These varied responses may reflect differences amongst organisms in their ability to regulate pH at the site of calcification, in the extent to which their outer shell layer is protected by an organic covering, in the solubility of their shell or skeletal mineral, and whether they utilize photosynthesis. Whatever the specific mechanism(s) involved, our results suggest that the impact of elevated atmospheric pCO2 on marine calcification is more varied than previously thought.


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In order to document changes in Holocene glacier extent and activity in NE Greenland (~73° N) we study marine sediment records that extend from the fjords (PS2631 and PS2640), across the shelf (PS2623 and PS2641), to the Greenland Sea (JM07-174GC). The primary bedrock geology of the source areas is the Caledonian sediment outcrop, including Devonian red beds, plus early Neoproterozoic gneisses and early Tertiary volcanics. We examine the variations in colour (CIE*), grain size, and bulk mineralogy (from X-ray diffraction of the <2 mm sediment fraction). Fjord core PS2640 in Sofia Sund, with a marked red hue, is distinct in grain size, colour and mineralogy from the other fjord and shelf cores. Five distinct grain-size modes are distinguished of which only one is associated with a coarse ice-rafting signal - this mode is rare in the mid- and late Holocene. A sediment unmixing program (SedUnMixMC) is used to characterize down-core changes in sediment composition based on the upper late Holocene sediments from cores PS2640 (Sofia Sund), PS2631 (Kaiser Franz Joseph Fjord) and PS2623 (south of Shannon Is), and surface samples from the Kara Sea (as an indicator of transport from the Russian Arctic shelves). Major changes in mineral composition are noted in all cores with possible coeval shifts centred c. 2.5, 4.5 and 7.5 cal. ka BP (±0.5 ka) but are rarely linked with changes in the grain-size spectra. Coarse IRD (>2 mm) and IRD-grain-size spectra are rare in the last 9-10 cal. ka BP and, in contrast with areas farther south (~68° N), there is no distinct IRD signal at the onset of neoglaciation. Our paper demonstrates the importance of the quantitative analysis of sediment properties in clarifying source to sink changes in glacial marine environments.


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The ground surface temperature is one of the key parameters that determine the thermal regime of permafrost soils in arctic regions. Due to remoteness of most permafrost areas, monitoring of the land surface temperature (LST) through remote sensing is desirable. However, suitable satellite platforms such as MODIS provide spatial resolutions, that cannot resolve the considerable small-scale heterogeneity of the surface conditions characteristic for many permafrost areas. This study investigates the spatial variability of summer surface temperatures of high-arctic tundra on Svalbard, Norway. A thermal imaging system mounted on a mast facilitates continuous monitoring of approximately 100 x 100 m of tundra with a wide variability of different surface covers and soil moisture conditions over the entire summer season from the snow melt until fall. The net radiation is found to be a control parameter for the differences in surface temperature between wet and dry areas. Under clear-sky conditions in July, the differences in surface temperature between wet and dry areas reach up to 10K. The spatial differences reduce strongly in weekly averages of the surface temperature, which are relevant for the soil temperature evolution of deeper layers. Nevertheless, a considerable variability remains, with maximum differences between wet and dry areas of 3 to 4K. Furthermore, the pattern of snow patches and snow-free areas during snow melt in July causes even greater differences of more than 10K in the weekly averages. Towards the end of the summer season, the differences in surface temperature gradually diminish. Due to the pronounced spatial variability in July, the accumulated degree-day totals of the snow-free period can differ by more than 60% throughout the study area. The terrestrial observations from the thermal imaging system are compared to measurements of the land surface temperature from the MODIS sensor. During periods with frequent clear-sky conditions and thus a high density of satellite data, weekly averages calculated from the thermal imaging system and from MODIS LST agree within less than 2K. Larger deviations occur when prolonged cloudy periods prevent satellite measurements. Futhermore, the employed MODIS L2 LST data set contains a number of strongly biased measurements, which suggest an admixing of cloud top temperatures. We conclude that a reliable gap filling procedure to moderate the impact of prolonged cloudy periods would be of high value for a future LST-based permafrost monitoring scheme. The occurrence of sustained subpixel variability of the summer surface temperature is a complicating factor, whose impact needs to be assessed further in conjunction with other spatially variable parameters such as the snow cover and soil properties.


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Over the Uruguayan shelf and uppermost slope the coalescence of northward flowing Subantarctic Shelf Water and southward flowing Subtropical Shelf Water forms a distinct thermohaline front termed the Subtropical Shelf Front (STSF). Running in a SW direction diagonally across the shelf from the coastal waters at 32°S towards the shelf break at ca. 36°S, the STSF represents the shelf-ward extension of the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence zone. This study reconstructs latitudinal STSF shifts during the Holocene based on benthic foraminifera d18O and d13C, total organic carbon, carbonate contents, Ti/Ca, and grain-size distribution from a high-accumulation sedimentary record located at an uppermost continental-slope terrace. Our data provide direct evidence for: (1) a southern STSF position (to the South of the core site) at the beginning of the early Holocene (>9.4 cal ka BP) linked to a more southerly position of the Southern Westerly Winds in combination with restricted shelf circulation intensity due to lower sea level; (2) a gradual STSF northward migration (bypassing the core site towards the North) primarily forced by the northward migration of the Southern Westerly Winds from 9.4 cal ka BP onwards; (3) a relatively stable position of the front in the interval between 7.2 and 4.0 cal ka BP; (4) millennial-scale latitudinal oscillations close to 36°S of the STSF after 4.0 cal ka BP probably linked to the intensification in El Niño Southern Oscillation; and (5) a southward migration of the STSF during the last 200 years possibly linked to anthropogenic influences on the atmosphere.


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A model is presented for hemipelagic siliciclastic and carbonate sedimentation during the last glacial-interglacial cycle in the Capricorn Channel, southern Great Barrier Reef (GBR). Stable isotope ratios, grainsize, carbonate content and mineralogy were analysed for seven cores in a depth transect from 166 to 2892 m below sea level (mbsl). Results show variations in the flux of terrigenous, neritic and pelagic sediments to the continental slope over the last sea level cycle. During the glacial lowstand terrigenous sediment influenced all the cores down to 2000 mbsl. The percentages of quartz and feldspar in the cores decreased with water depth, while the percentage of clay increased. X-ray diffraction analysis of the glacial lowstand clay mineralogy suggests that the siliciclastic sediment was primarily sourced from the Fitzroy River, which debouched directly into the northwest sector of the Capricorn Channel at this time. The cores also show a decrease in pelagic calcite and an increase in aragonite and high magnesium calcite (HMC) during the glacial. The influx of HMC and aragonite is most likely from reworking of coral reefs exposed on the continental shelf during the glacial, and also from HMC ooids precipitated at the head of the Capricorn Channel at this time. Mass accumulation rates (MARs) are high (13.5 g/cm**/kyr) during the glacial and peak at ~20 g/cm** 3/kyr in the early transgression (16-14 ka BP). MARs then decline with further sea level rise as the Fitzroy River mouth retreats from the edge of the continental shelf after 13.5 ka BP. MARs remain low (4 g/cm**3/kyr) throughout the Holocene highstand. Data for the Holocene highstand indicate there is a reduction in siliciclastic influx to the Capricorn Channel with little quartz and feldspar below 350 mbsl. However, fine-grained fluvial sediments, presumably from the Fitzroy River, were still accumulating on the mid slope down to 2000 mbsl. The proportion of pelagic calcite in the core tops increases with water depth, while HMC decreases, and is present only in trace amounts in cores below 1500 mbsl. The difference in the percentage of HMC in the deeper cores between the glacial and Holocene may reflect differences in supply or deepening of the HMC lysocline during the glacial. Sediment accumulation rates also vary between cores in the Capricorn Channel and do not show the expected exponential decrease with depth. This may be due to intermediate or deep water currents reworking the sediments. It is also possible that present bathymetry data are too sparse to detect the potential role that submarine channels may play in the distribution and accumulation of sediments. Comparison of the Capricorn Channel MARs with those for other mixed carbonate/siliciclastic provinces from the northeast margin of Australia indicates that peak MARs in the early transgression in the Capricorn Channel precede those from the central GBR and south of Fraser Island. The difference in the timing of the carbonate and siliciclastic MAR peaks along the northeast margin is primarily related to differences in the physiography and climate of the provinces. The only common trend in the MARs from the northeast margin of Australia is the near synchronicity of the carbonate and siliciclastic MAR peaks in individual sediment cores, which supports a coeval sedimentation model.


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Siliceous deposits drilled on Ocean Drilling Program Leg 129 accumulated within a few degrees of the equator during the Jurassic through early Tertiary, as constrained by paleomagnetic data. During the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, radiolarian ooze, mixed with a minor amount of pelagic clay, was deposited near the equator, and overall accumulation rates were moderate to low. At a smaller scale, in more detail, periods of relatively higher accumulation rates alternated with periods of very low accumulation rates. Higher rates are represented by radiolarite and limestone; lower rates are represented by radiolarian claystone. Our limited data from Leg 129 suggests that accumulation of biogenic deposits was not symmetrical about the equator or consistent over time. In the Jurassic, sedimentation was siliceous; in the Cretaceous there was significant calcareous deposition; in the Tertiary claystone indicates significantly lower accumulation rates at least the northern part of the equatorial zone. Accumulation rates for Leg 129 deposits in the Cretaceous were higher in the southern part of the equatorial zone than in the northern part, and the southern side of this high productivity zone extended to approximately 15°S, while the northern side extended only to about 5°N. Accumulation rates are influenced by relative contributions from various sediment sources. Several elements and element ratios are useful for discriminating sedimentary sources for the equatorial depositional environments. Silica partitioning calculations indicate that silica is dominantly of biogenic origin, with a detrital component in the volcaniclastic turbidite units, and a small hydrothermal component in the basal sediments on spreading ridge basement of Jurassic age at Site 801. Iron in Leg 129 sediments is dominantly of detrital origin, highest in the volcaniclastic units, with a minor hydrothermal component in the basal sediments at Site 801. Manganese concentrations are highest in the units with the lowest accumulation rates. Fe/Mn ratios are >3 in all units, indicating negligible hydrothermal influence. Magnesium and aluminum concentrations are highest in the volcaniclastic units and in the basal sediments at Site 801. Phosphorous is very low in abundance and may be detrital, derived from fish parts. Boron is virtually absent, as is typical of deep-water deposits. Rare earth element concentrations are slightly higher in the volcaniclastic deposits, suggesting a detrital source, and lower in the rest of the lithologic units. Rare earth element abundances are also low relative to "average shale." Rare earth element patterns indicate all samples are light rare earth element enriched. Siliceous deposits in the volcaniclastic units have patterns which lack a cerium anomaly, suggesting some input of rare earth elements from a detrital source; most other units have a distinct negative Ce anomaly similar to seawater, suggesting a seawater source, through adsorption either onto biogenic tests or incorporation into authigenic minerals for Ce in these units. The Al/(Al + Fe + Mn) ratio indicates that there is some detrital component in all the units sampled. This ratio plotted against Fe/Ti shows that all samples plot near the detrital and basalt end-members, except for the basal samples from Site 801, which show a clear trend toward the hydrothermal end-member. The results of these plots and the association of high Fe with high Mg and Al indicate the detrital component is dominantly volcaniclastic, but the presence of potassium in some samples suggests some terrigenous material may also be present, most likely in the form of eolian clay. On Al-Fe-Mn ternary plots, samples from all three sites show a trend from biogenic ooze at the top of the section downhole to oceanic basalt. On Si-Fe-Mn ternary plots, the samples from all three sites fall on a trend between equatorial mid-ocean spreading ridges and north Pacific red clay. Copper-barium ratios show units that have low accumulation rates plot in the authigenic field, and radiolarite and limestone samples that have high accumulation rates fall in the biogenic field.


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Porosity, permeability, and compressional (P-wave) velocity were measured as a function of stress on sediments from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1073, U.S. Mid-Atlantic continental slope. Thin sections, scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction analyses provided mineralogical characteristics of the samples. Uniaxial strain boundary conditions were imposed on the samples during consolidation tests with the maximum effective axial stress reaching 13 MPa. The maximum effective radial stress necessary to maintain uniaxial strain was 7.6 MPa. Over an effective axial stress interval of 0 to 5.2 MPa, Sample 174A-1073A-26X-2, 82-89 cm (226.65 meters below seafloor [mbsf]), exhibited the largest decrease in porosity (51% to 41%), whereas Sample 71X-1, 2-8 cm (644.70 mbsf), exhibited the smallest decrease in porosity (48% to 45%). All samples showed negligible porosity increases during unloading. The permeability (on the order of 1 x 10-17 m**2) of Sample 174A-1073A-71X-1, 2-8 cm, was twice that measured on Sample 8H-1, 23-26 cm (63.75 mbsf), even though the former was considerably deeper and older. The differences in porosity-stress behavior and permeability between shallow and deep samples is related to lithologic, mineralogic, and diagenetic differences between the sediments above and below the Pliocene-Pleistocene to Miocene unconformity. P-wave velocity for Samples 174A-1073A-41X-5, 97-103 cm (372.35 mbsf), and 71X-1, 2-8 cm, increased with decreasing porosity, but did not change significantly during unloading.


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The four holes (including a re-entry hole) drilled at Site 433 allow determination of the sedimentary sequence of Suiko Seamount in the Emperor chain. The holes are in a small graben basin situated within a lateral lagoon on the seamount. The sedimentary deposits range from the Paleocene to the upper Pliocene and are not uniform and continuous. A major hiatus exists at the top of the lower Eocene reef sediment, below the lower and upper Miocene pelagic sediments. The depositional history and succession of environments are shown by mineralogical and geochemical changes in the sediments.


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The upper shelf of the landslide-prone Ligurian Margin (Western Mediterranean Sea) off Nice well-known for the 1979 Airport Landslide is a natural laboratory to study preconditioning factors and trigger mechanisms for submarine landslides. For this study low-stress ring shear experiments have been carried out on a variety of sediments from >50 gravity cores to characterise the velocity-dependent frictional behaviour. Mean values of the peak coefficient of friction vary from 0.46 for clay-dominated samples (53 % clay, 46 % silt, 1 %) sand up to 0.76 for coarse-grained sediments (26 % clay, 57 % silt, 17 % sand). The majority of the sediments tested show velocity strengthening regardless of the grain size distribution. For clayey sediments the peak and residual cohesive strength increases with increasing normal stress, with values from 1.3 to 10.6 kPa and up to 25 % of all strength supported by cohesive forces in the shallowmost samples. A pseudo-static slope stability analysis reveals that the different lithologies (even clay-rich material with clay content >=50 %) tested are stable up to slope angles <26° under quasi-drained conditions.