131 resultados para Marine Pliocene


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Leg 94 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project has provided a unique set of paleomagnetically dated cores, taken along a N-S transect in the North Atlantic. High deposition rates in the sediments, combined with the palaeomagnetic ages, have enabled existing planktonic foraminiferal zonations to be tested and a new zonation for the mid- to high latitudes to be erected. The PL zonation of Berggren (1973, 1977) is shown to be adequate as far north as 41°N, although both the LAD's of Globigerina nepenthes and Globorotalia margaritae occur earlier than in tropical regions. North of 41°N these two species have very diachronous LAD's, even though they are common during their range in the northern sites. The new zonation for the mid to high latitude North Atlantic is based on the FAD of G. margaritae, FAD of G. puncticulata, LAD of G. cf. crassula, LAD of N. atlantica, FAD of G. inflata and FAD of sinistrally coiled encrusted N. pachyderma.


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The stratigraphic distribution, assemblage content, paleoecology and age of foraminifera recovered in fourteen of sixteen samples from the 5.63 m thick CRP-2 (Lithostratigraphic Unit 2.2) are discussed. LSU 2.2 comprises four discrete lithologic beds. The upward sequence is informally referred to as the lower sand bed, diamicton bed, middle sand bed, and upper sand bed and it is surmised that these four units are closely related in time. The lower sand bed (~1.5m), which overlies lower Miocene sediments and from which it is separated by the Ross Sea Unconformity, contains traces of recycled Miocene diatoms but is otherwise barren of biogenic material. The diamicton bed (~2.42 m) contains 21 species of benthic foraminifera, with assemblages consistently dominated by Cassidulinoides porrectus, Ammoelphidiella antarctica, Rosalina cf. globularis, Cibicides refulgens, and Ehrenbergina glabra. The overlying middle sand bed (~1.9 m) contains 13 species. with C. porrectus and E. glabra dominant and A. antarctica less common than in the underlying diamicton bed. The upper sand bed (~0.46 m) contains four species and very few tests. The diamicton bed and middle sand bed assemblages are considered to be near in situ thanatocoenoses; and sediments interpreted as marine in origin but influenced by hyposaline waters and nearby ice. Planktic taxa are absent, perhaps indicating the presence of tidewater glaciers, sea ice and/or hyposaline surface waters. The small assemblage in the upper sand bed is more problematic and may be recycled. On the basis of foraminifera in the diamicton and middle sand beds. LSU 2.2 is assigned to the Pliocene. The overlying diamicton in LSU 2.1 contains abundant Quaternary foraminifera.


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We present a 5.3-Myr stack (the ''LR04'' stack) of benthic d18O records from 57 globally distributed sites aligned by an automated graphic correlation algorithm. This is the first benthic delta18O stack composed of more than three records to extend beyond 850 ka, and we use its improved signal quality to identify 24 new marine isotope stages in the early Pliocene. We also present a new LR04 age model for the Pliocene-Pleistocene derived from tuning the delta18O stack to a simple ice model based on 21 June insolation at 65 N. Stacked sedimentation rates provide additional age model constraints to prevent overtuning. Despite a conservative tuning strategy, the LR04 benthic stack exhibits significant coherency with insolation in the obliquity band throughout the entire 5.3 Myr and in the precession band for more than half of the record. The LR04 stack contains significantly more variance in benthic delta18O than previously published stacks of the late Pleistocene as the result of higher resolution records, a better alignment technique, and a greater percentage of records from the Atlantic. Finally, the relative phases of the stack's 41- and 23-kyr components suggest that the precession component of delta18O from 2.7-1.6 Ma is primarily a deep-water temperature signal and that the phase of d18O precession response changed suddenly at 1.6 Ma.


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The globally warm climate of the early Pliocene gradually cooled from 4 million years ago, synchronous with decreasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations. In contrast, palaeoceanographic records indicate that the Nordic Seas cooled during the earliest Pliocene, before global cooling. However, a lack of knowledge regarding the precise timing of Nordic Seas cooling has limited our understanding of the governing mechanisms. Here, using marine palynology, we show that cooling in the Nordic Seas was coincident with the first trans-Arctic migration of cool-water Pacific mollusks around 4.5 million years ago, and followed by the development of a modern-like Nordic Seas surface circulation. Nordic Seas cooling precedes global cooling by 500,000 years; as such, we propose that reconfiguration of the Bering Strait and Central American Seaway triggered the development of a modern circulation in the Nordic Seas, which is essential for North Atlantic Deep Water formation and a precursor for more widespread Greenland glaciation in the late Pliocene.


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A 200 m long marine pollen record from ODP Site 658 (21°N, 19°W) reveals cyclic fluctuations in vegetation and continental climate in northwestern Africa from 3.7 to 1.7 Ma. These cycles parallel oxygen isotope stages. Prior to 3.5 Ma, the distribution of tropical forests and mangrove swamps reached Cape Blanc, 5°N of the present distribution. Between 3.5 and 2.6 Ma, forests occurred at this latitude during irregular intervals and nearly disappeared afterwards. Likewise, a Saharan paleoriver flowed continuously until isotope Stage 134 (3.35 Ma). When river discharge ceased, wind transport of pollen grains prevailed over fluvial transport. Pollen indicators of trade winds gradually increased between 3.3 and 2.5 Ma. A strong aridification of the climate of northwestern Africa occurred during isotope Stage 130 (3.26 Ma). Afterwards, humid conditions reestablised followed by another aridification around 2.7 Ma. Repetitive latitudinal shifts of vegetation zones ranging from wooded savanna to desert flora dominated for the first time between between 2.6 and 2.4 Ma as a response to the glacial stages 104, 100 and 98. Although climatic conditions, recorded in the Pliocene, were not as dry as those of the middle and Late Pleistocene, latitudinal vegetation shifts near the end of the Pliocene resembled those of the interglacial-glacial cycles of the Brunhes chron.


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Stable isotopic and micropaleontological studies were made of selected sapropels (organic-rich sediments) deposited in the Mediterranean Sea during the last 5.0 m.y. to determine the processes responsible for their formation. Distinct isotopic and faunal changes occur across sapropels of late Pleistocene, early Pleistocene and latest Pliocene age, while smaller isotopic changes and more stable faunal assemblages are associated with the early and mid-late Pliocene sapropels. The large d18O depletions and euryhaline fauna associated with latest Pliocene-Pleistocene sapropels supports a density stratification model with a low salinity surface layer. In contrast, early Pliocene and mid-late Pliocene sapropels appear to have been formed as the result of sluggish circulation and low oxygen contents in bottom waters of the eastern Mediterranean due to the stable, warm climatic conditions of that time period.


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Rapidly deposited Thalassionema-Thalassiothrti pennate diatom oozes previously have been described in Upper Miocene-Lower Pliocene sediment beneath the frontal boundary of the eastern equatorial Pacific. Here we document a new occurrence of Thalassionema-Thalassiothrix ooze in Upper Miocene-Lower Pliocene sediment beneath the frontal boundary of the subarctic North Pacific. The ooze is a 6 m interval of siliceous sediment at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites 885/886 that was rapidly deposited between approximately 5.0 and 5.9 Ma. Bulk sediment in this interval may contain greater than 85% pennate diatom tests. There are also abundant laminae and pockets that are composed entirely of Thalassionema and Thalassiothrix diatoms. The presence of a rapidly deposited ooze dominated by pennate diatoms indicates unusual past conditions in the overlying surface waters. Time coincident deposition of such oozes at two distinct frontal boundary locations of the Pacific suggests that the unusual surface water conditions were causally linked to large-scale oceanographic change. This same oceanographic change most likely involved (1) addition of nutrients to the ocean, or (2) redistribution of nutrients within the ocean. The occurrence and origin of pennate diatom oozes may be a key component to an integrative understanding of late Neogene paleoceanography and biogeochemical cycling.