698 resultados para 113-690B


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I present a new method for reconnaissance cyclostratigraphic study of continuously cored boreholes: the generation of detailed sediment color logs by digitizing Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) core photographs. The reliability of the method is tested by comparison with the spectrophotometer color log for the uppermost Paleocene-lowermost Eocene section (Chron C24r) at ODP Hole 1051A. The color log generated from Hole 1051A core photographs is essentially identical to the spectrophotometer log. The method is applied to the Chron C24r section at Holes 1051A and 690B, producing the first high-resolution geophysical log for the latter section. I calculate astronomically calibrated durations between bio- and chemostratigraphic events within Chron C24r by correlating the cyclostratigraphies for Holes 1051A and 690B. These durations are significantly different from previous estimates, indicating that the chronology of events surrounding the Paleocene/Eocene boundary will have to be revised. This study demonstrates that useful geophysical logs can be generated from digitized ODP and DSDP core photographs. The method is of practical use for sections lacking high-resolution logs, as is the case for most lower Paleogene sections.


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A Cenozoic multi-species record of benthic foraminiferal calcite Sr/Ca has been produced and is corrected for interspecific offsets (typically less than 0.3 mmol/mol) and for the linear relationship between decreasing benthic foraminiferal Sr/Ca and increasing water depth. The water depth correction, determined from Holocene, Late Glacial Maximum and Eocene paleowater-depth transects, is ~0.1 mmol/mol/km. The corrected Cenozoic benthic foraminiferal Sr/Ca record ranges from 1.2 to 2.0 mmol/mol, and has been interpreted in terms of long-term changes in seawater Sr/Ca, enabling issues related to higher-resolution variability in Sr/Ca to be ignored. We estimate that seawater Sr/Ca was ~1.5 times modern values in the late Cretaceous, but declined rapidly into the Paleogene. Following a minimum in the Eocene, seawater Sr/Ca increased gradually through to the present day with a minimum superimposed on this trend centered in the late Miocene. By assuming scenarios for changing seawater calcium concentration, and using published carbonate accumulation rate data combined with suitable values for Sr partition coefficients into carbonates, the seawater Sr/Ca record is used to estimate global average river Sr fluxes. These fluxes are used in conjunction with the seawater strontium isotope curve and estimates of hydrothermal activity/tectonic outgassing to calculate changes in global average river 87Sr/86Sr through the Cenozoic. The absolute magnitude of Sr fluxes and isotopic compositions calculated in this way are subject to relatively large uncertainties. Nevertheless, our results suggest that river Sr flux increased from 35 Ma to the present day (roughly two-fold) accompanied by an overall increase in 87Sr/86Sr (by ~0 to 0.001). Between 75 and 35 Ma, river 87Sr/86Sr also increased (by ~0.001 to 0.002) but was accompanied by a decrease (two- to three-fold) in river Sr flux.


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Paleogene stable oxygen and carbon isotopes were measured in formainifera from ODP Sites 689 and 690 at Maud Rise in the Atlantic Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean, and from Sites 738, 744, 748 and 749 at the southern Kerguelen Plateau in the Indian Ocean sector. These data were compared with sedimentological data from the same sample set. Both benthic and planktic d18O values document a cooling trend beginning around 49.5 Ma at all sites. During the late middle Eocene planktic d18O values indicate a steepening latitudinal temperature gradient from 14°C at the northern sites towards 10°C at the southernmost sites. Terrigeneous sand grains of probably ice rafted origin and clay mineral assemblages point to the existence of a limited East Antarctic ice cap with some glaciers reaching sea level as early as middle Eocene time around 45.5 Ma. Between 45 and 40 Ma, average paleotemperatures were between 5° and 7°C in deep and intermediate water masses, while near-surface water masses ranged between 6° and 10°C. During the late Eocene, between 40 and 36 Ma, average temperatures further decreased to 4°-5°C in the deep and intermediate water masses and to 5°-8°C near the sea surface. Abruptly increasing d18O values at approximately 35.9 Ma exactly correlate with a sharp pulse in the deposition of ice-rafted material on the Kerguelen Plateau, a dramatic change in clay mineral composition, and an altered Southern Ocean circulation indicated by a differentiation of benthic d13C values between sites, increasing opal concentrations and decreasing carbonate contents. For planktic and benthic foraminifera this d18O increase ranges between 1.0 and 1.3 per mil, and between 0.9 and 1.4 per mil, respectively. We favour a hypothesis that explains most of the d18O shift at 35.9 Ma with a buildup of a continental East Antarctic ice sheet. Consequently, relatively warm Oligocene Antarctic surface water temperatures probably are explained by a temperate, wet-based nature of the ice sheet. This would also aid in the fast build-up of an ice sheet by enhancing the moisture transport on to the continent.


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Size measurements of the calcareous nannofossil taxon Discoaster multiradiatus were carried out across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) in Ocean Drilling Program Holes 690B (Maud Rise, Weddell Sea) and 1209B (Shatsky Rise, Pacific Ocean). Morphometric investigations show that D. multiradiatus specimens are generally larger at ODP Site 1209 than at ODP Site 690. A limited increase in size of D. multiradiatus is recorded at ODP Site 1209, whereas significant enlargements characterize ODP Site 690. Preservation is comparable at both sites: nannofossils are moderately preserved with some evidence of etching/overgrowth in the PETM interval. Yet, D. multiradiatus variations do not correlate with preservation state and morphometric data most likely represent primary signals rather than diagenetic artifacts. There is a direct relationship between D. multiradiatus size and paleotemperatures: largest specimens are coeval with global warming associated with the PETM, inferred to result from excess atmospheric CO2 due to (partial) oxidation of massive quantities of methane. Size increases and largest specimens of D. multiradiatus occur at different stratigraphic levels within PETM at ODP Sites 690 and 1209. A marked shift in diameter size was observed at the onset and peak of the Carbon Isotopic Excursion (CIE) at ODP Site 690, but only at the end of CIE and initial recovery interval at ODP Site 1209. This diachroneity is puzzling, but indeed correlates well with reconstructed changes in surface and thermocline water masses temperature and salinity in the PETM interval at low and high latitudes. The presumed high concentrations of carbon dioxide seem to have not influenced the morphometry of D. multiradiatus. The major size increase of D. multiradiatus in the CIE of ODP Site 690 could represent the migration of larger-sized allochtonus specimens that moved from peri-equatorial/subtropical areas to higher latitudes during the warmest interval of the PETM, although no direct evidence of distinct populations/subpopulations has been obtained from the frequency diagrams. As a result, we infer that D. multiradiatus is a proxy of water masses stratification and might be used for deriving temperature-salinity-nutrient conditions in the mixed layer and thermocline and their dynamics.


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Early Paleogene warm climates may have been linked to different modes and sources of deepwater formation. Warm polar temperatures of the Paleocene and Eocene may have resulted from either increased atmospheric trace gases or increased heat transport through deep and intermediate waters. The possibility of increasing ocean heat transport through the production of warm saline deep waters (WSDW) in the Tethyan region has generated considerable interest. In addition, General Circulation Model results indicate that deepwater source regions may be highly sensitive to changing basin configurations. To decipher deepwater changes, we examined detailed benthic foraminiferal faunal and isotopic records of the late Paleocene through the early Eocene (~60 to 50 Ma) from two critical regions: the North Atlantic (Bay of Biscay Site 401) and the Pacific (Shatsky Rise Site 577). These records are compared with published data from the Southern Ocean (Maud Rise Site 690, Islas Orcadas Rise Site 702). During the late Paleocene, similar benthic foraminiferal delta18O values were recorded at all four sites. This indicates uniform deepwater temperatures, consistent with a single source of deep water. The highest delta13C values were recorded in the Southern Ocean and were 0.5 per mil more positive than those of the Pacific. We infer that the Southern Ocean was proximal to a source of nutrient-depleted deep water during the late Paleocene. Upper Paleocene Reflector Ab was cut on the western Bermuda Rise by cyclonically circulating bottom water, also suggesting a vigorous source of bottom water in the Southern Ocean. A dramatic negative excursion in both carbon and oxygen isotopes occurred in the latest Paleocene in the Southern Ocean. This is a short-term (<100 kyr), globally synchronous event which also is apparent in both the Atlantic and Pacific records as a carbon isotopic excursion of approximately 1 per mil. Faunal analyses from the North Atlantic and Pacific sites indicate that the largest benthic foraminiferal faunal turnover of the Cenozoic was synchronous with the isotopic excursion, lending support to the hypothesis that the extinctions were caused by a change in deepwater circulation. We speculate that the Southern Ocean deepwater source was reduced or eliminated at the time of the excursion. During the early Eocene, Southern Ocean delta13C values remained enriched relative to the North Atlantic and Pacific. However, the Southern Ocean was also enriched in delta18O relative to these basins. We interpret that these patterns indicate that although the Southern Ocean was proximal to a source of cool, nutrient-depleted water, the intermediate to upper deep water sites of the North Atlantic and Pacific were ventilated by a different source that probably originated in low latitudes, i.e., WSDW.


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Strontium isotope (87Sr/86Sr) ages have been established for Oligocene samples of Leg 119 Site 744, Leg 120 Sites 747 and 748, and Leg 121 Sites 756 and 757. Ages were determined using the strontium isotope age equation of Miller et al. (1988) and preliminary correlations have been made with available nannofossil biostratigraphy. The strontium isotope ages calculated here augment biostratigraphy, which for the Oligocene is characterized by long biozones, and provide additional detail where the paleomagnetic record is not clear (Sites 756 and 757). Results from the lower latitude Ninetyeast Ridge sites where standard calcareous nannofossil datums are present are compared to those of the higher latitude Kerguelen Plateau sites in order to examine biostratigraphic events across latitude in the Indian Ocean. The 87Sr/86Sr determined ages are used here as a tool for correlation.


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The Paleocene - Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) is one of the best known examples of a transient climate perturbation, associated with a brief, but intense, interval of global warming and a massive perturbation of the global carbon cycle from injection of isotopically light carbon into the ocean-atmosphere system. One key to quantifying the mass of carbon released, identifying the source(s), and understanding the ultimate fate of this carbon is to develop high-resolution age models. Two independent strategies have been employed, cycle stratigraphy and analysis of extraterrestrial Helium (HeET), both of which were first tested on Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 690. Both methods are in agreement for the onset of the PETM and initial recovery, or the clay layer ("main body"), but seem to differ in the final recovery phase of the event above the clay layer, where the carbonate contents rise and carbon isotope values return toward background values. Here we present a state-of-the-art age model for the PETM derived from a new orbital chronology developed with cycle stratigraphic records from sites drilled during ODP Leg 208 (Walvis Ridge, Southeastern Atlantic) integrated with published records from Site 690 (Weddell Sea, Southern Ocean, ODP Leg 113). During Leg 208, five Paleocene - Eocene (P-E) boundary sections (Sites 1262 to 1267) were recovered in multiple holes over a depth transect of more than 2200 m at the Walvis Ridge yielding the first stratigraphically complete P-E deep-sea sequence with moderate to relatively high sedimentation rates (1 to 3 cm/kyr). A detailed chronology was developed with non-destructive X-ray fluorescence (XRF) core scanning records on the scale of precession cycles, with a total duration of the PETM now estimated to be ~ 170 kyr. The revised cycle stratigraphic record confirms original estimates for the duration of the onset and initial recovery, but suggests a new duration for the final recovery that is intermediate to the previous estimates by cycle stratigraphy and HeET.


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High-resolution, fish tooth Nd isotopic records for eight Deep Sea Drilling Project and Ocean Drilling Program sites were used to reconstruct the nature of late Paleocene-early Eocene deep-water circulation. The goal of this reconstruction was to test the hypothesis that a change in thermohaline circulation patterns caused the abrupt 4-5°C warming of deep and bottom waters at the Paleocene/Eocene boundary - the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) event. The combined set of records indicates a deep-water mass common to the North and South Atlantic, Southern and Indian oceans characterized by mean epsilon-Nd values of ~-8.7, and different water masses found in the central Pacific Ocean (epsilon-Nd ~-4.3) and Caribbean Sea (epsilon-Nd ~1.2). The geographic pattern of Nd isotopic values before and during the PETM suggests a Southern Ocean deep-water formation site for deep and bottom waters in the Atlantic and Indian ocean basins. The Nd data do not contain evidence for a change in the composition of deep waters prior to the onset of the PETM. This finding is consistent with the pattern of warming established by recently published stable isotope records, suggesting that deep- and bottom-water warming during the PETM was gradual and the consequence of surface-water warming in regions of downwelling.


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At Sites 689 and 690, drilled during ODP (Ocean Drilling Program) Leg 113 on the Maud Rise (southeast Weddell Sea), moderately to well preserved radiolarian assemblages were obtained from continuously recovered upper Oligocene and Neogene sequences. Based on radiolarian investigations, a biostratigraphic zonation for a time interval covering the late Oligocene to the middle Miocene is proposed. The radiolarian zonation comprises 10 zones. Five zones are new, and five zones previously defined by Chen (1975) were modified. The zones and the ranges of the nominate species are directly calibrated with a geomagnetic polarity record. This is the first attempt at a direct correlation of late Oligocene to middle Miocene radiolarian zones with the geomagnetic time scale. Six hiatuses were delineated in the studied upper Oligocene to middle Miocene sections. One major hiatus, spanning ca. 6 m.y., is between the upper Oligocene and the lower Miocene sequences. Another important hiatus separates the lower and middle Miocene sediments. As a base for the biostratigraphic investigations, a detailed taxonomic study of the recovered radiolarian taxa is achieved. Three new radiolarian species that occur in upper Oligocene and lower Miocene sediments are described (Cycladophora antiqua, Cyrtocapsella robusta, and Velicucullus altus).


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Five species of Bolboforma have been found in middle Eocene to lower Oligocene sediments from Maud Rise, Weddel Sea, Antarctica (Leg 113, Holes 689B and 690B), the first reported Bolboforma from the Antarctic Paleogene. The previous oldest known occurrences of Bolboforma in the world's oceans were of late Eocene age and this study extends the known range to the middle middle Eocene (~ 44 Ma). Highest species diversity of Bolboforma in the Weddell Sea region of Antarctica occurred during the late Eocene, after which all but one important species disappeared before the Eocene/Oligocene boundary (36.5 Ma). The remaining species, B. irregularis, disappeared soon after, during the earliest Oligocene. The disappearance of Bolboforma in this region of Antarctica coincided with significant climatic cooling that occurred at the end of the Eocene and during the earliest Oligocene, when subpolar replaced temperate conditions. Bolboforma is not known from younger sediments in the Antarctic except for a brief interval during the late early Miocene, an interval of Neogene climatic warmth. The presence of Bolboforma in Eocene to lower Oligocene sequences in the Weddell Sea region of Antarctica is therefore consistent with this taxon's previously recognized association with temperate water masses. Bolboforma is of limited biostratigraphic value at present, because of relatively long stratigraphic ranges and diachronous extinctions. Previous suggestions that Bolboforma represents an encystment stage of phytoplankton require further critical study because the deposition, in large numbers, at paleodepths up to 2250 m in the open ocean, is an unlikely strategy for an encystment phase of a phytoplanktonic organism. A new species, Bolboforma antarctica, is described, exhibiting a stratigraphic range from middle middle Eocene to the upper Eocene (~ 44 to 39 Ma).


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In the late Paleocene to early Eocene, deep sea benthic foraminifera suffered their only global extinction of the last 75 million years and diversity decreased worldwide by 30-50% in a few thousand years. At Maud Rise (Weddell Sea, Antarctica; Sites 689 and 690, palaeodepths 1100 m and 1900 m) and Walvis Ridge (Southeastern Atlantic, Sites 525 and 527, palaeodepths 1600 m and 3400 m) post-extinction faunas were low-diversity and high-dominance, but the dominant species differed by geographical location. At Maud Rise, post-extinction faunas were dominated by small, biserial and triserial species, while the large, thick-walled, long-lived deep sea species Nuttallides truempyi was absent. At Walvis Ridge, by contrast, they were dominated by long-lived species such as N. truempyi, with common to abundant small abyssaminid species. The faunal dominance patterns at the two locations thus suggest different post-extinction seafloor environments: increased flux of organic matter and possibly decreased oxygen levels at Maud Rise, decreased flux at Walvis Ridge. The species-richness remained very low for about 50 000 years, then gradually increased. The extinction was synchronous with a large, negative, short-term excursion of carbon and oxygen isotopes in planktonic and benthic foraminifera and bulk carbonate. The isotope excursions reached peak negative values in a few thousand years and values returned to pre-excursion levels in about 50 000 years. The carbon isotope excursion was about -2 per mil for benthic foraminifera at Walvis Ridge and Maud Rise, and about -4 per mil for planktonic foraminifera at Maud Rise. At the latter sites vertical gradients thus decreased, possibly at least partially as a result of upwelling. The oxygen isotope excursion was about -1.5 per mil for benthic foraminifera at Walvis Ridge and Maud Rise, -1 per mil for planktonic foraminifera at Maud Rise. The rapid oxygen isotope excursion at a time when polar ice-sheets were absent or insignificant can be explained by an increase in temperature by 4-6°C of high latitude surface waters and deep waters world wide. The deep ocean temperature increase could have been caused by warming of surface waters at high latitudes and continued formation of the deep waters at these locations, or by a switch from dominant formation of deep waters at high latitudes to formation at lower latitudes. Benthic foraminiferal post-extinction biogeographical patterns favour the latter explanation. The short-term carbon isotope excursion occurred in deep and surface waters, and in soil concretions and mammal teeth in the continental record. It is associated with increased CaC03-dissolution over a wide depth range in the oceans, suggesting that a rapid transfer of isotopically light carbon from lithosphere or biosphere into the ocean-atmosphere system may have been involved. The rapidity of the initiation of the excursion (a few thousand years) and its short duration (50 000 years) suggest that such a transfer was probably not caused by changes in the ratio of organic carbon to carbonate deposition or erosion. Transfer of carbon from the terrestrial biosphere was probably not the cause, because it would require a much larger biosphere destruction than at the end of the Cretaceous, in conflict with the fossil record. It is difficult to explain the large shift by rapid emission into the atmosphere of volcanogenic CO2, although huge subaerial plateau basalt eruptions occurred at the time in the northern Atlantic. Probably a complex combination of processes and feedback was involved, including volcanogenic emission of CO2, changing circulation patterns, changing productivity in the oceans and possibly on land, and changes in the relative size of the oceanic and atmospheric carbon reservoirs.