118 resultados para Farman, Jason


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Predicting the impacts of ocean acidification on coastal ecosystems requires an understanding of the effects on macroalgae and their grazers, as these underpin the ecology of rocky shores. Whilst calcified coralline algae (Rhodophyta) appear to be especially vulnerable to ocean acidification, there is a lack of information concerning calcified brown algae (Phaeophyta), which are not obligate calcifiers but are still important producers of calcium carbonate and organic matter in shallow coastal waters. Here, we compare ecological shifts in subtidal rocky shore systems along CO2 gradients created by volcanic seeps in the Mediterranean and Papua New Guinea, focussing on abundant macroalgae and grazing sea urchins. In both the temperate and tropical systems the abundances of grazing sea urchins declined dramatically along CO2 gradients. Temperate and tropical species of the calcifying macroalgal genus Padina (Dictyoaceae, Phaeophyta) showed reductions in CaCO3 content with CO2 enrichment. In contrast to other studies of calcified macroalgae, however, we observed an increase in the abundance of Padina spp. in acidified conditions. Reduced sea urchin grazing pressure and significant increases in photosynthetic rates may explain the unexpected success of decalcified Padina spp. at elevated levels of CO2. This is the first study to provide a comparison of ecological changes along CO2 gradients between temperate and tropical rocky shores. The similarities we found in the responses of Padina spp. and sea urchin abundance at several vent systems increases confidence in predictions of the ecological impacts of ocean acidification over a large geographical range.


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The present dataset is part of an interdisciplinary project carried out on board the RV Southern Surveyor off New South Wales (Australia) from the 15th to the 31st October 2010. The main objective of the research voyage was to evaluate how the East Australian Current (EAC) affects the optical, chemical, physical, and biological water properties of the continental shelf and slope off the NSW coast.


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Heinrich events are well documented for the last glaciation, but little is known about their occurrence in older glacial periods of the Pleistocene. Here we report scanning XRF and bulk carbonate d18O results from Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Site U1308 (reoccupation of Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 609) that are used to develop proxy records of ice-rafted detritus (IRD) for the last ~1.4 Ma. Ca/Sr is used as an indicator of IRD layers that are rich in detrital carbonate (i.e., Heinrich layers), whereas Si/Sr reflects layers that are poor in biogenic carbonate and relatively rich in detrital silicate minerals. A pronounced change occurred in the composition and frequency of IRD at ~640 ka during marine isotope stage (MIS) 16, coinciding with the end of the middle Pleistocene transition. At this time, "Hudson Strait" Heinrich layers suddenly appeared in the sedimentary record of Site U1308, and the dominant period of the Si/Sr proxy shifted from 41 ka prior to 640 ka to 100 ka afterward. The onset of Heinrich layers during MIS 16 represents either the initiation of surging of the Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) off Hudson Strait or the first time icebergs produced by this process survived the transport to Site U1308. We speculate that ice volume (i.e., thickness) and duration surpassed a critical threshold during MIS 16 and activated the dynamical processes responsible for LIS instability in the region of Hudson Strait. We also observe a strong coupling between IRD proxies and benthic d13C variation at Site U1308 throughout the Pleistocene, supporting a link between iceberg discharge and weakening of thermohaline circulation in the North Atlantic.


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During Leg 125, scientists drilled Sites 782, 783, 784, and 786 across a transect of the Izu-Bonin forearc near 31°N. Magnetostratigraphy for whole-core and discrete specimens has been integrated with biostratigraphic data and correlated to the geomagnetic polarity time scale. These correlations are good back to the middle Miocene at Sites 783, 784, and 786 and to the late Oligocene at Site 782, but become more tentative in older sediments because of poor recovery and complex magnetizations.


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We report natural remanent magnetization (NRM) directions and geomagnetic paleointensity proxies for part of the Matuyama Chron (0.9-2.2 Ma interval) from two sites located on sediment drifts in the Iceland Basin. At Ocean Drilling Program Sites 983 and 984, mean sedimentation rates in the late Matuyama Chron are 15.9 and 11.5 cm/kyr, respectively. For the older part of the record (>1.2 Ma), oxygen isotope data are too sparse to provide the sole basis for age model construction. The resemblance of the volume susceptibility record and a reference d18O record led us to match the two records to derive the age models. This match, based on Site 983/984 susceptibility, is consistent with available Site 983/984 benthic d18O data. Paleointensity proxies were derived from the slope of the NRM versus anhysteretic remanent magnetization plot for alternating field demagnetization in the 30-60 mT peak field range. Paleointensity lows correspond to polarity reversals at the limits of the Jaramillo, Olduvai, Cobb Mountain, and Réunion Subchrons and to seven excursions in NRM component directions. Magnetic excursions (defined here by virtual geomagnetic polar latitudes crossing the virtual geomagnetic equator) are observed at 932, 1048, 1115, 1190-1215 (Cobb Mountain Subchron), 1255, 1472-1480, 1567-1575 (Gilsa Subchron), and 1977 ka. The results indicate that geomagnetic directional excursions, associated with paleointensity minima, are a characteristic of the Matuyama Chron and probably of polarity chrons in general.


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Specimens of the patellogastropod limpet Patella caerulea were collected within (pHlow-shells) and outside (pHn-shells) a CO2 vent site at Ischia, Italy. Four pHlow-shells and four pHn-shells were sectioned transversally and scanned for polymorph distribution by means of confocal Raman microscopy. The pHlow-shells displayed a twofold increase in aragonite area fraction and size-normalised aragonite area. Size-normalised calcite area was halved in pHlow-shells. Taken together with the increased apical and the decreased flank size-normalised thickness of the pHlow-shells, these data led us to conclude that low-pH-exposed P. caerulea specimens counteract shell dissolution by enhanced shell production. This is different from normal elongation growth and proceeds through addition of aragonitic parts only, while the production of calcitic parts is confined to elongation growth. Therefore, aragonite cannot be regarded as a disadvantageous polymorph per se under ocean acidification conditions.


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Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site U1308 (central North Atlantic) records paleomagnetic directional and relative paleointensity (RPI) variations for the last 1.5 Myr, in 110 m of the sediment sequence at a mean sedimentation rate of 7.3 cm/kyr. A detailed benthic oxygen isotope record was combined with RPI to produce an integrated, high-resolution magneto-isotopic stratigraphy for Site U1308. Apart from the well-known polarity reversals in this interval, the Punaruu excursion is recorded at 1092 ka and the Cobb Mountain Subchron in the 1182-1208 ka interval. The paleointensity proxies are determined as slopes of NRM versus ARM and NRM versus ARMAQ (ARM acquisition) with linear correlation coefficients to monitor the quality of the linear fit. The RPI record for Site U1308 is compared with the three other paleointensity records (one from the Western Equatorial Pacific and two from the North Atlantic) that cover the same time interval and have accompanying oxygen isotope records. The Match protocol of Lisiecki and Lisiecki (2002) is used to optimize the correlation of paleointensity records. Beginning with the original (published) age models for each record, the Match routine is used to optimize the RPI correlations to Site U1308, with checks to ensure compatibility with oxygen isotope records. Squared wavelet coherence (WTC) indicates significant improvement in RPI (and oxygen isotope) correlations after matching each RPI record to Site U1308, particularly for periods > 10 kyr. The level of coherence for the Atlantic RPI records and the lower resolution Pacific record implies synchronous global variability (at scales > 10 kyr) that can be attributed to the axial dipole geomagnetic field.


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The impacts of ocean acidification on coastal biofilms are poorly understood. Carbon dioxide vent areas provide an opportunity to make predictions about the impacts of ocean acidification. We compared biofilms that colonised glass slides in areas exposed to ambient and elevated levels of pCO2 along a coastal pH gradient, with biofilms grown at ambient and reduced light levels. Biofilm production was highest under ambient light levels, but under both light regimes biofilm production was enhanced in seawater with high pCO2. Uronic acids are a component of biofilms and increased significantly with high pCO2. Bacteria and Eukarya denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis profile analysis showed clear differences in the structures of ambient and reduced light biofilm communities, and biofilms grown at high pCO2 compared with ambient conditions. This study characterises biofilm response to natural seabed CO2 seeps and provides a baseline understanding of how coastal ecosystems may respond to increased pCO2 levels.


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The biostratigraphic distribution and qualitative relative abundance of Quaternary-Pliocene diatoms from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 188, Sites 1165 (64.380°S, 67.219°E) and 1166 (67.696°S, 74.787°E) offshore from East Antarctica, are documented in this report. The upper ~50 meters below seafloor (mbsf) of Hole 1165B consists of brown diatom-bearing silty clay spanning the upper Pleistocene to lower Pliocene. The diatom stratigraphy indicates a disconformity at ~17.1 mbsf of 0.5- to 0.6-m.y. duration. The integration of biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic data identified other disconformities at ~6.0, 14.4, 15.6, and 16.0 mbsf, but the duration of these hiatuses cannot be resolved through diatom biostratigraphy. In Hole 1166A, a narrow interval of diatomaceous Quaternary sediment is identified in the upper 2.92 mbsf and dated biostratigraphically at <0.38 Ma. The remaining Quaternary-Pliocene section is dominated by diamicton, except at ~114 mbsf, where two thin diatomaceous beds are present. The lower bed is ~65 cm thick, 2.5-2.7 to 2.7-3.2 Ma in age, and possibly disconformably overlain by the upper bed, which is ~15 cm thick and 1.8-2.0 to 2.1-2.5 Ma in age. The Pliocene assemblages in Hole 1166A contain components of both Southern Ocean and Antarctic continental shelf (Ross Sea) diatom floras.