131 resultados para Basin of Campos


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Palygorskite streak veinlets were studied in the lower part of a sediment core collected at Station VITYAZ4599 in the central (Mid-Indian) basin of the Indian Ocean. It is suggested that this palygorskite is of hydrothermal origin and was formed in pre-Pliocene time.


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Only Site 802 has recorded appreciable Cenozoic carbonate sediments during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 129 in the central Mariana Basin of the western Pacific Ocean. Calcareous nannofossils provide the best biostratigraphic information for the 360-m Tertiary section, which consists primarily of volcaniclastic turbidites interbedded with calcareous claystone and chalk. Many samples contain significant amounts of nannofossils reworked from older sediments. An unconformity appears to be present between Cores 129-802A-32R and -33R, with upper Oligocene-lower Miocene sediments above and lower Eocene-upper Paleocene sediments below the unconformity. The sediments below the unconformity contain abundant reworked Cretaceous nannofossils. Only one sample from Site 801 yielded nannofossils, and those consist of a mixture of Campanian-Maastrichtian and Paleogene forms.


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Stable oxygen and carbon isotope and sedimentological-paleontological investigations supported by accelerator mass spectrometry 14C datings were carried out on cores from north of 85°N in the eastern central Arctic Ocean. Significant changes in accumulation rates, provenance of ice-rafted debris (IRD), and planktic productivity over the past 80,000 years are documented. During peak glacials, i.e., oxygen isotope stages 4 and 2, the Arctic Ocean was covered by sea ice with decreased seasonal variation, limiting planktic productivity and bulk sedimentation rates. In early stage 3 and during Termination I, major deglaciations of the circum-Arctic regions caused lowered salinities and poor oxygenation of central Arctic surface waters. A meltwater spike and an associated IRD peak dated to ~14-12 14C ka can be traced over the southern Eurasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean. This event was associated with the early and rapid deglaciation of the marine-based Barents Sea Ice Sheet. A separate Termination Ib meltwater event is most conspicuous in the central Arctic and is associated with characteristic dolomitic carbonate IRD. This lithology suggests an origin of glacial ice from northern Canada and northern Greenland where lower Paleozoic platform carbonates crop extensively out.


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The clay mineralogical composition of a 552 cm long sediment core from Lake Terrasovoje in Amery Oasis, East Antarctica, was analysed and compared with that in surface sediments from other locations in the vicinity. The lower part of the sediment core is formed by sub- and proglacial sediments with a dominance of smectite and illite, and lower amounts of kaolinite and chlorite. The upper part of the core is deposited after 12 500 cal yr bp and mainly composed of illite and kaolinite, with low amounts of smectite and chlorite, such as found in samples from rock outcrops and covering sediments throughout Amery Oasis. The clay composition in the lower section of core Lz1005 suggest that the basin of Lake Terrasovoje was filled by a 150-200 m thickened Nemesis Glacier prior to 12 500 cal yr bp rather than by local ice caps.


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The Belgica Trough and the adjacent Belgica Trough Mouth Fan in the southern Bellingshausen Sea (Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean) mark the location of a major outlet for the West Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Late Quaternary. The drainage basin of an ice stream that advanced through Belgica Trough across the shelf during the last glacial period comprised an area exceeding 200,000 km**2 in the West Antarctic hinterland. Previous studies, mainly based on marine-geophysical data from the continental shelf and slope, focused on the bathymetry and seafloor bedforms, and the reconstruction of associated depositional processes and ice- drainage patterns. In contrast, there was only sparse information from seabed sediments recovered by coring. In this paper, we present lithological and clay mineralogical data of 21 sediment cores collected from the shelf and slope of the southern Bellingshausen Sea. Most cores recovered three lithological units, which can be attributed to facies types deposited under glacial, transitional and seasonally open-marine conditions. The clay mineral assemblages document coinciding changes in provenance. The relationship between the clay mineral assemblages in the subglacial and proglacial sediments on the shelf and the glacial diamictons on the slope confirms that a grounded ice stream advanced through Belgica Trough to the shelf break during the past, thereby depositing detritus eroded in the West Antarctic hinterland as soft till on the shelf and as glaciogenic debris flows on the slope. The thinness of the transitional and seasonally open-marine sediments in the cores suggests that this ice advance occurred during the last glacial period. Clay mineralogical, acoustic sub-bottom and seismic data furthermore demonstrate that the palaeo-ice stream probably reworked old sedimentary strata, including older tills, on the shelf and incorporated this debris into its till bed. The geographical heterogeneity of the clay mineral assemblages in the sub- and proglacial diamictons and gravelly deposits indicates that they were eroded from underlying sedimentary strata of different ages. These strata may have been deposited during either different phases of the last glacial period or different glacial and interglacial periods. Additionally, the clay mineralogical heterogeneity of the soft tills recovered on the shelf suggests that the drainage area of the palaeo-ice stream flowing through Belgica Trough changed through time.


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The vertical distribution of living (Rose Bengal stained) benthic foraminifers was determined in the upper 15 cm of sediment cores taken along transects extending from the continental shelf of Spitsbergen through the Eurasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean. Cores taken by a multiple corer were raised from 50 stations with water depths between 94 and 4427 m, from areas with moderate primary production values to areas that are among the least productive ones in the world. We believe, that in the Arctic Ocean the vertical distribution of living foraminifers is determined by the restricted availability of food. Live foraminiferal faunas are dominated by potentially infaunal species or epifaunal species. Species confined to the infaunal microhabitat are absent in Arctic sediments that we examined, and predominantly infaunal living species are nowhere dominant. In general, an infaunal mode of life is restricted to the seasonally ice-free areas and thus to areas with at least moderate primary production during the summer period. Under the permanent ice cover living species are usually restricted to the top centimeter of the sediment surface, even though some are able to dwell deeper in the sediment under ice-free conditions.


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Variations in Mg/Ca-based sea surface temperature and oxygen isotope ratio (d18O) of the surface water in the northern East China Sea (ECS) were reconstructed with high resolution during the last 18 kyr using planktic foraminifera. Millennial-scale variations between warmer, more saline surface water and cooler, less saline surface water were recognized during the early deglacial period and the Holocene, suggesting changes in the mixing ratio between the Kuroshio Water and the Changjiang Diluted Water. Stronger East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) precipitation events in south China are identified at 10.5, 8.8, 7.0, 5.3, 4.7, 2.9, 1.7, and 0.5 ka, based on sea surface salinity (SSS) records of the northern ECS. Weaker EASM precipitation events are also detected at 9.3, 8.3, 7.3, 6.0, 3.3, 2.3, 0.7, and 0.4 ka during the Holocene. These events agree with the maxima in d18O records of stalagmites from various parts of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River drainage. This agreement supports that our SSS record properly captures the millennial-scale dry (less EASM precipitation) events over the drainage basin of the Changjiang River during the Holocene. These dry events are also in good agreement with North Atlantic ice-rafted events, suggesting a teleconnection between North Atlantic climate and the EASM during the Holocene.


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Palygorskite streak veinlets were studied in the lower part of a sediment core collected at Station VITYAZ4599 in the central (Mid-Indian) basin of the Indian Ocean. It is suggested that this palygorskite is of hydrothermal origin and was formed in pre-Pliocene time.


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A study of distribution of live individuals of benthic foraminifera in sediments of the Sea of Okhotsk and of the Northwestern Basin of the Pacific Ocean shows that they can be present in sediments up to depth of 30 cm and probably can live there for long periods, sometimes forming high concentrations. Living individuals in the subsurface layer often account for more than 50% of total biomass, which varies from 1 to 21 g/m**2 in different morphological structures. The largest biomass values are attained in underwater rises embedded in relatively warm, oxygen-saturated Pacific waters. Minimum total biomass concentrations occur in deep-water depressions where stagnation phenomena are observed. Foraminifera biomass everywhere decreases gradually with increasing depth from the surface of sediments regardless of relief, depth, and nature of sediments.


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Large euhedral crystals of calcium carbonate hexahydrate were recovered from a shelf basin of the Bransfield Strait, Antarctic Peninsula, at a water depth of 1950 meters and sub-zero bottom water temperatures. The chemistry, mineralogy, and stable isotope composition of this hydrated calcium carbonate phase, its environment of formation, and its mode of precipitation confirm the properties variously attributed to hypothetical precursors of the glendonites and thereby greatly expand their use in paleoceanographic interpretation.


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Sediment descriptions and lithostratigraphy (chapter 6.4) NANSEN BASIN The upperrnost 20-50 cm of sedirnents in the Nansen Basin norrnally cornprise soft dark brown, brown-grayish and brown clay. Except for the toprnost clay, the four piston cores retrieved, contained quite different lithologies: a rnuddy diarnicton with outsized clasts (PS2157-6), sandy-silt beds alternating with clay beds (PS2159-6), and silty clay beds of brownish and grayish colours (PS2161-3). Core PS2208-3 was retrieved frorn a plateau on a searnount. The plateau was serni-encircled by hills. The upper 250 cm of this core cornprise brown and olive brown clays. Below these are several sandlayers and a 74 cm thick unit of a sandy mud with rnud-clasts up to 20 cm in diameter. GAKKEL RIDGE The uppermost 20-50 cm of sediments on the Gakkel Ridge comprise soft dark brown, brown, grayish brown clay. In most of the cores there are two horizons of brown clay separated by olive brown clay. The upper horizon is darker. The older stratigraphy is rather varied. Core PS2165-1 contains several thin gray sandlsilt layers, probably distal turbidites. The sarne is found in Core PS2167-1. This core also has a thick (approx. 2 rn) coarse grained turbidite containing large rnud clasts and basaltic rock fragrnents. The color of the turbiditic layers is dark gray. There are several horizons of hernipelagic sandylsilty clays with quite a variety in colours; black, gray, olive, brown, yellowish brown and reddish. The colour variation rnay be due to hydrotherrnal activity or provenance or a shift in redox potential. Cores PS2168-2 and PS2169-1 have typical sequences of very dark gray sandy mud with sharp lower boundaries grading upwards into olive brown clay. Below the lower boundary is often a thin (1-2 cm) gray clay layer. AMUNDSEN BASIN The giant box cores (GKG) provided in most cases excellently preserved sedirnent surfaces which consisted in the entire Amundsen Basin of dark brown to dark grayish brown silty clay with few dropstones and common calcareous microfossils (foraminifers and calcareous nannofossils). The brown and grayish brown color of the sediment surface is a result of the oxidizing conditions at the seafloor due to the rapid renewal of the bottom water rnasses. Planktic forarninifers and calcareous nannofossils are relatively frequent and well preserved despite the rernote location of the basin and its water depths of >4000 rn. Srnear slide descriptions have shown that the surface sedirnents consist dorninantly of clays to silty rnuds with clay rninerals and quartz as the rnost important constituents. The coarse fractions contained besides planktic and benthic forarninifers and coarse clastic rnaterials, rare bivalves, dropstones and mud clasts. The Station PS2190 at the North Pole is a particular good exarnple of the type of sedirnents deposited at the sea floor surface of the Arnundsen Basin, with hornogenous dark brown soft clay covering a sedirnent sequence of highly variable cornposition. Nurnerous giant box cores also provide insight into the detailed lithostratigraphy of the upperrnost sedirnent layers. Twelve box cores have been collected frorn the Arnundsen Basin. Below the youngest unit of 5-20 crn thick silty clays deposits of variable stratigraphies have been found, rnostly consisting of clays or silty clays. In a few instances turbidites have been observed. Benthic forarninifers have not been found in the surface sedirnents. Other fossils were extrernely rare. Bioturbation is weakly developed on all stations. Benthic anirnals seern to live only in and on the upperrnost 2 cm of the uppermost sediment layer. They cornprise amphipods (on all stations) and holothurians, bryozoans, polychaetes, and porifers at one station each. LOMONOSOV RIDGE Sediments from the Lomonosov Ridge show a variety of colors and textures. Following smear slide analyses they are composed mostly of clay minerals and quartz with mica and feldspars, especially in the siltier and sandier parts. Volcanic glass, microcrystalline carbonate, opaque minerals and green amphibole are occasional accessories. The sediments from the Lomonosov Ridge show a noticeable difference from sediments collected from the surrounding basins. Lomonosov Ridge sediments are richer in silt and sand than basin sediments. Occasional turbidites occur in ridge sediments but these must be of entirely local origin. The ridge sediments include frequent layers of "cottage cheese" texture made up of what appear to be small, angular mud clasts of a variety of colors.


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The Precambrian basement beneath the Pechora Basin of northern Russia is known from deep (up to approx. 4.5 km) drill holes to be largely composed of Neoproterozoic successions, variously deformed and metamorphosed and intruded by magmatic suites of Vendian age. Presented here are new single- zircon, Pb-evaporation (Kober method) ages from eight intrusions across the Izhma, Pechora and Bolshezemel'skaya Zones, all from below the Lower Ordovician (locally Middle Cambrian) unconformity. The majority of the intrusions (six) yield remarkably similar ages of 550-560 Ma, apparently dating a widespread pulse of late- to post-tectonic magmatism. An early Vendian granite (618 Ma) has been identified in the northeasternmost region (Bolshezemel'skaya zone) and a Devonian granodiorite (380 Ma) in the Pechora Zone, where mid to late Palaeozoic magmatism has been previously reported. Evidence of inheritance in the zircon populations suggests the presence of Mesoproterozoic crust beneath the Neoproterozoic complexes.


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It has been proposed that North Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) evolution was intimately linked to North Atlantic climate oscillations during the last glacial-interglacial transition. However, during the early deglaciation and the Last Glacial Maximum, the SST development in the subarctic northwest Pacific and the Bering Sea is poorly constrained as most existing deglacial SST records are based on alkenone paleothermometry, which is limited prior to 15 ka B.P. in the subarctic North Pacific realm. By applying the TEXL86 temperature proxy we obtain glacial-Holocene-SST records for the marginal northwest Pacific and the Western Bering Sea. Our TEXL86-based records and existing alkenone data suggest that during the past 15.5 ka, SSTs in the northwest Pacific and the Western Bering Sea closely followed millennial-scale climate fluctuations known from Greenland ice cores, indicating rapid atmospheric teleconnections with abrupt climate changes in the North Atlantic. Our SST reconstructions indicate that in the Western Bering Sea SSTs drop significantly during Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1), similar to the known North Atlantic climate history. In contrast, progressively rising SST in the northwest Pacific is different to the North Atlantic climate development during HS1. Similarities between the northwest Pacific SST and climate records from the Gulf of Alaska point to a stronger influence of Alaskan Stream waters connecting the eastern and western basin of the North Pacific during this time. During the Holocene, dissimilar climate trends point to reduced influence of the Alaskan Stream in the northwest Pacific.