Clay mineralogy and shear strength of subglacial and glaciomarine sediments in the southern Bellingshausen Sea

Autoria(s): Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter; Ehrmann, Werner; Larter, Robert D; Benetti, Sara; Dowdeswell, Julian A; Cofaigh, Colm Ó; Graham, Alastair GC; Grobe, Hannes

MEDIAN LATITUDE: -71.152776 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -83.645195 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -73.401667 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -89.735000 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -69.305000 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -72.575000 * DATE/TIME START: 1994-02-05T01:11:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2004-02-08T04:21:00




The Belgica Trough and the adjacent Belgica Trough Mouth Fan in the southern Bellingshausen Sea (Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean) mark the location of a major outlet for the West Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Late Quaternary. The drainage basin of an ice stream that advanced through Belgica Trough across the shelf during the last glacial period comprised an area exceeding 200,000 km**2 in the West Antarctic hinterland. Previous studies, mainly based on marine-geophysical data from the continental shelf and slope, focused on the bathymetry and seafloor bedforms, and the reconstruction of associated depositional processes and ice- drainage patterns. In contrast, there was only sparse information from seabed sediments recovered by coring. In this paper, we present lithological and clay mineralogical data of 21 sediment cores collected from the shelf and slope of the southern Bellingshausen Sea. Most cores recovered three lithological units, which can be attributed to facies types deposited under glacial, transitional and seasonally open-marine conditions. The clay mineral assemblages document coinciding changes in provenance. The relationship between the clay mineral assemblages in the subglacial and proglacial sediments on the shelf and the glacial diamictons on the slope confirms that a grounded ice stream advanced through Belgica Trough to the shelf break during the past, thereby depositing detritus eroded in the West Antarctic hinterland as soft till on the shelf and as glaciogenic debris flows on the slope. The thinness of the transitional and seasonally open-marine sediments in the cores suggests that this ice advance occurred during the last glacial period. Clay mineralogical, acoustic sub-bottom and seismic data furthermore demonstrate that the palaeo-ice stream probably reworked old sedimentary strata, including older tills, on the shelf and incorporated this debris into its till bed. The geographical heterogeneity of the clay mineral assemblages in the sub- and proglacial diamictons and gravelly deposits indicates that they were eroded from underlying sedimentary strata of different ages. These strata may have been deposited during either different phases of the last glacial period or different glacial and interglacial periods. Additionally, the clay mineralogical heterogeneity of the soft tills recovered on the shelf suggests that the drainage area of the palaeo-ice stream flowing through Belgica Trough changed through time.


application/zip, 67 datasets








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Supplement to: Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter; Ehrmann, Werner; Larter, Robert D; Benetti, Sara; Dowdeswell, Julian A; Cofaigh, Colm Ó; Graham, Alastair GC; Grobe, Hannes (2009): Clay mineral provenance of sediments in the southern Bellingshausen Sea reveals drainage changes of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Late Quaternary. Marine Geology, 265(1-2), 1-18, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2009.06.009

Palavras-Chave #ANT-XI/3; AWI_Paleo; BC; BC351 CORE_NO 351; BC356 CORE_NO 356; BC361 CORE_NO 361; BC363 CORE_NO 363; BC364 CORE_NO 364; BC369 CORE_NO 369; BC373 CORE_NO 373; BC379 CORE_NO 379; Bellingshausen Sea; Bellingshausen Sea, bank west of channel on TMF; Bellingshausen Sea, central axis of trough, middle shelf; Bellingshausen Sea, central axis of trough, outer shelf; Bellingshausen Sea, deep part of trough in Eltanin Bay; Bellingshausen Sea, eastern bank of mini trough, outer shelf; Bellingshausen Sea, part of trough exiting Carroll Inlet; MSGL/drumlins trend 335¡; Bellingshausen Sea, ridge-groove province: flattish groove; Bellingshausen Sea, ridge-groove province: ridge; Bellingshausen Sea, shallow part of trough in Eltanin Bay; Bellingshausen Sea, slope on TMF; Bellingshausen Sea, small escarpment at shelf break; Bellingshausen Sea, steep slope east of TMF; Bellingshausen Sea, till sheet on N side of Ronne Entrance Trough; Bellingshausen Sea, till sheet on shelf N of Smyley Island; Bellingshausen Sea, toe of eastern bank of mini trough, outer shelf; Bellingshausen Sea, upper slope on Trough Mouth Fan (TMF); Bellingshausen Sea, western flank of trough, middle shelf; Box corer; Chl; Chlorite; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm 1158 - Antarktisforschung; DFG-SPP1158; Event; GC; GC352 CORE_NO 352; GC357 CORE_NO 357; GC358 CORE_NO 358; GC359 CORE_NO 359; GC360 CORE_NO 360; GC362 CORE_NO 362; GC365 CORE_NO 365; GC366 CORE_NO 366; GC368 CORE_NO 368; GC370 CORE_NO 370; GC371 CORE_NO 371; GC372 CORE_NO 372; GC374 CORE_NO 374; GC378 CORE_NO 378; GC380 CORE_NO 380; GC381 CORE_NO 381; Giant box corer; GKG; Gravity corer; Gravity corer (Kiel type); Ill; Illite; James Clark Ross; JR104; JR104-BC351; JR104-BC356; JR104-BC361; JR104-BC363; JR104-BC364; JR104-BC369; JR104-BC373; JR104-BC379; JR104-GC352; JR104-GC357; JR104-GC358; JR104-GC359; JR104-GC360; JR104-GC362; JR104-GC365; JR104-GC366; JR104-GC368; JR104-GC370; JR104-GC371; JR104-GC372; JR104-GC374; JR104-GC378; JR104-GC380; JR104-GC381; JR20040123; Kaolinite; Kln; MUC; MultiCorer; on split cores; Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions from Marine Sediments @ AWI; Polarstern; PS2526-1; PS2527-1; PS2528-1; PS2529-1; PS2531-1; PS2532-2; PS2533-1; PS2533-2; PS2537-1; PS2538-1; PS2538-2; PS2539-2; PS2540-1; PS2540-3; PS2541-2; PS2542-1; PS2542-2; PS2543-1; PS2543-3; PS29; PS29/018; PS29/021; PS29/022; PS29/024; PS29/033; PS29/039; PS29/040; PS29/045; PS29/046; PS29/047; PS29/048; PS29/049; PS29/050; PS29/051; Rotovisco, Haake; Shear str; Shear strength, primary; SL; Sme; Smectite; Uniform resource locator/link to file; URL file; X-ray diffraction (XRD); X-ray diffraction TEXTUR, clay fraction
