874 resultados para Auto-analyzer, Technicon Traacs 800
Distributions of pore water O2, NO-2, NO-3, NH+4, Si(OH)4, PO[3-]4, Mn[2+], F-, and T.A. were determined at 15 stations in the eastern equatorial Atlantic. While overall profile characteristics are consistent with previous models of organic matter diagenesis, profile shapes suggest that a deep reaction layer, rich in organic C, is also present at many sites. While it is unlikely that the oxidation of organic C in this layer has had a major effect on the ocean C cycle, pore water profile shapes are significantly altered. Despite exposure to seawater SO[2-]4 concentrations for > 1000 years, decomposition of the organic matter in the layer appears to be restricted to oxic and suboxic processes. These results suggest major differences in organic carbon decomposition and preservation under oxic/suboxic and anoxic conditions. Present-day benthic fluxes are largest adjacent to the eastern boundary coastal upwelling region and similar in magnitude to values reported for the eastern Pacific. Preliminary estimates suggest that the benthic respiration in the eastern 1/3 of the North Atlantic south of 20°N may alone account for >20% of the total deep North Atlantic respiration. Combining these results with estimates of organic C burial and deep water-column decomposition suggests that this region is a major location of organic C input into the deep sea.
Acidification of seawater owing to oceanic uptake of atmospheric CO2 originating from human activities such as burning of fossil fuels and land-use changes has raised serious concerns regarding its adverse effects on corals and calcifying communities. Here we demonstrate a net loss of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) material as a result of decreased calcification and increased carbonate dissolution from replicated subtropical coral reef communities (n=3) incubated in continuous-flow mesocosms subject to future seawater conditions. The calcifying community was dominated by the coral Montipora capitata. Daily average community calcification or Net Ecosystem Calcification (NEC=CaCO3 production - dissolution) was positive at 3.3 mmol CaCO3 m-2 h-1 under ambient seawater pCO2 conditions as opposed to negative at -0.04 mmol CaCO3 m-2 h-1 under seawater conditions of double the ambient pCO2. These experimental results provide support for the conclusion that some net calcifying communities could become subject to net dissolution in response to anthropogenic ocean acidification within this century. Nevertheless, individual corals remained healthy, actively calcified (albeit slower than at present rates), and deposited significant amounts of CaCO3 under the prevailing experimental seawater conditions of elevated pCO2.
Data on distribution of dissolved and particulate organic matter obtained during Cruises 21 and 24 of R/V Akademik A. Nesmeyanov in June-August 1992 and 1993 are presented. In general a remarkable heterogeneity in distributions of both dissolved and particulate organic carbon is revealed. Concentrations of dissolved organic carbon vary from 98 to 700 µmol/l and those of particulate organic carbon vary from 3 to 50 µmol/l. Maximum concentrations are commonly observed in the shelf region while minimum concentrations - in the central basin. Run-off of the Amur River raises dissolved matter concentration in the Sakhalin Bay, while oil exploitation at the Sakhalin shelf maximizes particulate organic carbon concentration and minimizes dissolved one. Concentrations of dissolved and particulate organic carbon in the surface microlayer were estimated for the first time and are shown to be 1.5-2.0 times higher than in surface waters.
This archive consists of the hydrographic data collected on Cruise 82-002 of C.S.S. Hudson, April 11 to May 2, 1982. 78 stations were occupied on a line running near 48°N from the mouth of the English Channel to the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. Pressure, temperature and salinity were measured by a Guildline digital CTP system. Salinity, dissolved oxygen, silicate, nitrate and phosphate were measured from water samples collected on the CTP upcasts. CTP and discrete bottle data and associated derived parameters are tabulated at standard levels. This is the digital version of the printed report (of 1989, see further details), published in 2006 with the information system Pangaea.
Primary production in water column (P_p) varied from 107 to 312 mg C/m**2/day in Yenisey Bay: from 25 to 63 mg C/m**2/day in Obskaya Guba: and from 20 to 359 mg C/m**2/day in the open sea, that is: in the western Kara Sea and Ob-Yenisey shoals. The average concentration of chlorophyll a in the photosynthesis layer (C_ph) ranged from 0.2 to 1.8 mg/m**3 in these two regions, lower than in the estuaries of Ob (1.6-21.7 mg/m**3) and Yenisey (2.0-5.2 mg/m**3) Rivers. An inverse relation between surface salinity (S) and chlorophyll concentration (C_s) and chlorophyll concentration in the photosynthesis layer was found for all of the regions. The highest values of C_s and C_ph (0.8-22 mg/m**3) were measured at S<10 ppt, and the lowest values (0.2-0.8 mg/m**3) at S>22 ppt. A similar correlation of S with values of Pp occurred only in the Yenisey Bay and offshore regions. Obtained results agree well with the "outwelling" hypothesis. It states that large part of organic matter produced in estuaries is not used in estuarine trophic chains but is transported into adjacent sea areas and increases their productivity. Low values of Pp in the study regions may be attributed to such unfavorable factors as deficiency in nutrients, low temperature and turbidity, and lack of solar radiation.
Feeding activity, selective grazing and the potential grazing impact of two dominant grazers of the Polar Frontal Zone, Calanus simillimus and Rhincalanus gigas, and of copepods < 2 mm were investigated with incubation experiments in the course of an iron fertilized diatom bloom in November 2000. All grazers were already actively feeding in the low chlorophyll waters prior to the onset of the bloom. C. simillimus maintained constant clearance rates and fed predominantly on diatoms. R. gigas and the small copepods strongly increased clearance and ingestion of diatoms in response to their enhanced availability. All grazers preyed on microzooplankton, most steadily on ciliates, confirming the view that pure herbivory appears to be the exception rather than the rule in copepod feeding. The grazers exhibited differences in feeding behavior based on selectivity indices. C. simillimus and R. gigas showed prey switching from dinoflagellates to diatoms in response to the phytoplankton bloom. All grazers most efficiently grazed on large diatoms leading to differences in daily losses for large and small species, e.g. Corethron sp. or Thalassionema nitzschioides. Species-specific diatom mortality rates due to grazing suggest that the high feeding activity of C. simillimus prior to and during the bloom played a role in shaping diatom population dynamics
Results of studies in two biogeochemically active zones of the Atlantic Ocean (the Benguela upwelling waters and the region influenced by the Congo River run-off) are reported in the book. A multidisciplinary approach included studies of the major elements of the ocean ecosystem: sea water, plankton, suspended matter, bottom sediments, interstitial waters, aerosols, as well as a wide complex of oceanographic studies carried out under a common program. Such an approach, as well as a use of new methodical solutions led to obtaining principally new information on different aspects of oceanology.
We examined controls on the carbon isotopic composition of sea ice brines and organic matter during cruises to the Ross Sea, Antarctica in November/December 1998 and November/December 2006. Brine samples were analyzed for salinity, nutrients, total dissolved inorganic carbon (sum CO2), and the 13C/12C ratio of Sum CO2 (d13C(sum CO2)). Particulate organic matter from sea ice cores was analyzed for percent particulate organic carbon (POC), percent total particulate nitrogen (TPN), and stable carbon isotopic composition (d13C(POC)). Sum CO2 in sea ice brines ranged from 1368 to 7149 µmol/kg, equivalent to 1483 to 2519 µmol/kg when normalized to 34.5 psu salinity (s sum CO2), the average salinity of Ross Sea surface waters. Sea ice primary producers removed up to 34% of the available sum CO2, an amount much higher than the maximum removal observed in sea ice free water. Carbonate precipitation and CO2 degassing may reduce s sum CO2 by a similar amount (e.g., 30%) in the most hypersaline sea ice environments, although brine volumes are low in very cold ice that supports these brines. Brine d13C(sum CO2) ranged from -2.6 to +8.0 per mil while d13C(POC) ranged from -30.5 to -9.2 per mil. Isotopic enrichment of the sum CO2 pool via net community production accounts for some but not all carbon isotopic enrichment of sea ice POC. Comparisons of s sum CO2, d13C(sum CO2), and d13C(POC) within sea ice suggest that epsilon p (the net photosynthetic fractionation factor) for sea ice algae is ~8 per mil smaller than the epsilon p observed for phytoplankton in open water regions of the Ross Sea. These results have implications for modeling of carbon uptake and transformation in the ice-covered ocean and for reconstruction of past sea ice extent based on stable isotopic composition of organic matter in sediment cores.