208 resultados para off-bottom swimming


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In 1970 a large deposit of ferromanganese nodules was discovered on the floor of the Indian Ocean southwest of Cape Leeuwin by the research vessel USNS Eltanin. This discovery, which was based largely on bottom photographs from about 20 stations, was discussed by Frakes (1975) and Kennett and Watkins (1975, 1976). The photographs suggest that the deposit spreads, nearly continuously, over 900 000km^2, and cores showed that the nodules are essentially confined to the sediment surface. Kennett and Watkins (op. cit.) pointed to the abundance of ripple and scour marks and current-formed lineations on the present surface, and of extensive disconformities in the cores, as evidence of strong present and past bottom currents in the region. They suggested that the current action had resulted in very low sedimentation rates, which had allowed the nodule field, named by them (1976) the 'Southeast Indian Ocean Manganese Pavement', to develop. In early 1976 the authors used the research vessel HMAS Diamantina for a 10-day cruise in the region to sample the nodules in order to study their chemistry and mineralogy. During the cruise 9 stations were occupied, 8 of them successfully (Figure 1), and about 2000 nodules were recovered from the sea bed. The apparatus used was a light box dredge on the ships hydrowire, which had a breaking strain of about one tonne. Although an attempt was made to reoccupy Eltanin photographic stations, it should be noted that positioning was by celestial navigation, so errors of up to 10 km are possible.


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Based on sedimentological, mineralogical, geochemical, and micropaleontological data on comprehensively investigated Core ASV16-1372, Late Pleistocene - Holocene sedimentation history is reconstructed for the Voring marginal plateau (continental margin of the Norwegian Sea). An age model constructed is based on correlation with several adjacent cores, for which AMS radiocarbon datings are available. Lithostratigraphic correlation made it possible to compare stratigraphic division of Core ASV16-1372 with other cores sampled on the Voring Plateau and the shelf and continental slope off Central Norway. It is concluded that compositional and structural features of bottom sediments are correlated with paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic changes, variations in provenances, as well as agents and pathways of sedimentary material transport.


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Composition, grain-size distribution, and areal extent of Recent sediments from the Northern Adriatic Sea along the Istrian coast have been studied. Thirty one stations in four sections vertical to the coast were investigated; for comparison 58 samples from five small bays were also analyzed. Biogenic carbonate sediments are deposited on the shallow North Adriatic shelf off the Istrian coast. Only at a greater distance from the coast are these carbonate sediments being mixed with siliceous material brought in by the Alpine rivers Po, Adige, and Brenta. Graphical analysis of grain-size distribution curves shows a sediment composition of normally three, and only in the most seaward area, of four major constituents. Constituent 1 represents the washed-in terrestrial material of clay size (Terra Rossa) from the Istrian coastal area. Constituent 2 consists of fine to medium sand. Constituent 3 contains the heterogeneous biogenic material. Crushing by organisms and by sediment eaters reduces the coarse biogenic material into small pieces generating constituent 2. Between these two constituents there is a dynamic equilibrium. Depending upon where the equilibrium is, between the extremes of production and crushing, the resulting constituent 2 is finer or coarser. Constituent 4 is composed of the fine sandy material from the Alpine rivers. In the most seaward area constituents 2 and 4 are mixed. The total carbonate content of the samples depends on the distance from the coast. In the near coastal area in high energy environments, the carbonate content is about 80 %. At a distance of 2 to 3 km from the coast there is a carbonate minimum because of the higher rate of sedimentation of clay-sized terrestrial, noncarbonate material at extremely low energy environments. In an area between 5 and 20 km off the coast, the carbonate content is about 75 %. More than 20 km from the shore, the carbonate content diminishes rapidly to values of about 30 % through mixing with siliceous material from the Alpine rivers. The carbonate content of the individual fractions increases with increasing grain-size to a maximum of about 90 % within the coarse sand fractions. Beyond 20 km from the coast the samples show a carbonate minimum of about 13 % within the sand-size classes from 1.5 to 0.7 zeta¬? through mixing with siliceous material from the alpine rivers. By means of grain-size distribution and carbonate content, four sediment zones parallel to the coast were separated. Genetically they are closely connected with the zonation of the benthic fauna. Two cores show a characteristic vertical distribution of the sediment. The surface zone is inversely graded, that means the coarse fractions are at the top and the fine fractions are at the bottom. This is the effect of crushing of the biogenic material produced at the surface by predatory organisms and by sediment eaters. lt is proposed that at a depth of about 30 cm a chemical solution process begins which leads to diminution of the original sediment from a fine to medium sand to a silt. The carbonate content decreases from about 75 % at the surface to 65 % at a depth of 100 cm. The increase of the noncarbonate components by 10 % corresponds to a decrease in the initial amount of sediment (CaC03=75 %) by roughly 30 % through solution. With increasing depth the carbonate content of the individual fractions becomes more and more uniform. At the surface the variation is from 30 % to 90 %, at the bottom it varies only between 50 % and 75 %. Comparable investigations of small-bay sediments showed a c1ear dependence of sediment/faunal zonation from the energy of the environment. The investigations show that the composition and three-dimensional distribution of the Istrian coastal sediments can not be predicted only from one or a few measurable factors. Sedimentation and syngenetic changes must be considered as a complex interaction between external factors and the actions of producing and destroying organisms that are in dynamic equilibrium. The results obtained from investigations of these recent sediments may be of value for interpreting fossil sediments only with strong limitations.


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The impact of late glacial changes on the sedimentary record was investigated in two long vibracores, collected from the shelf edge off Mauritania, northwest Africa. Lithology and radiocarbon dates indicate that the sedimentary sequences were mainly controlled by sea-level changes on the shelf. The upper Pleistocene sequence is characterized by deposition in coastal environments, while the Holocene sequence represents deposition in shelf environments. During low sea level, much sediment was supplied to the present outer shelf, and the data imply an average accumulation rate of up to 43.0 cm/1000 yrs during the late Pleistocene, which is substantially higher than the Holocene rate. Shelf sediments were continuously reworked and redistributed on a regional scale during falling and rising sea level. The presence of reworked material results in radiocarbon ages which are too old. The mollusc. Venus striatula, which presently is found north of, but not along, the Mauritanian coast, occurs in the upper Pleistocene sequence, suggesting cooler water conditions in the shelf during late glacial times. This species probably migrated to the south during late glacial times, following the southward extension of the cold Canary Current. Radiocarbon dates of the shells broadly coincide with a lowstand of sea level over this part of the continental shelf.


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Complex geological-geochemical studies of water column and bottom sediments were carried out during Cruise 49 of R/V "Dmitry Mendeleev" in the Kara Sea shelf zone along the Obskaya Guba (Ob River estuary) from the Pur River and Taz River mouths to 76°N. Carbon-14 concentrations in organic matter from bottom sediments were determined at 5 stations. Constant initial 14C concentration model was used to determine sedimentation rates that were taken as a basis for calculating ages of sediment cores and their separate parts and for inferring location of a depocenter, i.e. a region of maximal discharge of fine-dispersed fraction of suspended matter of river run-off. Sedimentation rate in the depocenter is 170 cm/ka. Southward moves of the depocenter were recorded for periods of sea-level rises 2 and 5 thousand years ago. Bottom sediments in the depocenter contain 45% of organic matter primary produced in the Obskaya Guba. This organic matter is an energetic basis for bottom fauna life. About 55% of organic matter comes with river run-off.


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Macrobenthic associations were investigated at 29 sampling stations with a semi-quantitative Agassiz trawl, ranging from the South Patagonian Icefield to the Straits of Magellan in the South Chilean fjord system. A total of 1,895 individuals belonging to 131 species were collected. 19 species belong to colonial organisms, mainly Bryozoa (17 species) and Octocorallia (2 species). The phylum Echinodermata was the most diverse in species number (47 species), with asteroids (25 species) and ophiuroids (13 species) being the best represented within this taxon. Polychaeta was the second dominant group in terms of species richness (46 species). Multidimensional scaling ordination (MDS) separated two station groups, one related to fjords and channels off the South Patagonian Icefield and the second one to stations surrounding the Straits of Magellan. 45 species account for 90% of the dissimilarity between these two groups. These differences can mainly be explained by the influence of local environmental conditions determined by processes closely related to the pres- ence/absence of glaciers. Abiotic parameters such as water depth, type of sediment and chemical features of the superficial sediment were not correlated with the numbers of individuals caught by the Agassiz trawl in each group of sampling stations.


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The structure of the zooplankton foodweb and their dominant carbon fluxes were studied in the upwelling system off northern Chile (Mejillones Bay; 23°S) between October 2000 and December 2002. High primary production (PP) rates (18 gC/m**2 d) were mostly due to the net-phytoplankton size fraction (>23 µm). High PP has been traditionally associated with the wind-driven upwelling fertilizing effect of equatorial subsurface waters, which favour development of a short food chain dominated by a few small clupeiform fish species. The objective of the present work was to study the trophic carbon flow through the first step of this 'classical chain' (from phytoplankton to primary consumers such as copepods and euphausiids) and the carbon flow towards the gelatinous web composed of both filter-feeding and carnivorous zooplankton. To accomplish this objective, feeding experiments with copepods, appendicularians, ctenophores, and chaetognaths were conducted using naturally occurring plankton prey assemblages. Throughout the study, the total carbon ingestion rates showed that the dominant appendicularian species and small copepods consumed an average of 7 and 5 µgC/ind d, respectively. In addition, copepods ingested particles mainly in the size range of nano- and microplankton, whereas appendicularians ingested in the range of pico- and nanoplankton. Small copepods and appendicularians removed a small fraction of total daily PP (range 6-11%). However, when the pico- + nanoplankton fractions were the major contributors to total PP (oligotrophic conditions), grazing by small copepods increased markedly to 86% of total PP. Under these more oligotrophic conditions, the euphausiids grazing increased as well, but only reached values lower than 5% of total PP. During this study, chaetognaths and ctenophores ingested an average of 1 and 14 copepods/ind d, respectively. In terms of biomass consumed, the potential impact of carnivorous gelatinous zooplankton on the small-size copepod community (preferred prey) was important (2-12% of biomass removed daily). However, their impact produced more significant results on copepod abundance (up to 33%), which suggests that carnivorous gelatinous zooplankton may even modulate (control) the abundance of some species as well as the size structure of the copepod community.


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Distribution of Fe, Mn, P, Ti, Cu, Ni, Co, V, Cr, W, Mo, and As in the surface sediment layer on the section from the Hawaiian Islands to the coast of Mexico (Mexico section) is studied. Contents of all studied elements increase from biogenic-terrigenous sediments off the coast of Mexico to pelagic red clays of the Northeast Basin, and more sharply for mobile elements - Mn, Mo, Cu, Ni, Co, and As. In near Hawaii sediments rich in coarsely fragmented volcanic-terrigenous and pyroclastic material of basaltic composition with high contents of Ti, Fe, V, Cr, W, and P, contents of these elements increase sharply, and contents of Mn, Mo, Ni, Co, and Cu for the same reason decrease sharply in comparison with red clay. Abnormally high contents of Mn, Mo, Cu, Ni, Co, and As in the upper layer of hemipelagic and transition sediments of the Mexico section result from diagenetic redistribution and their accumulation on the surface. Processes of diagenetic redistribution in hemipelagic and transition sediment mass of the Mexico section are more rapid than in similar sediments of the Japan section due lower sedimentation rates and higher initial concentrations of Mn. Basic similarity of element distribution regularities in sediments of Japan and Mexico sections is shown.


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Sulfur speciation in bottom sediments from the area of the Peru upwelling has been studied. Data on sulfur contents in different compounds (sulfide, elemental, sulfate, pyritic and organic), water content, Eh, and organic carbon content in the bottom sediments have been obtained. The bottom sediments from the area are characterized by high content of organic carbon and low contents of total and reactive iron; this is typical for bottom sediments from ocean upwelling areas. Intense process of sulfate reduction occurs in the bottom sediments of the area, and accumulation of reduced sulfur compounds derivated from bacterial hydrogen sulfide does not exceed previously known values for other regions of the ocean.


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High-resolution down-core analyses of the solid phase content of total barium (Batot) and total organic carbon (TOC) back to 25 kyr B.P. were performed on a gravity core from the upper continental slope off Cape Yubi (Morocco). The observed discrepancy between the two potential paleoproductivity proxies, Batot and TOC, initiated supplementary examinations of the pore water, the geochemistry of the clay fraction, X-ray diffraction analyses, and the application of a sequential Ba extraction method of selected samples. Additionally, we analyzed down-core samples of the planktonic foraminifera Turborotalita quinqueloba and Globorotalia inflata for their Ba/Ca ratios. These analyses, which were performed for the first time on these species, were used to reconstruct past oceanic Ba concentrations. We suggest that in the study area, which is characterized by high accumulation rates, the preserved TOC content is a valuable proxy for past primary productivity, whereas the solid phase Batot contents appear to be affected by other mechanisms and factors. Peaks of total barium content in the clay fraction and of Ba/Ca ratios in the planktonic foraminifera shells found during the Younger Dryas and the Heinrich 1 event are likely to result from increased meltwater influx into the northern North Atlantic. We suggest that Ba-enriched meltwater was transmitted by the eastern boundary current system from higher latitudes to the region of the Canary Islands. Total barium contents of the clay fraction (Batot,clay) and Ba/Ca in planktonic foraminifera shells seem to be reliable proxies for this discharge of meltwater.


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Clay mineral assemblages for the last 10 m.y. are described for Site 823, at 16°S in the Queensland Trough, to the northeast of Australia. Largely unaffected by diagenetic influences, these mostly express the evolution of northeastern Australian continental environments during the late Neogene: (1) beginning during the late Miocene at about 7.0 Ma is an increase of illite derived from rocky substrates at the expense of smectite from deeply weathered soils; this increase was the result of increasing aridity in the Australian interior and globally cooler temperatures, associated with increases in Antarctic glaciation; (2) concomitant and further increases of kaolinite fluxes to the Queensland Trough during the late Miocene-early Pliocene largely reflect an increase in rainfall in northeastern Australia; (3) increases in both soil- and rock-derived minerals probably intensified as a result of late Neogene uplift of the eastern highlands; (4) clay-mineral associations during the Pliocene and Pleistocene display minor variations only and probably resulted in part from differential settling and sea-level changes; (5) similar trends of clay-mineral variations occur at both ODP Site 823 and DSDP Site 588 (Lord Howe Rise). Less abundant kaolinite relative to illite at Site 588 nevertheless suggests a southward decrease of continental humidity and/or of the eastern highlands uplift; (6) influences of global climate and oceanic and atmospheric circulations on clay-mineral associations dominated during the late Miocene and were progressively replaced by influences of more regional environmental variations during the Pliocene and especially the Pleistocene.


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After death of benthic and planktic foraminifera their tests intensive dissolve in sediments of the upper sublittoral zone (depth 30-60 m) in the highest productivity area of surface water in the northern Peruvian region. Dissolution of fine pelitic ooze is more intensive than of sandy sediments. Rate of dissolution is lower in the lower sublittoral zone (60-200 m) than in the upper part of the zone. Within the upper bathyal zone (300-500 m) dissolution decreases and results to accumulation of carbonate test in this zone. Benthic tests are more abundant than planktic ones. Very poor species composition and a peculiar set of species are characteristic of foraminiferal assemblages found in the sublittoral and upper bathyal zones along the Peruvian coast.