704 resultados para 260101 Mineralogy and Crystallography


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Petrographic observation and carbonate mineralogic and stable isotopic investigation were conducted on lower Oligocene to middle Miocene sediments recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 182 from Site 1132, located at a water depth of 218.5 m immediately seaward of the shelf-slope break of the eastern Eyre Terrace in the western Great Australian Bight. The middle Miocene section consists of bioclastic packstone and grainstone with an interval of partially silicified nannofossil-foraminiferal chalk and is slightly to densely dolomitized. By contrast, the lower Oligocene to lower Miocene section is characterized by a predominance of planktonic and benthic foraminifers, high porosity, absence of chert, and weak dolomitization. The carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of calcites and dolomites between two sections, however, shows no significant difference.


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Calcium carbonate and organic carbon concentrations are from measurements made on board the JOIDES Resolution during Leg 117 (Prell, Niitsuma, et al., 1989, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.117.1989). Values are for samples immdiately adjacent to fabric samples, or for Site 723 within 25 cm of the fabric sample interval. Intervals for which carbon analyses were not performed are represented by values in parenthesis which are from the nearest interval of similar lithology. Organic carbon analyses were not performed for samples below 402 mbsf at Site 731. Analyses performed on similar sediments at Sites 722 and 731 indicate the organic carbon concentration is probably <0.20%.


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Late Quaternary sediments recovered in a core from the area of the Zaire Fan, Central Africa, were analyzed for clay mineral composition in order to reconstruct fluctuations in the sediment input and freshwater discharge of the Zaire River. Clay mineral assemblages are dominated by kaolinite and smectite, which both originate mainly from the Zaire River and contain only minor contributions of eolian dust. Smectite crystallinity and chemical character of illites (Fe, Mg- or Al-rich) are used to track sediment input from the Zaire River and assess fluctuations in the freshwater discharge. Both parameters record a high-latitude forcing of river runoff at 100 ka periodicities reflecting glacial aridity and increased runoff during interglacials 1, 5 and 7. This signal is also observed in kaolinite/smectite ratios which represent the extension and intensity of the freshwater plume of the Zaire River. Clay mineral proxies reveal that river discharge and associated sediment input fluctuated in tune with precessional cycles of African monsoon intensity. Increased eolian input of kaolinite-rich dust with intensified northeast trades during glacials flattens the precessional signal in kaolinite/smectite ratios.


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Bentonites (i.e., smectite-dominated, altered volcanic ash layers) were recovered in Berriasian to Valanginian hemipelagic sediments of the Wombat Plateau (Site 761) and southern Exmouth Plateau (Site 763). They are compared to coeval bentonites in eupelagic sediments of the adjacent Argo Abyssal Plain (Sites 261 and 765) and Gascoyne Abyssal Plain (Site 766). A volcaniclastic origin with dacitic to rhyolitic ash as parent material is suggested by the abundance of well-ordered montmorillonite, fresh to altered silicic glass shards, volcanogenic minerals (euhedral sanidine, apatite, and long-prismatic zircon), and volcanic rock fragments, and by a vitroclastic ultrafabric (smectitized glass shards). We distinguish (1) pure smectite bentonites with a white, pink, or light gray color, a waxy appearance, and a very homogeneous, cryptocrystalline smectite matrix (water-free composition at Site 761: 68.5% SiO2, 0.27% TiO2, 19.1% Al2O3, 3.3% Fe2O3, 0.4%-1.1% Na2O, and 0.6% K2O) and (2) impure bentonitic claystones containing mixtures of volcanogenic smectite and pyroclastic grains with terrigenous and pelagic components. The ash layers were progressively altered during diagenesis. Silicic glass was first hydrated, then slightly altered (etched with incipient smectite authigenesis), then moderately smectitized (with shard shape still intact), and finally completely homogenized to a pure smectite matrix without obvious relict structures. Euhedral clinoptilolite is the latest pore-filling or glass-replacing mineral, postdating smectite authigenesis. Volcanic activity was associated with continental breakup and rapid subsidence during the "juvenile ocean phase." Potential source areas for a Neocomian post-breakup volcanism include the Wombat Plateau, Joey and Roo rises, Scott Plateau, and Wallaby Plateau/Cape Range Fracture Zone. Westward-directed trade winds transported silicic ash from these volcanic source areas to the Exmouth Plateau into the adjacent abyssal plains. The Wombat Plateau bentonites are interpreted as proximal ash turbidites.


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Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 735B, located on Atlantis Bank on the Southwest Indian Ridge, penetrated 1508 meters below seafloor with an average recovery of 87%, providing a nearly continuous sample of a significant part of oceanic Layer 3. Based on variations in texture and mineralogy, 12 major lithologic units are recognized in the section, ranging from 39.5 to 354 m thick. The principal lithologies include troctolite, troctolitic gabbro, olivine gabbro and microgabbro, gabbro, gabbronorite and Fe-Ti oxide gabbro, gabbronorite, and microgabbro. Highly deformed mylonites, cataclasites, and amphibole gneisses are locally present, as are small quantities of pyroxenite, anorthositic gabbro, and trondhjemite. Downhole variations in mineral composition, particularly for olivine and clinopyroxene, show a number of cyclic variations. Plagioclase compositions show the widest variations and correspond to different degrees of deformation and alteration as well as primary processes. Downhole chemical variations correspond reasonably well with variations in mineral compositions. Iron and titanium mainly reflect the presence of Fe-Ti oxide gabbros but show some cyclical variations in the lower part of the core where oxide gabbros are sparse. CaO is highly variable but shows a small but consistent increase downhole. MgO is more uniform than CaO and shows a very small downward increase. Sulfur and CO2 contents are generally low, but S shows significant enrichment in lithologic Unit IV, which consists of Fe-Ti oxide gabbro, reflecting the presence of sulfide minerals in the sequence. The lithologic, mineralogical, and geochemical data provided here will allow detailed comparisons with ophiolite sections as well as sections of in situ ocean crust drilled in the future.


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Boron, Ca, Na, and Gd concentrations and H intensity in sediments obtained during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 192 were determined by prompt gamma neutron activation analysis. The results show strong positive correlation between B content and H intensity in carbonate samples; chalk samples have higher B contents than limestone samples. Average B content is 9.1 ppm for the chalk and 5.2 ppm for the limestone. When chert blocks or clay minerals are present in the carbonate samples, B content increases (up to 91 ppm).


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The Belgica Trough and the adjacent Belgica Trough Mouth Fan in the southern Bellingshausen Sea (Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean) mark the location of a major outlet for the West Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Late Quaternary. The drainage basin of an ice stream that advanced through Belgica Trough across the shelf during the last glacial period comprised an area exceeding 200,000 km**2 in the West Antarctic hinterland. Previous studies, mainly based on marine-geophysical data from the continental shelf and slope, focused on the bathymetry and seafloor bedforms, and the reconstruction of associated depositional processes and ice- drainage patterns. In contrast, there was only sparse information from seabed sediments recovered by coring. In this paper, we present lithological and clay mineralogical data of 21 sediment cores collected from the shelf and slope of the southern Bellingshausen Sea. Most cores recovered three lithological units, which can be attributed to facies types deposited under glacial, transitional and seasonally open-marine conditions. The clay mineral assemblages document coinciding changes in provenance. The relationship between the clay mineral assemblages in the subglacial and proglacial sediments on the shelf and the glacial diamictons on the slope confirms that a grounded ice stream advanced through Belgica Trough to the shelf break during the past, thereby depositing detritus eroded in the West Antarctic hinterland as soft till on the shelf and as glaciogenic debris flows on the slope. The thinness of the transitional and seasonally open-marine sediments in the cores suggests that this ice advance occurred during the last glacial period. Clay mineralogical, acoustic sub-bottom and seismic data furthermore demonstrate that the palaeo-ice stream probably reworked old sedimentary strata, including older tills, on the shelf and incorporated this debris into its till bed. The geographical heterogeneity of the clay mineral assemblages in the sub- and proglacial diamictons and gravelly deposits indicates that they were eroded from underlying sedimentary strata of different ages. These strata may have been deposited during either different phases of the last glacial period or different glacial and interglacial periods. Additionally, the clay mineralogical heterogeneity of the soft tills recovered on the shelf suggests that the drainage area of the palaeo-ice stream flowing through Belgica Trough changed through time.


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We present a high-resolution 10Be profile from deep sea sediments (sampled from Hole 502B in the Caribbean sea) that strongly resembles the 10Be record in ice core profiles, particularly the Vostok core from Antarctica. This high-resolution profile revealed occurrences of enhanced 10Be concentrations at about 23-24, 37-39 and 60-65 ka. The excellent match between these peaks appearing in a georeservoir profile other than in polar ice, strengthens the implications that can be inferred from 10Be and provide global markers for chronological correlation of climatic events. The position at low latitude of the studied sediment section is, unlike the case with the high latitude polar regions, excellent for exposing causes of modulation in 10Be production. We interpret the source of the pattern and enhancements, particularly the 37-39 ka peak, of 10Be to be global and do not strictly relate to climatic conditions and/or production rates specific to the polar regions.


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The origin and modes of transportation and deposition of inorganic sedimentary material of the Black Sea were studied in approximately 60 piston, gravity, and Kasten cores. The investigation showed that the sediment derived from the north and northwest (especially from the Danube) has a low calcite-dolomite ratio and a high quartz-feldspar ratio. Rock fragments are generally not abundant; garnet is the principal heavy mineral and illite is the predominant clay mineral. This sedimentary material differs markedly from that carried by Anatolian rivers, which is characterized by a high calcite-dolomite ratio and a low quartz-feldspar ratio. Rock fragments are abundant; pyroxene is the principal heavy mineral and montmorillonite is the predominant clay mineral. In generel, the clay fraction is large in all sediments (27.6-86.9 percent), and the lateral distributian indicates an increase in clay consent from the coasts toward two centers in the western and eastern Black Sea basin. Illite is the most common clay mineral in the Black Sea sediments. The lateral changes in composition of the clay mineral can easily be traced to the petrologic character of northern (rich in illite) and southern (rich in montmorillonite) source areas. In almost all cores, a rhythmic change of the montmorillonite-illite ratio with depth was observed. These changes may be related to the changing influence of the two provinces during the Holocene and late Pleistocene. Higher montmorillonite content seems to indicate climctic changes, probably stages of glaciation end permafrost in the northern area, at which time the illite supply was diminished to a large extent. The composition of the sand fraction is relatad to the different petrologic and morphologic characteristics of two major source provimces: (1) a northern province (rich in quartz, feldspars, and garnet) characterized by a low elevation, comprising the Danube basin area and the rivers draining the Russian platform; and (2) a southern province (rich in pyroxene and volcanic and metamorphic rocks) in the mountainous region of Anatolia and the Caucasus, characterized by small but extremely erosive rivers. The textural properties (graded bedding) of the deep-sea send layers clearly suggest deposition from turbidity currents. The carbonate content of the contemporary sediments ranges from 5 to 65 percent. It increases from the coast to a maximum in two centers in the western and eastern basin. This pattern reflects the distribution of the <2-µm fraction. The contemporary mud sedimentation is governed by two important factors: (1) the deposition of terrigenous allochthonous material of low carbonate content originating from the surrounding hinterland (northern and southern source areas), and (2) the autochthonous production of large quantities of biogenic calcite by coccolithophores during the last period of about 3,000-4,000 years.