979 resultados para Nitrogen ratio


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Comprehensive biogeochemical studies including determination of isotopic composition of organic carbon in both suspended matter and surface layer (0-1 cm) bottom sediments (more than 260 determinations of d13C-Corg) were carried out for five Arctic shelf seas: White, Barents, Kara, East Siberian, and Chukchi Seas. The aim of this study is to elucidate causes that change isotopic composition of particulate organic carbon at the water-sediment boundary. It is shown that isotopic composition of organic carbon in sediments from seas with high river run-off (White, Kara, and East Siberian Seas) does not inherit isotopic composition of organic carbon in particles precipitating from the water column, but is enriched in 13C. Seas with low river run-off (Barents and Chukchi Seas) show insignificant difference between d13C-Corg values in both suspended load and sediments because of low content of isotopically light allochthonous organic matter in suspended matter. Biogeochemical studies with radioisotope tracers (14CO2, 35S, and 14CH4) revealed existence of specific microbial filter formed from heterotrophic and autotrophic organisms at the water-sediment boundary. This filter prevents mass influx of products of organic matter decomposition into the water column, as well as reduces influx of OM contained in suspended matter from water into sediments.


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About one hundred samples of sediments and rocks recovered in Hole 603B were analyzed for type, abundance, and isotopic composition of organic matter, using a combination of Rock-Eval pyrolysis, C-H-N-S elemental analysis, and isotope-ratio mass spectrometry. Concentrations of major, minor, and trace inorganic elements were determined with a combination of X-ray fluorescence and induction-coupled plasma spectrometry. The oldest strata recovered in Hole 603B (lithologic Unit V) consist of interbedded light-colored limestones and marlstones, and black calcareous claystones of Neocomian age. The inorganic and organic geochemical results suggest a very terrigenous aspect to the black claystones. The organic geochemical results indicate that the limestones and marlstones contain a mixture of highly degraded marine and terrestrial organic matter. Comparison of the Neocomian carbonates at Site 603 with those on the other side of the North Atlantic, off Northwest Africa at Site 367, shows that the organic matter at Site 367 contains more marine organic matter, as indicated by higher pyrolysis hydrogen indices and lighter values of d13C. Comparison of inorganic geochemical results for the carbonate lithologies at Site 603 with those for carbonate lithologies at Site 367 suggests that the Site 603 carbonates may contain clastic material from both North American and African sources. The black claystones at Site 603, on the other hand, probably were derived almost entirely from North American clastic sources. Lithologic Unit IV overlying the Neocomian carbonates, consists of interbedded red, green, and black claystones. The black claystones at Site 603 contain more than ten times the organic carbon concentration of the interbedded green claystones. The average concentration of organic carbon in the black claystones (2.8%), however, is low relative to most mid-Cretaceous black claystones and shales in the Atlantic, particularly those found off Northwest Africa. The geochemical data all suggest that the organic matter in the black claystones is more abundant but generally more degraded than the organic matter in the green claystones, and that it was derived mainly from terrestrial sources and deposited in oxygenated bottom waters. The increased percentage of black claystone beds in the upper Cenomanian section, and the presence of more hydrogen-rich organic matter in this part of the section, probably resulted from the increased production and accumulation of marine organic matter that is represented worldwide near the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary in deep-sea and land sections. A few upper Cenomanian black claystone samples that have hydrogen indices > 150 also contain particularly high concentrations of V and Zn. Most samples of black claystone, however, are not particularly metal-rich compared with other black claystones and shales. Compared with red claystones from lithologic Unit IV, the green and black claystones are enriched in many trace transition elements, especially V, Zn, Cu, Co, and Pb. The main difference between the "carbonaceous" claystones of lithologic Unit IV and "variegated" or "multicolored" claystones of the overlying Upper Cretaceous to lower Tertiary Unit III is the absence of black claystone beds. As observed at several other sites (105 and 386), the multicolored claystones at Site 603 are somewhat enriched in several trace transition elements-especially Cu, Ni, and Cr-relative to most deep-sea clays. The multicolored claystones are not enriched in Fe and Mn, and therefore are not "metalliferous" sediments in the sense of those found at several locations in the eastern Pacific. The source of the slightly elevated concentrations of transition metals in the multicolored claystones probably is upward advection and diffusion of metals from the black claystones of the underlying Hatteras Formation. The red, orange, and green claystone beds of lithologic Unit II (Eocene), like those of Unit III, really represent a continuation of deposition of multicolored claystone that began after the deposition of the Neocomian carbonates. The color of the few black beds that occur within this unit results from high concentrations of manganese oxide rather than high concentrations of organic matter.


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We detected methanogenic bacterial activity in 6 of 12 sediment samples from Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) locations in the Gulf of California.When samples were incubated anaerobically for three weeks at temperatures of 10 or 22°C, we found activity to sediment depths of about 12 meters. The methanogenic bacteria were inhibited by CHCl3 or 2-bromoethanesulfonic acid and were generally stimulated by H2.


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This study addresses the problem of diagenetic fractionation of d15N in sedimentary organic matter by constructing isotopic mass balances for the sedimentary nitrogen and pore water ammonium at two Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites, 1227 and 1230. At Site 1230, ammonium production flux integrated through the sedimentary column indicates that >60% of organic matter is lost to decomposition. The d15N of pore water ammonium is <0.7 per mil different from that of the sedimentary organic matter, which implies that very little isotopic fractionation is associated with degradation of organic matter at this site. The constant d15N of the solid-phase sedimentary nitrogen through the whole profile supports this conclusion. Atomic C/N ratios (9-12) indicate that organic matter at this site is primarily of marine origin. At Site 1227, the sedimentary organic matter appears to be a mixture of terrestrial and marine components. Ammonium is ~4 heavier than the organic matter. The observed isotopic enrichment of pore water ammonium relative to the sedimentary nitrogen might indicate either the preferential decomposition of isotopically heavier marine fraction of the organic matter, or possibly, a nonsteady-state condition of the ammonium concentration and d15N profiles. Interpretation of the results at Site 1227 is further complicated by the contribution of ammonium with d15N of ~4 per mil that is diffusing upward from Miocene brines.


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Organic-matter-rich Upper Cretaceous claystones from DSDP Hole 603B, lower continental rise, had organic carbon values ranging from 1.7 to 13.7%, C/N ratios from 32 to 72, and d13C values from -23.5 to -27.1 per mil. Lipid class maxima for the unbound alkanes (C29 and C31), unbound fatty acids (C28 and C30), and bound fatty acids (C24, C26 , and C28) and the strong odd-carbon and even-carbon preferences, respectively, suggested that the organic matter in these sediments was partially the result of input from continental plant waxes. Transport of the organic-matter-rich sediments to the deep sea from the near-shore environment probably resulted from turbiditic flow under oxygen-stressed conditions.


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Three pairs of Upper Cretaceous black shales and adjacent green claystones from Hole 530A were analyzed to compare types and amounts of organic matter and lipids and to seek information about their environments of deposition. The organic-carbon-rich black shales have C/N ratios nearly seven times those of the organic-carbon-lean green claystones. The lipid content of organic matter in the black shales is about ten times less than in adjacent green layers. Organic matter in both types of rocks is thermally immature, and distributions of alkanoic acids, alkanols, sterols, and alkanes contain large amounts of terrigenous components. Pristane/phytane ratios of less than one suggest that younger Turonian sediments were laid down under anoxic conditions, but ratios greater than one suggest that older Turonian Cenomanian deposits accumulated in a more oxic environment. Closely bedded green and black layers have very similar types of lipid distributions and differ primarily in concentrations, although black shales contain somewhat larger amounts of terrigenous lipid components. Geochemical and stratigraphic evidence suggests much of the organic matter in these samples originated on the African continental margin and was transported to the Angola Basin by turbidity flow. Rapid reburial of organic-carbon-rich sediments led to formation of the black shales.


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Two samples of Miocene sediments from Site 525 and four samples of sediments ranging in age from Pleistocene to Miocene from Site 528 have been analyzed for concentrations of organic and carbonate carbon, carbon/nitrogen ratios of organic matter, and extractable hydrocarbons and fatty acids. Organic carbon concentrations average 0.32% and show a diagenetic decrease with greater sediment age. Distributions of n-alkanes and n-alkanoic acids give evidence of considerable microbial reworking and of eolian contributions of terrigenous components. Organic contents of these sediments reflect a history of low marine productivity and poor preservation of organic matter in the eastern South Atlantic since middle Miocene times.