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The first comprehensive dataset (492 samples) of dissolved Mn in the Southern Ocean shows extremely low values of 0.04 up to 0.64 nM in the surface waters and a subsurface maximum with an average concentration of 0.31 nM (n=20; S.D.=0.08 nM). The low Mn in surface waters correlates well with the nutrients PO4 and NO3 and moderately well with Si(OH)4 and fluorescence. Furthermore, elevated concentrations of Mn in the surface layer coincide with elevated Fe and light transmission and decreased export (234Th/238U deficiency) and fluorescence. It appears that Mn is a factor of importance in partly explaining the HNLC conditions in the Southern Ocean, in conjunction with significant controls by the combination of Fe limitation and light limitation. No input of Mn from the continental margins was observed. This is ascribed to the protruding continental ice sheet that covers the shelf and shuts down the usual biological production, microbial breakdown and sedimentary geochemical cycling. The low concentrations of Mn in the deep ocean basins (0.07-0.23 nM) were quite uniform, but some elevations were observed. The highest deep concentrations of Mn were observed at the Bouvet Triple Junction region and coincided with high concentrations of Fe and are deemed to be from hydrothermal input. The deep basins on both sides of the ridge were affected by this input. In the deep Weddell Basin the input of Weddell Sea Bottom Water appears to be the source of the slightly elevated concentrations of Mn in this water layer.
The Early Cretaceous series of Site 549 have been analyzed from both an ecological and a chronostratigraphical viewpoint. Lithology and microfaunal assemblages allow the division of these deposits into two parts. The lower part extends from the lower Barremian to the basal upper Barremian and possibly down into the upper Hauterivian. Three foraminiferal associations suggest an orderly evolution from a low-energy, littoral environment, in which continental influences dominated, to progressively more open marine conditions. A dolosparite bed (which has not yet been dated) separates these synrift deposits from lower to basal middle Albian postrift sediments that developed in a pelagic bathyal environment on the middle to nearby lower continental slope.
Good faunal preservation in the upper part of the Planorotatites pseudomenardii Zone at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 605, northwestern Atlantic, allows a biometric analysis of the upper Paleocene planktonic foraminiferal species Planorotatites pseudomenardii (Belli), a keeled species that probably developed from a middle Paleocene unkeeled Planorotalites form. Multivariate analysis shows a consistent separation of all Planorotatites specimens into two groups, which are differentiated by the presence or absence of a complete keel; other variables are only of minor importance. The keeled group coincides with P. pseudomenardii. We recognize only one unkeeled species, Planorotalites chapmani (Parr), with Planorotalites ehrenbergi (Bolli), Planorotalites imitata (Subbotina), Planorotalites planoconica (Subbotina), Planorotalites troelseni (Loeblich and Tappan), and Planorotalites hausbergensis (Gohrbrandt) as junior synonyms. P. chapmani ranges from the middle Paleocene to at least the top of the upper Paleocene. The morphology of P. pseudomenardii does not change significantly, and although the frequency of Planorotalites is variable, the proportion of P. pseudomenardii to all Planorotalites varies only slightly around 65% in the upper two-thirds of its range at Site 605. However, in the top 1.5 m of its range the proportion of P. pseudomenardii decreases; in the same section, all Planorotalites specimens show a reduction in the size of their tests, suggesting that a temporary change in environmental conditions led to the exit of P. pseudomenardii\ in Magnetozone C24R at Site 605-apparently higher than expected from current standard zonations. Unkeeled Planorotalites, in contrast to R. pseudomenardii, persisted and regained normal size. The entry of P. pseudomenardii at Site 605 cannot be described in the same detail because of low frequencies of Planorotalites specimens and an erratic distribution of P. pseudomenardii in the lower part of its range. Many of the washed residues of the samples from these sediments are dominated by radiolarians, and the poorly preserved foraminiferal faunas may have abundant benthics, indicating carbonate dissolution. The initially low frequencies of P pseudomenardii relative to the unkeeled Planorotalites show a strong negative correlation with the total amount of radiolarians per sample and could be the result of preferential preservation, as well as of the same environmental conditions that caused the abundance of radiolarians.