(Figure 2) Foraminifera in lower to middle Albian sediments of DSDP Hole 80-549

Autoria(s): Magniez, Francoise; Sigal, Jacques

LATITUDE: 49.088000 * LONGITUDE: -13.098000 * DATE/TIME START: 1981-06-15T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1981-06-15T00:00:00 * MINIMUM ELEVATION: -2515.0 m * MAXIMUM ELEVATION: -2515.0 m




The Early Cretaceous series of Site 549 have been analyzed from both an ecological and a chronostratigraphical viewpoint. Lithology and microfaunal assemblages allow the division of these deposits into two parts. The lower part extends from the lower Barremian to the basal upper Barremian and possibly down into the upper Hauterivian. Three foraminiferal associations suggest an orderly evolution from a low-energy, littoral environment, in which continental influences dominated, to progressively more open marine conditions. A dolosparite bed (which has not yet been dated) separates these synrift deposits from lower to basal middle Albian postrift sediments that developed in a pelagic bathyal environment on the middle to nearby lower continental slope.


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Supplement to: Magniez, Francoise; Sigal, Jacques (1985): Barremian and Albian foraminifera, Site 549, Leg 80. In: De Graciansky, PC; Poag, CW; et al. (eds.), Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Washington (U.S. Gov. Printing Office), 80, 601-628, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.80.118.1985

Palavras-Chave #80-549; Anomalina rodriguezi; Astacolus spp.; Bulimina sp.; Cibicides reicheli; Cibicides spp.; Citharina gr. recta; Conorotalites sp.; Cyclogyra spp.; Deep Sea Drilling Project; Discorbis cf. minutissima; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; DSDP; Eponides chalilovi; Falsogaudryinella sp.; Gaudryina cf. compacta; Gaudryina dividens; Gavelinella intermedia; Globigerinelloides cf. ferreolensis; Globigerinelloides cf. gottisi; Globigerinelloides sp.; Glomar Challenger; Glomospira charoides; Glomospirella gaultina; Gubkinella graysonensis; Gyroidina sp.; Gyroidina spp.; Gyroidinoides infracretacea; Hedbergella cf. angolae; Hedbergella cf. gorbachikae; Hedbergella cf. infracretacea; Hedbergella cf. rischi; Hedbergella globigerinelloides; Hedbergella planispira; Hedbergella sp.; Hedbergella spp.; Hippocrepina depressa; Hyperammina gaultina; Kalamopsis grzybowskii; Leg80; Lenticulina spp.; Lingulina cf. lamellata; Marginulina spp.; Marssonella spp.; Nodosarella sp.; Nodosaria cf. prismatica; North Atlantic/SPUR; Number; ODP sample designation; Osangularia sp.; Patellina spp.; Planulina andersoni; Planulina cf. schloenbachi; Pleurostomella obtusa; Pleurostomella reussi; Pleurostomella subbotinae; Pleurostomella subnodosa; Sample code/label; Saracenaria spp.; Spirillina cf. minima; Spirillina spp.; Textularia cf. hemisphaerica; Textularia sp.; Turrispirillina cf. subconica; Valvulineria aff. loetterlei; Valvulineria gracillima; Valvulineria parva; Valvulineria spp.; Verneuilina sp.
