575 resultados para pink-footed goose


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Based on the study of 10 sediment cores and 40 core-top samples from the South China Sea (SCS) we obtained proxy records of past changes in East Asian monsoon climate on millennial to bidecadal time scales over the last 220,000 years. Climate proxies such as global sea level, estimates of paleotemperature, salinity, and nutrients in surface water, ventilation of deep water, paleowind strength, freshwater lids, fluvial and/or eolian sediment supply, and sediment winnowing on the sea floor were derived from planktonic and benthic stable-isotope records, the distribution of siliciclastic grain sizes, planktonic foraminifera species, and the UK37 biomarker index. Four cores were AMS-14C-dated. Two different regimes of monsoon circulation dominated the SCS over the last two glacial cycles, being linked to the minima and maxima of Northern Hemisphere solar insolation. (1) Glacial stages led to a stable estuarine circulation and a strong O2-minimum layer via a closure of the Borneo sea strait. Strong northeast monsoon and cool surface water occurred during winter, in part fed by an inflow from the north tip of Luzon. In contrast, summer temperatures were as high as during interglacials, hence the seasonality was strong. Low wetness in subtropical South China was opposed to large river input from the emerged Sunda shelf, serving as glacial refuge for tropical forest. (2) Interglacials were marked by a strong inflow of warm water via the Borneo sea strait, intense upwelling southeast of Vietnam and continental wetness in China during summer, weaker northeast monsoon and high sea-surface temperatures during winter, i.e. low seasonality. On top of the long-term variations we found millennial- to centennial-scale cold and dry, warm and humid spells during the Holocene, glacial Terminations I and II, and Stage 3. The spells were coeval with published variations in the Indian monsoon and probably, with the cold Heinrich and warm Dansgaard-Oeschger events recorded in Greenland ice cores, thus suggesting global climatic teleconnections. Holocene oscillations in the runoff from South China centered around periodicities of 775 years, ascribed to subharmonics of the 1500-year cycle in oceanic thermohaline circulation. 102/84-year cycles are tentatively assigned to the Gleissberg period of solar activity. Phase relationships among various monsoon proxies near the onset of Termination IA suggest that summer-monsoon rains and fluvial runoff from South China had already intensified right after the last glacial maximum (LGM) insolation minimum, coeval with the start of Antarctic ice melt, prior to the d18O signals of global sea-level rise. Vice versa, the strength of winter-monsoon winds decreased in short centennial steps only 3000-4000 years later, along with the melt of glacial ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere.


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A detailed age model for core 17957-2 of the southern South China Sea was developed based on delta18O, coarse fraction, magnetostratigraphy, and biostratigraphy for the last 1500 kyr. The delta18O record has clear ~100-kyr cycles after the Mid-Pleistocene Revolution (MPR) at the entrance of marine isotopic stage (MIS) 22. Planktonic foraminifera responded to the MPR immediately, showing the increased sea surface temperature (SST) and dissolution after the MPR. Benthic foraminifera did not respond to it until the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary. Since the MPR, the depth of thermocline gradually became shallower until MISs 6-5. This major change within MISs 6-5 was also reflected in the decreased SSTs and increased productivity and Deep Water Mass. Thus two major Pleistocene paleoceanographic changes were found: One was around the MPR; the other occurred within MISs 6-5, which speculatively might be ascribed to the reorganization of surface and deep circulation, possibly induced by tectonic forces.


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Quantitative analysis was performed on the Quaternary planktonic foraminiferal fauna from Site 516, near the crest of the Rio Grande Rise, and Site 518, on the lower western flank of the Rise. From Hole 516, 46 samples were taken, and from Hole 518, 80 samples were taken. The mean interval between samples is 20 to 25 cm. About 50 species of Quaternary and Pliocene planktonic foraminifers were identified. Quaternary sediments, dated by the initial evolutionary appearance of Globorotalia truncatulinoides and other criteria, have thickness, of 9.8 m in Hole 516 and 16 m in Hole 518. The Globorotalia truncatulinoides Zone is subdivided into four subzones or biostratigraphic horizons (from lower to upper): (1) Globorotalia crassaformis viola, (2) Globorotalia crassaformis hessi, (3) Globigerina calida calida, and (4) Globigerinoides ruber (pink). Thickness of these horizons in Hole 516 establishes the age of the boundaries between them as 1.47, 0.81, and 0.28 Ma, respectively. All the Quaternary planktonic foraminiferal complexes sampled are subtropical. The region of the Rio Grande Rise, therefore, has been within the southern subtropical gyre continuously for the last 2 Ma. The average annual surface water temperatures were reconstructed for the Quaternary at both sites. A micropaleontologic method for the paleotemperature analysis of the thanatocoenosis registers an average Quaternary temperature of 21.2°C at Site 516 and 21.7°C at Site 518. The temperature fluctuations increase up to 3.5°C during the accumulation of the two last horizons (since 0.81 Ma). Temperature peaks are tentatively compared with oxygen isotopic stages and with continental glaciations. Levels at which planktonic foraminiferal species disappear correspond to coldwater intervals. In the Quaternary of Site 518, some layers show signs of dissolution. Corrosive to CaCO3, the northward flow of Antarctic Bottom Water through the Vema Channel increases during the cold periods. Site 518 has two layers of redeposited foraminiferal sand with Pliocene foraminifers. The average rate of the Quaternary sedimentation in Hole 516 is 0.52 cm per thousand years, and in Hole 518 it is 0.84 cm per thousand years.


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Two box cores taken off Cape Barbas (North-West Africa) have been studied using three methods. The analyses of the coarse fraction, of biogenic opal and of planktonic foraminifera revealed : 1. Core GIK12310-4 penetrates Z, Y, X and upper part of W zone, whereas core GIK12379-1 penetrates Z and upper part of Y zone. 2. Holocene sedimentation rates are 2.5 cm/1000 y for core GIK12310-4 and 6.0 cm/1000 y for core GIK12379-1. During the Y zone 5 cm/l000 y were sedimented incore GIK12310-4 and > 10-20 cm/1000 y in core GIK12379-1. 3. Paleoclimatohgical results are: arid climate and relatively warm water temperatures during the Holocene (Z zone) and during X zone; humid climate and relatively cool water temperatures within the Wuerm (Y zone) (with a non-dated more arid interval found in the middle part of the Y zone) and in the upper part of the W zone. 4. Increased contents of benthos and radiolaria in the Y zone indicate upwelling. Upwelling, characterized by high content of biogenic opal and low water temperatures, was found in core GIK12310-4 at 250 to 350 cm in the lower part of the Y zone. The plankton/benthos ratio of foraminifera, the benthos/radiolaria ratio and water temperatures derived from planktonic foraminifera, differ in both cores in the Holocene, and are nearly identical during the Wuerm.


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Abundance records of planktonic foraminifera (>150 µm) from the upper 520 m of ODP Site 1073 (Hole 1073A, Leg 174A, 639 m water depth) have been integrated with SPECMAP-derived isotope stratigraphy, percentage of calcium carbonate, and coarse sediment fraction data in order to investigate the Pleistocene climatic history of the New Jersey margin. Six planktonic taxonomic groups dominate the foraminiferal assemblage at Site 1073: Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (d) (mean 33.8%), Turborotalita quinqueloba (18.5%), N. pachyderma (s) (18.4%), Globigerina bulloides group (11.4%), Globorotalia inflata group (9.4%), and Globigerinita glutinata (4.1%). Based on the distributions of these six foraminiferal groups, the Pleistocene section can be divided into three paleoclimatic intervals: Interval I (intermediate) corresponds to the Quaternary sediments from sequence boundary pp1 to the seafloor (79.5-0 mbsf; Emiliania huxleyi acme [85 ka] at 72 mbsf); Interval II (warm) occurs between sequence boundaries pp3 and pp1 (325-79.5 mbsf; last occurrence of Pseudoemiliania lacunosa [460 ka] at 330 mbsf); and Interval III (coldest) occurs between sequence boundaries pp4 and pp3 (520-325 mbsf; Calcareous nannofossils and dinocysts in proximity to pp4 indicate that the sedimentary record for 0.9-1.7 Ma is either missing altogether or highly condensed within the basal few meters of the section). Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (d) displays eight peaks of abundance which correlate, for the most part, with depleted delta18O values, increases in calcium carbonate percentages, low coarse fraction percentages, increased planktonic fragmentation (greater dissolution), and low N. pachyderma (s) abundances. These intervals are interpreted as representing warmer/interglacial conditions. Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (s) displays seven peaks of abundance which correlate, for the most part, with delta18O increases, decreases in calcium carbonate percentages, increases in coarse fraction percentages, and low N. pachyderma (d) abundances. These intervals are interpreted as representing cooler/glacial conditions. In Interval III, a faunal response to relative changes in sea-surface temperature is reflected by abundance peaks in Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (d), followed by Turborotalita quinqueloba and then N. pachyderma (s) (proceeding from warmest to coolest, respectively). This tripartite response is consistent with the oxygen isotope record and, although not as clear, also occurs in Intervals I and II. Six peaks/peak intervals of Globigerina bulloides abundance are closely matched by peaks in Globigerinita glutinata and occur within oxygen isotope stage (OIS) 2 (latter part) 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 13(?), 14(?), and 15(?). We speculate that these intervals reflect increased upwelling and nutrient levels during both glacials and interglacials. Eight peak intervals of Globorotalia inflata show a general inverse correlation with G. bulloides and may reflect lowered nutrient and warmer surface waters.


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In order to reconstruct Late Quatemary variations of surface oceanography in the eastequatorial South Atlantic, time series of sea-surface temperatures (SST) and paleoproductivity were established from cores recovered in the Guinea and Angola Basins, and at the Walvis Ridge. These records, based on sedimentary alkenone and organic carbon concentrations, reveal that during the last 350,000 years surface circulation and productivity changes in the east-equatorial South Atlantic were highiy sensitive to climate forcing at 23- and 100-kyr periodicities. Covarying SST and paleoproductivity changes at the equator and at the Walvis Ridge appear to be driven by variations in zonal trade-wind intensity, which forces intensification or reduction of coastal and equatorial upwelling, as well as enhanced Benguela cold water advection from the South. Phase relationships of precessional variations in the paleoproductivity and SST records from the distinct sites were evaluated with respect to boreal summer insolation over Africa, movements of southem ocean thermal fronts, and changes in global ice volume. The 23-kyr phasing implies a sensitivity of eastem South Atlantic surface water advection and upwelling to West African monsoon intensity and to changes in the position ofthe subtropical high pressure cell over the South Atlantic, both phenomena which modulate zonal strength of southeasterly trades. SST and productivity changes north of 20°S lack significant variance at the 41-kyr periodicity; and at the Walvis Ridge and the equator lead changes in ice volume. This may indicate that obliquity-driven clirnate change, characteristic for northem high latitudes, e.g fluctuations in continental ice masses, did not substantially influence subtropical and tropical surface circulation in the South Atlantic. At the 23-kyr cycle SST and productivity changes in the eastern Angola Basin lag those in the equatorial Atlantic and at the Walvis Ridge by about 3500 years. This lag is explained by variations in cross-equatorial surface water transport and west-east countercurrent retum flow modifying precessional variations of SST and productivity in the eastem Angola Basin relative to those in the mid South Atlantic area under the central field of zonal trade winds. Sea level-related shifts of upwelling cells in phase with global clirnate change may be also recorded in SST and productivity variability along the continental margin off Southwest Africa. They may account for the delay of the paleoceanogreaphic signal from continental margin sites with respect to that from the pelagic sites at the equator and the Walvis Ridge.


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The western South Atlantic boundary currents represent a sensitive system within the global thermohaline circulation (THC). We investigated the impact of deglacial THC changes on the western tropical Atlantic studied in six high resolution sediment cores from the upper continental slope of Brazil. The stratigraphy of the cores is mainly based on 14C AMS dating of monospecific foraminiferal samples. Changes in the upper layer tropical ocean during the deglaciation are inferred from stable oxygen isotope measurements on planktic and benthic foraminifera. Variations in the delta18O residuals are assumed to be mainly temperature related. During the Oldest and Younger Dryas cooling periods, two major deglacial THC disturbances are reported from North Atlantic sediment cores. Concomitant to the repeated THC slowdown, we observe an upper layer warming in the tropical ocean. A reduced northward heat export from the tropical areas during these periods (weak North Brazil Current) is additionally reflected by low meridional gradients in the stable oxygen records. This generally agrees with results from coupled ocean atmosphere models.


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Eight deep-sea sediment cores from the North Atlantic Ocean ranging from 31° to 72°N are studied to reconstruct the meridional gradients in surface hydrographic conditions during the interval of minimum ice volume within the last interglacial period. Using benthic foraminiferal ?18O measurements and estimates of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Sea Surface Salinity (SSS), we show that summer SSTs and SSSs decreased gradually during the interval of minimum ice volume at high-latitude sites (52°-72°N) whereas they were stable or increased during the same time period at low-latitude sites (31°-41°N). This increase in meridional gradients of SSTs and SSSs may have been due to changes in the latitudinal distribution of summer and annual-average insolation and associated oceanic and atmospheric feedbacks. These trends documented for the Eemian ice volume minimum period are similar to corresponding changes observed during the Holocene and may have had a similar origin.


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Quaternary sediments were recovered at all four Sites at Leg 72. Planktonic foraminifers were abundant and well preserved, especially in the holes shielded from Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) influence. The fauna belonged to the subtropical province marked by Globigerinoides ruber and to a lesser extent by Globorotalia inflata. Thirty planktonic foraminiferal species were distinguished, and a detailed study of the Site 517 stratigraphy was made. The Quaternary sequence of the Rio Grande Rise was subdivided slightly differently from the Bolli and Premoli Silva (1973) pattern. Five subzones were identified but some difficulties arose when a precise correlation became necessary in the subzones of the tropical provinces. Correlations could nevertheless be made, particularly with respect to the earliest Quaternary. Quaternary faunal data have been dated by isotopic stratigraphy (Vergnaud Grazzini et al.,1983) and partially contradict results previously published for this part of the Atlantic (Williams and Ledbetter, 1979). By studying the occurrence of planktonic foraminifers, we obtained more information about hydrologic variations during the Quaternary sequence of Hole 517; two broad periods were recognized. Finally, we identified the interaction between the Brazil Current and the subtropical convergence


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Resource pulses are common in various ecosystems and often have large impacts on ecosystem functioning. Many animals hoard food during resource pulses, yet how this behaviour affects pulse diffusion through trophic levels is poorly known because of a lack of individual-based studies. Our objective was to examine how the hoarding behaviour of arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus) preying on a seasonal pulsed resource (goose eggs) was affected by annual and seasonal changes in resource availability. We monitored foraging behaviour of foxes in a greater snow goose (Chen caerulescens atlanticus) colony during 8 nesting seasons that covered 2 lemming cycles. The number of goose eggs taken and cached per hour by foxes declined 6-fold from laying to hatching, while the proportion of eggs cached remained constant. In contrast, the proportion of eggs cached by foxes fluctuated in response to the annual lemming cycle independently of the seasonal pulse of goose eggs. Foxes cached the majority of eggs taken (> 90%) when lemming abundance was high or moderate but only 40% during the low phase of the cycle. This likely occurred because foxes consumed a greater proportion of goose eggs to fulfill their energy requirement at low lemming abundance. Our study clearly illustrates a behavioural mechanism that extends the energetic benefits of a resource pulse. The hoarding behaviour of the main predator enhances the allochthonous nutrients input brought by migrating birds from the south into the arctic terrestrial ecosystem. This could increase average predator density and promote indirect interactions among prey.


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The paleoecology of Cretaceous planktic foraminifera during the Late Cenomanian to Coniacian period (~95-86 Ma) remains controversial since much of the tropical marine record is preserved as chalk and limestone with uncertain geochemical overprints. Here we present delta13C and delta18O data from sieve size fractions of monospecific samples of exceptionally well preserved planktic foraminifera recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 207 (Demerara Rise, western tropical Atlantic). Our results suggest that all species studied (Hedbergella delrioensis, Heterohelix globulosa, Marginotruncana sinuosa, Whiteinella baltica) grew primarily in surface waters and did not change their depth habitat substantially during their life cycle. Comparison of size-related ontogenetic trends in delta13C in Cretaceous and modern foraminifera further suggests that detection of dinoflagellate photosymbiosis using delta13C is confounded by physiological effects during the early stages of foraminifer growth, raising doubts about previous interpretations of photosymbiosis in small foraminifera species. We propose that obligate photosymbiosis involving dinoflagellates may not have evolved until the Campanian or Maastrichtian since our survey of Cenomanian-Coniacian species does not find the delta18O and delta13C size-related trends observed in modern foraminifer-dinoflagellate symbioses.


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Understanding the evolutionary history of threatened populations can improve their conservation management. Re-establishment of past but recent gene flow could re-invigorate threatened populations and replenish genetic diversity, necessary for population persistence. One of the four nominal subspecies of the common yellow-tufted honeyeater, Lichenostomus melanops cassidix, is critically endangered despite substantial conservation efforts over 55 years. Using a combination of morphometric, genetic and modelling approaches we tested for its evolutionary distinctiveness and conservation merit. We confirmed that cassidix has at least one morphometric distinction. It also differs genetically from the other subspecies in allele frequencies but not phylogenetically, implying that its evolution was recent. Modelling historical distribution supported the lack of vicariance and suggested a possibility of gene flow among subspecies at least since the late Pleistocene. Multi-locus coalescent analyses indicated that cassidix diverged from its common ancestor with neighbouring subspecies gippslandicus sometime from the mid-Pleistocene to the Holocene, and that it has the smallest historical effective population size of all subspecies. It appears that cassidix diverged from its ancestor with gippslandicus through a combination of drift and local selection. From patterns of genetic subdivision on two spatial scales and morphological variation we concluded that cassidix, gippslandicus and (melanops + meltoni) are diagnosable as subspecies. Low genetic diversity and effective population size of cassidix may translate to low genetic fitness and evolutionary potential, thus managed gene flow from gippslandicus is recommended for its recovery.