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A diverse assemblage of marine palynomorphs was recovered from the Oligocene - Miocene section of CRP-2/2A. Most of the assemblage is composed of previously unrecognised species. Three distinct groups of marine palynomorph were recognised: (1) prasinophytes, mainly Cymatiosphaera, (2) acritarchs, mainly Leiosphaeridia and Sigmopollis although Leiofusa is an important component of the bottom half of the hole, and (3) dinoflagellate cysts. About 27 species of in situ dinoflagellate cysts were recorded, of which seven apparently undescribed species of Lejeunecysta form a prominent component. Reworked specimens of several species of the Paleogene Transantarctic Flora occur in CRP-2/2A sediments. Several abundance peaks of reworked taxa from the Transantarctic Flora are recorded. Three marine palynomorph zones were recognised (MP3, MP2, MP1), considered to be early Oligocene, late Oligocene, and late Oligocene/early Miocene in age respectively. Samples from the Quaternary and Pliocene part of CRP-2/2A were also examined. These proved either barren or yielded very sparse low diversity floras.


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The dinoflagellate cyst record from Ocean Drilling Program Hole 893A, Santa Barbara Basin, southern California, is examined at millennial-scale resolution for the past 40 kyr. Changes in cyst abundance, composition of cyst assemblages, and their diversity reflect major shifts in climate and ocean circulation in the region over this time interval. Throughout the sequence, dinoflagellate cyst assemblages are dominated by heterotrophic dinoflagellates. Brigantedinium spp. and other upwelling-related taxa such as Echinidinium and Protoperidinium americanum are abundant, indicating the continued influence of coastal upwelling on the basin during the late Quaternary. A significant increase in cyst accumulation rates is seen during the Holocene and, to a lesser extent, during shorter warming events such as Bolling/Allerod and Dansgaard-Oeschger interstadials, implying enhanced marine productivity during these periods. Cyst diversity is high during the Holocene. An increase in abundance of cysts produced by autotrophic dinoflagellates in the late Holocene suggests enhanced input of warm, nutrient-rich waters. In contrast, cyst assemblages from the Last Glacial Maximum exhibit a relatively low diversity and an increase in the cysts of heterotrophic dinoflagellates, in particular Selenopemphix nephroides. The presence of this taxon in association with Brigantedinium spp. implies substantial cooling of surface waters in the Santa Barbara Basin at that time.


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Dinoflagellate stratigraphy is described for the section from 364.75 to 843.85 meters below seafloor (mbsf) at Site 1148 (Sections 184-1148A-40X-1 through 76X-6 and 184-1148B-39X-CC through 56X-1) in the South China Sea. Two assemblage zones and two subzones are defined, based on characteristics of the assemblages and lowest/highest occurrences of some key species. These are the Cleistosphaeridium diversispinosum Assemblage Zone (Zone A; Oligocene), with the Enneadocysta pectiniformis Subzone (Subzone A-1) and the Cordosphaeridium gracile Subzone (Subzone A-2), and the Polysphaeridium zoharyi Assemblage Zone (Zone B; early Miocene). The highest concurrent occurrence of Enneadocysta arcuata, Eneadocysta multicornuta, Homotryblium plectilum, and Homotryblium tenuispinosum delineates the upper boundary of Zone A, which appears to mark a hiatus. Subzone A-1 is of early Oligocene age, as evidenced by the highest occurrences of E. pectiniformis and Phthanoperidinium amoenum at the upper boundary of the subzone. Subzone A-2 is of late Oligocene age based on the highest occurrences of C. gracile and Wetzeliella gochtii close to the upper boundary of the subzone and the occurrence of Distatodinium ellipticum and Membranophoridium aspinatum within the subzone. Zone B is dated as early Miocene based on the lowest occurrences of Cerebrocysta satchelliae, Hystrichosphaeropsis obscura, Melitasphaeridium choanophorum, Membranilarnacia? picena, and Tuberculodinium vancampoae within the zone. The present assemblage zones/subzones are correlative to various degrees with coeval zones/assemblages from areas of high to low latitudes in terms of common key species. We have compared the species content of the assemblage Zones A and B, and the subzones A-1 and A-2, with coeval assemblage(s)/zone(s) described from many, often widely distant, high- and low-latitude regions of the world. These comparisons show that, to various degrees and aside from a number of key species, the coordinated presence of certain important species may also help to assign an age to a given assemblage.


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Basalts in Hole 648B, located in the rift valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 23°N in crust estimated to be less than 100,000 years old, are mainly fresh, but small amounts of secondary phases are found on fracture surfaces and in alteration halos within the rocks. The halos are defined by dark bands 1-4 mm thick that have developed parallel to fracture surfaces or pillow margins and which in some cases have migrated some centimeters into the rock. The dark bands are the principal locus of secondary phases. The secondary phases are olive-green and yellow protoceladonites, of composition and structure intermediate between celadonite and iron-rich saponite, red (Mn-poor) to opaque (Mn-rich) iron oxyhydroxides, mixtures of protoceladonite and iron oxyhydroxide, and rare manganese oxides. These phases occur mainly as linings or fillings of open spaces in the basalt within the dark bands. Sulfides and intersertal glass are the only primary phases that can be seen to have been altered. Where dark bands have migrated into the rock, the rock behind the advancing band is almost devoid of secondary phases, implying redissolution. The potassium and magnesium in the secondary phases could have been supplied from ambient seawater. The aluminum in the protoceladonites must have been derived from local reaction of intergranular glass. The source of iron and silica could have been intergranular glass or low temperature mineralizing solutions of the type responsible for the formation of deposits of manganese oxides and iron oxyhydroxides and silicates on the seafloor.


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A high-resolution study of benthic foraminiferal assemblages was performed on a ca. eight metre long sediment core from Gullmar Fjord on the west coast of Sweden. The results of 210Pb- and AMS 14C-datings show that the record includes the two warmest climatic episodes of the last 1500 years: the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) and the recent warming of the 20th century. Both periods are known to be anomalously warm and associated with positive NAO winter indices. Benthic foraminiferal successions of both periods are compared in order to find faunal similarities and common denominators corresponding to past climate changes. During the MWP, Adercotryma glomerata, Cassidulina laevigata and Nonionella iridea dominated the assemblages. Judging from dominance of species sensitive to hypoxia and the highest faunal diversity for the last ca. 2400 years, the foraminiferal record of the MWP suggests an absence of severe low oxygen events. At the same time, faunas and d13C values both point to high primary productivity and/or increased input of terrestrial organic carbon into the fjord system during the Medieval Warm Period. Comparison of the MWP and recent warming revealed different trends in the faunal record. The thin-shelled foraminifer N. iridea was characteristic of the MWP, but became absent during the second half of the 20th century. The recent Skagerrak-Kattegat fauna was rare or absent during the MWP but established in Gullmar Fjord at the end of the Little Ice Age or in the early 1900s. Also, there are striking differences in the faunal diversity and absolute abundances of foraminifera between both periods. Changes in primary productivity, higher precipitation resulting in intensified land runoff, different oxygen regimes or even changes in the fjord's trophic status are discussed as possible causes of these faunal differences.


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Dinoflagellate cysts were analysed from IMAGES core MD952042 (37°48?N; 10°01?W) retrieved from the Tagus Abyssal Plain. Previous results of stable isotope and magnetic susceptibility measurements as well as of planktonic foraminiferal temperature reconstruction from this core, suggest the occurrence of "Heinrich-like events" (i.e. large ice-sheet decay) during Marine Isotopic Stage 5 (MIS 5). Dinoflagellate assemblages of this time period have revealed six dinocyst events that are characterised by peaks in Bitectatodinium tepikiense percentages. These events occur synchronously with "Heinrich-like events" previously identified. They are coeval with major retreats of the forest on land, indicating, therefore, drastic changes in the regional climate. However, results from the Ice-Rafted Detritus (IRD) analysis of the >150 ?m lithic fraction shows that MIS 5 of MD952042 has only recorded one significant input of iceberg discharge, located at the MIS 6/MIS 5 transition. It seems therefore that it is the only event that could be called a "true Heinrich event".


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Mid-Cretaceous sediments recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 183 (Cores 183-1138A-69R to 73R) on the central Kerguelen Plateau have been analyzed palynologically and paleobotanically to determine the age of the strata and to reconstruct vegetational development and paleoecology. The lower strata (Cores 183-1138A-71R to 73R), a dark, organic-rich silty claystone with many wood fragments and fern remains (sedimentary Unit VI), certainly of terrestrial origin, directly overlies the volcanic basement, which is dated as latest Albian (~95 to 103 Ma) to earliest Cenomanian. The age of the terrestrial strata can be determined by sporomorphs as late Albian to earliest Cenomanian as well. This shows that parts of the central Kerguelen Plateau must have been subaerial at least until the late Albian and were covered with a diverse high-latitude flora, probably dense conifer forest with various fern taxa in the undergrowth. Early angiosperms are also present. The vegetational character represented in Unit VI did not change significantly through time. However, varying percentages of several sporomorph groups seem to show recurring abundance variations, which might possibly be cyclic, caused by Milankovitch-type cyclic events. Cores 183-1138A-67R through 69R, of open marine origin, contain medium- to high-diversity dinocyst assemblages. Based on previous stratigraphic zonation schemes, the ages of these strata range within the Heterosphaeridium Superzone, from the Palaeohystrichophora infusorioides Zone to the Conosphaeridium striatoconus Zone, which correlates to the latest Cenomanian to Coniacian.


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Concentrations of dark-colored, highly vesicular, quench-textured mesostasis occur commonly in volcanic rocks drilled in the Lau Basin during Leg 135. These segregations occur as veins, patches, and vesicle linings in rocks with 49%-54% SiO2. The segregations are depleted in Mg, Ca, Al, Sc, Ni, and Cr and enriched in Ti, Ba, Y, and Zr compared to the groundmass with which they occur. Many of the segregations are unusually enriched in copper. The elemental variations show that the segregations are residual liquids produced by 12%-55% crystallization of plagioclase and clinopyroxene, with minor olivine, opaques, or orthopyroxene from the groundmass melt. The liquids forming the segregations are mobilized and emplaced in earlier formed vesicles during the rapid crystallization of the groundmass. The dominant process in this mobilization and emplacement is volatile exsolution from crystallizing melts constrained by a rigid crystalline framework. This exsolution produces significant overpressures within the late-stage melts; the overpressure drives the residual melts through the walls of the older vesicles, along planes of weakness, and into voids. This mechanism is consistent with the occurrence of bimodal vesicle populations in many of the host lavas.


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Marine sediments from the Vøring Plateau (Norwegian Sea) have been studied for their dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) and foraminiferal content in order to reconstruct sea-surface conditions in the eastern Norwegian Sea during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5e. In combination with stable oxygen isotope and ice rafted detritus (IRD) data, the variations in foraminiferal and dinocyst assemblage composition reflect a stepwise transition from the final phase of deglaciation (Termination II) into typical interglacial conditions. This stepwise change is repeated subsequently during the cooling conditions of glacial inception towards MIS 5d. The interval studied is characterized by relatively high abundances of Bitectatodinium tepikiense, in comparison to present-day values in the area, indicating a larger seasonal temperature amplitude with enhanced surface water stratification during MIS 5e. The important occurrence of the warm-temperate dinocyst Spiniferites mirabilis s.l. concurrent with subpolar foraminifers Turborotalita quinqueloba, Globigerina bulloides, and Globigerinita glutinata reveals that most pronounced interglacial marine conditions prevailed in the area just prior to the transition towards MIS 5d. The late stratigraphic position of this phase in the interglacial is verified by comparison with dinocyst data from south of Iceland, manifesting its over-regional implication. Besides the good agreement in dinocyst and foraminiferal assemblage changes, the variations in and between both fossil assemblages also point to the existence of some significant surface water variability in the eastern Norwegian Sea during MIS 5e.


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Protoperidiniacean dinoflagellate cysts were identified in 19 of 28 samples from two sites on the Antarctic Peninsula continental rise. Cysts are most common in the lower Pliocene and upper Miocene and include species of Brigantedinium, Lejeunecysta, and Selenopemphix. Autotrophic gonyaulacacean dinoflagellate cysts are very rare in the samples. The dominance of taxa derived from assumed heterotrophic dinoflagellate motile forms may indicate high nutrient content in the surface waters, which sustained a considerable diatom population.