151 resultados para iron accumulation, maternal effect
Fe-Mn-concretions of a spheroidal type were found according to electron probe determinations to consist of alternating iron- and manganese-rich layers. This pattern was ascribed to seasonal variations in the physico-chemical conditions governing the precipitation of the hydrous oxides of iron and manganese. Calculations based on the rhythmic growth of the concretions investigated gave a mean accumulation rate of 0.15-0.20 mm/yr. The rather high phosphorus content (average 3.5 % P2O5) of the concretions was found to be concentrated in the iron-rich layers, probably as a result of the scavenging effect of ferric hydroxide.
Atmospheric fluxes of iron (Fe) over the past 200 kyr are reported for the coastal Antarctic Talos Dome ice core, based on acid leachable Fe concentrations. Fluxes of Fe to Talos Dome were consistently greater than those at Dome C, with the greatest difference observed during interglacial climates. We observe different Fe flux trends at Dome C and Talos Dome during the deglaciation and early Holocene, attributed to a combination of deglacial activation of dust sources local to Talos Dome and the reorganisation of atmospheric transport pathways with the retreat of the Ross Sea ice shelf. This supports similar findings based on dust particle sizes and fluxes and Rare Earth Element fluxes. We show that Ca and Fe should not be used as quantitative proxies for mineral dust, as they all demonstrate different deglacial trends at Talos Dome and Dome C. Considering that a 20 ppmv decrease in atmospheric CO2 at the coldest part of the last glacial maximum occurs contemporaneously with the period of greatest Fe and dust flux to Antarctica, we confirm that the maximum contribution of aeolian dust deposition to Southern Ocean sequestration of atmospheric CO2 is approximately 20 ppmv.
Ever since its discovery, Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 (ETM2; ~53.7 Ma) has been considered as one of the "little brothers" of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM; ~56 Ma) as it displays similar characteristics including abrupt warming, ocean acidification, and biotic shifts. One of the remaining key questions is what effect these lesser climate perturbations had on ocean circulation and ventilation and, ultimately, biotic disruptions. Here we characterize ETM2 sections of the NE Atlantic (Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 401 and 550) using multispecies benthic foraminiferal stable isotopes, grain size analysis, XRF core scanning, and carbonate content. The magnitude of the carbon isotope excursion (0.85-1.10 per mil) and bottom water warming (2-2.5°C) during ETM2 seems slightly smaller than in South Atlantic records. The comparison of the lateral d13C gradient between the North and South Atlantic reveals that a transient circulation switch took place during ETM2, a similar pattern as observed for the PETM. New grain size and published faunal data support this hypothesis by indicating a reduction in deepwater current velocity. Following ETM2, we record a distinct intensification of bottom water currents influencing Atlantic carbonate accumulation and biotic communities, while a dramatic and persistent clay reduction hints at a weakening of the regional hydrological cycle. Our findings highlight the similarities and differences between the PETM and ETM2. Moreover, the heterogeneity of hyperthermal expression emphasizes the need to specifically characterize each hyperthermal event and its background conditions to minimalize artifacts in global climate and carbonate burial models for the early Paleogene.
Sulfide mineralogy, sulfur contents, and sulfur isotopic compositions were determined for samples from the 500-m gabbroic section of Ocean Drilling Program Hole 735B in the southwest Indian Ocean. Igneous sulfides (pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, pentlandite, and troilite) formed by accumulation of immiscible sulfide droplets and crystallization from intercumulus liquids. Primary sulfur contents average around 600 ppm, with a mean sulfide d34S value near 0 per mil, similar to the isotopic composition of sulfur in mid-ocean ridge basalt glass. Rocks from a 48-m interval of oxide gabbros have much higher sulfur contents (1090-2530 ppm S) due to the increased solubility of sulfur in Fe-rich melts. Rocks that were locally affected by early dynamothermal metamorphism (e.g., the upper 40 m of the core) have lost sulfur, averaging only 90 ppm S. Samples from the upper 200 m of the core, which underwent subsequent hydrothermal alteration, also lost sulfur and contain an average of 300 ppm S. Monosulfide minerals in some of the latter have elevated d34S values (up to +6.9 per mil), suggesting local incorporation of seawater-derived sulfur. Secondary sulfides (pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, pentlandite, troilite, and pyrite) are ubiquitous in trace amounts throughout the core, particularly in altered olivine and in green amphibole. Pyrite also locally replaces igneous pyrrhotite. Rocks containing secondary pyrite associated with late low-temperature smectitic alteration have low d34S values for pyrite sulfur (to - 16.6 per mil). These low values are attributed to isotopic fractionation produced during partial oxidation of igneous sulfides by cold seawater. The rocks contain small amounts of soluble sulfate (6% of total S), which is composed of variable proportions of seawater sulfate and oxidized igneous sulfur. The ultimate effect of secondary processes on layer 3 gabbros is a loss of sulfur to hydrothermal fluids, with little or no net change in d34S.
Little is known concerning the effect of CO2 on phytoplankton ecophysiological processes under nutrient and trace element-limited conditions, because most CO2 manipulation experiments have been conducted under elements-replete conditions. To investigate the effects of CO2 and iron availability on phytoplankton ecophysiology, we conducted an experiment in September 2009 using a phytoplankton community in the iron limited, high-nutrient, low-chlorophyll (HNLC) region of the Bering Sea basin . Carbonate chemistry was controlled by the bubbling of the several levels of CO2 concentration (180, 380, 600, and 1000 ppm) controlled air, and two iron conditions were established, one with and one without the addition of inorganic iron. We demonstrated that in the iron-limited control conditions, the specific growth rate and the maximum photochemical quantum efficiency (Fv/Fm) of photosystem (PS) II decreased with increasing CO2 levels, suggesting a further decrease in iron bioavailability under the high-CO2 conditions. In addition, biogenic silica to particulate nitrogen and biogenic silica to particulate organic carbon ratios increased from 2.65 to 3.75 and 0.39 to 0.50, respectively, with an increase in the CO2 level in the iron-limited controls. By contrast, the specific growth rate, Fv/Fm values and elemental compositions in the iron-added treatments did not change in response to the CO2 variations, indicating that the addition of iron canceled out the effect of the modulation of iron bioavailability due to the change in carbonate chemistry. Our results suggest that high-CO2 conditions can alter the biogeochemical cycling of nutrients through decreasing iron bioavailability in the iron-limited HNLC regions in the future.
Analysis of pelagic clay samples from Sites 576, 578, and 581 shows that physical, acoustic, and electrical trends with increasing burial depth are related to mineralogical and diagenetic changes. The properties of interest are bulk density (roo), porosity (phi), compressional-wave velocity (Vp) and velocity anisotropy (Ap), and electrical resistivity (Ro) and resistivity anisotropy (Ar). In general, as demonstrated in particular for the brown pelagic clay, the increase in roo, Vp, Ro, and to a lesser extent Ap and Ar with increasing depth is primarily caused by decreasing phi (and water content) as a result of compaction. The mineralogy and chemistry of the pelagic clays vary as a function of burial depth at all three sites. These variations are interpreted to reflect changes in the relative importance of detrital and diagenetic components. Mineralogical and chemical variations, however, play minor roles in determining variations in acoustic and electrical properties of the clays with increasing burial depth.
The solution rate of biogenic opal in near-surface sediments in the Central Equatorial Pacific is three to eight orders of magnitude lower than similar acid-cleaned samples. Iron, magnesium and calcium aluminosilicates may be the minerals which are forming on the surface of the opal and reducing its solution rate. The scale height of the system studied suggests that diffusive and not advective processes are primarily responsible for the removal of dissolved silica in sediments. Solution budget calculations for this area suggest that 90-99 per cent of the biogenic opal produced in surface waters dissolves before reaching the sediment-water interface; an additional amount dissolves within the sediment and diffuses into bottom waters leaving 0.05-0.15 per cent of the original amount of opal produced by organisms in the sedimentary record. The relative solution potential of the upper 1000 m of the water column varies by more than an order of magnitude from the Antarctic to Equator and may have a pronounced effect on the accumulation rate of biogenic opal in underlying sediments.
Mineral and chemical compositions and physical properties of diatomaceous clayey-siliceous sediments from the Sea of Okhotsk are studied. Accumulation rates of silica are determined. Their compositional model based on silica content is similar to that of Late Jurassic and Olenekian-Middle Anisian cherts from the Sikhote Alin region. Thickness of Holocene siliceous unit and accumulation rates of siliceous deposits depended on bioproductivity in the upper water layer and seafloor topography. Accumulation rates of amorphous SiO2 (0.05-5.7 g/cm**2/ka) and free SiO2 (0.5-11.6 g/cm**2/ka) are minimal on seamounts and maximal in depressions near foothills. These values match accumulation rates of free SiO2 in Triassic and Late Jurassic basins of the Sikhote Alin region (0.33-3 g/cm**2/ka). Comparison of composition and accumulation rates of silica shows that Triassic and Late Jurassic siliceous sequences of Sikhote Alin could accumulate in a marginal marine basin near a continent.
Recent rapid climate warming at the western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) results in elevated glacial melting, enhanced sedimentary run-off, increased turbidity and impact of ice-scouring in shallow coastal areas. Discharge of mineral suspension from volcanic bedrock ablation and chronic physical disturbance is expected to influence sessile filter feeders such as the Antarctic soft shell clam Laternula elliptica ( King and Broderip, 1832). We investigated effects of sedimentary run-off on the accumulation of trace metals, and together with physical disturbance, the cumulative effect on oxidative stress parameters in younger and older L. elliptica from two stations in Potter Cove (King George Island, Antarctica) which are distinctly impacted by turbidity and ice-scouring. Fe, Mn, Sr, V and Zn concentrations were slightly higher in sediments of the station receiving more sediment run-off, but not enriched in bivalves of this station. The only element that increased in bivalves experimentally exposed to sediment suspension for 28 days was Mn. Concentration of the waste accumulation biomarker lipofuscin in nervous tissue was higher in L. elliptica from the "exposed" compared to the "less exposed" site, whereas protein carbonyl levels in bivalve mantle tissue were higher at the less sediment impacted site. Tissue metal content and lipofuscin in nervous tissue were generally higher in older compared to younger individuals from both field stations. We conclude that elevated sediment ablation does not per se result in higher metal accumulation in L. elliptica. Instead of direct absorbance from sediment particles, metal accumulation in gills seems to indicate uptake of compounds dissolved in the water column, whereas metals in digestive gland appear to originate from enriched planktonic or detritic food. Accumulation of cellular waste products and potentially reactive metals over lifetime presumably alters L. elliptica physiological performance with age and may contribute to higher stress susceptibility in older animals.
Upper Paleocene to lower Eocene sediments drilled at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1051 (Blake Nose, off Florida) display well-defined orbital cycles, a detailed magnetic stratigraphy, and a suite of planktonic foraminiferal datums. We derived a cyclostratigraphy by using spectral analysis of high-resolution records of elemental concentrations obtained by an X-ray fluorescence (XRF) Core Scanner. XRF counts of iron serve as a proxy for the relative amount of terrestrial material. Sliding-window spectral analysis, bandpass filtering, and direct counting of precession and obliquity cycles yield minimum durations for magnetic polarity chrons C22 to C26 (~49 to ~61 Ma), calculations of sediment accumulation rates, as well as constraints on the timing of biostratigraphic and climatological events in the vicinity of the Initial Eocene Thermal Maximum (IETM). Durations of polarity chrons as represented in sediments drilled at Site 1051 were estimated using a conservative assignment of 41 k.y. for obliquity cycles and 21 k.y. for precession cycles. Combined polarity chrons C26r and C26n span 3.61 m.y., and chron C25r spans 1.07 m.y. Polarity chron C24r is estimated as 2.877 m.y. The interpretation of polarity chron C24n is ambiguous, but its duration is probably <1.23 m.y. Polarity chron C23r spans 0.53 m.y., chron C23n is 0.74 m.y., and chron C22r is 0.9 m.y. Spectral analysis through this interval indicates that spectral peaks shift through time and are related to changes in sedimentation rate in Site 1051. The sedimentation rates dramatically increased ~200 k.y. after the IETM and remained high for most of chron C24r.
The glacial-to-Holocene evolution of subarctic Pacific surface water stratification and silicic acid (Si) dynamics is investigated based on new combined diatom oxygen (d18Odiat) and silicon (d30Sidiat) isotope records, along with new biogenic opal, subsurface foraminiferal d18O, alkenone-based sea surface temperature, sea ice, diatom, and core logging data from the NE Pacific. Our results suggest that d18Odiat values are primarily influenced by changes in freshwater discharge from the Cordilleran Ice Sheet (CIS), while corresponding d30Sidiat are primarily influenced by changes in Si supply to surface waters. Our data indicate enhanced glacial to mid Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1) NE Pacific surface water stratification, generally limiting the Si supply to surface waters. However, we suggest that an increase in Si supply during early HS1, when surface waters were still stratified, is linked to increased North Pacific Intermediate Water formation. The coincidence between fresh surface waters during HS1 and enhanced ice-rafted debris sedimentation in the North Atlantic indicates a close link between CIS and Laurentide Ice Sheet dynamics and a dominant atmospheric control on CIS deglaciation. The Bølling/Allerød (B/A) is characterized by destratification in the subarctic Pacific and an increased supply of saline, Si-rich waters to surface waters. This change toward increased convection occurred prior to the Bølling warming and is likely triggered by a switch to sea ice-free conditions during late HS1. Our results furthermore indicate a decreased efficiency of the biological pump during late HS1 and the B/A (possibly also the Younger Dryas), suggesting that the subarctic Pacific has then been a source region of atmospheric CO2.
The 'Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum' or PETM (~55 Ma) was associated with dramatic warming of the oceans and atmosphere, pronounced changes in ocean circulation and chemistry, and upheaval of the global carbon cycle. Many relatively complete PETM sequences have by now been reported from around the world, but most are from ancient low- to midlatitude sites. ODP Leg 189 in the Tasman Sea recovered sediments from this critical phase in Earth history at Sites 1171 and 1172, potentially representing the southernmost PETM successions ever encountered (at ~70° to 65° S paleolatitude). Downhole and core logging data, in combination with dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy, magneto-stratigraphy, and stable isotope geochemistry indicate that the sequences at both sites were deposited in a high accumulation-rate, organic rich, marginal marine setting. Furthermore, Site 1172 indeed contains a fairly complete P-E transition, whereas at Site 1171, only the lowermost Eocene is recovered. However, at Site 1172, the typical PETM-indicative acme of the dinocyst Apectodinium was not recorded. We conclude that unfortunately, the critical latest Paleocene and PETM intervals are missing at Site 1172. We relate the missing section to a sea level driven hiatus and/or condensed section and recovery problems. Nevertheless, our integrated records provide a first-ever portrait of the trend toward, and aftermath of, the PETM in a marginal marine, southern high-latitude setting.
Culture and mesocosm experiments are often carried out under high initial nutrient concentrations, yielding high biomass concentrations that in turn often lead to a substantial build-up of DOM. In such experiments, DOM can reach concentrations much higher than typically observed in the open ocean. To the extent that DOM includes organic acids and bases, it will contribute to the alkalinity of the seawater contained in the experimental device. Our analysis suggests that whenever substantial amounts of DOM are produced during the experiment, standard computer programmes used to compute CO2 fugacity can underestimate true fCO2 significantly when the computation is based on AT and CT. Unless the effect of DOM-alkalinity can be accounted for, this might lead to significant errors in the interpretation of the system under consideration with respect to the experimentally applied CO2 perturbation. Errors in the inferred fCO2 can misguide the development of parameterisations used in simulations with global carbon cycle models in future CO2-scenarios. Over determination of the CO2-system in experimental ocean acidification studies is proposed to safeguard against possibly large errors in estimated fCO2.