Paleoceanography of sediment cores SO202-27-6 and MD01-2416

Autoria(s): Maier, Edith; Méheust, Marie; Abelmann, Andrea; Gersonde, Rainer; Chapligin, Bernhard; Ren, Jian; Stein, Ruediger; Meyer, Hanno; Tiedemann, Ralf

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 53.654050 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -158.696307 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 51.268000 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 167.725000 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 54.390700 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -148.921300 * DATE/TIME START: 2001-06-09T20:05:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2009-08-02T08:30:00




The glacial-to-Holocene evolution of subarctic Pacific surface water stratification and silicic acid (Si) dynamics is investigated based on new combined diatom oxygen (d18Odiat) and silicon (d30Sidiat) isotope records, along with new biogenic opal, subsurface foraminiferal d18O, alkenone-based sea surface temperature, sea ice, diatom, and core logging data from the NE Pacific. Our results suggest that d18Odiat values are primarily influenced by changes in freshwater discharge from the Cordilleran Ice Sheet (CIS), while corresponding d30Sidiat are primarily influenced by changes in Si supply to surface waters. Our data indicate enhanced glacial to mid Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1) NE Pacific surface water stratification, generally limiting the Si supply to surface waters. However, we suggest that an increase in Si supply during early HS1, when surface waters were still stratified, is linked to increased North Pacific Intermediate Water formation. The coincidence between fresh surface waters during HS1 and enhanced ice-rafted debris sedimentation in the North Atlantic indicates a close link between CIS and Laurentide Ice Sheet dynamics and a dominant atmospheric control on CIS deglaciation. The Bølling/Allerød (B/A) is characterized by destratification in the subarctic Pacific and an increased supply of saline, Si-rich waters to surface waters. This change toward increased convection occurred prior to the Bølling warming and is likely triggered by a switch to sea ice-free conditions during late HS1. Our results furthermore indicate a decreased efficiency of the biological pump during late HS1 and the B/A (possibly also the Younger Dryas), suggesting that the subarctic Pacific has then been a source region of atmospheric CO2.


application/zip, 14 datasets








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Supplement to: Maier, Edith; Méheust, Marie; Abelmann, Andrea; Gersonde, Rainer; Chapligin, Bernhard; Ren, Jian; Stein, Ruediger; Meyer, Hanno; Tiedemann, Ralf (2015): Deglacial subarctic Pacific surface water hydrography and nutrient dynamics and links to North Atlantic climate variability and atmospheric CO2. Paleoceanography, 30(7), 949-968, doi:10.1002/2014PA002763

Palavras-Chave ##2, from Sarnthein et al. (2015); >63 µm; 1 sigma; 1 sigma, from Sarnthein et al. (2004; 2007); 2 sigma; Accumulation rate, sediment, mean; Age; AGE; Age, 14C AMS; Age, 14C calibrated, CALIB 7.1; Age, comment; Age, dated; Age, dated, error to older; Age, dated, error to younger; Age, dated standard error; Age dated; Age e -; Age e +; Age std e; Al2O3; Aluminium oxide; assumed; AWI_Paleo; bSiO2; C. marginatus; C. oculus-iridis; Ca; Calcium; Calculated; Calendar years; Calendar years, maximum/old; Calendar years, minimum/young; calibrated; Cal yrs; Cal yrs max; Cal yrs min; Comm; Comment; Contamination; Coscinodiscus marginatus; Coscinodiscus oculus-iridis; cps/cps; Depth; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; Depth bot; Depth top; Derivation of cal. age; Derivation of cal. age (14C-plateau boundaries after Sarnthein et al. (2015)); Derivation of cal. age (14C-plateau boundaries after Sarnthein et al. (2015)); * = the depth of the 14C-plateau IIa base/IIb top, not provided by Sarnthein et al. (2015), was determined assuming a constant sedimentation rate over 14C-plateau II; Diatoms; Diatoms, d18O; Diatoms, d18O, standard deviation; Diatoms, d30Si; Diatoms, d30Si, standard deviation; Diatoms d18O; Diatoms d18O std dev; Diatoms d30Si; Diatoms d30Si std dev; Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (EDS); Estimated; Fe; Fraction; from Gebhardt et al. (2008); from Sarnthein et al. (2004; 2007); from Sarnthein et al. (2015); ICP-OES; ICP-OES, Inductively coupled plasma - optical emission spectrometry; Indet; Indeterminata; Iron; Lab label; Laboratory code/label; Light microscopy, pre-sonicated; MAR; Mass spectrometry; median; N. pachyderma s d13C; N. pachyderma s d18O; Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral, d13C; Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral, d18O; of diatom abundance; of non-biogenic silicate; Opal; Opal, biogenic silica; P; Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions from Marine Sediments @ AWI; Probability; Rad; Radiolarians; Reference; Reference/source; Relative area under probability distribution; Repl; Replicates; Res effect; Res effect std dev; Reservoir effect/correction; Reservoir effect/correction, standard deviation; Scanning electron microscope (SEM); Si/Ti; Silicon/Titanium ratio; Silicon dioxide; SiO2; Size fraction; Sponge spic; Sponge spiculae; Total counts; X-ray fluorescence core scanner (XRF), AWI
