680 resultados para Spoonges -- Mortality -- Mediterranean Sea


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An investigation of recent bottom sediments between the Cyprus Island and the Syrian seacoast during Cruise 27 of R/V Vityaz-2 (1993) gave comprehensive field data significantly complementing our understanding of the sedimentation process in this part of the Mediterranean Sea. Mineralogical and geochemical indicators testify to different input into sedimentation of the Syrian and Nile River sources. The Nile River plays a leading role in terrigenous sedimentation in the southeastern Mediterranean Sea, especially in deep-sea areas. In contrast, contribution of weathering products of basalts and ophiolites from the Syrian drainage area (hornblende, monoclinic and rhombic pyroxenes, olivine, spinel, palagonite, and epidote) are particularly detectable in sediments of the near-coast zone. During Late Quaternary contribution of terrigenous material both from the Syrian and Nile sources was irregular in time.


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Floating plastic debris sampled in surface waters of the Mediterranean Sea in May 2013 on board the Spanish R/V Angeles Alvariño. Geographical coordinates and dates of sampling are available in the dataset. Surface plastic concentrations derived from net tows were adjusted in relation to wind speed following the vertical-distribution model proposed by Kukulta et al. (2012, doi:10.1029/2012GL051116).


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A high-resolution sea surface temperature (SST) reconstruction of the western Mediterranean was accomplished using two independent, algae-based molecular organic proxies, i.e. the UK'37 index based on long-chain unsaturated ketones and the novel long-chain diol index (LDI) based on the relative abundances of C28 and C30 1,13- and 1,15-diols. Two marine records, from the western and eastern Alboran Sea basin, spanning the last 14 and 20 kyr, respectively, were studied. Results from the surface sediments suggest that the two proxies presently reflect seasons with similar SST, or simply annual mean SST. Both proxy records reveal the transition from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Holocene in the eastern Alboran Sea with an SST increase of ca. 7 °C for UK'37 and 9 °C for LDI. Minimum SSTs (10-12 °C) are reached at the end of the Last Glacial Maximum and during the last Heinrich event with a subsequent rapid SST increase in LDI-SST towards the beginning of the Bölling period (20 °C), while UK'37-SST remains constantly low (~12 °C). The Bölling-Alleröd is characterized by a rapid increase and subsequent decrease in UK'37-SST, while the LDI-SST decrease continuously. Short-term fluctuations in UK'37-SST are probably related to availability of nutrients and seasonal changes. The Younger Dryas is recorded as a short cold interval followed by progressively warmer temperatures. During the Holocene, the general lower UK'37-derived temperature values in the eastern Alboran (by ca. 1.5-2 °C) suggest a southeastward cold water migration by the western Alboran gyre and divergence in the haptophyte blooming season between both basins.


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MedFlux sampling was carried out at the French JGOFS DYFAMED (DYnamique des Flux Atmospheriques en MEDiterranee) site in the Ligurian Sea (northwestern Mediterranean), 52km off Nice (431200N, 71400E) in 2300m water depth. In 2003, a mooring with sediment trap arrays was deployed 6 March (day of year, DOY 65) and recovered 6 May (DOY 126); this trap deployment will be referred to as Period 1 (P1). The array was redeployed a week later on 14 May (DOY 134) and recovered again on 30 June (DOY 181); this trap deployment will be referred to as Period 2 (P2). Indented-rotating sphere (IRS) valve traps were fitted with TS carousels to determine temporal variability of particulate matter flux. TS traps were fitted with ''dimpled'' spheres. Vertical flux at 200m depth is considered to be equivalent to new or export production, and traps sampled at 238 and 117m during P1 and P2, respectively. We also collected TS material at 711m during P1 and at 1918m during P2. Upon recovery, samples were split using a McLaneTM WSD splitter to allow multiple chemical analyses. Here we report 2003 data on TS particulate mass, and the contributions of organic carbon (OC), opal, lithogenic material and calcium carbonate to mass. In 2005, traps were deployed as described above for 55 d during a single period from 4 March (DOY 63) to 1 May (DOY 121). TS traps were fitted with ''dimpled'' spheres. TS particulate matter was collected from 313 to 924 m.


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Sulfidic muds of cold seeps on the Nile Deep Sea Fan are populated by different types of mat-forming sulfide-oxidizing bacteria. The predominant sulfide oxidizers of three different mats were identified by microscopic and phylogenetic analyses as (i) Arcobacter species producing cotton-ball-like sulfur precipitates, (ii) large filamentous sulfur bacteria including Beggiatoa species, or (iii) single, spherical cells resembling Thiomargarita species. High resolution in situ microprofiles revealed different geochemical settings selecting for different mat types. Arcobacter mats occurred where oxygen and sulfide overlapped at the bottom water interface. Filamentous sulfide oxidizers were associated with non-overlapping, steep gradients of oxygen and sulfide. A dense population of Thiomargarita was favored by temporarily changing supplies of oxygen and sulfide. These results indicate that the decisive factors in selecting for different mat-forming bacteria within one deep-sea province are spatial or temporal variations in energy supply. Furthermore, the occurrence of Arcobacter spp.-related 16S rRNA genes in the sediments below all three types of mats, as well as on top of brine lakes of the Nile Deep Sea Fan, indicates that this group of sulfide oxidizers can switch between different life modes depending on the geobiochemical habitat setting.