Sediment Trap Data in the northwest Mediterranean Sea from the MedFlux project (2003 - 2005)

Autoria(s): Lee, Cindy; Peterson, Michael L; Wakeham, Stuart G; Armstrong, Robert A; Cochran, J Kirk; Fukai, R; Fowler, Scott W; Hirschberg, David; Beck, Aaron; Xue, Jianhong

LATITUDE: 43.333300 * LONGITUDE: 7.666700 * DATE/TIME START: 2003-03-06T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2005-04-23T00:00:00 * MINIMUM DEPTH, water: 117 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, water: 1918 m




MedFlux sampling was carried out at the French JGOFS DYFAMED (DYnamique des Flux Atmospheriques en MEDiterranee) site in the Ligurian Sea (northwestern Mediterranean), 52km off Nice (431200N, 71400E) in 2300m water depth. In 2003, a mooring with sediment trap arrays was deployed 6 March (day of year, DOY 65) and recovered 6 May (DOY 126); this trap deployment will be referred to as Period 1 (P1). The array was redeployed a week later on 14 May (DOY 134) and recovered again on 30 June (DOY 181); this trap deployment will be referred to as Period 2 (P2). Indented-rotating sphere (IRS) valve traps were fitted with TS carousels to determine temporal variability of particulate matter flux. TS traps were fitted with ''dimpled'' spheres. Vertical flux at 200m depth is considered to be equivalent to new or export production, and traps sampled at 238 and 117m during P1 and P2, respectively. We also collected TS material at 711m during P1 and at 1918m during P2. Upon recovery, samples were split using a McLaneTM WSD splitter to allow multiple chemical analyses. Here we report 2003 data on TS particulate mass, and the contributions of organic carbon (OC), opal, lithogenic material and calcium carbonate to mass. In 2005, traps were deployed as described above for 55 d during a single period from 4 March (DOY 63) to 1 May (DOY 121). TS traps were fitted with ''dimpled'' spheres. TS particulate matter was collected from 313 to 924 m.


text/tab-separated-values, 839 data points








Lee, Cindy; Peterson, Michael L; Wakeham, Stuart G; Armstrong, Robert A; Cochran, J Kirk; Miquel, Juan-Carlos; Fowler, Scott W; Hirschberg, David; Beck, Aaron; Xue, Jianhong (2009): Particulate organic matter and ballast fluxes measured using time-series and settling velocity sediment traps in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 56, 1420-1436, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2008.11.029

MedFlux collaborative research project (MedFlux) - BCO-DMO (URI:


CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted

Palavras-Chave #Calcium carbonate flux; Carbon, inorganic, particulate flux per day; Carbon, organic, particulate flux per day; DATE/TIME; Date/time end; DEPTH, water; Duration, number of days; Event label; Flux of total mass; Lithogenic flux per day; MedFlux; MedFlux_2003_P1_SV; MedFlux_2003_P1_TS; MedFlux_2003_P2_TS; MedFlux_2005_SV; MedFlux_2005_TS; Nitrogen, organic, particulate flux per day; Sample code/label; Silica, particulate flux per day; Trap, sediment; TRAPS
