133 resultados para Schleswig-Holstein. K. Staatsarchiv.


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A thirty-six meter thick section of Miocene mica clay of Gross Pampau was studied for molluscs and bolboformas. The molluscs define the regional substages of late Reinbekian to late Langenfeldian. The bolboformas enable the cross-correlation with the nannoplankton subdivision and the geological time scales of BERGGREN et al. (1995). New species are Periploma ariei, Ringicula tiedemanni, Bolboforma robusta badenensis, and Bolboforma contorta.


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The genus Hinia is divided in 4 subgenera; other subgenera are not represented in the area studied. It was possible to find criteria for a better discrimination of the highly variable species H. (Hinia) schlotheimi and H. (Hinia) turbinella. The species "fuchsi" has been placed in the synonymy of H. (Hinia) turbinella. The species H. (Hinia) schlotheimi (BEYRICH) and H. (Telasco) schroederi (KAUTSKY) have been united under the name H. (Hinia) schlotheimi. The easily distinguishable species H. (Tritonella) tenuistriata and H. (Hinia) sulcata belong to two different genera. H. (Tritonella) cimbrica andersoni of the Viol- and Katzheide-Beds (Reinbek-stage) is separable from the population found in the Hemmoor-stage, it turned out to be a valuable guide subspecies for the Reinbek-stage. The species H. (Tritonella) serraticosta, H. (Tritonella) catulli, H. (Hinia) holsatica, and H. (Telasco) syltensis are all similar in respect to shape and ornamentation. Criteria have been found for a better discrimination of these species. The species contabulata, effusa and seminodifera described by SPEYER (1864), turned out to be contogenetic stages of H. (Tritonella) pygmaea. H. (Tritonella) cavata, previously described from the Tertiary of the North sea area, was proven to be absent from the area investigated. The forms described under that name, belong to H. (Tritonella) woodwardi.


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The geological structure of a Holocene sand spit system and the adjacent Weichselian glacial deposits in the northeastern part of Schleswig-Holstein have been investigated and presented in a geological map. Thin meltwater deposits overlie the glacial tills in the area of the former Beverö lsland in the west. To its north and northeast, the modern Sand spit system is present. Its basal transgression horizon is composed mainly of gravels and boulders, and directly overlie the Pleistocene deposits. Further up the succession, fine graind sands are present, in turn overlain by the coarser grained sands of the barrier bar. To the east, under the protection of the sand spit, gyttyas and peats which sometimes attain large thicknesses have been deposited under lacustrinellagoonal conditions. Closer to the shore, these sediments are covered by marine sands.


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A depression filled with Late Glacial and Holocene sediments was excavated during the geological exploration and recovery of a dump area near Tessin close to Rostock, and initiated the studies of the present paper. Pebble analysis of three exposed or respectively drilled till horizons as well as pollenanalytical, carpological and faunistical studies carried out allow the stratigraphical subdivision of the Quaternary sequence of the dump area. The basal till was probably the result of dead ice decay, and was lithostratigraphically assigned to the Pomerian Stage (qw2). The palynological results of boreholes RKS 19/93 and A/92 reveal pre-Allerod and other sediments instead of the expected interweichselian deposits. Based on the palynological and carpological findings, we correlated the beginning of the late glacial development in the locality with the end of the Meiendorf-lnterstadial sensu Menke in Bock et al. (1985, doi:10.3285/eg.35.1.18). The limnic-telmatic sedimentation could be observed pollen floristically probably starting with the Meiendorf-lnterstadial (Hippophae-Betula nana-phase) followed by the Bolling-(Betula nana-B. alba s.l.-Artemisia-Helianthemum-Poaceae-phase) and the Allerad-lnterstadial [Betula alba s.l.-(Pinus)-Cyperaceae-phase] lasting up to the Younger Dryas (Juniperus-Artemisia-Poaceae-phase). Sedimentation closed during the Younger Dryas with the accumulation of fine sands. It was reactivated later during the Holocene due to the anthropogene influence (Older and Younger Subatlantic, dampness of the depression by clearing).


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Als im Frühsommer 1949 die ersten Pferdeschädel und Hundeknochen als Streufunde aus dem Barsbeker Moor bekannt wurden, war es wünschenswert, mit Hilfe der Pollenanalyse eine zeitliche Zuordnung zu versuchen. Auf diese Weise konnte unter Umständen wieder ein prähistorischer Horizont pollenanalytisch fixiert werden, da u.a. auch datierbare Keramikreste aus der römischen Kaiserzeit gefunden wurden. Die Analyse des aus der Stirnhöhle zweier Pferdeschädel entnommenen Materials ergab die beiden obersten in der Tabelle verzeichneten Pollenspektren. Bei der Untersuchung fiel auf, daß das Einschlußmaterial der Funde stark feinsandig und etwas tonig war. Auch der Finder gab an, daß die Knochen dem Sand, bis zu dem der Torfabbau niedergetrieben wurde, unmittelbar auflagen. Eine Bohrung, die am Westende des Torfstiches niedergebracht wurde, zeigte ebenfalls diese Zwischenschicht als deutliche Sandeinschwemmung. Diese wird noch einmal von grobdetritischen Flachwasser-Ablagerungen unterlagert.


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Frühgeschichtliche Funde von Haustieren sind im norddeutschen Raum recht selten, wie eine Zusammenstellung der bisher erschienenen Literatur zeigt. Gehl (1930) nahm eine erste Bearbeitung stein- und eisenzeitlicher Hunde vor, die eine recht große Übereinstimmung zu gleichaltrigen Tieren Dänemarks aufwiesen. Studien neolithischer Tierknochen aus dem Satrupholmer Moor von Herre (1949) erbrachten ihre besondere Wichtigkeit für Fragen der Abstammung des Hausrindes. Die Tierreste von Haithabu, die z. Z. im Institut für Haustierkunde der Universität Kiel bearbeitet werden, entstammen Schichten des 8. bis 14. Jahrhunderts. Gleichaltrige Reste aus dem mittelalterlichen Hamburg wurden von Herre (1950) eingehend analysiert. Diese kurze Übersicht läßt deutlich werden, daß aus den Jahrhunderten um Christi Geburt aus unserem Raum nichts bekannt ist. Es war daher außerordentlich erfreulich, daß bei Grabungen in der Nähe von Barsbek 544 Knochenreste aus jener Zeit geborgen wurden. Sie helfen somit, eine große Lücke in unserem Wissen über die damalige Haustierwelt in Norddeutschland zu schließen.


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The aim of the present study is to investigate directional asymmetric properties and internal structures of the bedforms on the intertidal sand bars in comparison with the migration problems of the sand bodies developed in the channel systems of the tidal basin off the west coast of Schleswig-Holstein. The tidal channel sand bodies studied have 'V'-shaped outlines and are asymmetric in cross-section. Based on such knowledge it was hoped to understand and find possible factors for application to recent and ancient tidal depositional environments. The V-shaped intertidal channel sand bodies developed in the tidal environments between Sylt and Föhr Island are constantly migrating sand bars. The migration directions are in good agreement with the resultant vector mean directions of internal cross-stratification structures of asymmetric sedimentary bedforms. Finally, it is shown that the orientation of the apex of V-shaped sand bar as an equilibrium form alone can not indicate the migration direction, but that the orientation of the resultant vector mean of internal structures of sedimentary bedforms does indicate the migration direction. Based on the analyses of textural parameters of the migrating intertidal bar sands, it seems that sands of typical intertidal sand bars are negatively skewed and well sorted. The high rounding of quarz sand grains of these tidal channel sand bars seems to be an additional characteristical criterion for tidal depositional environments, as also indicated by Balazs and Klein (1972).


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Long-term surveys of the coast bordering the western Baltic Sea in Schleswig-Holstein yielded extensive information over the retreat and condition of active cliffs. 181 cliffs with a total length of 148 km are present along the 55 km coastline including Fehmarn lsland and the Schlei Fjord. Depending on their temporal and spatial evolution, and geomorphological stability, the cliffs are subdivided in three separate classes - actively retreating escarpments, cliff Segments with potential for retreat and stable cliffs. 85 sections of the coastline with a total length of 59 km are classified as ,,active cliffs" that are undergoing retreat through natural erosion, collapse, and disintegration.