348 resultados para Herpes simplex keratitis


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An array of four sediment trap moorings recorded the particulate flux across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) at 170 °W, between November 1996 and January 1998, as part of the US JGOFS-Antarctic Environment and Southern Ocean Process Study (AESOPS) program. The trap locations represent sampling within the Polar Frontal Zone, the Antarctic Polar Front, the Antarctic Zone and the Southern Antarctic Zone. Here we report observations from 1000 m below the sea-surface compared to seafloor and surface water distributions. Sub-sample splits from each trap were obtained and total diatom flux and species composition were determined. The diatom fluxes were quantified using both a dilution and a 'spike' method to allow for the rapid repeatability of measurements. Diatom flux was found to be highly seasonal across the ACC particularly at higher latitudes. Marine snow aggregates of intact diatom cells and chains were the major components of the biogenic flux. Siliceous particle size was noted to decrease with increasing latitude, which could be aligned with a shift of the diatom assemblage to small-size species/sea-ice affiliated species. A 'double-structured' diatom flux was recorded at the location of the Antarctic Polar Front trap, with a shift in the diatom assemblage from larger to smaller diatoms in the second flux episode. The sediment trap assemblage shows deviations from the surface water assemblage, while surface sediment samples indicate that significant dissolution occurs after 1000 m and at the sediment-water interface. Estimation of diatom biovolumes across the ACC shows that large diatoms have the potential to greatly impact biogenic fluxes to the ocean interior despite their low fluxes. Small species of the genus Fragilariopsis could potentially export as much Corg as Fragilariopsis kerguelensis near the retreating ice edge. However, their low abundance in the surface sediments also suggests that these diatoms are a shallow export species.


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This report contains the occurrence data for dinoflagellate cysts recorded from 163 samples taken from Sites 902 through 906, during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 150. The dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) stratigraphy has been presented in Mountain, Miller, Blum, et al. (1994, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.150.1994), and was based on these data. This report provides the full dinocyst data set supporting the dinocyst stratigraphic interpretations made in Mountain, Miller, Blum, et al. (1994). For Miocene shipboard dinocyst stratigraphy, I delineated 10 informal zones: pre-A, and A through I, in ascending stratigraphic order. These zones are defined in Shipboard Scientific Party (1994a, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.150.103.1994), and are based on my studies of Miocene dinocyst stratigraphy in the Maryland and Virginia coastal plain (de Verteuil and Norris, 1991, 1992; de Verteuil, 1995). This zonation has been slightly revised (de Verteuil and Norris, 1996), and the new formal zone definitions are repeated below. Each new zone has an alpha-numeric abbreviation starting with "DN" (for Dinoflagellate Neogene). The equivalence between the informal zones reported in Mountain, Miller, Blum, et al. (1994), and the new DN zones is illustrated in Figure 1. For clarity, I delineated both zonations in the range charts that accompany this report (Tables 1-6). De Verteuil and Norris (1996a), using these and other data, correlated the DN zonation with the geological time scale of Berggren et al. (1995). Figure 2 summarizes these correlations and can be used to check the chronostratigraphic position of samples in this report, as determined by dinocyst stratigraphy. A thorough discussion of the basis for, and levels of uncertainty associated with, these correlations to the Cenozoic time scale can be found in de Verteuil and Norris (1996a). The Appendix lists all the dinocyst taxa recorded during shipboard analyses of Leg 150 samples. Open nomenclature is used for undescribed taxa. The range charts and Appendix also include reference to several new taxa that de Verteuil and Norris (1996b) described from Miocene coastal plain strata in Maryland and Virginia. Names of these taxa in Tables 1 through 6 and in the Appendix of this report are not intended for effective publication as defined in the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN, Greuter et al., 1994). Therefore, taxonomic nomenclature contained in this report is not to be treated as meeting the conditions of effective and valid publication (ICBN; Article 29).


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Stratigraphic, faunal and isotopic analyses of the Maastrichtian at DSDP sites 525A and 21 in the South Atlantic reveal a planktic foraminiferal fauna characterized by two major events, an early late Maastrichtian diversification and end-Maastrichtian mass extinction. Both events are accompanied by major changes in climate and productivity. The diversification event which occurred in two steps between 70.5 and 69.1 Ma increased species richness by a total of 43% and coincided with the onset of major cooling in surface and bottom waters and increased surface productivity. The onset of the terminal decline in Maastrichtian species richness began at 67.5 Ma and the first significant decline in surface productivity occurred at 66.2 Ma, coincident maximum cooling to 13°C in surface waters and the reduction of the surface-to-deep temperature gradient to less than 5°C. Major climatic and moderate productivity changes mark the mass extinction and the last 500 kyr of the Maastrichtian. Between 200 and 400 kyr before the K-T boundary surface and deep waters warmed rapidly by 3-4°C and cooled again during the last 100 kyr of the Maastrichtian. Surface productivity decreased only moderately across the K-T boundary. Species richness began to decline during the late Maastrichtian cooling and by K-T boundary time, the mass extinction had claimed 66% of the species. Viewed within the context of Maastrichtian climate and productivity changes, the K-T mass extinction could have resulted from extreme environmental stress even without the addition of an extraterrestrial impact.


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Abundant and diversified ebridians recovered during IODP Expedition 302 (ACEX) have been identified and counted in order to establish their taxonomy and to decipher the biostratigraphic potential of ebridians in the central Arctic Ocean. In the ACEX samples these fossils are preserved in Lithologic Units 1/6 and 2, which consist mainly of dark silty clay and biosiliceous ooze, respectively. Thirty taxa have been distinguished, three of which are described as new species (Ammmodochium lomonosovense, Pseudammodochium karyon, and pseudammodochium psichion). The most dominant ebridian species is Pseudammodochium dictyoides throughout the biosiliceous section. The second dominant species varies alternately throughout the section. Based on the characteristic occurrences of major ebridian taxa, the ebridian assemblageswere divided into GroupsAtoDin stratigraphic order. The ebridian assemblages in piston core USGS Fl-422 from the Alpha Ridge probably correlate to our assemblage Group A of early middle Eocene age, although rare younger taxa are irregularly included.


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Radiolarians from two sites north of Little Bahama Bank (Sites 627 and 628) are correlated with assemblages from sites on the southeastern U.S. coastal plain and continental shelf and from DSDP Sites 391 and 534 in the Blake-Bahama Basin. Results show that deposition of biogenic silica-rich sediments occurred in this region from the late Oligocene through middle Miocene, although the record is interrupted by unconformities. Radiolarians help constrain the age of a mass-transported deposit at Site 627 that appears to be coeval with the Great Abaco Member of the Blake Ridge Formation.


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A late Albian-early Cenomanian record (~103.3 to 99.0 Ma), including organic-rich deposits and a d13C increase associated with oceanic anoxic event 1d (OAE 1d), is described from Ocean Drilling Program sites 1050 and 1052 in the subtropical Atlantic. Foraminifera are well preserved at these sites. Paleotemperatures estimated from benthic d18O values average ~14°C for middle bathyal Site 1050 and ~17°C for upper bathyal Site 1052, whereas surface temperatures are estimated to have ranged from 26°C to 31°C at both sites. Among planktonic foraminifera, there is a steady balance of speciation and extinction with no discrete time of major faunal turnover. OAE 1d is recognized on the basis of a 1.2 per mill d13C increase (~100.0-99.6 Ma), which is similar in age and magnitude to d13C excursions documented in the North Atlantic and western Tethys. Organic-rich "black shales" are present throughout the studied interval at both sites. However, deposition of individual black shale beds was not synchronous between sites, and most of the black shale was deposited before the OAE 1d d13C increase. A similar pattern is observed at the other sites where OAE 1d has been recognized indicating that the site(s) of excess organic carbon burial that could have caused the d13C increase has (have) yet to be found. Our findings add weight to the view that OAEs should be chemostratigraphically (d13C) rather than lithostratigraphically defined.


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Quantified organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) assemblages are presented for two sedimentary successions deposited in neritic environments of the Tethys Ocean during the Barremian and Aptian in an attempt to reconcile established dinocyst biostratigraphic schemes for Tethyan and Austral regions. One section is at Angles, southeast France (the Barremian stratotype section); the other is at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 263, off northwest Australia. We also construct a carbon isotope record for Site 263 using bulk organic carbon. Both sections contain abundant, well-preserved dinocyst assemblages. These are diverse, with 89 taxa identified at Angles and 103 taxa identified at Site 263. Of these, more than 93% are cosmopolitan. When combined with other work at Angles and Site 263, we found that nine dinocysts have their first occurrence (FO) or last occurrence (LO) at both locations. These dinocyst events are, in alphabetical order: LO of Cassiculosphaeridia magna, FO of Criboperidinium? tenuiceras, LO of Kleithriasphaeridium fasciatum, LO of Muderongia staurota, FO of Odontochitina operculata, LO of Phoberocysta neocomica, FO of Prolixosphaeridium parvispinum, FO of Pseudoceratium retusum var. securigerum, and FO of Tehamadinium sousense. Although these events support a Barremian-Aptian age for both sections, their stratigraphic order is not the same in the sections. The d13Corg record at Site 263 displays a characteristic series of changes that have also been recorded in other carbon isotope curves spanning the Late Barremian-Early Aptian. Such independent dating (along with ammonite zones at Angles) suggests that three of the nine dinocyst events are approximately isochronous at Angles and Site 263: the LO of K. fasciatum in the mid Barremian, the FO of P. retusum var. securigerum and the FO of C.? tenuiceras in the earliest Aptian; the other six dinocyst events are diachronous. Dinocyst assemblages at Site 263 can be loosely placed within existing Australian zonation schemes, providing much-needed calibration. Our data suggest that the Muderongia testudinaria Zone ends in sediments of mid Barremian age, the succeeding Muderongia australis Zone extends into the Early Aptian, and the younger Odontochitina operculata Zone begins in Early Aptian deposits. The boundary between the M. australis and O. operculata zones, and the Ovoidinium cinctum (as Ascodinium) Subzone, positioned at the top of the M. australis Zone when present, could not be recognized incontrovertibly. Interestingly, however, this horizon broadly correlates with the onset and extent of the Selli Event, a time of major biogeochemical change.