Mesozooplankton average length during Professor Kolesnikov cruise PK17, Part II

Autoria(s): Piontkovski, Sergey; Ostrovskaya, Nadezhda A; Prusova, I Yu

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 36.565004 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 18.569850 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 35.483000 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 16.190000 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 37.500000 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 20.833000 * DATE/TIME START: 1987-11-29T04:13:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1987-12-06T07:11:00 * MINIMUM DEPTH, water: 56.0 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, water: 159.0 m




text/tab-separated-values, 3760 data points









Piontkovski, Sergey (2002): The Global Plankton Database: an inventory and data from the former Soviet Union expeditions. Darwin Initiative for the Survival of Species (Intas INFO 00-059), NATO Science for Stability TU-Black Sea project (1994-1997), NATO Science for Peace project (1999-2002); Plymouth Marine Laboratory, United Kingdom; Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas & Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Sevastopol, Ukraine; Institute of Zoology of Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan; Institute of Zoology, Almaty, Kazakhstan, CD-ROM


CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Sevastopol

Palavras-Chave #Black Sea; CT; DATE/TIME; Depth, bathymetric; Depth, bottom/max; Depth, top/min; DEPTH, water; LATITUDE; LONGITUDE; Lucicutia clausi, c5, length; Lucicutia clausi, female, length; Lucicutia clausi, male, length; Lucicutia flavicornis, female, length; Lucicutia flavicornis, male, length; Lucicutia gaussae, female, length; Lucicutia gemina, female, length; Lucicutia gemina, male, length; Lucicutia spp., c1, length; Lucicutia spp., c2, length; Lucicutia spp., c3, length; Lucicutia spp., c4, length; Lucicutia spp., c5, length; Lucicutia spp., copepodites, length; Lucicutia spp., female, length; Lucicutia spp., male, length; Lucifer spp., length; Macrosetella gracilis, copepodites, length; Macrosetella gracilis, female, length; Macrosetella gracilis, male, length; Mecynocera clausi, c3, length; Mecynocera clausi, c4, length; Mecynocera clausi, c5, length; Mecynocera clausi, copepodites, length; Mecynocera clausi, female, length; Mecynocera clausi, male, length; Mesocalanus tenuicornis, c3, length; Mesocalanus tenuicornis, c4, length; Mesocalanus tenuicornis, c5, length; Mesocalanus tenuicornis, female, length; Mesocalanus tenuicornis, male, length; Metridinidae, c1, length; Metridinidae, c2, length; Metridinidae, copepodites, length; Microcalanus spp., female, length; Microsetella rosea, copepodites, length; Microsetella rosea, female, length; Microsetella rosea, male, length; Mormonilla minor, c4, length; Mormonilla minor, c5, length; Mormonilla minor, copepodites, length; Mormonilla minor, female, length; Mormonilla minor, male, length; Mormonilla spp., copepodites, length; Mysidacea, length; Nannocalanus minor, c4, length; Nannocalanus minor, c5, length; Nannocalanus minor, female, length; Nannocalanus minor, male, length; Neocalanus gracilis, c1, length; Neocalanus gracilis, c2, length; Neocalanus gracilis, c3, length; Neocalanus gracilis, c4, length; Neocalanus gracilis, c5, length; Neocalanus gracilis, female, length; Neocalanus spp., c2, length; Neocalanus spp., c3, length; Neocalanus spp., c4, length; Neocalanus spp., c5, length; Oculosetella gracilis, female, length; Oculosetella gracilis, male, length; Oithona atlantica, female, length; Oithona linearis, female, length; Oithona nana, female, length; Oithona plumifera, female, length; Oithona setigera, female, length; Oithona spp., copepodites, length; Oithona spp., female, length; Oithona spp., male, length; Oithona tenuis, female, length; Oithonidae, copepodites, length; Oithonidae, male, length; Oncaea conifera, female, length; Oncaea dentipes, female, length; Oncaea media, female, length; Oncaea mediterranea, female, length; Oncaea spp., copepodites, length; Oncaea spp., female, length; Oncaea spp., male, length; Oncaea subtilis, female, length; Oncaea venusta, female, length; Oncaea venusta, male, length; Ostracoda, length; Paracalanus denudatus, c5, length; Paracalanus denudatus, copepodites, length; Paracalanus denudatus, female, length; Paracalanus nanus, copepodites, length; Paracalanus nanus, female, length; Paracalanus nanus, male, length; Paracalanus parvus, female, length; Paracalanus spp., c4, length; Paracalanus spp., c5, length; Paracalanus spp., copepodites, length; Paracandacia bispinosa, female, length; Paracandacia simplex, female, length; Paracandacia simplex, male, length; Pareucalanus attenuatus, c2, length; Pareucalanus attenuatus, c3, length; Pareucalanus attenuatus, c5, length; Pareucalanus sewelli, female, length; Paroithona parvula, copepodites, length; Paroithona parvula, female, length; Paroithona parvula, male, length; Paroithona spp., female, length; Paroithona spp., male, length; Pisces, larvae, length; Pisces, length; PK17; PK17-track; Pleuromamma abdominalis, c2, length; Pleuromamma abdominalis, c3, length; Pleuromamma abdominalis, c4, length; Pleuromamma abdominalis, c5, length; Pleuromamma abdominalis, female, length; Pleuromamma abdominalis, male, length; Pleuromamma gracilis, female, length; Pleuromamma gracilis, male, length; Pleuromamma spp., c1, length; Pleuromamma spp., c2, length; Pleuromamma spp., c3, length; Pleuromamma spp., c4, length; Pleuromamma spp., c5, length; Pleuromamma spp., copepodites, length; Pleuromamma spp., male, length; Polychaeta, larvae, length; Polychaeta, length; Pontellidae, c4, length; Pontellina spp., c5, length; Professor Kolesnikov; Pteropoda, length; Rhincalanus nasutus, female, length; Salpida, length; Sample code/label; Sapphirina metallina, female, length; Sapphirina metallina, male, length; Sapphirina spp., c2, length; Sapphirina spp., copepodites, length; Sapphirina spp., male, length; Scaphocalanus curtus, c5, length; Scaphocalanus curtus, female, length; Scaphocalanus spp., c4, length; Scaphocalanus spp., c5, length; Scina spp., length; Scolecithricella spp., c5, length; Scolecithricella spp., female, length; Scolecithricella spp., male, length; Scolecithrix bradyi, c5, length; Scolecithrix bradyi, female, length; Scolecithrix danae, female, length; Scolecitrichidae, c4, length; Scolecitrichidae, c5, length; Scolecitrichidae, copepodites, length; Scolecitrichidae, female, length; Scolecitrichidae, male, length; Scyphomedusae, length; SESAME; Siphonophora, length; Southern European Seas: Assessing and Modelling Ecosystem Changes; Spinocalanus spp., c5, length; Spinocalanus spp., copepodites, length; Spinocalanus spp., female, length; Temora spp., c1, length; Temora spp., c2, length; Temora spp., c3, length; Temora spp., c4, length; Temora spp., c5, length; Temora spp., copepodites, length; Temora spp., male, length; Temora stylifera, c4, length; Temora stylifera, c5, length; Temora stylifera, female, length; Temora stylifera, male, length; Underway cruise track measurements; Vettoria spp., copepodites, length; Vettoria spp., female, length; Vettoria spp., male, length; Volume
