81 resultados para Copper River and Northwestern Railway.
At Site 582, DSDP Leg 87, turbidites about 560 m thick were recovered from the floor of the Nankai Trough. A turbidite bed is typically composed of three subdivisions: a lower graded sand unit, an upper massive silt unit, and an uppermost Chondrites burrowed silt unit. The turbidites intercalate with bluish gray hemipelagic mud which apparently accumulated below the calcite compensation depth. In order to investigate the nature and provenance of the turbidites, we studied the grain orientation, based on magnetic fabric measurements and thin-section grain counting, and grain size, using a photo-extinction settling tube and detrital modal analysis. The following results were obtained: (1) grain orientation analysis indicates that the turbidity current transport parallels the trench axis, predominantly from the northeast; (2) Nankai Trough turbidites generally decrease in grain size to the southwest; (3) turbidite sands include skeletal remains indicative of fresh-water and shallow-marine environments; and (4) turbidites contain abundant volcanic components, and their composition is analogous to the sediments of the Fuji River-Suruga Bay area. Considering other evidence, such as physiography and geometry of trench fill, we conclude that the turbidites of Site 582 as well as Site 583 were derived predominantly from the mouth of Fuji River and were transported through the Suruga Trough to the Nankai Trough, a distance of some 700 km. This turbidite transport system has tectonic implications: (1) the filling of the Nankai Trough is the direct consequence of the Izu collision in Pliocene- Pleistocene times; (2) the accretion of trench fill at the trench inner slope observed in the Nankai Trough is controlled by collision tectonics; and (3) each event of turbidite deposition may be related to a Tokai mega-earthquake.
The results of experiments in 40Ar/39Ar age dating using fresh basement material from Sites 765 and 766 of Leg 123 of the Ocean Drilling Program are inconsistent and cannot be used to constrain the basement age of the Argo Abyssal Plain in the Indian Ocean. However, a celadonite sample, which was precipitated during a low-temperature alteration event that affected the basement at Site 765, yielded a K-Ar age of 155.3 ±3.4 Ma. Celadonites, which have been dated using Rb-Sr methods for basement in the Atlantic Ocean (Staudigel et al., 1981, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(81)90186-2) and by K-Ar methods for the Troodos Ophiolite (Staudigel et al., 1986, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1986)14<72:AASAOC>2.0.CO;2), and for sediments from the Pacific Ocean (Peterson et al., 1986, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.92.132.1986) yield ages that are up to 15 Ma younger than the age for the formation of basement. Thus, the celadonite age is retained as a reliable minimum age for basement at Site 765. This radiometric age is inconsistent with biostratigraphic ages, which indicate a maximum of late Berriasian (approximately 140 Ma) for Site 765, but is consistent with geophysical interpretations of marine magnetic anomalies and with the early north-south seafloor spreading history of the Argo Abyssal Plain region of the Indian Ocean.
The distribution of temperature and salinity, current velocities, suspended particulate matter, bottom sediments, bottom morphology, and planktonic and benthic organisms during the summer period are studied in the estuary of the large Onega River and coastal areas of the Onega Bay (White Sea) influenced by interacting marine and riverine factors.
(Table 2) Fluxes of dissolved metals from bottom sediments to water in the Amur and Zolotoy Rog bays