Carbon and silica particle flux data compiled from different sources

Autoria(s): Ragueneau, Olivier; Tréguer, Paul; Leynaert, Aude; Anderson, Robert F; Brzezinski, Mark A; DeMaster, David J; Dugdale, Richard; Dymond, Jack R; Fischer, Gerhard; Francois, Roger; Heinze, Christoph; Maier-Reimer, Ernst; Martin-Jézéquel, Véronique; Nelson, David M; Quéguiner, Bernard

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 22.425215 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -34.830542 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -64.901700 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -145.000000 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 72.500000 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 179.000000 * DATE/TIME START: 1980-09-12T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1995-12-24T00:00:00 * MINIMUM DEPTH, water: 360 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, water: 5031 m




text/tab-separated-values, 431 data points









Dymond, Jack R; Collier, Robert W (1988): Biogenic particle fluxes in the Equatorial Pacific: Evidence for both high and low productivity during the 1982-1983 El Nino. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2, 129-137, doi:10.1029/GB002i002p00129

Dymond, Jack R; Lyle, Mitchell W (1985): Flux comparisons between sediments and sediment traps in the eastern tropical Pacific: Implications for atmospheric CO2 variations during the Pleistocene. Limnology and Oceanography, 30(4), 699-712, doi:10.4319/lo.1985.30.4.0699

Dymond, Jack R; Lyle, Mitchell W (1994): Particle fluxes in the Ocean and implications for sources and preservation of ocean sediments. Particle Flux in the Ocean, 125-142

Fischer, Gerhard; Fütterer, Dieter K; Gersonde, Rainer; Honjo, Susumu; Ostermann, Dorinda R; Wefer, Gerold (1988): Seasonal variability of particle flux in the Weddell Sea and its relation to ice cover. Nature, 335(6189), 426-428, doi:10.1038/335426a0

Fischer, Gerhard; Ratmeyer, Volker; Wefer, Gerold (2000): Organic carbon fluxes in the Atlantic and the Southern Ocean: relationship to primary production compiled from satellite radiometer data. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 47(9-11), 1961-1997, doi:10.1016/S0967-0645(00)00013-8

Honjo, Susumu (1996): Fluxes of particles to the interior of the open oceans. Particle Flux in the Ocean, 91-154

Honjo, Susumu; Dymond, Jack R; Collier, Robert W; Manganini, Steven J (1995): Export production of particles to the interior of equatorial Pacific Ocean during 1992 EqPac Experiment. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 42(2-3), 831-870, doi:10.1016/0967-0645(95)00034-N

Honjo, Susumu; Manganini, Steven J (1993): Annual biogenic particle fluxes to the interior of the North Atlantic Ocean; studied at 34°N 21°W and 48°N 21°W. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 40(1-2), 587-607, doi:10.1016/0967-0645(93)90034-K

Lee, Cindy; Murray, David W; Barber, Richard; Buesseler, Ken O; Dymond, Jack R; Hedges, John I; Honjo, Susumu; Manganini, Steven J; Marra, John; Moser, C; Peterson, Michael L; Prell, Warren L; Wakeham, Stuart G (1998): Particulate organic carbon fluxes: compilation of results from the 1995 US JGOFS Arabian Sea Process Study. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 45(10-11), 2489-2501, doi:10.1016/S0967-0645(98)00079-4

Ragueneau, Olivier; Lancelot, Christiane; Egorov, Victor; Vervlimmeren, J; Cociasu, A; Déliat, G; Krastev, A; Daoud, Nédim; Rousseau, V; Popovitchev, V; Brion, Natacha; Popa, L; Cauwet, Gustave (2002): Biogeochemical Transformations of Inorganic Nutrients in the Mixing Zone between the Danube River and the North-western Black Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 54(3), 321-336, doi:10.1006/ecss.2000.0650

Ragueneau, Olivier; Tréguer, Paul; Leynaert, Aude; Anderson, Robert F; Brzezinski, Mark A; DeMaster, David J; Dugdale, Richard; Dymond, Jack R; Fischer, Gerhard; Francois, Roger; Heinze, Christoph; Maier-Reimer, Ernst; Martin-Jézéquel, Véronique; Nelson, David M; Quéguiner, Bernard (2000): A review of the Si cycle in the modern ocean: recent progress and missing gaps in the application of biogenic opal as a paleoproductivity proxy. Global and Planetary Change, 26(4), 317-365, doi:10.1016/S0921-8181(00)00052-7

Roth, SE; Dymond, Jack R (1989): Transport and settling of organic material in a deep-sea hydrothermal plume: evidence from particle flux measurements. Deep-Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers, 36(8), 1237-1254, doi:10.1016/0198-0149(89)90103-9

von Bodungen, Bodo; Antia, Avan N; Bauerfeind, Eduard; Haupt, Olaf; Koeve, Wolfgang; Machado, E; Peeken, Ilka; Peinert, Rolf; Reitmeier, Sven; Thomsen, C; Voß, Maren; Wunsch, M; Zeller, Ute; Zeitzschel, Bernt (1995): Pelagic processes and vertical flux of particles: an overview of a long-term comparative study in the Norwegian Sea and Greenland Sea. Geologische Rundschau, 84(1), 11-27, doi:10.1007/BF00192239

Wefer, Gerold; Fischer, Gerhard (1991): Annual primary production and export flux in the Southern Ocean from sediment trap data. Marine Chemistry, 35(1-4), 597-613, doi:10.1016/S0304-4203(09)90045-7

Wefer, Gerold; Fischer, Gerhard; Fütterer, Dieter K; Gersonde, Rainer (1988): Seasonal particle flux in the Bransfield Strait, Antarctica. Deep-Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers, 35(6), 891-898, doi:10.1016/0198-0149(88)90066-0


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Palavras-Chave #ANT-III/2; ANT-IX/2; ANT-VII/5; ANT-VIII/3; Atlantis II (1963); Bering91; Bering91_trap; BO1_trap; Bouvet_1; Bouvet Island, Southern Ocean (Atlantic sector); Carbon, inorganic, particulate flux; Carbon, organic, particulate flux; CB3_trap; DEPTH, water; Duration, number of days; EA8; EA8_trap; EP1_12S_3594m; EP1_2N_2200m; EP1_2S_3593m; EP1_5N_1200m; EP1_5N_2100m; EP1_5N_3800m; EP1_5S_2209m; EP1_9N_2250m; EP1_EQ_2284m; EP1_EQ_3618m; Equatorial Pacific; Event label; G; G_trap; GBN3_trap; GBZ5_trap; H; HAP-13; HAP-13_trap; HAP-4; HAP-4_trap; Jan-Mayen Current; JDF-1; KG1_trap; LATITUDE; LONGITUDE; M; M12/1; M2; M23/3; M3; M4; M5; M9/4; MANOP; MANOP_C; MANOP_C_trap; MANOP_S; MANOP_S_trap; Meteor (1986); MFZ-11; MFZ-11_trap; MFZ-4; MFZ-4_trap; MOOR; Mooring; Mooring (long time); Mooring-EQPAC-1; MOORY; MW; MW_trap; N34-Phase_I; N48-Phase_I; NABE-Mooring; NABE-N34.1; NABE-N48.1; NAP; NAP_trap; NB2; NB3; NB4; North Atlantic Ocean; NS; NS_trap; OG2; OG3; OG4; Okhotsk92; Okhotsk92_trap; Opal flux; P82-3; P82-3_trap; P83-4; P83-4_trap; P84-5; P84-5_trap; PAR94_JDF1_trap; PC85-6; PC85-6_trap; PF3_trap; Polar_Front_3; Polar Front; Polarstern; PS06; PS14; PS16; PS18 06AQANTIX_2; Reference/source; SFB313Moorings; Silicon Cycling in the World Ocean; SINOPS; TN043_AS2_trap; TN043_AS3_trap; TN043_AS4_trap; TN043_AS5_trap; Total flux per year; Trap; TRAP; Trap, sediment; TRAPS; VLCN-1_H_trap; VLCN-1_M_trap; WA3_trap; Walvis Ridge, Southeast Atlantic Ocean; Wecoma; WR2_trap; WS1_trap; WS3_trap
