411 resultados para Bryozoa


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This work was based on a study of the upper layer of recent carbonate bottom sediments of the Atlantic Ocean. Biogenic carbonate of recent sediments is represented by metastable and stable minerals. In the ocean metastable phases can exist indefinitely long, but the structure of polymorphism determines inevitability of transformation of metastable phases into stable ones. This transformation occurs in the solid phase. In the absence of a critical point between the two phases of the transition process is not available for study by microscopic methods. It is estimated indirectly by studying the nature and extent of changes in mineral and chemical compositions. With aging of sediments their mineral composition alters in direction of increasing contents of resistant minerals. Fine grained sediments and fractions are subject to more intensive effects of early diagenesis processes, rather than coarse ones; this is reflected in their mineral composition. Regularities of distribution of carbonate minerals in size fractions consistent with the direction of polymorphic transformations in calcium carbonate. Such transformations can occur in a particular dimension of grains. Concrete grain size depends on environmental conditions. This situation explains presence of metastable biogenic carbonates at different depths of the ocean and suggests presence of diagenetic calcite in sediments occurring below expected for each case depth of the transition.


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Meroplankton was sampled at 11 stations in the southern Kara Sea and the Yenisei Estuary in September 2000. Larvae of 29 benthic taxa representing 10 higher groups were identified. Meroplankton was present at almost all stations and most depth levels. The two most abundant groups were Echinodermata (68%) and Polychaeta (26%). Echinoderms dominated total meroplankton locally due to mass occurrences of Ophiopluteus larvae. The relative group composition was highly variable and seemed to depend mainly on the local hydrographic pattern. Comparison of meroplanktonic data with the distribution of the adults revealed for Spionida and Bivalvia a 'downstream' transport of the larvae whereas for other polychaete species and Ophiuroida 'upstream' transport into the estuary occurred. The distribution and concentration of the larvae within the estuary is explained by physical barriers established by hydrographic gradients, the prevailing mixing processes and the presence of a near-bottom counter current.


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The Marion Plateau is a large carbonate platform off northeastern Queensland. Three sites (815, 816, and 826) were drilled on this platform and form the basis for this study. Larger benthic foraminifers, together with rare planktonic forms from the shallow-water carbonates that form the main part of the platform sequence, were studied to establish a biostratigraphy. The presence of Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidiná) howchini sensu lato and Ladoronia vermicularis, together with Globorotalia (Globorotalia) praemenardii and Orbulina, indicate an early middle Miocene (N9-N12) age (i.e., lower Tf stage) for these carbonates. Dolomitization has destroyed much of the original fabric of these carbonates, making study of the larger foraminifers difficult. Sites 815 (forereef location) and 826 (backreef, lagoonal setting) provide the best faunas. However, at all sites nodular coralline algae and Halimeda are the major bioclasts; coral fragments form a major component at Sites 816 and 826. The middle Miocene neritic sequence is separated from the overlying hemipelagic sequence by an unconformity that spans much of the middle and late Miocene. At Site 815, which is in a forereef situation, the overlying hemipelagic sequence contains a Zone N17A fauna, but at Site 816, higher on the platform, a similar sequence contains a Zone N19 fauna. The faunas indicate that the platform was built up during the early middle Miocene and remained at fairly constant water depths and temperatures during this period. It was then exposed prior to subsiding rapidly during the late Miocene and Pliocene to depths similar to those of the present day.


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High-nutrient tropical carbonate systems are known to produce sediments that, in terms of skeletal composition, are reminiscent of their extra-tropical counterparts. Such carbonate systems and associated carbonate grain assemblages in the tropics are rare in the present-day world. Nonetheless, it is crucial to gain a better understanding of those ecosystems, including their drivers and players because such settings potentially represent models for ancient depositional systems as well as for predicted future environmental conditions. One of the modern occurrences of eutrophic tropical carbonate systems is the northern Mauritanian Shelf. The marine environment is characterized by an eastern boundary upwelling system that pushes cool and nutrient-rich intermediate waters onto a wide epicontinental platform (Golfe d'Arguin) where the waters warm up to tropical temperatures. The resulting facies is mixed carbonate-siliciclastic with a dominant foramol association grading into bimol and barnamol grain assemblages in the shallowest areas forming the Banc d'Arguin. Besides this cool water-related heterozoan association, the carbonate sediment is characterized by tropical molluskan species, while chlorozoan biota (e.g., corals and algal symbiont-bearing foraminifers) are entirely absent. We here present a first comprehensive facies analysis of this model example of eutrophic tropical carbonates. Furthermore, we reconstruct the loci of carbonate production and provide a conclusive depositional model of the Banc d'Arguin that received little attention to date due to its poorly accessible nature.


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During two surveys in the North Sea, in summer 1986 and in winter 1987, larger epibenthos was collected with a 2 m beam trawl. The distributions of the species were checked for average linkage by means of the JACCARD-index cluster analysis. In summer two main clusters can be recognized. These are situated to the north and to the south of the Dogger Bank. In winter two main clusters may be recognized as well, but these clusters divide the North Sea into a western and an eastern part. We conclude, that these differences of epibenthos characteristics are correlated with seasonal changes in water body distributions.


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The first marine incursion of the incipient North Atlantic Ocean is recorded in the uppermost Triassic to Lower Jurassic sequence of DSDP Site 547 off central Morocco. A lithologic change from continental red beds below to slope breccias and hemipelagic carbonates above indicates that a carbonate ramp was probably established by Sinemurian time along the Moroccan continental margin and that subsidence in the adjacent basin was rapid in the early phases of continental rift. Foraminifers recovered from the Liassic (Sinemurian-Pliensbachian) basinal deposits are diverse and well preserved. The faunas are compositionally similar to contemporaneous neritic assemblages of Europe and the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. The Middle Jurassic in Hole 547B is characterized by regressive deposits that are poor in foraminifers. The major Late Jurassic "Atlantic" transgression is again represented by basinal deposits consisting of limestone breccias and pelagic carbonates. Foraminifers recovered from this interval are transitional between Late Jurassic assemblages reported from deep-sea deposits in the North Atlantic and typical Late Jurassic neritic assemblages of Europe. The Late Jurassic assemblages of Hole 547B are primarily dominated by nodosariids and spirillinids with moderate abundances of simple arenaceous forms. Nonreticulate epistominids occur very rarely in the Upper Jurassic of Hole 547B. It is tentatively suggested that these represent upper bathyal assemblages.


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The Ratekau boring ended in clays of the so-called Asterigerina-Zone; these clays have shallow-water features in the uppermost samples. The clays are overlain by deep-water clays with pteropods; this formation is split into two parts by a shallow-water deposit. The fossiliferous series ends upward in sandy deposits with shallow-water fossils. The question is raised whether the two deep-water deposits might correspond to the Lower Doberg Beds (Eochattian) and the Upper Doberg Beds (Neochattian) at the Doberg hill, closer to the rim of the basin. All fossiliferous samples from this boring are thought to be of Late Oligocene age; the boundary towards the Middle Oligocene, however, could not be ascertained. The Vaale boring ended in rather typical Septaria clay of the Middle Oligocene. This clay is capped by some metres of unfossiliferous glauconite clays, which in turn are overlain by silts and silty clays with planktonic fossils identical to those found at Dingden locality. These deposits are tentatively dated as Early Miocene. The next higher series of samples consists of sands and clays deposited in shallower waters. They contain a rich fauna of benthic molluscs, which, according to the current notion in stratigraphy, would have a Reinbek Age. In addition, they contain a set of planktonic fossils which differs from the 'Lower Miocene' assemblages. These sands and clays are overlain by a thick series of marine sands very poor in fossils. Finally, four metres of clay with foraminifera, having Younger Miocene affinities, form the top of the fossiliferous sequence. The borings at Wulksfelde and Langenhorn were not far apart and their sediments are easily correlated. Both wells start below in continental 'Lignite Sands' and contain overlying shallow water sands and clays. These yielded Hemmoor benthic mollusca, supposed to indicate Lower Miocene in the relevant literature; however, we encountered their planktonic foraminifera in the uppermost Miocene as well. The same planktonic species were found in all samples of both borings. These deposits under discussion furthermore contain a particular pteropod species. They are overlain by a thick series of gypsiferous clays, with scarce fossils. The uppermost fossiliferous clays (probably Langenfelde Age) contain another pteropod species, not met with in other samples. The discrepancies between the plankton zonation and the traditional subdivision according to benthic molluscs in the borings of Vaale, Wulksfelde and Langenhorn (and in samples from Twistringen, Dingden and Antwerp localities as well) renders the time-stratigraphic value of the denominations Reinbek and Hemmoor rather doubtful. The samples of the Westerland boring can be placed in the Gram and Sylt stages of local chronostratigraphy on the strength of the Astarte series established by HINSCH. The Gram samples contain a typical pteropod species; both groups of samples contain the same planktonic foraminifera as the borings Wulksfelde and Langenhorn. Our material did not bring the problem of the Miocene-Pliocene boundary in this region any closer to a solution. In conclusion, it can be claimed that this investigation provides strong arguments that the usual recognition of Hemmoor and Reinbek does not correspond to well-defined chronostratigraphical units. A better chronostratigraphic subdivision has to be based on the examination of many more samples, and on a better understanding of the paleoecology of the fossils involved.