740 resultados para mixed layer depth
The speciation of strongly chelated iron during the 22-day course of an iron enrichment experiment in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean deviates strongly from ambient natural waters. Three iron additions (ferrous sulfate solution) were conducted, resulting in elevated dissolved iron concentrations (Nishioka, J., Takeda, S., de Baar, H.J.W., Croot, P.L., Boye, M., Laan, P., Timmermans, K.R., 2005, Changes in the concentration of iron in different size fractions during an iron enrichment experiment in the open Southern Ocean. Marine Chemistry, doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2004.06.040) and significant Fe(II) levels (Croot, P.L., Laan, P., Nishioka, J., Strass, V., Cisewski, B., Boye, M., Timmermans, K.R., Bellerby, R.G., Goldson, L., Nightingale, P., de Baar, H.J.W., 2005, Spatial and Temporal distribution of Fe(II) and H2O2 during EisenEx, an open ocean mescoscale iron enrichment. Marine Chemistry, doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2004.06.041). Repeated vertical profiles for dissolved (filtrate < 0.2 µm) Fe(III)-binding ligands indicated a production of chelators in the upper water column induced by iron fertilizations. Abiotic processes (chemical reactions) and an inductive biologically mediated mechanism were the likely sources of the dissolved ligands which existed either as inorganic amorphous phases and/or as strong organic chelators. Discrete analysis on ultra-filtered samples (< 200 kDa) suggested that the produced ligands would be principally colloidal in size (> 200 kDa-< 0.2 µm), as opposed to the soluble fraction (< 200 kDa) which dominated prior to the iron infusions. Yet these colloidal ligands would exist in a more transient nature than soluble ligands which may have a longer residence time. The production of dissolved Fe-chelators was generally smaller than the overall increase in dissolved iron in the surface infused mixed layer, leaving a fraction (about 13-40%) of dissolved Fe not bound by these dissolved Fe-chelators. It is suggested that this fraction would be inorganic colloids. The unexpected persistence of such high inorganic colloids concentrations above inorganic Fe-solubility limits illustrates the peculiar features of the chemical iron cycling in these waters. Obviously, the artificial about hundred-fold increase of overall Fe levels by addition of dissolved inorganic Fe(II) ions yields a major disruption of the natural physical-chemical abundances and reactivity of Fe in seawater. Hence the ensuing responses of the plankton ecosystem, while in itself significant, are not necessarily representative for a natural enrichment, for example by dry or wet deposition of aeolian dust. Ultimately, the temporal changes of the Fe(III)-binding ligand and iron concentrations were dominated by the mixing events that occurred during EISENEX, with storms leading to more than an order of magnitude dilution of the dissolved ligands and iron concentrations. This had strongest impact on the colloidal size class (> 200 kDa-< 0.2 µm) where a dramatic decrease of both the colloidal ligand and the colloidal iron levels (Nishioka, J., Takeda, S., de Baar, H.J.W., Croot, P.L., Boye, M., Laan, P., Timmermans, K.R., 2005, Changes in the concentration of iron in different size fractions during an iron enrichment experiment in the open Southern Ocean. Marine Chemistry, doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2004.06.040) was observed.
During Leg 66 eight sites on an active margin transect off southern Mexico were drilled in order to determine the nature of ocean-continent transition across a subduction zone. Present outcrops of Mesozoic to Precambrian basement at the coast intruded by Mesozoic magmas within only 65 km of the Middle America Trench axis indicate truncation of the continental margin, tectonic removal of an accretionary zone, and consumption of ocean sediments and crust by subduction.
Measurements of Fe(II) and H2O2 were carried out in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean during EisenEx, an iron enrichment experiment. Iron was added on three separate occasions, approximately every 8 days, as a ferrous sulfate (FeSO4) solution. Vertical profiles of Fe(II) showed maxima consistent with the plume of the iron infusion. While H2O2 profiles revealed a corresponding minima showing the effect of oxidation of Fe(II) by H2O2, observations showed detectable Fe(II) concentrations existed for up to 8 days after an iron infusion. H2O2 concentrations increased at the depth of the chlorophyll maximum when iron concentrations returned to pre-infusion concentrations (<80 pM) possibly due to biological production related to iron reductase activity. In this work, Fe(II) and dissolved iron were used as tracers themselves for subsequent iron infusions when no further SF6 was added. EisenEx was subject to periods of weak and strong mixing. Slow mixing after the second infusion allowed significant concentrations of Fe(II) and Fe to exist for several days. During this time, dissolved and total iron in the infusion plume behaved almost conservatively as it was trapped between a relict mixed layer and a new rain-induced mixed layer. Using dissolved iron, a value for the vertical diffusion coefficient Kz=6.7±0.7 cm**2/s was obtained for this 2-day period. During a subsequent surface survey of the iron-enriched patch, elevated levels of Fe(II) were found in surface waters presumably from Fe(II) dissolved in the rainwater that was falling at this time. Model results suggest that the reaction between uncomplexed Fe(III) and O2? was a significant source of Fe(II) during EisenEx and helped to maintain high levels of Fe(II) in the water column. This phenomenon may occur in iron enrichment experiments when two conditions are met: (i) When Fe is added to a system already saturated with regard to organic complexation and (ii) when mixing processes are slow, thereby reducing the dispersion of iron into under-saturated waters.
A closed eddy core in the Subantarctic Atlantic Ocean was fertilized twice with two tons of iron (as FeSO4), and the 300 km**2 fertilized patch was studied for 39 days to test whether fertilization enhances downward particle flux into the deep ocean. Chlorophyll a and primary productivity doubled after fertilization, and photosynthetic quantum yield (FV/FM) increased from 0.33 to >0.40. Silicic acid (<2 µmol/L) limited diatoms, which contributed <10% of phytoplankton biomass. Copepods exerted high grazing pressure. This is the first study of particle flux out of an artificially fertilized bloom with very low diatom biomass. Net community production (NCP) inside the patch, estimated from O2:Ar ratios, averaged 21 mmol POC/m**2/d, probably ±20%. 234Th profiles implied constant export of ~6.3 mmol POC/m**2/d in the patch, similar to unfertilized waters. The difference between NCP and 234Th-derived export partly accumulated in the mixed layer and was partly remineralized between the mixed layer and 100 m. Neutrally buoyant sediment traps at 200 and 450 m inside and outside the patch caught mostly <1.1 mmol POC/m**2/d, predominantly of fecal origin; flux did not increase upon fertilization. Our data thus indicate intense flux attenuation between 100 and 200 m, and probably between the mixed layer and 100 m. We attribute the lack of fertilization-induced export to silicon limitation of diatoms and reprocessing of sinking particles by detritus feeders. Our data are consistent with the view that nitrate-rich but silicate-deficient waters are not poised for enhanced particle export upon iron addition.