357 resultados para northwest Mediterranean


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Sediments off northwest Africa were assayed for activities of the respiratory electron transport system (ETS) and for primary amino nitrogen. ETS activities were used to compute respiratory oxygen consuption, carbon oxidation, and nitrate reduction rates. Activities were correlated with depth of the water column, and their longshore distribution resembled that of euphotic zone phytoplankton productivity. Protein concentrations were closely correlated with ETS activities. Carbon biomass was calculated from protein and compared with other computed values. The carbon oxidation rate accounted for 13 % of the region's primary production.


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The genus Hinia is divided in 4 subgenera; other subgenera are not represented in the area studied. It was possible to find criteria for a better discrimination of the highly variable species H. (Hinia) schlotheimi and H. (Hinia) turbinella. The species "fuchsi" has been placed in the synonymy of H. (Hinia) turbinella. The species H. (Hinia) schlotheimi (BEYRICH) and H. (Telasco) schroederi (KAUTSKY) have been united under the name H. (Hinia) schlotheimi. The easily distinguishable species H. (Tritonella) tenuistriata and H. (Hinia) sulcata belong to two different genera. H. (Tritonella) cimbrica andersoni of the Viol- and Katzheide-Beds (Reinbek-stage) is separable from the population found in the Hemmoor-stage, it turned out to be a valuable guide subspecies for the Reinbek-stage. The species H. (Tritonella) serraticosta, H. (Tritonella) catulli, H. (Hinia) holsatica, and H. (Telasco) syltensis are all similar in respect to shape and ornamentation. Criteria have been found for a better discrimination of these species. The species contabulata, effusa and seminodifera described by SPEYER (1864), turned out to be contogenetic stages of H. (Tritonella) pygmaea. H. (Tritonella) cavata, previously described from the Tertiary of the North sea area, was proven to be absent from the area investigated. The forms described under that name, belong to H. (Tritonella) woodwardi.


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The enhanced accumulation of organic matter in Eastern Mediterranean sapropels and their unusually low d15N values have been attributed to either enhanced nutrient availability which led to elevated primary production and carbon sequestration or to enhanced organic matter preservation under anoxic conditions. In order to evaluate these two hypothesis we have determined Ba/Al ratios, amino acid composition, N and organic C concentrations and d15N in sinking particles, surface sediments, eight spatially distributed core records of the youngest sapropel S1 (10-6 ka) and older sapropels (S5, S6) from two locations. These data suggest that (i) temporal and spatial variations in d15N of sedimentary N are driven by different degrees of diagenesis at different sites rather than by changes in N-sources or primary productivity and (ii) present day TOC export production would suffice to create a sapropel like S1 under conditions of deep-water anoxia. This implies that both enhanced TOC accumulation and d15N depletion in sapropels were due to the absence of oxygen in deep waters. Thus preservation plays a major role for the accumulation of organic-rich sediments casting doubt on the need of enhanced primary production for sapropel formation.


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Quantitative distributions of calcareous nannofossils are analysed in the early-middle Pleistocene at the small Gephyrocapsa and Pseudoemiliania lacunosa zone transition in deep-sea cores from the Mediterranean Sea and North Atlantic Ocean (Ocean Drilling Program [ODP] Sites 977, 964 and 967, Deep Sea Drilling Project [DSDP] Site 607). The temporal and spatial mode of occurrence of medium-sized gephyrocapsids and reticulofenestrids has been examined to refine biostratigraphic constraints and evaluate possible relationships of stratigraphic patterns to environmental changes during a period of global climatic deterioration. The timing of bioevents has been calibrated using high-resolution sampling and correlation to the delta18O record in chronologically well-constrained sections. Newly identified events and ecostratigraphical signals enhance the stratigraphic resolution at the early-middle Pleistocene. The first occurrence (FO) of intermediate morphotypes between Pseudoemiliania and Reticulofenestra (Reticulofenestra sp.) is proposed as a reliable event within marine isotope stage (MIS) 35 or at the MIS 35/34 transition. The distribution of Reticulofenestra asanoi is characterized by rare and scattered occurrences in its lowest range, but the first common occurrence (FCO) is consistently identified at MIS 32 or 32/31; the last common occurrence (LCO) of the species is a distinctive event at MIS 23. In the studied interval, Gephyrocapsa omega dominates among medium-sized Gephyrocapsa. The FO of G. omega and contemporaneous re-entry of medium-sized gephyrocapsids at the lower-middle Pleistocene transition are diachronous between the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea and from the western to eastern Mediterranean. In the Mediterranean, the LO of G. omega falls at MIS 15, insolation cycle 54 and is isochronous among the sites. Abundance fluctuations of G. omega show notable relations to early-middle Pleistocene climate changes; they considerably increase in abundance at the interglacial stages, suggesting warm water preferences. Gephyrocapsa omega temporarily disappears during the glacial MIS 22 and MIS 20. Above MIS 20, an impoverishment in G. omega and in the total abundance of medium-sized gephyrocapsids occurs. A decrease in abundance of G. omega is observed between the western Site 977 and the easternmost Site 967 in the Mediterranean Sea, as a possible response to high salinity and/or low nutrient content. Possible environmental influences on the distribution of R. asanoi and of Reticulofenestra sp. are discussed.


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Quantitative records of Globorotalia puncticulata and Globorotalia inflata, the last two members of the Globorotalia (Globoconella) lineage, obtained from North Atlantic sediments collected at DSDP Site 552, ODP Site 659 and ODP Site 665, are used to examine fluctuations in the biogeographic distribution of these species in the Late Pliocene between 3 and 2 Ma. Abundance data indicate that prior to the expansion of Northern Hemisphere glaciation at about 2.5 Ma, Gr. puncticulata was an important component of the planktonic foraminiferal fauna and had a geographic distribution ranging from 2°N to at least 56°N in the North Atlantic. A previously undescribed 6 chambered variant of Gr. puncticulata is found at both Sites 659 and 665. The stratigraphic distribution of this morphotype is restricted, first occurring at 2.9 Ma and then disappearing when glacial intensity increased at 2.75 Ma (isotope stage 110). Similar declines in Gr. puncticulata abundances occurred during glacial isotope stages 102, 100, and 98 immediately prior to the extinction of Gr. puncticulata during glacial isotope stage 96. It appears that this extinction event was latitudinally diachronous within the North Atlantic, occurring earliest in the north at Site 552 (2.453 Ma), then at Site 659 (2.443 Ma) and later still in the Site 665 equatorial record (2.438 Ma). At Site 665 the first record of Gr. inflata occurs during glacial isotope stage 94 (2.416 Ma), shortly after the extinction of Gr. puncticulata. In the mid latitude North Atlantic there was a 340,000 year period following the disappearance of Gr. puncticulata when the Globoconella lineage was absent (the Gr. inflata gap). The Gr. inflata population found in the equatorial Atlantic must therefore have been introduced from the South Atlantic, probably by the South Equatorial Current. Faunal records from Sites 552 and 659 show that it was not until glacial isotope stage 78 (2.10 Ma) that Gr. inflata became widely established in the North Atlantic. Prior to this large-scale migration event, there were two limited colonisation events during glacial isotope stages 86 and 82 when Gr. inflata populations reached as far as Site 659 in the eastern North Atlantic. These incursions are believed to be reflect the entrainment of Gr. inflata within South Atlantic Central Water and the northward subsurface transport of individuals to the coastal upwelling zone off northwest Africa. It seems likely that the same mechanism was responsible for the re-establishment of the Globoconella lineage in the North Atlantic at 2.10 Ma, but in this instance additional factors, such as enhanced glacial circulation patterns and ecological changes within planktonic foraminiferal faunas, resulted in the successful expansion of Gr. inflata across the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean.


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An extensive radiograph study of 24 undisturbed, up to 206-cm long box and gravity cores from the western part of the Strait of Otranto revealed a great variety of primary bedding structures and secondary burrowing features. The regional distribution of the sediments according to their structural, textural, and compositional properties reflects the major morphologic subdivisions of the strait into shelf, slope, and trough bottom (e.g., the bottom of the northern end of the Corfu-Kephallinia Trough, which extends from the northeastern Ionian Sea into the Strait of Otranto): (1) The Apulian shelf (0 to -170m) is only partly covered by very poorly sorted, muddy sands without layering. These relict(?) sands are rich in organic carbonate debris and contain glauconite and reworked (?Pleistocene) ooids. (2) The slope sediments (-170 to -1,000 m) are poorly sorted, sandy muds with a high degree of burrowing. One core (OT 5) is laminated and shows slump structures. An origin of these slumped sediment masses from older deposits higher on the slope was inferred from their abnormal compaction, color, texture, organic content, and mineral composition. (3) Cores from the northern end of the Corfu-Kephallinia Trough (-980 to -1,060 m) display a few graded sand layers, 2-5 cm (maximum 30 cm) thick with parallel and ripple-cross-laminations, deposited by oceanic bottom or small-scale turbidity currents. They are intercalated with homogeneous lutite. (4) Hemipelagic sediments prevail in the more southerly part of the Corfu-Kephallinia Trough and on the "Apulian-Ionian Ridge", the southern submarine extension of the Apulian Peninsula. Below a core depth of 160 cm, these cores have a laminated ("varved") zone, representing an Early Holocene (Boreal-Atlanticum) "stagnation layer" (14C age approximately 9,000 years). The terrigenous components of the surface sediments as well as those of the deeper sand layers can be derived from the Apulian shelf and the Italian mainland (Cretaceous Apulian Plateau and Gargano Mountains, southern Apennines, volcanic province of the Monte Vulture). Indicated by the heavy mineral glaucophane, a minor proportion of the sedimentary material is probably of Alpine origin. If this portion is considered to be first-cycle clastic material it reaches the Strait of Otranto after a longitudinal transport of 700 km via the Adriatic Sea. The lack of phyllosilicates in the coarse- to medium-grained shelf samples might be explained by the activity of the "Apulian Current" (surface velocities up to 4 knots) which in the past possibly has affected the bottom almost down to depths of the shelf edge. The percentage of planktonic organisms, and also the plankton: benthos ratio in the sediments is a useful indicator for bathymetry (depth zonation).


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Data on amounts of various functional groups, i.e. aldehyde, acid, ester, alcohol, thiol and aromatic groups in several fractions of low-polarity dissolved organic matter are presented. An assumption that this organic matter is part of the lipid fraction is not confirmed. Amount of aromatic compounds in waters of the Northwest Indian Ocean is estimated to be about 1000 times higher than quantity of aromatic hydrocarbons discharged into the ocean each year in petroleum and petroleum products.


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Historically, the Holocene has been considered an interval of relatively stable climate. However, recent studies from the northern Arabian Sea (Netherlands Indian Ocean Program 905) suggested high-amplitude climate shifts in the early and middle Holocene based on faunal and benthic isotopic proxy records. We examined benthic foraminiferal faunal and stable isotopic data from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 723 and total organic carbon data from ODP Site 724, Oman Margin (808 and 593 m water depths, respectively). At Site 723 the mid-Holocene shift in d18O values of infaunal benthic species Uvigerina peregrina (1.4 per mil) is 3 times larger than that of epifaunal benthic species Cibicides kullenbergi recorded at Site NIOP 905 off Somalia. However, none of the five other benthic species we measured at Hole 723A exhibits such a shift in d18O. We speculate that the late Holocene d18O decrease in U. peregrina represents species-specific changes in ecological habitat or food preference in response to changes in surface and deep ocean circulation. While the stable isotopic data do not appear to indicate a middle Holocene climatic shift, our total organic carbon and benthic faunal assemblage data do indicate that the early Holocene deep Arabian Sea was influenced by increased ventilation perhaps by North Atlantic Deep Water and/or Circumpolar Deep Water incursions into the Indian Ocean, leading to remineralization of organic matter and a relatively weak early Holocene oxygen minimum zone in the northwest Arabian Sea in spite of strong summer monsoon circulation.


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IBAMar (http://www.ba.ieo.es/ibamar) is a regional database that puts together all physical and biochemical data obtained by multiparametric probes (CTDs equipped with different sensors), during the cruises managed by the Balearic Center of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (COB-IEO). It has been recently extended to include data obtained with classical hydro casts using oceanographic Niskin or Nansen bottles. The result is a database that includes a main core of hydrographic data: temperature (T), salinity (S), dissolved oxygen (DO), fluorescence and turbidity; complemented by bio-chemical data: dissolved inorganic nutrients (phosphate, nitrate, nitrite and silicate) and chlorophyll-a. In IBAMar Database, different technologies and methodologies were used by different teams along the four decades of data sampling in the COB-IEO. Despite of this fact, data have been reprocessed using the same protocols, and a standard QC has been applied to each variable. Therefore it provides a regional database of homogeneous, good quality data. Data acquisition and quality control (QC): 94% of the data are CTDs Sbe911 and Sbe25. S and DO were calibrated on board using water samples, whenever a Rossetta was available (70% of the cases). All CTD data from Seabird CTDs were reviewed and post processed with the software provided by Sea-Bird Electronics. Data were averaged to get 1 dbar vertical resolution. General sampling methodology and pre processing are described in https://ibamardatabase.wordpress.com/home/). Manual QC include visual checks of metadata, duplicate data and outliers. Automatic QC include range check of variables by area (north of Balearic Islands, south of BI and Alboran Sea) and depth (27 standard levels), check for spikes and check for density inversions. Nutrients QC includes a preliminary control and a range check on the observed level of the data to detect outliers around objectively analyzed data fields. A quality flag is assigned as an integer number, depending on the result of the QC check.


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Information on the functional traits was gathered for the most commonly-sampled copepod species of the Mediterranean Sea. Our database includes 191 species described by 7 traits encompassing diverse ecological functions: minimal and maximal body length (mm), trophic group (Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore/Detritivore), feeding type (Cruise-feeding/Filter-feeding/Ambush-feeding), spawning strategy (Sac-spawner/Free-spawner), diel vertical migration (Non-migrant/Weak-migrant/Strong-migrant) and vertical habitat (prefered depth layer). Using cluster analysis in the functional trait space revealed that Mediterranean copepods can be gathered into groups that have different ecological roles.