805 resultados para ice sheet


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A high-resolution deuterium profile is now available along the entire European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica Dome C ice core, extending this climate record back to marine isotope stage 20.2, ~800,000 years ago. Experiments performed with an atmospheric general circulation model including water isotopes support its temperature interpretation. We assessed the general correspondence between Dansgaard-Oeschger events and their smoothed Antarctic counterparts for this Dome C record, which reveals the presence of such features with similar amplitudes during previous glacial periods. We suggest that the interplay between obliquity and precession accounts for the variable intensity of interglacial periods in ice core records. Temperature was estimated after correction for sea-water isotopic composition (Bintanja et al, 2005) and for ice sheet elevation (Parrenin et al, 2007) on EDC3 age scale (Parrenin et al, 2007).


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A continuous 3.5 Myr IRD record was produced from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 907. A timescale based on magnetic polarity chrons, oxygen isotope stratigraphy (for the last 1Myr) and orbital tuning was developed. The record documents a stepwise inception of large-scale glacial cycles in the Nordic Seas region, the first being a marked expansion of the Greenland ice sheet at 3.3 Ma. A second step occurred at 2.74 Ma by an expansion of large scale ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere. Ice sheet variability around the Nordic Seas was tightly coupled to global ice volume over the past 3.3 Myr. Between 3 and 1 Ma, most of the variance of the IRD signal is in the 41 kyr band, whereas the last 1 Myr is characterized by stronger 100 kyr variance. The Gamma Ray Porosity Evaluator (GRAPE) density record is closely linked with IRD variations and documents sub orbital variability resembling the late Quaternary Heinrich/Bond cycles.


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Two silicate-rich dust layers were found in the Dome Fuji ice core in East Antarctica, at Marine Isotope Stages 12 and 13. Morphologies, textures, and chemical compositions of constituent particles reveal that they are high-temperature melting products and are of extraterrestrial origin. Because similar layers were found ~2000 km east of Dome Fuji, at EPICA (European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica)-Dome C, particles must have rained down over a wide area 434 and 481 ka. The strewn fields occurred over an area of at least 3 × 10**6 km**2. Chemical compositions of constituent phases and oxygen isotopic composition of olivines suggest that the upper dust layer was produced by a high-temperature interaction between silicate-rich melt and water vapor due to an impact explosion or an aerial burst of a chondritic meteoroid on the inland East Antarctic ice sheet. An estimated total mass of the impactor, on the basis of particle flux and distribution area, is at least 3 × 10**9 kg. A possible parent material of the lower dust layer is a fragment of friable primitive asteroid or comet. A hypervelocity impact of asteroidal/cometary material on the upper atmosphere and an explosion might have produced aggregates of sub-µm to µm-sized spherules. Total mass of the parent material of the lower layer must exceed 1 × 10**9 kg. The two extraterrestrial horizons, each a few millimeters in thickness, represent regional or global meteoritic events not identified previously in the Southern Hemisphere.


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During the summer of 2003, a ground-penetrating radar survey around the North Greenland Icecore Project (NorthGRIP) deep ice-core drilling site (75°06' N, 42°20' W; 2957 m a.s.l.) was carried out using a shielded 250 MHz radar system. The drill site is located on an ice divide, roughly 300 km north-northwest of the summit of the Greenland ice sheet. More than 430 km of profiles were measured, covering a 10 km by 10 km area, with a grid centered on the drilling location, and eight profiles extending beyond this grid. Seven internal horizons within the upper 120 m of the ice sheet were continuously tracked, containing the last 400 years of accumulation history. Based on the age-depth and density-depth distribution of the deep core, the internal layers have been dated and the regional and temporal distribution of accumulation rate in the vicinity of NorthGRIP has been derived. The distribution of accumulation shows a relatively smoothly increasing trend from east to west from 145 kg/m**2/a to 200 kg/m**2/a over a distance of 50 km across the ice divide. The general trend is overlain by small-scale variations on the order of 2.5 kg/m**2/a/km, i.e. around 1.5% of the accumulation mean. The temporal variations of the seven periods defined by the seven tracked isochrones are on the order of +-4% of the mean of the last 400 years, i.e. at NorthGRIP ±7 kg/m**2/a. If the regional accumulation pattern has been stable for the last several thousand years during the Holocene, and ice flow has been comparable to today, advective effects along the particle trajectory upstream of NorthGRIP do not have a significant effect on the interpretation of climatically induced changes in accumulation rates derived from the deep ice core over the last 10 kyr.


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By incorporating recently available remote sensing data, we investigated the mass balance for all individual tributary glacial basins of the Lambert Glacier-Amery Ice Shelf system, East Antarctica. On the basis of the ice flow information derived from SAR interferometry and ICESat laser altimetry, we have determined the spatial configuration of eight tributary drainage basins of the Lambert-Amery glacial system. By combining the coherence information from SAR interferometry and the texture information from SAR and MODIS images, we have interpreted and refined the grounding line position. We calculated ice volume flux of each tributary glacial basin based on the ice velocity field derived from Radarsat three-pass interferometry together with ice thickness data interpolated from Australian and Russian airborne radio echo sounding (RES) surveys and inferred from ICESat laser altimetry data. Our analysis reveals that three tributary basins have a significant net positive imbalance, while five other subbasins are slightly positive or close to zero balance. Overall, in contrast to previous studies, we find that the grounded ice in Lambert Glacier-Amery Ice Shelf system has a positive mass imbalance of 22.9 ± 4.4 Gt/a. The net basal melting for the entire Amery Ice Shelf is estimated to be 27.0 ± 7.0 Gt/a. The melting rate decreases rapidly from the grounding zone to the ice shelf front. Significant basal refreezing is detected in the downstream section of the ice shelf. The mass balance estimates for both the grounded ice sheet and the ice shelf mass differ substantially from other recent estimates.


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Iceberg calving has been assumed to be the dominant cause of mass loss for the Antarctic ice sheet, with previous estimates of the calving flux exceeding 2,000 gigatonnes per year. More recently, the importance of melting by the ocean has been demonstrated close to the grounding line and near the calving front. So far, however, no study has reliably quantified the calving flux and the basal mass balance (the balance between accretion and ablation at the ice-sheet base) for the whole of Antarctica. The distribution of fresh water in the Southern Ocean and its partitioning between the liquid and solid phases is therefore poorly constrained. Here we estimate the mass balance components for all ice shelves in Antarctica, using satellite measurements of calving flux and grounding-line flux, modelled ice-shelf snow accumulation rates and a regional scaling that accounts for unsurveyed areas. We obtain a total calving flux of 1,321 ± 144 gigatonnes per year and a total basal mass balance of -1,454 ± 174 gigatonnes per year. This means that about half of the ice-sheet surface mass gain is lost through oceanic erosion before reaching the ice front, and the calving flux is about 34 per cent less than previous estimates derived from iceberg tracking. In addition, the fraction of mass loss due to basal processes varies from about 10 to 90 per cent between ice shelves. We find a significant positive correlation between basal mass loss and surface elevation change for ice shelves experiencing surface lowering and enhanced discharge. We suggest that basal mass loss is a valuable metric for predicting future ice-shelf vulnerability to oceanic forcing.


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The Advanced Land Observation System (ALOS) Phased-Array Synthetic-Aperture Radar (PALSAR) is an L-band frequency (1.27 GHz) radar capable of continental-scale interferometric observations of ice sheet motion. Here, we show that PALSAR data yield excellent measurements of ice motion compared to C-band (5.6 GHz) radar data because of greater temporal coherence over snow and firn. We compare PALSAR velocities from year 2006 in Pine Island Bay, West Antarctica with those spanning years 1974 to 2007. Between 1996 and 2007, Pine Island Glacier sped up 42% and ungrounded over most of its ice plain. Smith Glacier accelerated 83% and ungrounded as well. Their largest speed up are recorded in 2007. Thwaites Glacier is not accelerating but widening with time and its eastern ice shelf doubled its speed. Total ice discharge from these glaciers increased 30% in 12 yr and the net mass loss increased 170% from 39 ± 15 Gt/yr to 105 ± 27 Gt/yr. Longer-term velocity changes suggest only a moderate loss in the 1970s. As the glaciers unground into the deeper, smoother beds inland, the mass loss from this region will grow considerably larger in years to come.


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The widely accepted age estimate for the onset of glaciation in the Northern Hemisphere ranges between 2 and 15 million years ago (Ma). However, recent studies indicate the date for glacial onset may be significantly older. We report the presence of ice-rafted debris (IRD) in ~44 to 30 Ma sediments from the Greenland Sea, evidence for glaciation in the North Atlantic during the Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene. Detailed sedimentological evidence indicates that glaciers extended to sea level in the region, allowing icebergs to be produced. IRD may have been sourced from tidewater glaciers, small ice caps, and/or a continental ice sheet.


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Combined geodetic, geophysical and glaciological in situ measurements are interpreted regarding surface height changes over subglacial Lake Vostok and the local mass balance of the ice sheet at Vostok station. Repeated GPS observations spanning 5 years and long-term surface accumulation data show that the height of the lake surface has not changed over the observation period. The application of the mass conservation equation to purely observational data yields an ice mass balance for Vostok station close to equilibrium.


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The Filchner-Ronne ice shelf, which drains most of the marine-based portions of the West Antarctic ice sheet, is the largest ice shelf on Earth by volume. The origin and properties of the ice that constitutes this shelf are poorly understood, because a strong reflecting interface within the ice and the diffuse nature of the ice?ocean interface make seismic and radio echo sounding data difficult to interpret. Ice in the upper part of the shelf is of meteoric origin, but it has been proposed that a basal layer of saline ice accumulates from below. Here we present the results of an analysis of the physical and chemical characteristics of an ice core drilled almost to the bottom of the Ronne ice shelf. We observe a change in ice properties at about 150 m depth, which we ascribe to a change from meteoric ice to basal marine ice. The basal ice is very different from sea ice formed at the ocean surface and we propose a formation mechanism in which ice platelets in the water column accrete to the bottom of the ice shelf.


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The accumulation and distribution of the 2H content of near-surface layers in the eastern part of the Ronne Ice Shelf were determined from 16 firn cores drilled to about 10 m depth during the Filchner IIIa and IV campaigns in 1990 and 1992, respectively. The cores were dated stratigraphically by seasonal d2H variations in the firn. In addition, 3H and high-resolution chemical profiles were used to assist in dating. Both the accumulation rate and the stable-isotope content decrease with increasing distance from the ice edge: the d2H values range from about -195 per mil at the ice edge to -250 per mil at BAS sites 5 and 6, south of Henry Ice Rise, and the accumulation rates from about 210 to 90 kg/m**2/a. The d2H values of the near-surface firn and the 10 m firn temperatures (Theta) at individual sites are very well correlated: ddelta2H/dTheta=(10.3±0.6)per mil /K; r = 0.97. The d2H profiles of the two ice cores B13 and B15 drilled in 1990 and 1992 to 215 and 320 m depth, respectively, reflect the gradual depletion in 2H in the firn upstream of the drill sites. Comparison with tlie surface data indicates that the ice above 142 m in core B15 and above 137 m in core B13 was deposited on the ice shelf, whereas the deeper ice, down to 152.8 m depth, most probably originated from the margin of the Antarctic ice sheet.


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Chinese scientists will start to drill a deep ice core at Kunlun station near Dome A in the near future. Recent work has predicted that Dome A is a location where ice older than 1 million years can be found. We model flow, temperature and the age of the ice by applying a three-dimensional, thermomechanically coupled full-Stokes model to a 70 × 70 km**2 domain around Kunlun station, using isotropic non-linear rheology and different prescribed anisotropic ice fabrics that vary the evolution from isotropic to single maximum at 1/3 or 2/3 depths. The variation in fabric is about as important as the uncertainties in geothermal heat flux in determining the vertical advection which in consequence controls both the basal temperature and the age profile. We find strongly variable basal ages across the domain since the ice varies greatly in thickness, and any basal melting effectively removes very old ice in the deepest parts of the subglacial valleys. Comparison with dated radar isochrones in the upper one third of the ice sheet cannot sufficiently constrain the age of the deeper ice, with uncertainties as large as 500 000 years in the basal age. We also assess basal age and thermal state sensitivities to geothermal heat flux and surface conditions. Despite expectations of modest changes in surface height over a glacial cycle at Dome A, even small variations in the evolution of surface conditions cause large variation in basal conditions, which is consistent with basal accretion features seen in radar surveys.


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Pebbles (>10 mm) sampled from three drill sites on the continental rise west of the Antarctic Peninsula during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 178 were classified by shape and roundness. In addition, pebble lithology and surface texture were visually identified. To increase the pebble sample number to 331, three sites that were drilled 94 to 213 km from the continental shelf edge were integrated into the data set using magnetostratigraphy for core correlation. Pebbles were compared in three groups defined by the same stratigraphic intervals at each site: 3.1-2.2 Ma (late Pliocene), 2.2-0.76 Ma (late Pliocene-late Pleistocene), and 0.76 Ma to the Holocene. Pebble lithologies originate from sources on the Antarctic Peninsula margin. Most pebbles are metamorphic and sedimentary pebbles are rare (<6%), whereas mafic volcanic and intrusive igneous lithologies increase in abundance upsection. Pebbles from 3.1 to 0.76 Ma, plotted on sphericity-roundness diagrams, indicate original transport as basal and supraglacial/englacial debris. Pebbles are abundant and of diverse lithology. From 0.76 Ma to the present, the number of pebbles is low and their shape characteristics indicate they originated as basal debris. Observed changes in ice-rafted pebbles can be explained by growth of an ice sheet and inundation of the Antarctic Peninsula topography by ice ~0.76 Ma. Prior to this, outlet and valley glaciers transported debris at high levels within and at the base of the ice. The mass accumulation rate of sand fluctuates and includes rounded quartz grains. Ice-sheet growth may have been accompanied by overall cooling from subpolar to polar glacial regimes, which halted meltwater production and enhanced the growth of ice shelves, which consequently reduced sediment supply to icebergs.