Physical and chemical investigations on ice cores from the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf

Autoria(s): Oerter, Hans; Graf, Wolfgang

MEDIAN LATITUDE: -78.074311 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -54.856193 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -81.617000 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -60.614720 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -76.958890 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -39.434720 * DATE/TIME START: 1990-01-06T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1992-01-30T00:00:00




The accumulation and distribution of the 2H content of near-surface layers in the eastern part of the Ronne Ice Shelf were determined from 16 firn cores drilled to about 10 m depth during the Filchner IIIa and IV campaigns in 1990 and 1992, respectively. The cores were dated stratigraphically by seasonal d2H variations in the firn. In addition, 3H and high-resolution chemical profiles were used to assist in dating. Both the accumulation rate and the stable-isotope content decrease with increasing distance from the ice edge: the d2H values range from about -195 per mil at the ice edge to -250 per mil at BAS sites 5 and 6, south of Henry Ice Rise, and the accumulation rates from about 210 to 90 kg/m**2/a. The d2H values of the near-surface firn and the 10 m firn temperatures (Theta) at individual sites are very well correlated: ddelta2H/dTheta=(10.3±0.6)per mil /K; r = 0.97. The d2H profiles of the two ice cores B13 and B15 drilled in 1990 and 1992 to 215 and 320 m depth, respectively, reflect the gradual depletion in 2H in the firn upstream of the drill sites. Comparison with tlie surface data indicates that the ice above 142 m in core B15 and above 137 m in core B13 was deposited on the ice shelf, whereas the deeper ice, down to 152.8 m depth, most probably originated from the margin of the Antarctic ice sheet.


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Supplement to: Graf, Wolfgang; Moser, Heribert; Reinwarth, Oskar; Kipfstuhl, Sepp; Oerter, Hans; Minikin, Andreas; Wagenbach, Dietmar (1994): Snow-accumulation rates and isotopic content (2H, 3H) of near-surface firn from the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Annals of Glaciology, 20, 121-128, hdl:10013/epic.11645.d001

Palavras-Chave #3H depos; Acc rate ice; Accumulation rate ice, water equivalent; Age; AGE; AWI_Glac; B13 BC90; B15 BC92/D236; BER01S90_01; BER02S90_02; Berkner Island (Reinwarthhöhe); Berkner Island (Thyssenhöhe); Calculated; Calculated from weight/volume; Conductivity, electrolytical; Conductometry; d=d2H - 8*d18O; d18O H2O; dD; delta 18O, water; delta Deuterium; Density; Density, mass density; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, ice/snow; Depth, top/min; Depth bot; Depth ice/snow; Depth top; Deuterium excess; d xs; EC; F131 D131; F136 D136; F230 D230; F231 D231; F235 D235; F236 D236; F246 D246; F330 D330; F335 D335 Flugdepot2; F336 D336; FBC90 BC90; FHWF HWF; Filchner Ronne Ice Shelf; Filchner-Ronne-Ice-Shelf-Project; FIRN; Firn auger; for year of deposition; FRI02C92_246; FRI09C90_13; FRI09C90_90; FRI10C90_136; FRI10S90_136; FRI11C90_235; FRI11S90_235; FRI12C90_236; FRI12C92_15; FRI12S90_236; FRI13C90_335; FRI13S90_335; FRI14C90_336; FRI15C90_131; FRI15S90_131; FRI16C90_230; FRI16S90_230; FRI17C90_231; FRI17S90_231; FRI18C90_330; FRI18S90_330; FRI19C90_05; FRI20C90_06; FRI21C90_HWF; FRISP 1992; FS5 BAS_site5; FS6 BAS_site6; Glaciology @ AWI; ICEDRILL; Ice drill; Isotope ratio mass spectrometry; Mass spectrometer Finnigan Delta-S; Sample ID; Sampling/drilling ice; Scintillation; SNOWPIT; Snow pit; SS131 D131; SS136 D136; SS230 D230; SS231 D231; SS235 D235; SS236 D236; SS330 D330; SS335 D335; SSBerkN North-dome; SSBerkS South-dome; Tritium; Tritium, deposition; TRITUM; value with respect to time of measurement
