116 resultados para Peak periods.


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Culture studies of microorganisms have shown that the hydrogen isotopic composition of fatty acids depends on their metabolism, but there are only few environmental studies available to confirm this observation. Here we studied the seasonal variability of the deuterium/hydrogen (D/H) ratio of fatty acids in the coastal Dutch North Sea and compared this with the diversity of the phyto- and bacterioplankton. Over the year, the stable hydrogen isotopic fractionation factor epsilon between fatty acids and water ranged between -172 per mil and -237 per mil, the algal-derived polyunsaturated fatty acid nC20:5 being the most D-depleted and nC18:0 the least D-depleted fatty acid. The D-depleted nC20:5 is in agreement with culture studies, which indicates that photoautotrophic microorganisms produce fatty acids which are significantly depleted in D relative to water. The epsilon-lipid/water of all fatty acids showed a transient shift towards increased fractionation during the spring phytoplankton bloom, indicated by increasing chlorophyll a concentrations and relative abundance of the nC20:5 PUFA, suggesting increased contributions of photoautotrophy. Time periods with decreased fractionation (less negative epsilon-lipid/water values) can be explained by an increased contribution by heterotrophy to the fatty acid pool. Our results show that the hydrogen isotopic composition of fatty acids is a useful tool to assess the community metabolism of coastal plankton.


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Sediment drifts on the continental rise west of the Antarctic Peninsula received fine-grained sediment and ice-rafted debris (IRD) directly from the continental shelf and thus indirectly record the history of West Antarctic glaciation. Site 1101 contains a 218-m-thick, nearly continuous section extending from the late Pliocene to the Holocene. To assess the presence of calving glaciers at sea level in the Antarctic Peninsula region, the mass accumulation rate (MAR) of IRD was calculated using the weight percent terrigenous sand fraction (250 µm to 2 mm). IRD MAR is cyclic throughout, with small peaks alternating with periods of low or no IRD. Many cycles have a sawtooth pattern that increases gradually to the peak then abruptly decreases to zero. This pattern is consistent with rapid disintegration of ice streams and release of icebergs from the continental shelf. Three unusually large peaks (three to five times the size of other peaks) occurred at approximately 2.8, 1.9, and 0.88 Ma and indicate periods of intense ice rafting. Lithofacies were described in detail using X-radiographs and core descriptions for the interval from 1.34 to 0.54 Ma. Glacial units are represented by thickly laminated mud deposited by distal turbidites and meltwater plumes. Less commonly, thinly laminated sediment formed by contour currents and diamicton by intense ice rafting. Interglacials are represented by foraminifer-bearing mud with IRD. Ice rafting appears to have increased in the later part of the glacial period and remained high in the interglacial period.


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Authigenic carbonates associated with cold seeps provide valuable archives of changes in the long-term seepage activity. To investigate the role of shallow-buried hydrates on the seepage strength and fluid composition we analysed methane-derived carbonate precipitates from a high-flux hydrocarbon seepage area ("Batumi seep area") located on the south-eastern Black Sea slope in ca. 850 m. In a novel approach, we combined computerized X-ray tomography (CT) with mineralogical and isotope geochemical methods to get additional insights into the three-dimensional internal structure of the carbonate build-ups. X-ray diffractometry revealed the presence of two different authigenic carbonate phases, i.e. pure aragonitic rims associated with vital microbial mats and high-Mg calcite cementing the hemipelagic sediment. As indicated by the CT images, the initial sediment has been strongly deformed, first plastic then brittle, leading to brecciation of the progressively cemented sediment. The aragonitic rims on the other hand, represent a presumably recent carbonate growth phase since they cover the already deformed sediment. The stable oxygen isotope signature indicates that the high-Mg calcite cement incorporated pore water mixed with substantial hydrate water amounts. This points at a dominant role of high gas/fluid flux from decomposing gas hydrates leading to the deformation and cementation of the overlying sediment. In contrast, the aragonitic rims do not show an influence of 18O-enriched hydrate water. The differences in d18O between the presumably recent aragonite precipitates and the older high-Mg cements suggest that periods of hydrate dissociation and vigorous fluid discharge alternated with times of hydrate stability and moderate fluid flow. These results indicate that shallow-buried gas hydrates are prone to episodic decomposition with associated vigorous fluid flow. This might have a profound impact on the seafloor morphology resulting e.g. in the formation of carbonate pavements and pockmark-like structures but might also affect the local carbon cycle.


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The Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) is a key player in global-scale oceanic overturning processes and an important conduit for heat, fresh water, and carbon transport. The AAIW past variability is poorly understood mainly due to the lack of sedimentary archives at intermediate water depths. We present records of benthic stable isotopes from sediments retrieved with the seafloor drill rig MARUM-MeBo at 956 m water depth off northern Chile (GeoB15016, 27°29.48'S, 71°07.58'W) that extend back to 970 ka. The sediments at this site are presently deposited at the boundary between AAIW and Pacific Deep Water (PDW). For previous peak interglacials, our results reveal similar benthic d13C values at site GeoB15016 and of a newly generated stack of benthic d13C from various deep Pacific cores representing the "average PDW." This suggests, unlike today, the absence of AAIW at the site and the presence of nearly pure PDW. In contrast, more positive d13C values at site GeoB15016 compared to the stack imply a considerable AAIW contribution during cold phases of interglacials and especially during glacials. Besides, we used three short sediment cores to reconstruct benthic d13C values from the AAIW core during the last glacial and found a d13C signature similar to today's. Assuming that this was the case also for the past 970 kyr, we demonstrate that sea level changes and latitudinal migrations of the AAIW formation site can only account for about 50% of the full range of past d13C increases at site GeoB15016 during cold periods. Other processes that could explain the remaining of the positive d13C anomalies are increases in glacial AAIW production and/or deeper convection of the AAIW with respect to preceding interglacials.


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The middle Miocene delta18O increase represents a fundamental change in earth's climate system due to a major expansion and permanent establishment of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet accompanied by some effect of deepwater cooling. The long-term cooling trend in the middle to late Miocene was superimposed by several punctuated periods of glaciations (Mi-Events) characterized by oxygen isotopic shifts that have been related to the waxing and waning of the Antarctic ice-sheet and bottom water cooling. Here, we present a high-resolution benthic stable oxygen isotope record from ODP Site 1085 located at the southwestern African continental margin that provides a detailed chronology for the middle to late Miocene (13.9-7.3 Ma) climate transition in the eastern South Atlantic. A composite Fe intensity record obtained by XRF core scanning ODP Sites 1085 and 1087 was used to construct an astronomically calibrated chronology based on orbital tuning. The oxygen isotope data exhibit four distinct delta18O excursions, which have astronomical ages of 13.8, 13.2, 11.7, and 10.4 Ma and correspond to the Mi3, Mi4, Mi5, and Mi6 events. A global climate record was extracted from the oxygen isotopic composition. Both long- and short-term variabilities in the climate record are discussed in terms of sea-level and deep-water temperature changes. The oxygen isotope data support a causal link between sequence boundaries traced from the shelf and glacioeustatic changes due to ice-sheet growth. Spectral analysis of the benthic delta18O record shows strong power in the 400-kyr and 100-kyr bands documenting a paleoceanographic response to eccentricity-modulated variations in precession. A spectral peak around 180-kyr might be related to the asymmetry of the obliquity cycle indicating that the response of the dominantly unipolar Antarctic ice-sheet to obliquityinduced variations probably controlled the middle to late Miocene climate system. Maxima in the delta18O record, interpreted as glacial periods, correspond to minima in 100-kyr eccentricity cycle and minima in the 174-kyr obliquity modulation. Strong middle to late Miocene glacial events are associated with 400-kyr eccentricity minima and obliquity modulation minima. Thus, fluctuations in the amplitude of obliquity and eccentricity seem to be the driving force for the middle to late Miocene climate variability.


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Since the seminal work by Hays et al. (1976), a plethora of studies has demonstrated a correlation between orbital variations and climatic change. However, information on how changes in orbital boundary conditions affected the frequency and amplitude of millennial-scale climate variability is still fragmentary. The Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 19, an interglacial centred at around 785 ka, provides an opportunity to pursue this question and test the hypothesis that the long-term processes set up the boundary conditions within which the short-term processes operate. Similarly to the current interglacial, MIS 19 is characterised by a minimum of the 400-kyr eccentricity cycle, subdued amplitude of precessional changes, and small amplitude variations in insolation. Here we examine the record of climatic conditions during MIS 19 using high-resolution stable isotope records from benthic and planktonic foraminifera from a sedimentary sequence in the North Atlantic (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 306, Site U1313) in order to assess the stability and duration of this interglacial, and evaluate the climate system's response in the millennial band to known orbitally induced insolation changes. Benthic and planktonic foraminiferal d18O values indicate relatively stable conditions during the peak warmth of MIS 19, but sea-surface and deep-water reconstructions start diverging during the transition towards the glacial MIS 18, when large, cold excursions disrupt the surface waters whereas low amplitude millennial scale fluctuations persist in the deep waters as recorded by the oxygen isotope signal. The glacial inception occurred at ~779 ka, in agreement with an increased abundance of tetra-unsaturated alkenones, reflecting the influence of icebergs and associated meltwater pulses and high-latitude waters at the study site. After having combined the new results with previous data from the same site, and using a variety of time series analysis techniques, we evaluate the evolution of millennial climate variability in response to changing orbital boundary conditions during the Early-Middle Pleistocene. Suborbital variability in both surface- and deep-water records is mainly concentrated at a period of ~11 kyr and, additionally, at ~5.8 and ~3.9 kyr in the deep ocean; these periods are equal to harmonics of precession band oscillations. The fact that the response at the 11 kyr period increased over the same interval during which the amplitude of the response to the precessional cycle increased supports the notion that most of the variance in the 11 kyr band in the sedimentary record is nonlinearly transferred from precession band oscillations. Considering that these periodicities are important features in the equatorial and intertropical insolation, these observations are in line with the view that the low-latitude regions play an important role in the response of the climate system to the astronomical forcing. We conclude that the effect of the orbitally induced insolation is of fundamental importance in regulating the timing and amplitude of millennial scale climate variability.


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The Ocean Drilling Program Leg 175 recovered a unique series of stratigraphically continuous sedimentary sections along the SW African margin, an area which is presently affected by active coastal upwelling. The accumulation rates of organic and inorganic carbon are a major component of this record. Four Leg 175 sites (1082, 1084, 1085, 1087) are chosen as part of a latitudinal transect from the present northern to southern boundaries of the Benguela Current upwelling system, to decipher the Pliocene-Pleistocene history of biogenic production and its relationship with global and local changes in oceanic circulation and climate. The pattern of CaCO3 and Corg mass accumulation rates (MARs) over 0.25-Myr intervals indicates that the evolution of carbon burial is highly variable between the northern and the southern Benguela regions, as well as between sites that have similar hydrological conditions. This, as well as the presence over most locations of high-amplitude, rapid changes of carbon burial, reflect the partitioning of biogenic production and patterns of sedimentation into local compartments over the Benguela margin. The combined mapping of CaCO3 and Corg MARs at the study locations suggests four distinct evolutionary periods, which are essentially linked with major steps in global climate change: the early Pliocene, the mid-Pliocene warm event, a late Pliocene intensification of northern hemisphere glaciation and the Pleistocene. The early Pliocene spatially heterogeneous patterns of carbon burial are thought to reflect the occurrence of mass-gravitational movements over the Benguela slope which resulted in disruption of the recorded biogenic production. This was followed (3.5-3 Ma) by an episode of peak carbonate accumulation over the whole margin and, subsequently, by the onset of Benguela provincialism into a northern and a southern sedimentary regime near 2 Ma. This mid and late Pliocene evolution is interpreted as a direct response to changes in the ventilation of bottom and intermediate waters, as well as to dynamics of the subtropical gyral circulation and associated wind stress.