67 resultados para OFFSETS


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We sampled the upper water column for living planktic foraminifera along the SW-African continental margin. The species Globorotalia inflata strongly dominates the foraminiferal assemblages with an overall relative abundance of 70-90%. The shell delta18O and delta13C values of G. inflata were measured and compared to the predicted oxygen isotope equilibrium values (delta18O(eq)) and to the carbon isotope composition of the total dissolved inorganic carbon (delta13C(DIC)) of seawater. The delta18O of G. inflata reflects the general gradient observed in the predicted delta18O(eq) profile, while the delta13C of G. inflata shows almost no variation with depth and the reflection of the delta13C(DIC) in the foraminiferal shell seems to be covered by other effects. We found that offsets between delta18O(shell) and predicted delta18O(eq) in the surface mixed layer do not correlate to changes in seawater [CO3[2-]]. To calculate an isotopic mass balance of depth integrated growth, we used the oxygen isotope composition of G. inflata to estimate the fraction of the total shell mass that is grown within each plankton tow depth interval of the upper 500 m of the water column. This approach allows us to calculate the DELTA delta13C(interval added-DIC); i.e. the isotopic composition of calcite that was grown within a given depth interval. Our results consistently show that the DELTA delta13C(IA-DIC) correlates negatively with in situ measured [CO3[2-]] of the ambient water. Using this approach, we found DELTA delta13C(IA-DIC)/[CO3[2-]] slopes for G. inflata in the large size fraction (250-355 µm) of -0.013 per mil to 0.015 per mil (µmol/kg)**-1 and of -0.013 per mil to 0.017 per mil (µmol/kg)**-1 for the smaller specimens (150-250 µm). These slopes are in the range of those found for other non-symbiotic species, such as Globigerina bulloides, from laboratory culture experiments. Since the DELTA delta13C(IA-DIC)/[CO3[2-]] slopes from our field data are nearly identical to the slopes established from laboratory culture experiments we assume that the influence of other effects, such as temperature, are negligibly small. If we correct the delta13C values of G. inflata for a carbonate ion effect, the delta13C(shell) and delta13C(DIC) are correlated with an average offset of 2.11.


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The Oligocene-Miocene transition (OMT) (~23 Ma) is interpreted as a transient global cooling event, associated with a large-scale Antarctic ice sheet expansion. Here we present a 2.23 Myr long high-resolution (~3 kyr) benthic foraminiferal oxygen and carbon isotope (d18O and d13C) record from Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Site U1334 (eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean), covering the interval from 21.91 to 24.14 Ma. To date, five other high-resolution benthic foraminiferal stable isotope stratigraphies across this time interval have been published, showing a ~1 per mil increase in benthic foraminiferal d18O across the OMT. However, these records are still few and spatially limited and no clear understanding exists of the global versus local imprints. We show that trends and the amplitudes of change are similar at Site U1334 as in other high-resolution stable isotope records, suggesting that these represent global deep water signals. We create a benthic foraminiferal stable isotope stack across the OMT by combining Site U1334 with records from ODP Sites 926, 929, 1090, 1264, and 1218 to best approximate the global signal. We find that isotopic gradients between sites indicate interbasinal and intrabasinal variabilities in deep water masses and, in particular, note an offset between the equatorial Atlantic and the equatorial Pacific, suggesting that a distinct temperature gradient was present during the OMT between these deep water masses at low latitudes. A convergence in the d18O values between infaunal and epifaunal species occurs between 22.8 and 23.2 Ma, associated with the maximum d18O excursion at the OMT, suggesting climatic changes associated with the OMT had an effect on interspecies offsets of benthic foraminifera. Our data indicate a maximum glacioeustatic sea level change of ~50 m across the OMT.


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Oxygen and carbon isotope records are important tools used to reconstruct past ocean and climate conditions, with those of benthic foraminifera providing information on the deep oceans. Reconstructions are complicated by interspecies isotopic offsets that result from microhabitat preferences (carbonate precipitation in isotopically distinct environments) and vital effects (species-specific metabolic variation in isotopic fractionation). We provide correction factors for early Cenozoic benthic foraminifera commonly used for isotopic measurements (Cibicidoides spp., Nuttallides truempyi, Oridorsalis spp., Stensioina beccariiformis, Hanzawaia ammophila, and Bulimina spp.), showing that most yield reliable isotopic proxies of environmental change. The statistical methods and larger data sets used in this study provide more robust correction factors than do previous studies. Interspecies isotopic offsets appear to have changed through the Cenozoic, either (1) as a result of evolutionary changes or (2) as an artifact of different statistical methods and data set sizes used to determine the offsets in different studies. Regardless of the reason, the assumption that isotopic offsets have remained constant through the Cenozoic has introduced an 1-2°C uncertainty into deep sea paleotemperature calculations. In addition, we compare multiple species isotopic data from a western North Atlantic section that includes the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum to determine the most reliable isotopic indicator for this event. We propose that Oridorsalis spp. was the most reliable deepwater isotopic recorder at this location because it was best able to withstand the harsh water conditions that existed at this time; it may be the best recorder at other locations and for other extreme events also.


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Drilling during Leg 167 at the California margin was scheduled to recover continuous sedimentary sections. Multiple advanced piston core (APC) holes drilled at different depth offsets provided core overlap in successive APCs. Correlation of high-resolution laboratory physical properties data from adjacent APC holes was used to compile composite depth sections for each site. The composite depth sections were used to confirm continuous recovery and enable high-resolution sampling. The meters composite depth (mcd) scale differs from the shipboard meters below seafloor (mbsf) scale because of (1) core expansion following recovery (MacKillop et al., 1995, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.138.118.1995), (2) coring gaps, and (3) stretching/compression of sediment during coring (Lyle, Koizumi, Richter, et al., 1997, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.167.1997). Moran (1997, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.154.132.1997) calculated that sediment expansion accounted for 90%-95% of the Leg 154 depth offset between shipboard mbsf and the mcd scales. Terzaghi's one-dimensional theory of consolidation (Terzaghi, 1943) describes the response of sediments to stress loading and release. Mechanical loading in marine environments is provided by the buoyant weight of the overlying sediments. The load increases with depth below seabed, resulting in sediment volume reduction as water is "squeezed" out of the voids in the sediment. Stress release during core recovery results in expansion of the sediment and volume increase as water returns to the sediment. The sediment expansion or rebound defines the elastic properties of the sediment. In this study we examine the elastic deformation properties of sediments recovered from Sites 1020 and 1021. These results are used to (1) correct the laboratory index properties measurements to in situ values and (2) determine the contribution of sediment rebound to the depth offset between the mbsf and mcd scales.


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Secondary minerals filling veins and vesicles in volcanic basement at Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 458 and 459 indicate that there were two stages of alteration at each site: an early oxidative, probably hydrothermal, stage and a later, low-temperature, less oxidative stage, probably contemporaneous with faulting in the tectonically active Mariana forearc region. The initial stage is most evident in Hole 459B, where low-Al, high Fe smectites and iron hydroxides formed in vesicles in pillow basalts and low-Al palygorskite formed in fractures. Iron hydroxides and celadonite formed in massive basalts next to quartz-oligoclase micrographic intergrowths. Palygorskite was found in only one sample near the top of basement in Hole 458, but it too is associated with iron hydroxides. Palygorskite has previously been reported only in marine sediments in DSDP and other occurrences. It evidently formed here as a precipitate from fluids in which Si, Mg, Fe, and even some Al were concentrated. Experimental data suggest that the solutions probably had high pH and somewhat elevated temperatures. The compositions of associated smectites resemble those in hydrothermal sediments and in basalts at the Galapagos mounds geothermal field. The second stage of alteration was large-scale replacement of basalt by dioctahedral, trioctahedral, or mixed-layer clays and phillipsite along zones of intense fracturing, especially near the bottom of Holes 458 and 459B. The basalts are commonly slickensided, and there are recemented microfault offsets in overlying sediments. Native copper occurs in one core of Hole 458, but associated smectites are dominantly dioctahedral, unlike Hole 459B, where they are mainly trioctahedral, indicating nonoxidative alteration. The alteration in both holes is more intense than at most DSDP ocean crust sites and may have been augmented by water derived from subducting ocean crust beneath the fore-arc region.


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By recreating a range of geologically relevant concentrations of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in the laboratory, we demonstrate that the magnitude of the vital effects in both carbon and oxygen isotopes of coccolith calcite of multiple species relates to ambient DIC concentration. Under high DIC levels, all the examined coccoliths exhibit significantly reduced isotopic offsets from inorganic calcite compared to the substantial vital effects expressed at low (preindustrial and present-day) DIC concentrations. The supply of carbon to the cell exerts a primary control on biological fractionation in coccolith calcite via the modulation of coccolithophore growth rate, cell size and carbon utilisation by photosynthesis and calcification, altogether accounting for the observed interspecific differences between coccolith species. These laboratory observations support the recent hypothesis from field observations that the appearance of interspecific vital effect in coccolithophores coincides with the long-term Neogene decline of atmospheric CO2 concentrations and bring further valuable constraints by demonstrating a convergence of all examined species towards inorganic values at high pCO2 regimes. This study provides palaeoceanographers with a biogeochemical framework that can be utilised to further develop the use of calcareous nannofossils in palaeoceanography to derive sea surface temperature and pCO2 levels, especially during periods of relatively elevated pCO2 concentrations, as they prevailed during most of the Meso-Cenozoic.


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Expedition 302 of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP), also known as the Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX), successfully penetrated a sequence of Cenozoic sediments draping the crest of the Lomonosov Ridge in the central Arctic Ocean. The cumulative sedimentary record spans the last 57 m.y. and was recovered from three sites located within 15 km of each other. Merging the recovered cores onto a common depth scale that accurately reflects their stratigraphic placement below the seafloor is a fundamental step toward interpreting this unique sedimentary record. However, the lack of overlapping recovery in adjacent holes and intervals of high core disturbance complicated traditional methods of stratigraphic correlation. Here we present a revised composite depth scale for the ACEX sediments, generated in part by performing a regional stratigraphic correlation with sediments recovered from previous expeditions to the Lomonosov Ridge. The revised depth scale also reassesses the offsets for cores in the upper 55 meters below seafloor, where no overlapping recovery was acquired, and proposes modifications to these depths.


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The stable isotope composition of one epifaunal and three infaunal benthic foraminiferal species of a sediment core from 1800 m water depth of the western Arabian Sea was determined to evaluate deepwater oxygenation, organic matter remineralization, and early diagenetic processes during the past 190,000 years. The d18O records reveal species-specific metabolic effects, susceptibility to changes in carbonate ion concentration, and supralysoclinal calcite dissolution. The foraminiferal d13C records reveal changes in the stable carbon isotope gradients of pore water dissolved inorganic carbon (d13CDIC) and in the microhabitat depth of infaunal species. Maximum d13CDIC offsets between bottom and pore waters ranged between mean values of 0.8 and 1.2% corresponding to estimates of deepwater oxygen concentration between approximately 1 and 2.7 ml/l. Intervals of improved deepwater oxygenation coincided with high benthic foraminiferal diversity and indicate the admixture of well-oxygenated deepwater masses during interglacials. During interglacial maxima the d13C difference between epifauna and shallow infauna indicates highest organic matter remineralization rates at times of maximum organic matter fluxes.


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Benthic foraminiferal assemblages and the carbon isotope composition of the epifaunal benthic foraminifera Epistominella exigua and Fontbotia wuellerstorfi have been investigated along core MD02-2589 located at the southern Agulhas Plateau (41°26.03'S, 25°15.30'E, 2660 m water depth). This study aims to evaluate changes in the benthic paleoenvironment and its influence on benthic d13C with a notable focus on E. exigua, a species associated with phytodetritus deposits and poorly studied in isotope paleoceanographic reconstructions. The benthic foraminiferal assemblages (>63 µm) show large fluctuations in species composition suggesting significant changes in the pattern of ocean surface productivity conceivably related to migrations of the Subtropical Convergence (STC) and Subantarctic Front (SAF). Low to moderate seasonality and relatively higher food supply to the seafloor are indicated during glacial marine isotope stages (MIS) 6, 4, and 2 and during MIS 3, probably associated with the northward migration of the SAF and confluence with the more stationary STC above the southern flank of the Agulhas Plateau. The lowest organic carbon supply to the seafloor is indicated from late MIS 5b to MIS 4 as a consequence of increased influence of the Agulhas Front (AF) and/or weakening of the influence of the STC over the region. Episodic delivery of fresh organic matter, similar to modern conditions at the core location, is indicated during MIS 5c-MIS 5e and at Termination I. Comparison of this paleoenvironmental information with the paired d13C records of E. exigua and F. wuellerstorfi suggests that organic carbon offsets d13C of E. exigua from ambient bottom water d13CDIC, while its d13C amplitude, on glacial-interglacial timescales, does not seem affected by changes of organic carbon supply to the seafloor. This suggests that this species calcifies preferentially during the short time span of the year when productivity peaks and phytodetritus is delivered to the seafloor. Therefore E. exigua, while offset from d13CDIC, potentially more faithfully records the amplitude of ambient bottom water d13CDIC changes than F. wuellerstorfi, notably in settings such as the Southern Ocean that experienced substantial changes through time in the organic carbon supply to the seafloor.


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Here we present the first species-specific study of boron isotopes in the epibenthic foraminifer species Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi. Coretop samples from a water depth profile from 1000 to 4500 m on the northern flank of the Walvis Ridge are 4.4 per mil lower than the values expected, based on calculations of the delta 11B(borate) of ambient seawater. Similar values for this foraminifer species are presented from ODP site 668B at the Sierra Leone Rise, in the equatorial Atlantic. The consistency between data of the same species suggests the offsets are primary, rather than diagenetic. Glacial C. wuellerstorfi from ODP 668B and Walvis Ridge have boron isotope compositions only slightly different to interglacial samples, that is no larger than +0.10 pH units, or +23 µmol/kg in [CO3[2-]] above the reconstructed glacial lysocline, and -0.07 pH units, or -14 µmol/kg in [CO3[2-]] below. We use these results to suggest that glacial deep water pH in the Atlantic was similar to interglacial pH. The new data resolve the inconsistency between the previously reported high bottom water pH and the lack of significant carbonate preservation of the glacial deep ocean.


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Stable oxygen and carbon isotope (d18O and d13C) values measured in foraminiferal calcite are one of the primary tools used in paleoceanography. Diagenetic recrystallization of foraminiferal calcite can act to reset primary isotopic values, but its effects are typically poorly quantified. Here we test the impact of early stage diagenesis on stable isotope records generated from a suite of drill sites in the equatorial Pacific Ocean recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 199 and Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 320. Our selected sites form paleowater and burial depth transects, with excellent stratigraphic control allowing us to confidently correlate our records. We observe large intersite differences in the preservation state of benthic foraminiferal calcite, implying very different recrystallization histories, but negligible intersite offsets in benthic d18O and d13C values. We infer that diagenetic alteration of benthic foraminiferal calcite (in sedimentary oozes) must predominantly occur at shallow burial depths (<100 m) where offsets in both the temperature and isotopic composition of waters in which the foraminifera calcified and pore waters in which diagenesis occurs are small. Our results suggest that even extensive recrystallization of benthic foraminiferal calcite results in minimal shifts from primary d18O and d13C values. This finding supports the long-held suspicion that diagenetic alteration of foraminiferal calcite is less problematic in benthic than in planktic foraminifera and that in deep-sea sediments routinely employed for paleoceanographic studies benthic foraminifera are robust recorders of stable isotope values in the fossil record.


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Radiocarbon age relationships between co-occurring planktic foraminifera, alkenones, and total organic carbon in sediments from the continental margins of southern Chile, northwest Africa, and the South China Sea were compared with published results from the Namibian margin. Age relationships between the sediment components are site-specific and relatively constant over time. Similar to the Namibian slope, where alkenones have been reported to be 1000-4500 years older than co-occurring foraminifera, alkenones were significantly (~1000 years) older than co-occurring foraminifera in the Chilean margin sediments. In contrast, alkenones and foraminifera were of similar age (within 2 sigma error or better) in the NW African and South China Sea sediments. Total organic matter and alkenone ages were similar off Namibia (age difference TOC alkenones: 200-700 years), Chile (100-450 years), and NW Africa (360-770 years), suggesting minor contributions of preaged terrigenous material. In the South China Sea, total organic carbon is significantly (2000-3000 years) older owing to greater inputs of preaged terrigenous material. Age offsets between alkenones and planktic foraminifera are attributed to lateral advection of organic matter. Physical characteristics of the depositional setting, such as seafloor morphology, shelf width, and sediment composition, may control the age of co-occurring sediment components. In particular, offsets between alkenones and foraminifera appear to be greatest in deposition centers in morphologic depressions. Aging of organic matter is promoted by transport. Age offsets are correlated with organic richness, suggesting that formation of organic aggregates is a key process.


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The late Miocene carbon shift (~6.2 Myr) -a 0.5-1.0 per mil, d13C decrease in benthic and planktonic foraminifera- has been ascribed to changes in global inventory, deep-ocean circulation, and/or productivity. Cadmium, d13C, and nutrients in the ocean are linked; comparison of d13C and Cd/Ca yields circulation and chemical inventory information not available from either alone. We determined Cd/Ca ratios in late Miocene benthic foraminifera from DSDP Site 289. Results include: (1) late Miocene Pacific Cd/Ca values fall between those of late Quaternary Atlantic and Pacific benthic foraminifera; (2) there are no systematic Cd/Ca offsets between Cibicidoides kullenbergi, Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi and Uvigerina spp.; and (3) there is a very slight Cd/Ca change coincident with d13C. Cd/Ca, slightly higher in younger, isotopically lighter samples, exhibits a smaller increase than predicted if circulation were the primary cause of the carbon shift. The carbon shift may have been due to a long-term shift in the steady-state carbon isotope input or to a change in the sedimentation of organic carbon relative to calcium carbonate.


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Most seafloor sediments are dated with radiocarbon, and the sediment is assumed to be zero-age (modern) when the signal of atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons is present (Fraction modern (Fm) > 1). Using a simple mass balance, we show that even with Fm > 1, half of the planktonic foraminifera at the seafloor can be centuries old, because of bioturbation. This calculation, and data from four core sites in the western North Atlantic indicate that, first, during some part of the Little Ice Age (LIA) there may have been more Antarctic Bottom Water than today in the deep western North Atlantic. Alternatively, bioturbation may have introduced much older benthic foraminifera into surface sediments. Second, paleo-based warming of Sargasso Sea surface waters since the LIA must lag the actual warming because of bioturbation of older and colder foraminifera.


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Past river run-off is an important measure for the continental hydrological cycle and the as-sessment of freshwater input into the ocean. However, paleosalinity reconstructions applying different proxies in parallel often show offsets between the respective methods. Here, we compare the established foraminiferal Ba/Ca and d18OWATER salinity proxies for their capability to record the highly seasonal Orinoco freshwater plume in the eastern Caribbean. For this purpose we obtained a data set comprising Ba/Ca and d18OWATER determined on multiple spe-cies of planktonic foraminifera from core tops distributed around the Orinoco river mouth. Our findings indicate that interpretations based on either proxy could lead to different conclu-sions. In particular, Ba/Ca and d18OWATER diverge in their spatial distribution due to different governing factors. Apparently, the Orinoco freshwater plume is best tracked by Ba/Ca ratios of G. ruber (pink and sensu lato morphotypes), while d18OWATER based on the same species is more related to the local precipitation-evaporation balance overprinting the riverine freshwater contribution. Other shallow dwelling species (G. sacculifer, O. universa) show a muted response to the freshwater discharge, most likely due to their ecological and habitat prefer-ences. Extremely high Ba/Ca ratios recorded by G. ruber are attributed to Ba2+-desorption from suspended matter derived from the Orinoco. Samples taken most proximal to the freshwater source do not show pronounced Ba/Ca or d18OWATER anomalies. Here, the suspension loaded freshwater lid developing during maximum discharge suppresses foraminiferal populations. Both proxies are therefore biased towards dry season conditions at these sites, when surface salinity is only minimally reduced.