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Serpentinite clasts and muds erupted from Conical Seamount, Mariana forearc, show substantial enrichment in boron (B) and 11B (delta11B up to +15?) relative to mantle values. These elevated B isotope signatures result from chemical exchange with B-rich pore fluids that are upwelling through the seamount. If the trends of decreasing delta11B with slab depth shown by cross-arc magmatic suites in the Izu and Kurile arcs of the western Pacific are extended to shallow depths (~25 km), they intersect the inferred delta11B of the slab-derived fluids (+13x) at Conical Seamount. Simple mixtures of a B-rich fluid with a high delta11B and B-poor mantle with a low delta11B are insufficient to explain the combined forearc and arc data sets. The B isotope systematics of subduction-related rocks thus indicate that the fluids evolved from downgoing slabs are more enriched in 11B than the slab materials from which they originate. Progressively lower delta11B in arc lavas erupted above deep slabs reflects both the progressive depletion of 11B from the slab and progressively greater inputs of mantle-derived B. This suggests that the slab releases 11B-enriched fluids from the shallowest levels to depths greater than 200 km.


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Twenty-six samples representing the wide range of lithologies (low- and intermediate-Ca boninites and bronzite andesites, high-Ca boninites, basaltic andesites-rhyolites) drilled during Leg 125 at Sites 782 and 786 on the Izu-Bonin outer-arc high have been analyzed for Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopes. Nd-Sr isotope covariations show that most samples follow a trend parallel to a line from Pacific MORB mantle (PMM) to Pacific Volcanogenic sediment (PVS) but displaced slightly toward more radiogenic Sr. Pb isotope covariations show that all the Eocene-Oligocene samples plot along the Northern Hemisphere Reference Line, indicating little or no Pb derived from subducted pelagic sediment in their source. Two young basaltic andesite clasts within sediment do have a pelagic sediment signature but this may have been gained by alteration rather than subduction. In all isotopic projections, the samples form consistent groupings: the tholeiites from Site 782 and Hole 786A plot closest to PMM, the boninites and related rocks from Sites 786B plot closest to PVS, and the boninite lavas from Hole 786A and late boninitic dikes from Hole 786B occupy an intermediate position. Isotope-trace element covariations indicate that these isotopic variations can be explained by a three-component mixing model. One component (A) has the isotopic signature of PMM but is depleted in the more incompatible elements. It is interpreted as representing suboceanic mantle lithosphere. A second component (B) is relatively radiogenic (epsilon-Nd = ca 4-6; 206Pb/204Pb = ca 19.0-19.3; epsilon-Sr = ca -10 to -6)). Its trace element pattern has, among other characteristics, a high Zr/Sm ratio, which distinguishes it from the ìnormalî fluid components associated with subduction and hotspot activity. There are insufficient data at present to tie down its origin: probably it was either derived from subducted lithosphere or volcanogenic sediment fused in amphibolite facies; or it represents an asthenospheric melt component that has been fractionated by interaction with amphibole-bearing mantle. The third component (C) is characterized by high contents of Sr and high epsilon-Sr values and is interpreted as a subducted fluid component. The mixing line on a diagram of Zr/Sr against epsilon-Sr suggests that component C may have enriched the lithosphere (component A) before component B. These components may also be present on a regional basis but, if so, may not have had uniform compositions. Only the boninitic series from nearby Chichijima would require an additional, pelagic sediment component. In general, these results are consistent with models of subduction of ridges and young lithosphere during the change from a ridge-transform to subduction geometry at the initiation of subduction in the Western Pacific.


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Massive sulfide samples from the Bent Hill area were analyzed for 230Th/234U and 231Pa/235U disequilibria. Apparent ages calculated from these ratios are between 8.2 and >300 ka. Concordant ages were found for only three samples that originate near the surface from the clastic sulfide zone and suggest "true" ages of between 8.5 and 16.0 ka (mean of 230Th and 231Pa ages). The uranium vs. depth distribution in the Bent Hill Massive Sulfide deposit suggests an open system for uranium for the deeper part of the deposit, which was probably caused by extensive recrystallization processes inhibiting true age determinations.


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Magnesium concentrations in deep-sea sediment pore-fluids typically decrease down core due to net precipitation of dolomite or clay minerals in the sediments or underlying crust. To better characterize and differentiate these processes, we have measured magnesium isotopes in pore-fluids and sediment samples from Ocean Drilling Program sites (1082, 1086, 1012, 984, 1219, and 925) that span a range of oceanographic settings. At all sites, magnesium concentrations decrease with depth. At sites where diagenetic reactions are dominated by the respiration of organic carbon, pore-fluid d26Mg values increase with depth by as much as 2 per mil. Because carbonates preferentially incorporate 24Mg (low d26Mg), the increase in pore-fluid d26Mg values at these sites is consistent with the removal of magnesium in Mg-carbonate (dolomite). In contrast, at sites where the respiration of organic carbon is not important and/or weatherable minerals are abundant, pore-fluid d26Mg values decrease with depth by up to 2 per mil. The decline in pore-fluid d26Mg at these sites is consistent with a magnesium sink that is isotopically enriched relative to the pore-fluid. The identity of this enriched magnesium sink is likely clay minerals. Using a simple 1D diffusion-advection-reaction model of pore-fluid magnesium, we estimate rates of net magnesium uptake/removal and associated net magnesium isotope fractionation factors for sources and sinks at all sites. Independent estimates of magnesium isotope fractionation during dolomite precipitation from measured d26Mg values of dolomite samples from sites 1082 and 1012 are very similar to modeled net fractionation factors at these sites, suggesting that local exchange of magnesium between sediment and pore-fluid at these sites can be neglected. Our results indicate that the magnesium incorporated in dolomite is 2.0-2.7 per mil depleted in d26Mg relative to the precipitating fluid. Assuming local exchange of magnesium is minor at the rest of the studied sites, our results suggest that magnesium incorporated into clay minerals is enriched in d26Mg by 0 per mil to +1.25 per mil relative to the precipitating fluid. This work demonstrates the utility of magnesium isotopes as a tracer for magnesium sources/sinks in low-temperature aqueous systems.


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Boron contents and boron, carbon and oxygen stable isotopes were determined for authigenic carbonates recovered from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 146, Oregon margin. Carbonate precipitates are the most widespread authigenic phase in the shallow accretionary wedge and carry chemical information about long-term variations in pore fluid origin and flow paths in the Cascadia subduction zone. Drilling the first ridge (toe area including the frontal thrust) and the second ridge (or Hydrate Ridge) of the prism demonstrated different fluid regimes, with higher B contents in the authigenic precipitates at the toe. The delta11B of 18 authigenic precipitates analysed ranges from 13.9 per mil to as high as 39.8 per mil, extending the upper range of previously reported carbonate delta11B values considerably. When related to the delta11B ratio of their parent solutions, these data are characteristic of fluid-related processes in accretionary prisms. Together with delta13C and delta18O, delta11B ratios of the carbonate concretions, nodules and crusts allow one to distinguish between precipitation influenced by (i) seawater, (ii) fluid reservoirs at different depth levels within the accretionary prism and (iii) cage water from dissociated gas hydrates, the latter possibly indicating a fluctuation of the bottom simulating reflector during most recent Earth's history. From this first systematic boron study on authigenic precipitates from an accretionary prism it is suggested that B contents of such carbonate crusts and concretions exceed those reported for other marine carbonates. Given the abundance of such precipitates at convergent margins, they represent a significant B sink in geochemical cycling. Isotopic compositions of the parent fluids to the carbonates mirror B chemistry of modern pore waters from convergent margins. The precipitates carry information of different subduction-related fluid processes over a certain period of time, and hence are a crucial tracer in the investigation of palaeo-fluid flow.


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Two samples of Miocene sediments from Site 525 and four samples of sediments ranging in age from Pleistocene to Miocene from Site 528 have been analyzed for concentrations of organic and carbonate carbon, carbon/nitrogen ratios of organic matter, and extractable hydrocarbons and fatty acids. Organic carbon concentrations average 0.32% and show a diagenetic decrease with greater sediment age. Distributions of n-alkanes and n-alkanoic acids give evidence of considerable microbial reworking and of eolian contributions of terrigenous components. Organic contents of these sediments reflect a history of low marine productivity and poor preservation of organic matter in the eastern South Atlantic since middle Miocene times.