569 resultados para Abyssocythere antarctica
A suite of petropysical measurements - velocity versus pressure, bulk density, porosity, matrix density, and magnetic susceptibility -was undertaken on 63 core plugs from CRP-2A. These data are used to calibrate neutron, resistivity, and magnetic susceptibility well logs. Agreement between core-plug magnetic susceptibility measurements and both well-log and whole-core data is excellent. Comparison of core-plug bulk densities with continious well-log density records shows very good agreement. Core-plug measurements of matrix density permit conversion of the well-log and whole-core density records to porosity. Sands and muds exhibit similar downhole compaction patterns, and both patterns are consistent with 250 ± 150 m of exhumation. Pervasive cementation, particularly in the lower half of the core, has affected many CRP-2A petrophysical parameters: (1) fractional porosities are reduced by about 0.05 - 0.10 in the lower part of the hole; (2) velocity and porosity rebound are much smaller than is usually observed for unconsolidated sediments with burial depths similar to CRP-2A; (3) velocities are unusually insensitive to pressure, suggesting that any exhumation-induced microcracks have been scaled subsequently; (4) the velocity/porosity relationship lacks the characteristic signature of exhumation-induced microcracks; (5) the velocity/porosity relationship changes with depth, indicating downhole increase in consolidation; (6) Vp/Vs ratios of the highest-porosity sediments are unusually low, implying enhancement of framework stiffness.
Marine diatoms are the primary biostratigraphical and paleoenvironmental tool for interpreting the upper Palaeogene and lower Neogene strata recovered during the second drilling season of the Cape Roberts Project at site CRP-2 in the western Ross Sea, Antarctica. Silicoflagellates, ebridians, and a chrysophyte cyst provide supporting biostratigraphical information. More than 100 dominantly planktic diatom taxa are recognised. Of these, more than 30 are treated informally, pending SEM examination and formal description. Many other taxa are noted only to generic level. Lower Oligocene (c. 31 Ma) through lower Miocene (c. 18.5 Ma) diatoms occur from 28 mbsf down to 565 mbsf. Below this level, to the bottom of the hole at 624.15 mbsf, diatom assemblages are poorly-preserved and many samples are barren. A biostratigraphic zonal framework, consisting of ten diatom zones, is proposed for the Antarctic continental shelf. Ages inferred from the diatom biostratigraphy correspond well with geochronological data from argon dating of volcanic materials and strontium dating of calcareous macrofossils, as well as nannofossil biochronological datums. The biochronostratigraphical record from CRP-2/2A provides an important record of diatom events and mid-Cenozoic environmental changes in the Antarctic neritic zone.
A faunal comprising 18 foraminiferal taxa wa recovered from a suite of 52 core samples from lower Miocene sandstone, claystone and diamictite in the CRP-1 drillhole, Cape Roberts, Antarctica. The fauna is characterised by low foraminiferal abundance and diversity, the absence of planktics, and typically, the presence of Cribroelphidium sp. and/or Melonis spp. These factors indicate deposition in an inner shelf or nearshore environment. Many of the foraminifers found in CRP-1 also occure in the upper Oligocene-Miocene sequences in CIROS-1 and DSDP-270, but the fauna provides no precise indication of age. Typical and distinctive species from CRP-1 are illustrated with SEM photomicrographs.
Transects of a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) providing sea-bed videos and photographs were carried out during POLARSTERN expedition ANT-XV/3 focussing on the ecology of benthic assemblages on the Antarctic shelf in the South-Eastern Weddell Sea. The ROV-system sprint 103 was equiped with two video- and one still camera, lights, flash-lights, compass, and parallel lasers providing a scale in the images, a tether-management system (TMS), a winch, and the board units. All cameras used the same main lense and could be tilted. Videos were recorded in Betacam-format and (film-)slides were made by decision of the scientific pilot. The latter were mainly made under the aspect to improve the identification of organisms depicted in the videos because the still photographs have a much higher optical resolution than the videos. In the photographs species larger than 3 mm, in the videos larger than 1 cm are recognisable and countable. Under optimum conditions the transects were strait; the speed and direction of the ROV were determined by the drift of the ship in the coastal current, since both, the ship and the ROV were used as a drifting system; the option to operate the vehicle actively was only used to avoide obstacles and to reach at best a distance of only approximately 30 cm to the sea-floor. As a consequence the width of the photographs in the foreground is approximately 50 cm. Deviations from this strategy resulted mainly from difficult ice- and weather conditions but also from high current velocity and local up-welling close to the sea-bed. The sea-bed images provide insights into the general composition of key species, higher systematic groups and ecological guilds. Within interdisciplinary approaches distributions of assemblages can be attributed to environmental conditions such as bathymetry, sediment characteristics, water masses and current regimes. The images also contain valuable information on how benthic species are associated to each other. Along the transects, small- to intermediate-scaled disturbances, e.g. by grounding icebergs were analysed and further impact to the entire benthic system by local succession of recolonisation was studied. This information can be used for models predicting the impact of climate change to benthic life in the Southern Ocean. All these approaches contribute to a better understanding of the fiunctioning of the benthic system and related components of the entire Antarctic marine ecosystem. Despite their scientific value the imaging methods meet concerns about the protection of sensitive Antarctic benthic systems since they are non-invasive and they also provide valuable material for education and outreach purposes.
Breeding individuals enter an emergency life-history stage when their body reserves reach a minimum threshold. Consequently, they redirect current activity toward survival, leading to egg abandonment in birds. Corticosterone (CORT) is known to promote this stage. How and to what extent CORT triggers egg abandonment when breeding is associated with prolonged fasting, however, requires further investigation. We manipulated free-living male Adelie penguins with CORT-pellets before their laying period. We then examined their behavioral response with respect to nest abandonment in parallel with their prolactin levels (regulating parental care), and the subsequent effects of treatment on breeding success in relieved birds. Exogenous CORT triggered nest abandonment in 60% of the treated penguins -14 days after treatment and induced a concomitant decline in prolactin levels. Interestingly, prolactin levels in treated penguins that did not abandon their nest were higher at the point of implantation and also after being relieved by females, when compared with abandoning penguins. Among successful birds, the treatment did not affect the number of chicks, nor the brood mass. Our results show the involvement of CORT in the decision-making process regarding egg abandonment in Adelie penguins when incubation is associated with a natural long fast. However, we suggest that CORT alone is not sufficient to trigger nest abandonment but that 1) prolactin levels need to reach a low threshold value, and 2) a rise in proteolysis (i.e. utilization of protein as main energy substrate) seems also to be required.
Die Rekonstruktion der glaziomarinen Sedimentationsprozesse am antarktischen Kontinentalrand des westlichen Bellingshausenmeeres erfolgte durch die sedimentologische Auswertung eines 962 cm langen Schwerelotkernes aus 3594 m Wassertiefe. Der Kern wurde während des Fahrtabschnittes ANT-XI/3 mit dem FS "Polarstern" vom Scheitel einer Sediment- "Drift" gezogen. An dem Sedimentkern wurde eine lithologische Beschreibung, sowie sedimentologische Untersuchungen und sedimentphysikalische Messungen durchgeführt. Anhand der Ergebnisse konnten signifikante Änderungen in der Zusammensetzung und Struktur der Sedimente erkannt, und drei Faziestypen unterschieden werden. Die Faziestypen charakterisieren jeweils glaziale oder interglaziale Zeiträume. Der größte Teil der Sedimentabfolge gehört der Laminitfazies an. Dabei handelt es sich um feinlaminierte Sedimentabschnitte, die vorwiegend aus feinkörnigen, terrigenen Komponenten zusammengesetzt sind. In die feinlaminierten Abschnitte sind vereinzelte, wenige Milimeter bis Zentimeter mächtige Siltlagen eingeschaltet. Die biogenen Anteile sind gering, Anzeichen für Bodenleben fehlen völlig. Die Manganfazies wird von authigen gebildeten Mangankonkretionen dominiert, die jeweils diskrete Lagen bilden. Dabei handelt es sich zum einen um Mikromanganknollen und -krusten und zum andern um manganhaltige Gangfüllungen. Biogene und terrigene Anteile sind in diesem Faziestyp unbedeutend. Die Biogenfazies ist von strukturlosen und stark bioturbierten Sedimenten gekennzeichnet. In diesen Sedimentabschnitten ist der hohe Anteil an Eisfracht (IRD) und die erhöhten Gehalte an Kalziumkarbonat und Opal in der Sandfraktion markant. Die stratigraphische Einordnung des Sedimentkernes erfolgte über die von Grobe & Mackensen (1992) entwickelte Lithostratigraphie, mit deren Einheiten die Faziestypen des Sedimentkernes korreliert werden konnten. Dabei ergaben sich zwei mögliche Altersmodelle und ein Basisalter von ca. 250.000 Jahren. Anhand der stratigraphischen Fixpunkte wurden Sedimentationsraten des Gesamtsedimentes und Akkumulationsraten des Kalziumkarbonates, des Biogenopals und des organisch gebundenen Kohlenstoffes berechnet. Dabei wurde gezeigt, daß lediglich das Kalziumkarbonat und der Biogenopal als Anzeiger für biologische Produktion dienen können, wobei Lösungsprozesse in der Wassersäule und im Sediment eine große Rolle spielen. Der Gehalt an organisch gebundenem Kohlenstoff ist in dem Sedimentkern nur erhaltungsbedingt zu erklären. Die Sedimentationsprozesse der einzelnen Faziestypen sind von den Eisverhältnissen, der biologischen Produktion, dem gravitativen Transport und der Umlagerung durch Meeresströmungen abhängig. Die Auswirkung der einzelnen Faktoren ist jeweils unterschiedlich ausgeprägt und wirkt sich spezifisch auf die einzelnen Parameter aus. In den Glazialen hatte ein Vorstoß des Schelfeises über die Schelfkante zur Anlieferung großer Sedimentmassen geführt, die über gravitativen Transport den Kontinentalhang hinunter transportiert wurden. Die Feinfracht wurde über parallel zum Kontinentalhang laufende Konturströme westwärts transportiert und in der Larninitfazies der Driftkörper abgelagert. Am Ende der Glaziale kam es zur Sedimentation der Manganfazies. Die geringen Sedimentationsraten am Kamm der Sedimentdrift kamen aufgrund reduzierter Intensität der Konturströme und fehlender Umlagerung von Schelfsedimenten in Folge rückschreitender Schelfeisrnassen zustande. In den Interglazialen kam es durch den aufsteigenden Meeresspiegel zum Aufschwimmen des Schelfeises. Der damit verbundene Abbau der Eisrnassen über dem Schelf, hatte eine hohe Sedimentation von IRD zur Folge. Mit fortschreitendem Interglazial kam es in Zeiten nur saisonaler Meereisbedeckung zu verstärkter biologischer Produktion und zur Sedimentation biogenen Materials.
Distinct facies types, classified in radiocarbon-dated sediments from the shelf of the Lazarev Sea, East Antarctica, reveal a detailed history of processes that have controlled sedimentation during the deglaciation over the last 10,000 yr. The ice retreat on this part of the Antarctic shelf started 9500 yr BP, marked by the deposition of laminated sediments, deposited from a floating ice shelf. These laminites, which occur on top of diamictons laid down from a grounded ice sheet, are the basal sediments of the postglacial sequence. The intensity of the Antarctic Coastal Current (ACC), directed by shelf morphology, controlled sedimentation of the postglacial facies. A residual glaciomarine sediment with the fine fraction winnowed by strong currents developed from 9000-8000 yr BP in the western part of the investigation area and from 9000-5000 yr BP in the eastern part, closer to the prominent 'Fenno Deep' trough. Current velocities apparently decreased between 8000 and 2000 yr BP due to a deflection of the ACC by advancing ice tongues to the east of the investigation area during the 'Hypsithermal'. This led to a deposition of fine-grained sediments, and clay mineralogy suggests a continental source, possibly near the grounding line of the Nivl Ice Shelf, rather than a winnowing of sediments near the shelf break or advection from deeper water. Current velocities intensified after 2000 yr BP, removed fine material from these sediments and led to a relict sediment, consisting of coarse bryozoan and molluscan debris.
Radiocarbon dating is a nimportant tool for reconstructing Late Quaternary paleoenvironmental history of the Antarctic continent. Because of the scarcity of datable material, new suitable substances are welcomed. We present here novel paleoenvironmental records subfosil stomach oil deposits (mumiyo). This waxy organic material is found in petrel breeding colonies, especialy in those of snow petrels, Pagodroma nivea. The substance is formed by acumulation and solidifica tion of stomach oil regurgitated for the purpose of defense. We demonstrate and outline the usefulnes and limitations of 14C dating mumiyo for determining dates of local ice retreat, moraines and petrel ocupation history.
Precise knowledge of the phase relationship between climate changes in the two hemispheres is a key for understanding the Earth's climate dynamics. For the last glacial period, ice core studies have revealed strong coupling of the largest millennial-scale warm events in Antarctica with the longest Dansgaard-Oeschger events in Greenland through the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. It has been unclear, however, whether the shorter Dansgaard-Oeschger events have counterparts in the shorter and less prominent Antarctic temperature variations, and whether these events are linked by the same mechanism. Here we present a glacial climate record derived from an ice core from Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, which represents South Atlantic climate at a resolution comparable with the Greenland ice core records. After methane synchronization with an ice core from North Greenland, the oxygen isotope record from the Dronning Maud Land ice core shows a one-to-one coupling between all Antarctic warm events and Greenland Dansgaard-Oeschger events by the bipolar seesaw. The amplitude of the Antarctic warm events is found to be linearly dependent on the duration of the concurrent stadial in the North, suggesting that they all result from a similar reduction in the meridional overturning circulation.
A sediment core, collected from the western part of the continental slope of the Ross Sea at 2380 m water depth, records events of the last two climatic cycles (250 kyr). A 230Thex-based chronology was obtained and boundaries of the isotope stages were set assuming that biological productivity was enhanced during periods of less ice cover. Then, 230Thex0, organic carbon, biogenic silica and biogenic Ba distributions were compared to the glacial-interglacial stage boundaries and corresponding ages of the delta18O record of Martinson et al. [Martinson et al., 1987, doi:10.1016/0033-5894(87)90046-9]. Sediment accumulation rates ranged between 1.2 cm kyr**-1 in the isotope stage 6 and 3.8 cm kyr**-1 during the Holocene. Variations in the concentrations and fluxes of organic carbon, biogenic Ba, biogenic silica and Mn gave information on palaeoclimate changes. Processes of sediment redistribution in the Ross Sea margin were enlightened from a comparison of the measured and expected fluxes of 230Thex. Calculation of the focusing-corrected accumulation rates of biogenic Ba enabled us to evaluate the export palaeoproductivity. Corrected accumulation rates of biogenic components and calculated palaeoproductivities were low, compared to the Antarctic Polar Front in the Atlantic sector, throughout the last two climatic cycles. Glacial-interglacial changes of sea ice cover and ventilation of the Ross Sea were probably major causes of variations in biogenic particle flux and distribution of redox-sensitive elements within the sediment column.
High resolution 230Thex and 10Be and biogenic barium profiles were measured at three sediment gravity cores (length 605-850 cm) from the Weddell Sea continental margin. Applying the 230Thex dating method, average sedimentation rates of 3 cm/kyr for the two cores from the South Orkney Slope and of 2.4 cm/kyr for the core from the eastern Weddell Sea were determined and compared to delta18O and lithostratigraphic results. Strong variations in the radionuclide concentrations in the sediments resembling the glacial/interglacial pattern of the delta18O stratigraphy and the 10Be stratigraphy of high northern latitudes were used for establishing a chronostratigraphy. Biogenic Ba shows a pattern similar to the radionuclide profiles, suggesting that both records were influenced by increased paleoproductivity at the beginning of the interglacials. However, 230Thex0 fluxes (0 stands for initial) exceeding production by up to a factor of 4 suggest that sediment redistribution processes, linked to variations in bottom water current velocity, played the major role in controlling the radionuclide and biogenic barium deposition during isotope stages 5e and 1. The correction for sediment focusing makes the 'true' vertical paleoproductivity rates, deduced from the fluxes of proxy tracers like biogenic barium, much lower than previously estimated. Very low 230Thex0 concentrations and fluxes during isotope stage 6 were probably caused by rapid deposition of older, resedimented material, delivered to the Weddell Sea continental slopes by the grounded ice shelves and contemporaneous erosion of particles originating from the water column.
From data collected by RV Polarstern, and additional echosoundings provided by national hydrographic offices, research institutions and the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) Digital Bathymetric Data Center, the 1:1,000,000 Bathymetric Chart of the Weddell Sea (AWl BCWS) series has been developed. The heterogeneity of bathymetric data and the lack of observations within ice-covered areas required the incorporation of supplementary geophysical and geographical information. A semi-automatic procedure was developed for terrain modeling and contouring. In coastal regions, adjacent sub-glacial information was included in order to model the bathymetry of the transition zone along the Antarctic ice edge. Six sheets of the AWl BCWS series in the scale of 1:1,000,000 covering the southern Weddell Sea from 66°S to 78°S and from 68°W to 0°E were recently completed and included in the 1997 GEneral Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) Digital Atlas CD-ROM (http://www.gebco.net). On the basis of these six 1:1,000,000 AWl BCWS sheets, a generalized 1:3,000,000-scale bathymetric chart was compiled for the entire southern Weddell Sea.