50 resultados para large-mode-area


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During a field campaign in the Austral spring 2012 the sedimentary architecture of a polar gravel-beach system at the southern coast of Potter Peninsula (Area 3) was revealed using ground-penetrating radar (GPR, Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc. SIR-3000). 31 profiles were collected using a mono-static 200 MHz antenna operated in common offset mode. Trace increment was set to 0.05 m. A differential global-positioning system (dGPS, Leica GS09) was used to obtain topographical information along the GPR lines. GPR data are provided in RADAN-Format, dGPS coordinates are provided in ascii format; projection is UTM (WGS 84, zone 21S).


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The Box corer is a marine geological and biological sampling tool for soft sediments in lakes or oceans. It is deployed from a research vessel with a deep sea wire and suitable for any water depth. It is designed for a minimum of disturbance of the sediment surface by bow wave effects which is important for quantitative investigations of the benthos micro- to macrofauna, geochemical processes, sampling of bottom water or sedimentology. The large box corer version with an area of 2,500 cm? is frequently used on research vessels since the 1980th years. This data set is a publication of the engeneering drawings.


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At present time, there is a lack of knowledge on the interannual climate-related variability of zooplankton communities of the tropical Atlantic, central Mediterranean Sea, Caspian Sea, and Aral Sea, due to the absence of appropriate databases. In the mid latitudes, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is the dominant mode of atmospheric fluctuations over eastern North America, the northern Atlantic Ocean and Europe. Therefore, one of the issues that need to be addressed through data synthesis is the evaluation of interannual patterns in species abundance and species diversity over these regions in regard to the NAO. The database has been used to investigate the ecological role of the NAO in interannual variations of mesozooplankton abundance and biomass along the zonal array of the NAO influence. Basic approach to the proposed research involved: (1) development of co-operation between experts and data holders in Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, UK, and USA to rescue and compile the oceanographic data sets and release them on CD-ROM, (2) organization and compilation of a database based on FSU cruises to the above regions, (3) analysis of the basin-scale interannual variability of the zooplankton species abundance, biomass, and species diversity.


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Polynyas in the Laptev Sea are examined with respect to recurrence and interannual wintertime ice production.We use a polynya classification method based on passive microwave satellite data to derive daily polynya area from long-term sea-ice concentrations. This provides insight into the spatial and temporal variability of open-water and thin-ice regions on the Laptev Sea Shelf. Using thermal infrared satellite data to derive an empirical thin-ice distribution within the thickness range from 0 to 20 cm, we calculate daily average surface heat loss and the resulting wintertime ice formation within the Laptev Sea polynyas between 1979 and 2008 using reanalysis data supplied by the National Centers for Environmental Prediction, USA, as atmospheric forcing. Results indicate that previous studies significantly overestimate the contribution of polynyas to the ice production in the Laptev Sea. Average wintertime ice production in polynyas amounts to approximately 55 km3 ± 27% and is mostly determined by the polynya area, wind speed and associated large-scale circulation patterns. No trend in ice production could be detected in the period from 1979/80 to 2007/08.


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Vast areas on the Tibetan Plateau are covered by alpine sedge mats consisting of different species of the genus Kobresia. These mats have topsoil horizons rich in rhizogenic organic matter which creates turfs. As the turfs have recently been affected by a complex destruction process, knowledge concerning their soil properties, age and pedogenesis are needed. In the core area of Kobresia pygmaea mats around Nagqu (central Tibetan Plateau, ca. 4500 m a.s.l.), four profiles were subjected to pedological, paleobotanical and geochronological analyses concentrating on soil properties, phytogenic composition and dating of the turf. The turf of both dry K. pygmaea sites and wet Kobresia schoenoides sites is characterised by an enrichment of living (dominant portion) and dead root biomass. In terms of humus forms, K. pygmaea turfs can be classified as Rhizomulls mainly developed from Cambisols. Wet-site K. schoenoides turfs, however, can be classified as Rhizo-Hydromors developed from Histic Gleysols. At the dry sites studied, the turnover of soil organic matter is controlled by a non-permafrost cold thermal regime. Below-ground remains from sedges are the most frequent macroremains in the turf. Only a few pollen types of vascular plants occur, predominantly originating from sedges and grasses. Large amounts of microscopic charcoal (indeterminate) are present. Macroremains and pollen extracted from the turfs predominantly have negative AMS 14C ages, giving evidence of a modern turf genesis. Bulk-soil datings from the lowermost part of the turfs have a Late Holocene age comprising the last ca. 2000 years. The development of K. pygmaea turfs was most probably caused by an anthropo(zoo)-genetically initiated growth of sedge mats replacing former grass-dominated vegetation ('steppe'). Thus the turfs result from the transformation of pre-existing topsoils comprising a secondary penetration and accumulation of roots. K. schoenoides turfs, however, are characterised by a combined process of peat formation and penetration/accumulation of roots probably representing a (quasi) natural wetland vegetation.


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This study presents a differentiated carbonate budget for marine surface sediments from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge of the South Atlantic, with results based on carbonate grain-size composition. Upon separation into sand, silt, and clay sub-fractions, the silt grain-size distribution was measured using a SediGraph 5100. We found regionally characteristic grain-size distributions with an overall minimum at 8 µm equivalent spherical diameter (ESD). SEM observations reveal that the coarse particles (>8 µm ESD) are attributed to planktic foraminifers and their fragments, and the fine particles (<8 µm ESD) to coccoliths. On the basis of this division, the regional variation of the contribution of foraminifers and coccoliths to the carbonate budget of the sediments are calculated. Foraminifer carbonate dominates the sediments in mesotropic regions whereas coccoliths contribute most carbonate in oligotrophic regions. The grain size of the coccolith share is constant over water depth, indicating a lower susceptibility for carbonate dissolution compared to foraminifers. Finally, the characteristic grain-size distribution in fine silt (<8 µm ESD) is set into context with the coccolith assemblage counted and biometrically measured using a SEM. The coccoliths present in the silt fraction are predominantly large species (length > 4 µm). Smaller species (length < 4 µm) belong to the clay fraction (<2 µm ESD). The average length of most frequent coccolith species is connected to prominent peaks in grain-size distributions (ESD) with a shape factor. The area below Gaussian distributions fitted to these peaks is suggested as a way to quantitatively estimate the carbonate contribution of single coccolith species more precisely compared to conventional volume estimates. The quantitative division of carbonate into the fraction produced by coccoliths and that secreted by foraminifers enables a more precise estimate for source/sink relations of consumed and released CO2 in the carbon cycle. The allocation of coccolith length and grain size (ESD) suggests size windows for the separation or accumulation of distinct coccolith species in investigations that depend on non to slightly-mixed signals (e.g., isotopic studies).


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During two field campaigns (Austral springs 2011 and 2012) the sedimentary architecture of a polar gravel-spit system at the northern coast of Potter Peninsula (Area 4) was revealed using ground-penetrating radar (GPR, Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc. SIR-3000). 47 profiles were collected using a mono-static 200 MHz antenna operated in common offset mode. Trace increment was set to 0.05 m. A differential global-positioning system (dGPS, Leica GS09) was used to obtain topographical information along the GPR lines. GPR data are provided in RADAN-Format, dGPS coordinates are provided in ascii format; projection is UTM (WGS 84, zone 21S).


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Glacial landforms in northern Russia, from the Timan Ridge in the west to the east of the Urals, have been mapped by aerial photographs and satellite images supported by field observations. An east-west trending belt of fresh hummock-and-lake glaciokarst landscapes has been traced to the north of 67°N. The southern boundary of these landscapes is called the Markhida Line, which is interpreted as a nearly synchronous limit of the last ice sheet that affected this region. The hummocky landscapes are subdivided into three types according to the stage of postglacial modification: Markhida, Harbei and Halmer. The Halmer landscape on the Uralian piedmont in the east is the freshest, whereas the westernmost Markhida landscape is more eroded. The west- east gradient in morphology is considered to be a result of the time-transgressive melting of stagnant glacier ice and of the underlying permafrost. The pattern of ice-pushed ridges and other directional features reflects a dominant ice flow direction from the Kara Sea shelf. Traces of ice movement from the central Barents Sea are only discernible in the Pechora River left bank area west of 50°E. In the Polar Urals the horseshoe-shaped end moraines at altitudes of up to 560 m a.s.l. reflect ice movement up-valley from the Kara Ice Sheet, indicating the absence of a contemporaneous ice dome in the mountains. The Markhida moraines, superimposed onto the Eemian strata, represent the maximum ice sheet extent in the western part of the Pechora Basin during the Weichselian. The Markhida Line truncates the huge arcs of the Laya-Adzva and Rogovaya ice-pushed ridges protruding to the south. The latter moraines therefore reflect an older ice advance, probably also of Weichselian age. Still farther south, fluvially dissected morainic plateaus without lakes are of pre-Eemian age, because they plunge northwards under marine Eemian sediments. Shorelines of the large ice-dammed Lake Komi, identified between 90 and 110 m a.s.l. in the areas south of the Markhida Line, are radiocarbon dated to be older than 45 ka. The shorelines, incised into the Laya-Adzva moraines, morphologically interfinger with the Markhida moraines, indicating that the last ice advance onto the Russian mainland reached the Markhida Line during the Middle or Early Weichselian, before 45 ka ago.


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Mineral compositions of residual peridotites collected at various locations in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of the Kane transform (MARK area) are consistent with generally smaller degrees of melting in the mantle near the large offset Kane transform than near the other, small offset, axial discontinuities in the area. We propose that this transform fault effect is due to along-axis variations in the final depth of melting in the subaxial mantle, reflecting the colder thermal regime of the ridge near the Kane transform. Calculations made with a passive mantle flow regime suggest that these along-axis variations in the final depth of melting would not produce the full range of crustal thickness variations observed in the MARK area seismic record. It is therefore likely that the transform fault effect in the MARK area is combined with other mechanisms capable of producing crustal thickness variations, such as along-axis melt migration, the trapping of part of the magma in a cold mantle root beneath the ridge, or active mantle upwelling.


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Examining volcanic materials in deep sea sediments may be one of the most important tasks of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. The investigation of volcanic ash near young source volcanoes is particularly helpful in enabling us to infer the history of volcanism in and around the island arcs. In the area of the Japanese islands volcanic deposits are usually distributed east of the source by prevailing westerly winds. It is also possible that some deep sea tephra has its source in a large, already known land volcanism.


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The Shelf Seas of the Arctic are known for their large sea-ice production. This paper presents a comprehensive view of the Kara Sea sea-ice cover from high-resolution numerical modeling and space-borne microwave radiometry. As given by the latter the average polynya area in the Kara Sea takes a value of 21.2 × 10**3 km**2 ± 9.1 × 10**3 km**2 for winters (Jan.-Apr.) 1996/97 to 2000/01, being as high as 32.0 × 10**3 km**2 in 1999/2000 and below 12 × 10**3 km**2 in 1998/99. Day-to-day variations of the Kara Sea polynya area can be as high as 50 × 10**3 km**2. For the seasons 1996/97 to 2000/01 the modeled cumulative winter ice-volume flux out of the Kara Sea varied between 100 km**3/a and 350 km**3/a. Modeled high (low) ice export coincides with a high (low) average and cumulative polynya area, and with a low (high) sea-ice compactness in the Kara Sea from remote sensing data, and with a high (low) sea-ice drift speed across its northern boundary derived from independent model data for the winters 1996/97 to 2000/01.


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The ROV operations had three objectives: (1) to check, whether the "Cherokee" system is suited for advanced benthological work in the high latitude Antarctic shelf areas; (2) to support the disturbance experiment, providing immediate visual Information; (3) to continue ecological work that started in 1989 at the hilltop situated at the northern margin of the Norsel Bank off the 4-Seasons Inlet (Weddell Sea). The "Cherokee" is was equipped with 3 video cameras, 2 of which support the operation. A high resolution Tritech Typhoon camera is used for scientific observations to be recorded. In addition, the ROV has a manipulator, a still camera, lights and strobe, compass, 2 lasers, a Posidonia transponder and an obstacle avoidance Sonar. The size of the vehicle is 160 X 90 X 90cm. In the present configuration without TMS (tether management system) the deployment has to start with paying out the full cable length, lay it in loops on deck and connect the glass fibres at the tether's spool winch. After a final technical check the vehicle is deployed into the water, actively driven perpendicular to the ship's axis and floatings are fixed to the tether. At a cable length of approx. 50 m, the tether is tightened to the depressor by several cable ties and both components are lowered towards the sea floor, the vehicle by the thruster's propulsion and the depressor by the ship's winch. At 5 m intervals the tether has to be tied to the single conductor cable. In good weather conditions the instruments supporting the navigation of the ROV, especially the Posidonia system, allow an operation mode to follow the ship's course if the ship's speed is slow. Together with the lasers which act as a scale in the images they also allow a reproducible scientific analysis since the transect can be plotted in a GIS system. Consequently, the area observed can be easily calculated. An operation as a predominantly drifting system, especially in areas with bottom near currents, is also possible, however, the connection of the tether at the rear of the vehicle is unsuitable for such conditions. The recovery of the system corresponds to that of the deployment. Most important is to reach the surface of the sea at a safe distance perpendicular to the ship's axis in order not to interfere with the ship's propellers. During this phase the Posidonia transponder system is of high relevance although it has to be switched off at a water depth of approx. 40 m. The minimum personal needed is 4 persons to handle the tether on deck, one person to operate the ship's winch, one pilot and one additional technician for the ROV's operation itself, one scientist, and one person on the ship's bridge in addition to one on deck for whale watching when the Posidonia system is in use. The time for the deployment of the ROV until it reaches the sea floor depends on the water depth and consequently on the length of the cable to be paid out beforehand and to be tightened to the single conductor cable. Deployment and recovery at intermediate water depths can last up to 2 hours each. A reasonable time for benthological observations close to the sea floor is 1 to 3 hours but can be extended if scientifically justified. Preliminary results: after a first test station, the ROV was deployed 3 times for observations related to the disturbance experiment. A first attempt to Cross the hilltop at the northern margin of the Norsel Bank close to the 4- Seasons Inlet was successful only for the first hundreds of metres transect length. The benthic community was dominated in biomass by the demosponge Cinachyra barbata. Due to the strong current of approx. 1 nm/h, the design of the system, and an expected more difficult current regime between grounded icebergs and the top of the hilltop the operation was stopped before the hilltop was reached. In a second attempt the hilltop was successfully crossed because the current and wind situation was much more suitable. In contrast to earlier expeditions with the "sprint" ROV it was the first time that both slopes, the smoother in the northeast and the steeper in the southwest were continuously observed during one cast. A coarse classification of the hilltop fauna shows patches dominated by single taxa: cnidarians, hydrozoans, holothurians, sea urchins and stalked sponges. Approximately 20 % of the north-eastern slope was devastated by grounding icebergs. Here the sediments consisted of large boulders, gravel or blocks of finer sediment looking like an irregularly ploughed field. On the Norsel Bank the Cinachyra concentrations were locally associated with high abundances of sea anemones. Total observation time amounted to 11.5 hours corresponding to almost 6-9 km transect length.


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During two field campaigns (Austral springs 2011 and 2012) the sedimentary architecture of a polar gravel-beach system at the western coast of Potter Peninsula (Area 1) was revealed using ground-penetrating radar (GPR, Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc. SIR-3000). 21 profiles were collected using a mono-static 200 MHz antenna operated in common offset mode. Trace increment was set to 0.05 m. A differential global-positioning system (dGPS, Leica GS09) was used to obtain topographical information along the GPR lines. GPR data are provided in RADAN-Format, dGPS coordinates are provided in ascii format; projection is UTM (WGS 84, zone 21S).