169 resultados para QLQ-C30
Oxidized intervals of five organic-rich Madeira Abyssal Plain (MAP) turbidites deposited during the Miocene, Pliocene, and Pleistocene all displayed comparable major loss of total organic carbon (TOC) (84 ± 3.1%) accompanied by a negative isotopic (d13C) shift ranging from -0.3 to -2.9 per mil. Major but significantly lower loss of total nitrogen (Ntot, 61 ± 7.1%) also occurred, leading to a decrease in TOC relative to Ntot (C/Ntot) and a +1.3 to 2.7 per mil Ntot isotopic (d15N) shift. Compound specific isotopic measurements on plant wax n-alkanes indicate the terrestrial organic component in the unoxidized deposits is 13C-enriched owing to significant C4 contribution. Selective preservation of terrestrial relative to marine organic carbon could account for the d13C behavior of TOC upon oxidation but only if a 13C-depleted component of the bulk terrestrial signal is selectively preserved in the process. Although the C/Ntot decrease and positive d15N shift seems inconsistent with selective terrestrial organic preservation, results from analysis of a Modern eolian dust sample collected in the vicinity indicate these observations are compatible. Regardless of the specific explanation for these isotopic observations, however, our findings provide evidence that paleoreconstruction of properties such as pCO2 using the d13C of TOC is a goal fraught with uncertainty whether or not the marine sedimentary record considered is 'contaminated' with significant terrestrial input. Nonetheless, despite major and selective loss of both marine and terrestrial components as a consequence of postdepositional oxidation, intensive organic geochemical proxies such as the alkenone unsaturation index, UK'37, appear resistant to change and thereby retain their paleoceanographic promise.
Twenty-six core samples from Leg 64, Holes 474, 474A, 477, 478, 479, and 481A in the Gulf of California, were provided by the Joint Oceanographic Institutions for Deep Earth Sampling (JOIDES) Advisory Panel on Organic Geochemistry for analysis. The high heat flow characteristic of the basin provides an opportunity to study the effect of temperature on the diagenesis of organic matter. The contents and carbon isotope compositions of the organic matter and bitumen fractions of different polarity, isoprenoid and normal alkane distributions, and the nature of tetrapyrrole pigments were studied. Relative contents of hydrocarbons and bitumens depend on the thermal history of the deposits. Among other criteria, the nature and content of tetrapyrrole pigments appear to be most sensitive to thermal stress. Whereas only chlorins are present in the immature samples, porphyrins, including VO-porphyrins, appear in the thermally altered deposits, despite the shallow burial depth. Alkane distributions in thermally changed samples are characterized by low values of phytane to 2-C18 ratios and an odd/even carbon preference index close to unity. The thermally altered samples show unusual carbon isotope distributions of the bitumen fractions. The data also provide some evidence concerning the source of the organic matter and the degree of diagenesis.
We present a 3000-yr rainfall reconstruction from the Galápagos Islands that is based on paired biomarker records from the sediment of El Junco Lake. Located in the eastern equatorial Pacific, the climate of the Galápagos Islands is governed by movements of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) and the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). We use a novel method for reconstructing past ENSO- and ITCZ-related rainfall changes through analysis of molecular and isotopic biomarker records representing several types of plants and algae that grow under differing climatic conditions. We propose that ?D values of dinosterol, a sterol produced by dinoflagellates, record changes in mean rainfall in El Junco Lake, while dD values of C34 botryococcene, a hydrocarbon unique to the green alga Botryococcus braunii, record changes in rainfall associated with moderate-to-strong El Niño events. We use these proxies to infer changes in mean rainfall and El Niño-related rainfall over the past 3000 yr. During periods in which the inferred change in El Niño-related rainfall opposed the change in mean rainfall, we infer changes in the amount of ITCZ-related rainfall. Simulations with an idealized isotope hydrology model of El Junco Lake help illustrate the interpretation of these proxy reconstructions. Opposing changes in El Niño- and ITCZ-related rainfall appear to account for several of the largest inferred hydrologic changes in El Junco Lake. We propose that these reconstructions can be used to infer changes in frequency and/or intensity of El Niño events and changes in the position of the ITCZ in the eastern equatorial Pacific over the past 3000 yr. Comparison with El Junco Lake sediment grain size records indicates general agreement of inferred rainfall changes over the late Holocene.
Copper porphyrins have been recognized as natural constituents of marine sediments only within the past 5 years (Palmer and Baker, 1978, Science201, 49-51). In that report it was suggested that these pigments may derive from and be markers for oxidized terrestrial organic matter redeposited in the marine environment. In the present study we describe the distribution of copper porphyrins in sediments from several north Pacific and Gulf of California DSDP/IPQD sites (Legs 56,63,64). These allochthonous pigments have now been found to be accompanied by identical arrays of highly dealkylated nickel etioporphyrins. Evaluation of data from this and past studies clearly reveals that there is a strong carbon-number distribution similarity betweeen coincident Cu and Ni etioporphyrins. This homology match is taken as reflecting a common source for the tetrapyrrole ligands of this population of Cu and Ni chelates. Predepositional generation of these highly dealkylated etioporphyrins is concluded from the occurrence of these pigments in sediments continuing essentially all stages of in situ chlorophyll diagenesis (cf. Baker and Louda, 1983). That is, their presence is not regulated by the in situ diagenetic continuum. Thus, the highly dealkylated Cu and Ni etioporphyrins represent an 'allochthonous' background over which 'autochthonous' (viz. marine produced) chlorophyll derivatives are deposited and are undergoing in situ diagenesis.
Instrumental data suggest that major shifts in tropical Pacific atmospheric dynamics and hydrology have occurred within the past century, potentially in response to anthropogenic warming. To better understand these trends, we use the hydrogen isotopic ratios of terrestrial higher plant leaf waxes (DDwax) in marine sediments from southwest Sulawesi, Indonesia, to compile a detailed reconstruction of central Indo-Pacific Warm Pool (IPWP) hydrologic variability spanning most of the last two millennia. Our paleodata are highly correlated with a monsoon reconstruction from Southeast Asia, indicating that intervals of strong East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) activity are associated with a weaker Indonesian monsoon (IM). Furthermore, the centennial-scale oscillations in our data follow known changes in Northern Hemisphere climate (e.g., the Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Period) implying a dynamic link between Northern Hemisphere temperatures and IPWP hydrology. The inverse relationship between the EASM and IM suggests that migrations of the Intertropical Convergence Zone and associated changes in monsoon strength caused synoptic hydrologic shifts in the IPWP throughout most of the past two millennia.
Reconstructing terrestrial water budgets is of prime importance for understanding past climate and environment. To shed more light on how plant-wax derived n-alkanes may be used for this purpose we investigated the distribution and stable isotopic compositions of hydrogen (dD) and carbon (d13C) of plant-wax derived n-C29 and -C31 alkanes in terrestrial, coastal and offshore surface sediments in relation to hydrology along a NW-SE transect east of the Italian Apennines from the Po River to the Eastern Gulf of Taranto. The plant wax average chain length increases southward and may relate to increasing temperature and/or aridity. The plant wax dD of the terrestrial and coastal samples also increases southward and mainly reflects changes in the dD of precipitation. The d13C of plant waxes is primarily interpreted in terms of C3 vegetation changes rather than varying contributions by C4 plants. The plant wax d13C-dD composition of the Po River and Apennine rivers differs considerably from that in southern Italy, and suggests a mainly southern source for plant waxes in marine sediments of the Gulf of Taranto. This calibration provides a basis for the reconstruction of past changes in the Italian water balance and n-alkane source areas.
Organic matter in Miocene glacial sediments in Hole 739C on the Antarctic Shelf represents erosional recycled continental material. Various indications of maturity in bulk organic matter, kerogens, and extracts imply that an exposed section of mature organic carbon-rich material was present during the Miocene. Based on biomarker, n-alkane, and kerogen analysis, a massive diamictite of early Eocene/Oligocene age at Hole 739C contains immature organic matter. Visual and pyrolysis analyses of the kerogens suggest a predominance of terrestrial organic matter in all samples from Hole 739C. A reversal of thermal maturities, i.e., more-mature overlying less-mature sections, may be related to redeposition generated from glacial erosion. Siliciclastic fluviatile sediments of Lower Cretaceous age from Hole 741A were analyzed. The organic matter from this hole contains immature aliphatic and aromatic biomarkers as well as a suite of odd carbon number-dominated nalkanes. Visual examination and pyrolysis analysis of the kerogen suggests that predominantly immature terrestrial organic matter is present at Hole 741A. The similarities between Hole 739C Unit V and Hole 741A suggest that the source of the organic matter in the glacial sediments in Unit V at Hole 739C could be Cretaceous in age and similar to sediments sampled at Hole 741A in Prydz Bay.
Methane (CH4) is a strong greenhouse gas known to have perturbed global climate in the past, especially when released in large quantities over short time periods from continental or marine sources. It is therefore crucial to understand and, if possible, quantify the individual and combined response of these variable methane sources to natural climate variability. However, past changes in the stability of greenhouse gas reservoirs remain uncertain and poorly constrained by geological evidence. Here, we present a record from the Congo fan of a highly specific bacteriohopanepolyol (BHP) biomarker for aerobic methane oxidation (AMO), 35-aminobacteriohopane-30,31,32,33,34-pentol (aminopentol), that identifies discrete periods of increased AMO as far back as 1.2 Ma. Fluctuations in the concentration of aminopentol, and other 35-aminoBHPs, follow a pattern that correlates with late Quaternary glacial-interglacial climate cycles, with highest concentrations during warm periods. We discuss possible sources of aminopentol, and the methane consumed by the precursor methanotrophs, within the context of the Congo River setting, including supply of methane oxidation markers from terrestrial watersheds and/or marine sources (gas hydrate and/or deep subsurface gas reservoir). Compound-specific carbon isotope values of -30 per mil to -40 per mil for BHPs in ODP 1075 and strong similarities between the BHP signature of the core and surface sediments from the Congo estuary and floodplain wetlands from the interior of the Congo River Basin, support a methanotrophic and likely terrigenous origin of the 35-aminoBHPs found in the fan sediments. This new evidence supports a causal connection between marine sediment BHP records of tropical deep sea fans and wetland settings in the feeding river catchments, and thus tropical continental hydrology. Further research is needed to better constrain the different sources and pathways of methane emission. However, this study identifies the large potential of aminoBHPs, in particular aminopentol, to trace and, once better calibrated and understood, quantify past methane sources and fluxes from terrestrial and potentially also marine sources.
Long chain 1,13- and 1,15-alkyl diols form the base of a number of recently proposed proxies used for climate reconstruction. However, the sources of these lipids and environmental controls on their distribution are still poorly constrained. We have analyzed the long chain alkyl diol (LCD) composition of cultures of ten eustigmatophyte species, with three species from different families grown at various temperatures, to identify the effect of species composition and growth temperature on the LCD distribution. The results were compared with the LCD distribution of sixty-two lake surface sediments, and with previously reported LCD distributions from marine environments. The different families within the Eustigmatophyceae show distinct LCD patterns, with the freshwater family Eustigmataceae most closely resembling LCD distributions in both marine and lake environments. Unlike the other two eustigmatophyte families analyzed (Monodopsidaceae and Goniochloridaceae), C28 and C30 1,13-alkyl diols and C30 and C32 1,15-alkyl diols are all relatively abundant in the family Eustigmataceae, while the mono-unsaturated C32 1,15-alkyl diol was below detection limit. In contrast to the marine environment, LCD distributions in lakes did not show a clear relationship with temperature. The Long chain Diol Index (LDI), a proxy previously proposed for sea surface temperature reconstruction, showed a relatively weak correlation (R2 = 0.33) with mean annual air temperature used as an approximation for annual mean surface temperature of the lakes. A much-improved correlation (R2 = 0.74, p-value<0.001) was observed applying a multiple linear regression analysis between LCD distributions and lake temperatures reconstructed using branched tetraether lipid distributions. The obtained regression model provides good estimates of temperatures for cultures of the family Eustigmataceae, suggesting that algae belonging to this family have an important role as a source for LCDs in lacustrine environments, or, alternatively, that the main sources of LCDs are similarly affected by temperature as the Eustigmataceae. The results suggest that LCDs may have the potential to be applicable as a palaeotemperature proxy for lacustrine environments, although further calibration work is still required.
The organic geochemical character of rocks selected from Aptian, Valanginian, and Berriasian clay stone and siltstone sequences encountered in Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Holes 762C and 763C on the Exmouth Plateau was determined by means of a variety of analytical procedures. These sequences represent distal portions of the Mesozoic Barrow delta, in which petroleum source rocks and reservoirs exist on the Australian continent. The organic matter at the ODP sites is thermally immature type III material. Biomarker hydrocarbon compositions are dominated by long-chain, waxy n-alkanes and by C29 steranes, which reflect the land-plant origin of organic matter. Organic carbon d13C values ranged from -26 per mil to -28 per mil, consistent with a C3 land-plant source. Kerogen pyrolysate compositions and hopane isomerization ratios revealed progressively larger contributions of recycled organic matter as the depth of the deltaic sedimentary layers became greater.
A high-resolution sea surface temperature (SST) reconstruction of the western Mediterranean was accomplished using two independent, algae-based molecular organic proxies, i.e. the UK'37 index based on long-chain unsaturated ketones and the novel long-chain diol index (LDI) based on the relative abundances of C28 and C30 1,13- and 1,15-diols. Two marine records, from the western and eastern Alboran Sea basin, spanning the last 14 and 20 kyr, respectively, were studied. Results from the surface sediments suggest that the two proxies presently reflect seasons with similar SST, or simply annual mean SST. Both proxy records reveal the transition from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Holocene in the eastern Alboran Sea with an SST increase of ca. 7 °C for UK'37 and 9 °C for LDI. Minimum SSTs (10-12 °C) are reached at the end of the Last Glacial Maximum and during the last Heinrich event with a subsequent rapid SST increase in LDI-SST towards the beginning of the Bölling period (20 °C), while UK'37-SST remains constantly low (~12 °C). The Bölling-Alleröd is characterized by a rapid increase and subsequent decrease in UK'37-SST, while the LDI-SST decrease continuously. Short-term fluctuations in UK'37-SST are probably related to availability of nutrients and seasonal changes. The Younger Dryas is recorded as a short cold interval followed by progressively warmer temperatures. During the Holocene, the general lower UK'37-derived temperature values in the eastern Alboran (by ca. 1.5-2 °C) suggest a southeastward cold water migration by the western Alboran gyre and divergence in the haptophyte blooming season between both basins.
ntegrated terrestrial and marine records of northeast African vegetation are needed to provide long high resolution records of environmental variability with established links to specific terrestrial environments. In this study, we compare records of terrestrial vegetation preserved in marine sediments in the Gulf of Aden [Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 231] and an outcrop of lacustrine sediments in the Turkana Basin, Kenya, part of the East African Rift System. We analyzed higher plant biomarkers in sediments from both deposits of known equivalent age, corresponding to a ca. 50-100 ka humid interval prior to the b-Tulu Bor eruption ca. 3.40 Ma, when the Lokochot Lake occupied part of the Turkana Basin. Molecular abundance distributions indicate that long chain n-alkanoic acids in marine sediments are the most reliable proxy for terrestrial vegetation (Carbon Preference Index, CPI = 4.5), with more cautious interpretation needed for n-alkanes and lacustrine archives. Marine sediments record carbon isotopic variability in terrestrial biomarkers of 2-3 per mil, roughly equivalent to 20% variability in the C3/C4 vegetation contribution. The proportion of C4 vegetation apparently increased at times of low terrigenous dust input. Terrestrial sediments reveal much larger (2-10 per mil) shifts in n-alkanoic acid delta13C values. However, molecular abundance and isotopic composition suggest that microbial sources may also contribute fatty acids, contaminating the lacustrine sedimentary record of terrestrial vegetation.
Late Jurassic-early Cretaceous black shales and an overlying sequence of Albian-Campanian zeolitic claystones from the Falkland Plateau (DSDP/IPOD Leg 71, Site 511) were analyzed for tetrapyrrole pigment type and abundance. The "black shale" sequence was found to be rich in DPEP-series dominated free-base, nickel (Ni) and, to a lesser extent, vanadyl (V = 0) porphyrins. A low level of organic maturity (i.e. precatagenesis) is indicated for these strata as nickel chelation by free-base porphyrins is only 50-75% complete, proceeding down-hole to 627 meters sub-bottom. Electronic and mass spectral data reveal that the proposed benzo-DPEP (BD) and tetrahydrobenzo-DPEP (THBD) series are present in the free-base and Ni species, as well as the more usual occurrence in V = 0 porphyrin arrays. Highly reducing conditions are suggested by an abundance of the PAH perylene, substantial amounts of the THBD/BD series and a redox equilibrium between free-base DPEP and 7,8-dihydro-DPEP series, which exist in a 7:1 molar ratio. The Albian-Campanian claystone strata were found to be tetrapyrrolepoor, and those pigments present were typed as Cu/Ni highly dealkylated (C26 max.) etioporphyrins, thought to be derived via redeposition and oxidation of terrestrial organic matter (OM). Results from the present study are correlated to our past analyses of Jurassic-Cretaceous sediments from Atlantic margins in an effort to relate tetrapyrrole quality and quantity to basin evolution and OM sources in the proto-Atlantic.