Biomarker records of DSDP Hole 24-231 and terrestrial sediments

Autoria(s): Feakins, Sarah J; Eglinton, Timothy I; deMenocal, Peter B

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 7.775100 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 42.247600 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 3.660000 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 36.250000 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 11.890200 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 48.245200 * DATE/TIME START: 1972-05-04T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1972-05-04T00:00:00




ntegrated terrestrial and marine records of northeast African vegetation are needed to provide long high resolution records of environmental variability with established links to specific terrestrial environments. In this study, we compare records of terrestrial vegetation preserved in marine sediments in the Gulf of Aden [Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 231] and an outcrop of lacustrine sediments in the Turkana Basin, Kenya, part of the East African Rift System. We analyzed higher plant biomarkers in sediments from both deposits of known equivalent age, corresponding to a ca. 50-100 ka humid interval prior to the b-Tulu Bor eruption ca. 3.40 Ma, when the Lokochot Lake occupied part of the Turkana Basin. Molecular abundance distributions indicate that long chain n-alkanoic acids in marine sediments are the most reliable proxy for terrestrial vegetation (Carbon Preference Index, CPI = 4.5), with more cautious interpretation needed for n-alkanes and lacustrine archives. Marine sediments record carbon isotopic variability in terrestrial biomarkers of 2-3 per mil, roughly equivalent to 20% variability in the C3/C4 vegetation contribution. The proportion of C4 vegetation apparently increased at times of low terrigenous dust input. Terrestrial sediments reveal much larger (2-10 per mil) shifts in n-alkanoic acid delta13C values. However, molecular abundance and isotopic composition suggest that microbial sources may also contribute fatty acids, contaminating the lacustrine sedimentary record of terrestrial vegetation.


application/zip, 4 datasets








CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Feakins, Sarah J; Eglinton, Timothy I; deMenocal, Peter B (2007): A comparison of biomarker records of northeast African vegetation from lacustrine and marine sediments (ca. 3.40 Ma). Organic Geochemistry, 38(10), 1607-1624, doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2007.06.008

Palavras-Chave #24-231; ACL n-Alkane; ACL n-alkanoic acids; Age; AGE; C24 Alk. Acid d13C; C24 Alk. Acid d13C std dev; C25 alkane - C26 akanoic acid; C25 alkane - C26 alkanoic acid; C25 d13C; C25 d13C std dev; C26 Alk. Acid/sed; C26 Alk. Acid d13C; C26 Alk. Acid d13C std dev; C27 alkane - C28 akanoic acid; C27 alkane - C28 alkanoic acid; C27 d13C; C27 d13C std dev; C28 Alk. Acid/sed; C28 Alk. Acid d13C; C28 Alk. Acid d13C std dev; C29/sed; C29 alkane - C30 akanoic acid; C29 alkane - C30 alkanoic acid; C29 d13C; C29 d13C std dev; C30 Alk. Acid/sed; C30 Alk. Acid d13C; C30 Alk. Acid d13C std dev; C31/C29; C31/sed; C31 alkane - C32 akanoic acid; C31 alkane - C32 alkanoic acid; C31 d13C std dev; C32 Alk. Acid d13C; C32 Alk. Acid d13C std dev; C32 d13C; C33/sed; C33 alkane - C34 akanoic acid; C33 alkane - C34 alkanoic acid; C33 d13C; C33 d13C std dev; C34 Alk. Acid d13C; C34 Alk. Acid d13C std dev; Carbon, organic, total; Carbon Preference Index, n-Alkanes; Carbon Preference Index, n-alkanoic acids; C max Alk. Acid; C max n-Aklane; CPI Alk. Acid; CPI n-Alkanes; Dd13C; Deep Sea Drilling Project; Delta delta 13C; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; DSDP; Dust; Dust, aeolian; FA/Alk; Glomar Challenger; Indian Ocean/Gulf of Aden/BASIN; Kenya; Label; Leg24; Lithology; Lithology/composition/facies; Mass spectrometer Finnigan Delta Plus; mbsf; n-Alkane, average chain length; n-Alkane, C31/C29 ratio; n-Alkane C25, d13C; n-Alkane C25, d13C, standard deviation; n-Alkane C27, d13C; n-Alkane C27, d13C, standard deviation; n-Alkane C29, d13C; n-Alkane C29, d13C, standard deviation; n-Alkane C29 per unit sediment mass; n-Alkane C31, d13C, standard deviation; n-Alkane C31 per unit sediment mass; n-Alkane C32, d13C; n-Alkane C33, d13C; n-Alkane C33, d13C, standard deviation; n-Alkane C33 per unit sediment mass; n-Alkane modal chain length; n-Alkanoic acid, average chain length; n-Alkanoic acid C24, d13C; n-Alkanoic acid C24, d13C, standard deviation; n-Alkanoic acid C26, d13C; n-Alkanoic acid C26, d13C, standard deviation; n-Alkanoic acid C26 per unit sediment; n-Alkanoic acid C28, d13C; n-Alkanoic acid C28, d13C, standard deviation; n-Alkanoic acid C28 per unit sediment; n-Alkanoic acid C30, d13C; n-Alkanoic acid C30, d13C, standard deviation; n-Alkanoic acid C30 per unit sediment; n-Alkanoic acid C32, d13C; n-Alkanoic acid C32, d13C, standard deviation; n-Alkanoic acid C34, d13C; n-Alkanoic acid C34, d13C, standard deviation; n-Alkanoic acid modal chain length; n-Alkanoic acids/n-Alkane ratio; ODP sample designation; Outcrop; OUTCROP; Sample code/label; Section; SECTION, height; TOC; Wargolo
