50 resultados para Mid-rise building


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A 87Sr/86Sr isotope curve of the middle Eocene to Oligocene was produced from analysis of foraminifera in Ocean Drilling Program Hole 689B, Maud Rise, near the coast of Antarctica. Sediments from the hole are well preserved with no evidence of diagenetic alteration. The sequence is nearly complete from 46.3 to 24.8 Ma, with an average sampling interval of 166 kyr. Excellent magnetostratigraphy in Hole 689B allows calibration to the geomagnetic polarity time scale of Cande and Kent (1992). Marine strontium isotopic ratios were nearly stable from 46.3 to 35.5 Ma, averaging near 0.70773, after which they began to increase. A slow increase began after 40.4 Ma, rising at a rate of only about 8*10**-6/m.y. from base values of 0.707707. From 35.5 Ma to 24.8 Ma the average slope increased to 40*10**-6/m.y. The slope remained constant at least until 24.8 Ma, when the record becomes discontinuous owing to unconformities. We evaluate several possible controls on the marine strontium isotope curve that could have led to the observed growth in 87Sr/86Sr ratios near the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. Three mechanisms are considered, including the onset of Antarctic glaciation, increased mountain building in the Himalayan-Tibetan region, and decreased hydrothermal activity. None of the mechanisms alone seems to adequately explain the increased 87Sr/86Sr ratios during the Oligocene. Glaciation as a weathering agent was too episodic and probably began too late to explain the upturn in marine 87Sr/86Sr ratios. There is evidence that uplift in the Himalayan-Tibetan region began in the Miocene, much too late to control Oligocene strontium isotope ratios. Lastly, hydrothermal flux changes since the Eocene were apparently not great enough alone to account for the rise in marine 87Sr/86Sr ratios. We suggest that a combination of causes, such as decreased hydrothermal activity perhaps followed by increased glaciation and mountain building, might best explain the growth of the marine 87Sr/86Sr curve during the Oligocene.


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The Snake Pit hydrothermal field is located on the top of a neovolcanic rise on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at sea depths between 3460 and 3510 m. It was surveyed during several oceanological expeditions including DSDP Legs. Additional scientific materials were obtained in 2002 and 2003 during expedition onboard R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh with two Mir deep-sea manned submersibles. Three eastern hydrothermal mounds (Moose, Beehive, and Fir Tree) are located on the upper part of the eastern slope of the rise over a common fractured pedestal composed of fragments of massive sulfides. The western group of hydrothermal deposits is encountered on the western slope of the axial graben. Within this mature hydrothermal field, which was formed over the past 4000 years, we studied morphology of the hydrothermal mounds, chemistry and mineralogy of hydrothermal deposits, chemistry of sulfide minerals, and isotope composition of sulfur in them.


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Surface sediment samples and three gravity cores from the eastern terrace of the Vema Channel, the western flank of the Rio Grande Rise, and the Brazilian continental slope were investigated for physical properties, grain size, and clay mineral composition. Discharge of the Rio Doce is responsible for kaolinite enrichments on the slope south of 20° and at intermediate depths of the Rio Grande Rise. The long-distance advection of kaolinite with North Atlantic Deep Water from lower latitudes is of minor importance as evidenced by low kaolinite/chlorite ratios on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Cyclic variations of kaolinite/chlorite ratios in all our cores, with maxima in interglacials, are attributed to low-and high-latitude forcing of paleoclimate on the Brazilian mainland and the related discharge of the Rio Doce. A long-term trend toward more arid and 'glacial' conditions from 1500 ka to present is superimposed on the glacial-interglacial cyclicity.


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Basalts from the base of a small seamount on ~1.5-m.y.-old crust west of the East Pacific Rise (EPR) at 9°N are intermediate in chemical and isotopic composition between light-rare-earth-element-depleted tholeiite (normal midocean ridge basalt (MORB)) and alkali basalt. Like oceanic alkali basalt, these rocks contain significantly more Ba, K, P, Sr, Ti, U, and Zr than normal MORB. Since the absolute abundances of these elements are still well below alkali basalt levels, the label transitional is adopted for these basalts. A series of fractionated MORB also occurs in this area, northwest of the Siqueiros Fracture Zone - Transform Fault. The normal tholeiites are either olivine-plagioclase or plagioclase-clinopyroxene phyric, while the transitional basalts are spinel-olivine phyric. Fractional crystallization quantitatively accounts for the chemical variability of the tholeiitic series but not for the transitional basalts. The tholeiitic series probably evolved in a crustal magma chamber ~4 km below the crest of the East Pacific Rise. 143Nd/144Nd and other chemical data suggest that the large-ion-lithophile-enriched transitional basalts may represent a hybrid of normal MORB and Siqueiros area alkali basalt. Incompatible element plots of K, P, and U indicate possible derivation of the transitional basalts by magma mixing. Magma mixing of unfractionated normal MORB and Siqueiros alkali basalt has been quantified. Derivation of the transitional basalts from a 1:1 mixture is supported by all available chemical data, including Cr, Cu, Nd, Ni, Sm, Sr, U, and V. This magma mixing apparently occurred at ?<~30 km depth within a few tens of kilometers from the EPR axis. These Siqueiros area EPR transitional basalts are compared with Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) transitional basalts from the Iceland and Azores areas. The Siqueiros area basalts reflect a profound chemical and isotopic heterogeneity in the upper mantle, similar to that found along the MAR. Unlike the MAR, the EPR shows no evidence of plumelike bulges and associated large-scale outpourings of nonnormal MORB resulting from these mantle heterogeneities. Siqueiros alkali basalt and MORB, as well as transitional basalt and MORB, were recovered from single dredge hauls. Such close spatial and temporal proximity of the inferred mantle sources places severe constraints on geometric and physicochemical upper mantle models.