443 resultados para MANGROVE SEDIMENTS
K-Ar dates were obtained for three pillow basalt samples recovered from Site 608 (Samples 608-58-1, 103-109 cm; 608-59-1, 3-7 cm; 608-59-1, 48-53 cm). Reliable K-Ar dates cannot be routinely obtained for deep-sea igneous rocks, because they may be subject to inaccuracies related to seawater alteration (Seidemann, 1977, doi:10.1130/0016-7606(1977)88<1660:EOSAOK>2.0.CO;2) and/or the presence of excess radiogenic 40Ar (Dalrymple and Moore, 1968, doi:10.1126/science.161.3846.1132; Dymond, 1970, doi:10.1130/0016-7606(1970)81[1229:EAISBP]2.0.CO;2). Thus, the possibility that the samples dated in this study were subject to these sources of inaccuracy must be evaluated.
Compressional (Vp) and shear (Vs) wave velocities have been measured to 1.0 kbar for 14 cores of well-consolidated sedimentary rock from Atlantic and Pacific sites of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. The range of VP (2.05-5.38 km/sec at 0.5 kbar) shows significant overlap with the range of oceanic layer-2 seismic velocities determined by marine refraction surveys, suggesting that sedimentary rocks may, in some regions, constitute the upper portion of layer 2. Differing linear relationships between VP and Vs for basalts and sedimentary rocks, however, may provide a method of resolving layer-2 composition. This is illustra ted for a refraction survey site on the flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge where layer-2 velocities agree with basalt, and two sites on the Saya de Malha Bank in the Indian Ocean where layer-2 velocities appear to represent sedimentary rock.
Along three sections in the Kara Sea and Obskaya Guba concentrations of dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC and POC, respectively) in waters , as well as of organic carbon in bottom sediments (Corg) in September-October 2007 were determined. DOC varied from 6.3 to 2400 µg/l, POC - from 0.84 to 12.2 mg/l. For all samples the average DOC was 200 µg/l (n = 78; sigma = 368), the average POC - 2.7 mg/l (n = 92; sigma = 2.7). Concentrations of Corg in dried samples of upper layer bottom sediments varied from 0.13 to 2.10% (aver. = 0.9%; n = 21; sigma = 0.49%). It is shown that distribution of different forms of organic matter (OM) is an indicator of supply and scattering of particulate matter in the Kara Sea and that DOC and POC of the Kara Sea are formed under impact of runoff of the Ob and Yenisei Rivers. It is found that distribution of OM in bottom sediments is closely related to their grain size composition and to the structure of currents in the area. Variations in Corg concentration in bottom sediment cores from the zone of riverine and sea water mixing represent variability of OM burial.
Stable carbon isotope composition of benthic foraminifera from sediments of the Skagerrak, North Sea
The sediment cores 225514 and 225510 were recovered from 420 and 285 m water depth, respectively. They were investigated for their benthic foraminiferal delta13C during the last 500 years. Both cores were recovered from the southern flank of the Skagerrak. The delta13C values of Uvigerina mediterranea and other shallow infaunal species in both cores indicate that organic matter rain rates to the seafloor varied around a mean value until approximately AD 1950 after which they increased. This increase might result from changes in the North Atlantic Current System and a co-occurring persistently high North Atlantic Oscillation index state in the 1980s to 1990s, rather than from anthropogenic eutrophication. Using delta13C mean values of multiple species, we reconstruct delta13C gradients of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) within pore waters for the time periods AD 1500 to 1950 and AD 1950 to 2000. The calculated delta13CDIC ranges, interpreted as indicating total organic matter remineralization due to respiration, are generally bigger in Core 225514 than in Core 225510. Since mean delta13C values of U. mediterranea suggest that organic matter rain rates were similar at both locations, differences in total organic matter remineralization are attributed to differing oxygen availability. However, oxygen concentrations in the overlying bottom water masses are not likely to have differed significantly. Thus, we suggest that organic matter remineralization was controlled by oxygen availability within the sediments, reflecting strong differences in sedimentation rates at the two investigated core sites. Based on the assumptions that tests of benthic foraminiferal species inhabiting the same microhabitat depth should show equal delta13C values unless they are affected by vital effects and that Globobulimina turgida records pore water delta13CDIC, we estimate microhabitat-corrected vital effects for several species with respect to G. turgida: >0.7 per mil for Cassidulina laevigata, >1.3 per mil for Hyalinea balthica, and >0.7 per mil for Melonis barleeanus. Melonis zaandami seems to closely record pore water delta13CDIC.
A down-core 231Pa/230Th record has been measured from the southwestern Indian Ocean to reconstruct the history of deep water flow into this basin over the last glacial-interglacial cycle. The (231Paxs/230Thxs)0 ratio throughout the record is nearly constant at approximately 0.055, significantly lower than the production ratio of 0.093, indicating that the proxy is sensitive to changes in circulation and/or sediment flux at this site. The consistent value suggests that there has been no change in the inflow of Antarctic Bottom Water to the Indian Ocean during the last 140 ka, in contrast to the changes in deep circulation thought to occur in other ocean basins. The stability of the (231Paxs/230Thxs)0 value in the record contrasts with an existing sortable silt (SS) record from the same core. The observed equation image variability is attributed to a local geostrophic effect amplifying small changes in circulation. A record of authigenic U from the same core suggests that there was reduced oxygen in bottom waters at the core locality during glacial periods. The consistency of the (231Paxs/230Thxs)0 record implies that this could not have arisen by local changes in productivity, thus suggesting a far-field control: either globally reduced bottom water oxygenation or increased productivity south of the Opal Belt during glacials.
Cretaceous sediments from DSDP Site 530 have been analyzed for organic carbon isotopic composition. The d13C values in the sediments decrease from -22.7 per mil to -27.5 per mil in the following order: light-olive green mudstone/claystone, dark brown-red mudstone/siltstone/claystone, and black shale. This large range is primarily the result of variation in the relative amounts of terrestrial organic carbon superimposed on that derived from marine organisms. The black shales have an average d13C value of -25.9 per mil (range is from -23.7 per mil to -27.5 per mil). These values indicate that they originated primarily in terrigenous organic materials. The average d13C value present throughout the Cretaceous suggests that a large amount of terrestrial organic matter was supplied into this paleoenvironment, except during the Campanian, when an average d13C of -23.9 per mil is found near the marine end of the range.
Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 302 (Arctic Coring Expedition, ACEX) recovered a unique sediment record from the central Arctic Ocean, revealing that this region underwent major environmental fluctuations since the Late Cretaceous. Major and trace element composition of 1,300 samples were determined using X-ray fluorescence (XRF). The results show significant compositional variability of the sediments with depth that can be attributed to changes in (a) provenance and pathways of detrital material, (b) paleoenvironmental conditions and depositional processes, and (c) diagenetic overprint of the primary record. In addition to existing lithological units, we introduce new geochemical units for a more process-related approach interpreting the ACEX record. In detail, via the geochemical signature of Siberian flood basalts we are able to reconstruct the discontinuous rifting and deepening of the central Lomonosov Ridge during the Paleogene, accompanied by changing current regimes and the onset of sea ice. Eocene biosiliceous sedimentation took place in a relatively shallow setting under predominantly anoxic bottom water conditions, causing a positive anoxia-productivity feedback, although water column stratification was repeatedly interrupted by ventilation events. Anoxic to sulfidic conditions were even more extreme after biosilica production ceased, and significant amounts of pyrite were deposited on the Lomonosov Ridge. Especially in organic matter-rich Paleogene deposits, diagenetic processes obscured the paleoenvironmental signals. Fundamental environmental changes occurred in the Middle Eocene, but geochemical and micropaleontological proxies point not to the identical sediment depth. After approximately 26 Ma of non-deposition or erosion, the Middle Miocene record shows the transition to dominantly oxic bottom water conditions, although suboxic diagenesis seemingly affected these deposits.