Organic carbon in waters, suspended matter, and upper layer bottom sediments of the Kara Sea and Obskay Guba

Autoria(s): Belyaev, Nikolay A; Peresypkin, Valery I; Ponyaev, MS

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 73.653507 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 69.071776 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 71.130000 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 61.000000 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 77.020000 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 73.822000 * DATE/TIME START: 2007-09-09T17:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2007-09-30T15:55:00




Along three sections in the Kara Sea and Obskaya Guba concentrations of dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC and POC, respectively) in waters , as well as of organic carbon in bottom sediments (Corg) in September-October 2007 were determined. DOC varied from 6.3 to 2400 µg/l, POC - from 0.84 to 12.2 mg/l. For all samples the average DOC was 200 µg/l (n = 78; sigma = 368), the average POC - 2.7 mg/l (n = 92; sigma = 2.7). Concentrations of Corg in dried samples of upper layer bottom sediments varied from 0.13 to 2.10% (aver. = 0.9%; n = 21; sigma = 0.49%). It is shown that distribution of different forms of organic matter (OM) is an indicator of supply and scattering of particulate matter in the Kara Sea and that DOC and POC of the Kara Sea are formed under impact of runoff of the Ob and Yenisei Rivers. It is found that distribution of OM in bottom sediments is closely related to their grain size composition and to the structure of currents in the area. Variations in Corg concentration in bottom sediment cores from the zone of riverine and sea water mixing represent variability of OM burial.


application/zip, 4 datasets








CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Belyaev, Nikolay A; Peresypkin, Valery I; Ponyaev, MS (2010): The organic carbon in the water, the particulate matter, and the upper layer of the bottom sediments of the west Kara Sea. Translated from Okeanologiya, 2010, 50(5), 748-757, Oceanology, 50(5), 706-715, doi:10.1134/S0001437010050085

Palavras-Chave #<10 µm; >100 µm; 100-10 µm; Akademik Mstislav Keldysh; AMK54; AMK54-4946; AMK54-4948; AMK54-4950; AMK54-4952; AMK54-4954; AMK54-4956; AMK54-4957; AMK54-4958; AMK54-4960; AMK54-4983; AMK54-4984; AMK54-4988; AMK54-4990; AMK54-4993; AMK54-4994; AMK54-4995; AMK54-4996; AMK54-4999; AMK54-5000; AMK54-5001; AMK54-5002; AMK54-5003; AMK54-5004; Archive of Ocean Data; ARCOD; Calculated; Calculated from dry weight/volume; Carbon, organic, dissolved; Carbon, organic, particulate; Carbon, organic, total; CTD, Neil Brown; Depth; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; DEPTH, water; Depth bot; Depth top; Depth water; DOC; DOC/POC; Event; Grain size analysis after Petelin (1967, Nauka, Moscow); in suspended matter; Kara Sea; MULT; Multiple investigations; Obskaya Guba; POC; Ratio; Sal; Salinity; Sediment; Sediment type; Size fraction < 0.010 mm; Size fraction > 0.100 mm; Size fraction 0.100-0.010 mm; SPM; Suspended matter; TOC; Total organic analyzer (TOC 5000A Shimazdu)
