91 resultados para Joan, of Arc, Saint, 1412-1431


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The compatibility of vanadium (V) during mantle melting is a function of oxygen fugacity (fO2): at high fO2's, V becomes more incompatible. The prospects and limitations of using the V content of peridotites as a proxy for paleo-fO2 at the time of melt extraction were investigated here by assessing the uncertainties in V measurements and the sensitivity of V as a function of degree of melt extracted and fO2. V-MgO and V-Al2O3 systematics were found to be sensitive to fO2 variations, but consideration of the uncertainties in measurements and model parameters indicates that V is sensitive only to relative fO2 differences greater than ~2 log units. Post-Archean oceanic mantle peridotites, as represented by abyssal peridotites and obducted massif peridotites, have V-MgO and -Al2O3 systematics that can be modeled by 1.5 GPa melting between FMQ - 3 and FMQ - 1. This is consistent with fO2's of the mantle source for mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs) as determined by the Fe3+ activity of peridotitic minerals and basaltic glasses. Some arc-related peridotites have slightly lower V for a given degree of melting than oceanic mantle peridotites, and can be modeled by 1.5 GPa melting at fO2's as high as FMQ. However, the majority of arc-related peridotites have V-MgO systematics overlapping that of oceanic mantle peridotites, suggesting that although some arc mantle may melt under slightly oxidizing conditions, most arc mantle does not. The fact that thermobarometrically determined fO2's in arc peridotites and lavas can be significantly higher than that inferred from V systematics, suggests that V retains a record of the fO2 during partial melting, whereas the activity of Fe3+ in arc peridotitic minerals and lavas reflect subsequent metasomatic overprints and magmatic differentiation/emplacement processes, respectively. Peridotites associated with middle to late Archean cratonic mantle are characterized by highly variable V-MgO systematics. Tanzanian cratonic peridotites have V systematics indistinguishable from post-Archean oceanic mantle and can be modeled by 3 GPa partial melting at ~FMQ - 3. In contrast, many South African and Siberian cratonic peridotites have much lower V contents for a given degree of melting, suggesting at first glance that partial melting occurred at high fO2's. More likely, however, their unusually low V contents for a given degree of melting may be artifacts of excess orthopyroxene, a feature that pervades many South African and Siberian peridotites but not the Tanzanian peridotites. This is indicated by the fact that the V contents of South African and Siberian peridotites are correlated with increases in SiO2 content, generating data arrays that cannot be modeled by partial melting but can instead be generated by the addition of orthopyroxene through processes unrelated to primary melt depletion. Correction for orthopyroxene addition suggests that the South African and Siberian peridotites have V-MgO systematics similar to those of Tanzanian peridotites. Thus, if the Tanzanian peridotites represent the original partial melting residues, and if the South African and Siberian peridotites have been modified by orthopyroxene addition, then there is no indication that Archean cratonic mantle formed under fO2's significantly greater than that of modern oceanic mantle. Instead, the fO2's inferred from the V systematics in these three cratonic peridotite suites are within range of modern oceanic mantle. This also suggests that the transition from a highly reducing mantle in equilibrium with a metallic core to the present oxidized state must have occurred by late Archean times.


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Igneous rocks from the Philippine tectonic plate recovered on Deep Sea Drilling Project Legs 31, 58 and 59 have been analyzed for Sr, Nd and Pb isotope ratios. Samples include rocks from the West Philippine Basin, Daito Basin and Benham Rise (40-60 m.y.), the Palau-Kyushu Ridge (29-44 m.y.) and the Parece Vela and Shikoku basins (17-30 m.y.). Samples from the West Philippine, Parece Vela and Shikoku basins are MORB (mid-ocean ridge basalt)-like with 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7026 - 0.7032, 143Nd/144Nd = 0.51300 - 0.51315, and 206Pb/204Pb = 17.8 - 18.1. Samples from the Daito Basin and Benham Rise are OIB (oceanic island basalt)-like with 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7038 - 0.7040, 143Nd/144Nd = 0.51285 - 0.51291 and 206Pb/204Pb = 18.8 - 19.2. All of these rocks have elevated 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb compared to the Northern Hemisphere Regression Line (NHRL) and have delta207Pb values of 0 to +6 and delta208Pb values of +32 to +65. Lavas from the Palau-Kyushu Ridge, a remnant island arc, have 87Sr/86Sr = 7032 - 0.7035, 143Nd/144Nd = 0.51308 - 0.51310 and 206Pb/204Pb = 18.4 - 18.5. Unlike the basin magmas erupted before and after them, these lavas plot along the NHRL and have Pb-isotope ratios similar to modern Pacific plate MORB's. This characteristic is shared by other Palau-Kyushu Arc volcanic rocks that have been sampled from submerged and subaerial portions of the Mariana fore-arc. At least four geochemically distinct magma sources are required for these Philippine plate magmas. The basin magmas tap Source 1, a MORB-mantle source that was contaminated by EMI (enriched mantle component 1 (Hart, 1988, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(88)90131-8)) and Source 2, an OIB-like mantle source with some characteristics of EMII (enriched mantle component 2 (Hart, 1988)). The arc lavas are derived from Source 3, a MORB-source or residue mantle including Sr and Pb from the subducted oceanic crust, and Source 4, MORB-source or residue mantle including a component with characteristics of HIMU (mantle component with high U/Pb (Hart, 1988)). These same sources can account for many of the isotopic characteristics of recent Philippine plate arc and basin lavas. The enriched components in these sources which are associated with the DUPAL anomaly were probably introduced into the asthenosphere from the deep mantle when the Philippine plate was located in the Southern Hemisphere 60 m.y.b.p.


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We provide new insights into the geochemistry of serpentinites from mid-ocean ridges (Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Hess Deep), passive margins (Iberia Abyssal Plain and Newfoundland) and fore-arcs (Mariana and Guatemala) based on bulk-rock and in situ mineral major and trace element compositional data collected on drill cores from the Deep Sea Drilling Project and Ocean Drilling Program. These data are important for constraining the serpentinite-hosted trace element inventory of subduction zones. Bulk serpentinites show up to several orders of magnitude enrichments in Cl, B, Sr, U, Sb, Pb, Rb, Cs and Li relative to elements of similar compatibility during mantle melting, which correspond to the highest primitive mantle-normalized B/Nb, B/Th, U/Th, Sb/Ce, Sr/Nd and Li/Y among subducted lithologies of the oceanic lithosphere (serpentinites, sediments and altered igneous oceanic crust). Among the elements showing relative enrichment, Cl and B are by far the most abundant with bulk concentrations mostly above 1000 µg/g and 30 µg/g, respectively. All other trace elements showing relative enrichments are generally present in low concentrations (µg/g level), except Sr in carbonate-bearing serpentinites (thousands of µg/g). In situ data indicate that concentrations of Cl, B, Sr, U, Sb, Rb and Cs are, and that of Li can be, increased by serpentinization. These elements are largely hosted in serpentine (lizardite and chrysotile, but not antigorite). Aragonite precipitation leads to significant enrichments in Sr, U and B, whereas calcite is important only as an Sr host. Commonly observed brucite is trace element-poor. The overall enrichment patterns are comparable among serpentinites from mid-ocean ridges, passive margins and fore-arcs, whereas the extents of enrichments are often specific to the geodynamic setting. Variability in relative trace element enrichments within a specific setting (and locality) can be several orders of magnitude. Mid-ocean ridge serpentinites often show pronounced bulk-rock U enrichment in addition to ubiquitous Cl, B and Sr enrichment. They also exhibit positive Eu anomalies on chondrite-normalized rare earth element plots. Passive margin serpentinites tend to have higher overall incompatible trace element contents than mid-ocean ridge and fore-arc serpentinites and show the highest B enrichment among all the studied serpentinites. Fore-arc serpentinites are characterized by low overall trace element contents and show the lowest Cl, but the highest Rb, Cs and Sr enrichments. Based on our data, subducted dehydrating serpentinites are likely to release fluids with high B/Nb, B/Th, U/Th, Sb/Ce and Sr/Nd, rendering them one of the potential sources of some of the characteristic trace element fingerprints of arc magmas (e.g. high B/Nb, high Sr/Nd, high Sb/Ce). However, although serpentinites are a substantial part of global subduction zone chemical cycling, owing to their low overall trace element contents (except for B and Cl) their geochemical imprint on arc magma sources (apart from addition of H2O, B and Cl) can be masked considerably by the trace element signal from subducted crustal components.


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Sedimentary sections recovered from the Tonga platform and forearc during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 135 provide a record of the sedimentary evolution of the active margin of the Indo-Australian Plate from late Eocene time to the Present. Facies analyses of the sediments, coupled with interpretations of downhole Formation MicroScanner logs, allow the complete sedimentary and subsidence history of each site to be reconstructed. After taking into account the water depths in which the sediments were deposited and their subsequent compaction, the forearc region of the Tofua Arc (Site 841) can be seen to have experienced an initial period of tectonic subsidence dating from 35.5 Ma. Subsidence has probably been gradual since that time, with possible phases of accelerated subsidence, starting at 16.2 and 10.0 Ma. The Tonga Platform (Site 840) records only the last 7.0 Ma of arc evolution. However, the increased accuracy of paleowater depth determinations possible with shallow-water platform sediments allows the resolution of a distinct increase in subsidence rates at 5.30 Ma. Thus, sedimentology and subsidence analyses show the existence of at least two, and possibly four, separate subsidence events in the forearc region. Subsidence dating from 35.5 Ma is linked to rifting of the South Fiji Basin. Any subsidence dating from 16.2 Ma at Site 841 does not correlate with another known tectonic event and is perhaps linked to localized extensional faulting related to slab roll back during steady-state subduction. Subsidence from 10.0 Ma coincides with the breakup of the early Tertiary Vitiaz Arc because of the subduction polarity reversal in the New Hebrides and the subsequent readjustment of the plate boundary geometry. More recently, rapid subsidence and deposition of a upward-fining cycle from 5.30 Ma to the Present at Site 840 is thought to relate to rifting of the Lau Basin. Sedimentation is principally controlled by tectonic activity, with variations in eustatic sea level playing a significant, but subordinate role. Subduction of the Louisville Seamount Chain seems to have disrupted the forearc region locally, although it had only a modest effect on the subsidence history and sedimentation of the Tonga Platform as a whole.


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Many studies argue, based partly on Pb isotopic evidence, that recycled, subducted slabs reside in the mantle source of ocean island basalts (OIB) (Hofmann and White, 1982, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(82)90161-3; Weaver, 1991 doi:10.1016/0012-821X(91)90217-6; Lassiter, and Hauri, 1998, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(98)00240-4). Such models, however, have remained largely untested against actual subduction zone inputs, due to the scarcity of comprehensive measurements of both radioactive parents (Th and U) and radiogenic daughter (Pb) in altered oceanic crust (AOC). Here, we discuss new, comprehensive measurements of U, Th, and Pb concentrations in the oldest AOC, ODP Site 801, and consider the effect of subducting this crust on the long-term Pb isotope evolution of the mantle. The upper 500 m of AOC at Site 801 shows >4-fold enrichment in U over pristine glass during seafloor alteration, but no net change to Pb or Th. Without subduction zone processing, ancient AOC would evolve to low 208Pb/206Pb compositions unobserved in the modern mantle (Hart and Staudigel, 1989 [Isotopic characterization and identification of recycled components, in: Crust/Mantle Recycling at Convergence Zones, Eds. S.R. Hart, L. Gqlen, NATO ASI Series. Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences 258, pp. 15-28, D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht-Boston, 1989]). Subduction, however, drives U-Th-Pb fractionation as AOC dehydrates in the earth's interior. Pacific arcs define mixing trends requiring 8-fold enrichment in Pb over U in AOC-derived fluid. A mass balance across the Mariana subduction zone shows that 44-75% of Pb but <10% of U is lost from AOC to the arc, and a further 10-23% of Pb and 19-40% of U is lost to the back-arc. Pb is lost shallow and U deep from subducted AOC, which may be a consequence of the stability of phases binding these elements during seafloor alteration: U in carbonate and Pb in sulfides. The upper end of these recycling estimates, which reflect maximum arc and back-arc growth rates, remove enough Pb and U from the slab to enable it to evolve rapidly (<<0.5 Ga) to sources suitable to explain the 208Pb/206Pb isotopic array of OIB, although these conditions fail to simultaneously satisfy the 207Pb/206Pb system. Lower growth rates would require additional U loss (29%) at depths beyond the zones of arc and back-arc magmagenesis, which would decrease upper mantle kappa (232Th/238U) over time, consistent with one solution to the "kappa conundrum" (Elliott et al., 1999, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(99)00077-1). The net effects of alteration (doubling of l [238U/204Pb]) and subduction (doubling of omega [232Th/204Pb]) are sufficient to create the Pb isotopic signatures of oceanic basalts.


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Ash layers from Deep Sea Drilling Project site 178 in the northeast Pacific Ocean have been dated by the 40Ar-39Ar stepwise heating technique to resolve published discrepancies concerning the length of time explosive volcanism has affected the eastern Aleutian arc and Alaskan Peninsula. The results of the investigation indicate that the record of ash-fall deposition at site 178 extends back at least 6.5 m.y. Assuming that 6.5 m.y. ago marks the onset of renewed calc-alkalic volcanism of the volcanic arc, proposed models of continuous and discontinuous motion between the Pacific and North American lithospheric plates can be evaluated. If appreciable time elapsed between the onset of subduction and the onset of arc volcanism, the 6.5-m.y. record of ash-fall deposition in the north-east Pacific is most compatible with models of continuous plate motion throughout late Cenozoic time.


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This report presents petrographic data that will be used to characterize spatial and temporal changes in the provenance of Izu-Bonin forearc sediments recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 125. These data document the history of the Izu-Bonin arc system as reflected in the framework mineralogy of supra-subduction zone sediments. Subsequent analysis will reveal the record of arc-splitting events as well as the spatial and temporal episodes in forearc volcanism, in source type, and in source area that are preserved in these sediments.


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The late Carboniferous to Permian is a critical period for final amalgamation of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB), which is characterized by voluminous igneous rocks, particularly granitoids. The Kekesai composite granitoid porphyry intrusion, situated in the Chinese western Tianshan (southwest part of CAOB) includes two intrusive phases, a monzogranite phase, intruded by a granodiorite phase. LA-ICPMS U-Pb zircon analyses suggest that the monzogranitic rocks formed at 305.5±1.1 Ma, with a wide age range of inherited zircons (358-488 Ma and 1208-1391 Ma), whereas the granodioritic rocks formed at 288.7±1.5 Ma. The monzogranitic and granodioritic phases have similar geochemical features and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic compositions. They exhibit high and variable SiO2 (66-71 wt.%) and MgO (0.41-2.14 wt.%) contents with some arc-like geochemical characteristics (e.g., enrichment of large ion lithophile elements and negative anomalies of Nb, Ta and Ti) and relatively high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (ISr=0.7055-0.7059), low positive eNd(t) (+0.84 to +1.03) as well as a large variation in Hf isotopic compositions with eHf(t) between +3.43 to +14.8, implying both of them were derived from similar source materials. These geochemical characteristics suggest that they might be mainly derived from the partial melting of arc-derived Mesoproterozoic mafic lower crust with involvement of a mantle-derived component in variable proportions by mantle-derived magma underplating. The presence of late-Ordovician to earliest early Carboniferous inherited zircons and the Hf isotopic compositions in the monzogranitic sample, similar to that of the widespread juvenile arc rocks, indicates some crust contamination during magma emplacement. Our new data, combined with previous studies, imply that extensive post-collisional magmatism due to underplating of mantle-derived magma, could plausibly be explained by slab break-off regime.


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This chemical and petrologic study of rocks from Site 448 on the Palau-Kyushu Ridge is designed to answer some fundamental questions concerning the volcanic origin of remnant island arcs. According to the reconstruction of the Western Pacific prior to about 45 m.y. ago (Hilde et al., 1977), the site of the Palau-Kyushu Ridge was a major transform fault. From a synthesis of existing geological and geophysical data (R. Scott et al., this volume), it appears that the ridge originated by subduction of the Pacific plate under the West Philippine Basin. Thus the Palau-Kyushu Ridge should be a prime example of both initial volcanism of an incipient arc formed by interaction of oceanic lithospheric plates and remnant-arc volcanic evolution. The Palau-Kyushu Ridge was an active island arc from about 42 to 30 m.y. ago, after which initiation of back-arc spreading formed the Parece Vela Basin (R. Scott et al., this volume; Karig, 1975a). This spreading left the western portion of the ridge as a remnant arc that separates the West Philippine Basin from the Parece Vela Basin. In spite of numerous oceanographic expeditions to the Philippine Sea, including the two previous DSDP Legs 6 and 31 (Fischer, Heezen et al., 1971; Karig, Ingle et al., 1975), and even though the origins of inter-arc basins have been linked by various hypotheses to that of remnant island arcs (Karig, 1971, 1972, 1975a, and 1975b; Gill, 1976; Uyeda and Ben-Avraham, 1972; Hilde et al., 1977), very little hard data are available on inactive remnant arcs.


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