128 resultados para Investigator


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Most concentration profiles of sulfate in continental margin sediments show constant or continuously increasing gradients from the benthic boundary layer down to the deep sulfate reduction zone. However, a very marked change in this gradient has been observed several meters below the surface at many locations, which has been attributed to anoxic sulfide oxidation or to non-local transport mechanisms of pore waters. The subject of this study is to investigate whether this feature could be better explained by non-steady state conditions in the pore-water system. To this end, data are presented from two gravity cores recovered from the Zaire deep-sea fan. The sediments at this location can be subdivided into two sections. The upper layer, about 10 m thick, consists of stratified pelagic deposits representing a period of continuous sedimentation over the last 190 kyr. It is underlain by a turbidite sequence measuring several meters in thickness, which contains large crystals of authigenic calcium carbonate (ikaite: CaCO3·6H2O). Ikaite delta13C values are indicative of a methane carbon contribution to the CO2 pool. Radiocarbon ages of these minerals, as well as of the adjacent bulk sediments, provide strong evidence that the pelagic sediments have overthrust the lower section as a coherent block. Therefore, the emplacement of a relatively undisturbed sediment package is postulated. Pore-water profiles show the depth of the sulfate-methane transition zone within the turbiditic sediments. By the adaptation of a simple transport-reaction model, it is shown that the change in the geochemical environmental conditions, resulting from this slide emplacement, and the development towards a new steady state are fully sufficient to explain all features related to the pore-water profiles, particularly, [SO4]2- and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). The model shows that the downslope transport took place about 300 yr ago.


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Two distinct hydrogeochemical regimes currently dominate the Peruvian continental margin. One, in shallower water (150-450 m) shelf to upper-slope regions, is characterized by interstitial waters with strong positive chloride gradients with depth. The maximum measured value of 1043 mM chloride at Site 680 at ITS corresponds to a degree of seawater evaporation of ~2 times. Major ion chemistry and strontioum isotopic composition of the interstitial waters suggest that a subsurface brine that has a marine origin and is of pre-early Miocene "age," profoundly influences the chemistry and diagenesis of this shelf environment. Site 684 at ~9°S must be closest to the source of this brine, which becomes diluted with seawater and/or interstitial water as it flows southward toward Site 686 at ~13?S (and probably beyond) at a rate of approximately 3 to 4 cm/yr, since early Miocene time. The other regime, in deep water (3000-5000 m) middle to lower-slope regions, is characterized by interstitial waters with steep negative and nonsteady-state chloride gradients with depth. The minimum measured value of 454 mM chloride, at Site 683 at ITS, corresponds to ~20% dilution of seawater chloride The most probably sources of these low-chloride fluids are gas hydrate dissociation and mineral (particularly clay) dehydration reactions. Fluid advection is consistent with (1) the extent of dilution shown in the chloride profiles, (2) the striking nonsteady-state depth profiles of chlorides at Sites 683 and 688 and of 87Sr/86Sr ratios at Site 685, and (3) the temperatures resulting from an average geothermal gradient of 50°C/km and required for clay mineral dehydration reactions. Strontium isotope data reveal two separate fluid regimes in this slope region: a more northerly one at Sites 683 and 685 that is influenced by fluids with a radiogenic continental strontium signature, and a southerly one at Sites 682 and 688 that is influenced by fluids with a nonradiogenic oceanic signatures. Stratigraphically controlled fluid migration seems to prevail in this margin. Because of its special tectonic setting, Site 679 at ITS is geochemically distinct. The interstitial waters are characterized by seawater chloride concentrations to -200 mbsf and deeper by a significantly lower chloride concentration of about two-thirds of the value in seawater, suggesting mixing with a meteoric water source. Regardless of the hydrogeochemical regime, the chemistry and isotopic compositions of the interstitial waters at all sites are markedly modified by diagenesis, particularly by calcite and dolomite crystallization.


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We used piston cores recovered in the western Bering Sea to reconstruct millennial-scale changes in marine productivity and terrigenous matter supply over the past ~180 kyr. Based on a geochemical multi-proxy approach, our results indicate closely interacting processes controlling marine productivity and terrigenous matter supply comparable to the situation in the Okhotsk Sea. Overall, terrigenous inputs were high, whereas export production was low. Minor increases in marine productivity occurred during intervals of Marine Isotope Stage 5 and interstadials, but pronounced maxima were recorded during interglacials and Termination I. The terrigenous material is suggested to be derived from continental sources on the eastern Bering Sea shelf and to be subsequently transported via sea ice, which is likely to drive changes in surface productivity, terrigenous inputs, and upper-ocean stratification. From our results we propose glacial, deglacial, and interglacial scenarios for environmental change in the Bering Sea. These changes seem to be primarily controlled by insolation and sea-level forcing which affect the strength of atmospheric pressure systems and sea-ice growth. The opening history of the Bering Strait is considered to have had an additional impact. High-resolution core logging data (color b*, XRF scans) strongly correspond to the Dansgaard-Oeschger climate variability registered in the NGRIP ice core and support an atmospheric coupling mechanism of Northern Hemisphere climates.


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The continental margin off northeast Australia, comprising the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) platform and Queensland Trough, is the largest tropical mixed siliciclastic/carbonate depositional system in existence. We describe a suite of 35 piston cores and two Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites from a 130*240 km rectangular area of the Queensland Trough, the slope and basin setting east of the central GBR platform. Oxygen isotope records, physical property (magnetic susceptibility and greyscale) logs, analyses of bulk carbonate content and radiocarbon ages at these locations are used to construct a high resolution stratigraphy. This information is used to quantify mass accumulation rates (MARs) for siliciclastic and carbonate sediments accumulating in the Queensland Trough over the last 31,000 years. For the slope, highest MARs of siliciclastic sediment occur during transgression (1.0 Million Tonnes per year; MT/yr), and lowest MARs of siliciclastic (<0.1 MT/yr) and carbonate (0.2 MT/yr) sediment occur during sea level lowstand. Carbonate MARs are similar to siliciclastic MARs for transgression and highstand (1.1-1.4 MT/yr). In contrast, for the basin, MARs of siliciclastic (0-0.1 MT/yr) and carbonate sediment (0.2-0.4 MT/yr) are continuously low, and within a factor of two, for lowstand, transgression, and highstand. Generic models for carbonate margins predict that maximum and minimum carbonate MARs on the slope will occur during highstand and lowstand, respectively. Conversely, most models for siliciclastic margins suggest maximum and minimum siliciclastic MARs will occur during lowstand and transgression, respectively. Although carbonate MARs in the Queensland Trough are similar to those predicted for carbonate depositional systems, siliciclastic MARs are the opposite. Given uniform siliciclastic MARs in the basin through time, we conclude that terrigenous material is stored on the shelf during sea level lowstand, and released to the slope during transgression as wave driven currents transport shelf sediment offshore.


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In order to examine the long-term development of offshore macrozoobenthic soft-bottom communities of the German Bight, four representative permanent stations (MZB-SSd, -FSd, -Slt, -WB) have been sampled continuously since 1969. Inter-annual variability and possible long-term trends were analysed based on spring-time samples from 1969 until 2000. This is part of the ecological long-term series of the AWI and is supplemented by periodic large-scale mapping of the benthos. The main factors influencing the development of the benthic communities are biological interactions, climate, food supply (eutrophication) and the disturbance regime. The most frequent disturbances are sediment relocations during strong storms or by bottom trawling, while occasional oxygen deficiencies and extremely cold winters are important disturbance events working on a much larger scale. Benthic communities at the sampling stations show a large inter-annual variability combined with a variation on a roughly decadal scale. In accordance with large-scale system shifts reported for the North Sea, benthic community transitions occurred between roughly the 1970ies, 80ies and 90ies. The transitions between periods are not distinctly marked by strong changes but rather reflected in gradual changes of the species composition and dominance structure.


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The major-element and most of the trace-element data from the different laboratories that contributed to the study of samples recovered during Leg 82 are presented in the following tables. The different basalt groups, identified on the basis of their chemical properties (major and trace elements), were defined from the data available on board the Glomar Challenger as the cruise progressed (see site chapters, all sites, this volume). Most of the data obtained since the end of the cruise and presented in these tables confirm the classification that was proposed by the shipboard party (see site chapters, all sites, this volume). Nevertheless, special mention should be made about Site 564. The shipboard party proposed a single chemical group at this site but noticed significant variations down the hole, mainly in trace-element data. However, the range of variation was small compared to the precision of the measurements. These variations were confirmed by the onshore studies (see papers in Part IV of this volume, especially Brannon's paper, partly devoted to this topic).