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At two locations in the Atlantic Ocean (DSDP Sites 367 and 530) early to middle Cretaceous organic-carbon-rich beds (black shales) were found to have significantly lower delta15N values (lower 15N/14N ratios) than adjacent organic-carbon-poor beds (white limestones or green claystones). While these lithologies are of marine origin, the black strata in particular have delta15N values that are significantly lower than those previously found in the marine sediment record and most contemporary marine nitrogen pools. In contrast, black, organic-carbon-rich beds at a third site (DSDP Site 603) contain predominantly terrestrial organic matter and have C- and N-isotopic compositions similar to organic matter of modern terrestrial origin. The recurring 15N depletion in the marine-derived Cretaceous sequences prove that the nitrogen they contain is the end result of an episodic and atypical biogeochemistry. Existing isotopic and other data indicate that the low 15N relative abundance is the consequence of pelagic rather than post-depositional processes. Reduced ocean circulation, increased denitrification, and, hence, reduced euphoric zone nitrate availability may have led to Cretaceous phytoplankton assemblages that were periodically dominated by N2-fixing blue-green algae, a possible source of this sediment 15N-depletion. Lack of parallel isotopic shifts in Cretaceous terrestrially-derived nitrogen (Site 603) argues that the above change in nitrogen cycling during this period did not extend beyond the marine environment.


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The recovery from the North Atlantic (Site 611) of a continuous Pleistocene sedimentary record with a siliceous microfaunal component made it possible to compare the high-latitude abundance pattern of the radiolarian species Cycladophora davisiana in the Atlantic with that produced from analyses of a high-latitude record (Site 580) from the northwest Pacific. Previous studies had shown that the late Pleistocene (0-0.45 Ma) abundance variations of this species in these high-latitude regions were similar. Cycladophora davisiana maxima in the North Atlantic record reach abundance levels three to four times higher than C. davisiana maxima registered in sediments from the northwest Pacific site. This difference in magnitude of abundance peaks is most likely an effect of the more northerly location of Site 611 (53°N) compared with that of Site 580 (42°N), since high-latitude time-slice studies have shown a direct relationship between increasing latitude and C. davisiana abundance. Discontinuous preservation of radiolarians in sediments from North Atlantic Site 611 allows only tentative correlation of the North Atlantic and northwest Pacific C. davisiana abundance curves. These correlations are confined to those portions of the cores where ages are tightly constrained by magnetic boundaries, and to intervals with comparable sedimentation rates.


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High-resolution proxy data analyzed on two high-sedimentation shallow water sedimentary sequences (PO287-26B and PO287-28B) recovered off Lisbon (Portugal) provide the means for comparison to long-term instrumental time series of marine and atmospheric parameters (sea surface temperature (SST), precipitation, total river flow, and upwelling intensity computed from sea level pressure) and the possibility to do the necessary calibration for the quantification of past climate conditions. XRF Fe is used as proxy for river flow, and the upwelling-related diatom genus Chaetoceros is our upwelling proxy. SST is estimated from the coccolithophore-synthesized alkenones and Uk'37 index. Comparison of the Fe record to the instrumental data reveals its similarity to a mean average run of the instrumentally measured winter (JFMA) river flow on both sites. The upwelling diatom record concurs with the upwelling indices at both sites; however, high opal dissolution, below 20-25 cm, prevents its use for quantitative reconstructions. Alkenone-derived SST at site 28B does not show interannual variation; it has a mean value around 16°C and compares quite well with the instrumental winter/spring temperature. At site 26B the mean SST is the same, but a high degree of interannual variability (up to 4°C) appears to be determined by summer upwelling conditions. Stepwise regression analyses of the instrumental and proxy data sets provided regressions that explain from 65 to 94% of the variability contained in the original data, and reflect spring and summer river flow, as well as summer and winter upwelling indices, substantiating the relevance of seasons to the interpretation of the different proxy signals. The lack of analogs and the small data set available do not allow quantitative reconstructions at this time, but this might be a powerful tool for reconstructing past North Atlantic Oscillation conditions, should we be able to find continuous high-resolution records and overcome the analog problem.


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Cape Roberts Project drillcore 1 was obtained from Roberts Ridge, a sea-floor high located at 77°S, 16 km offshore from Cape Roberts in western McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. The recovered core is about 147 m long with the upper 43.15 metres below the sea floor (revised figure) being dated as Quarternary and the older part of the sequence being Miocene. The core includes nine facies: sandy diamict, muddy diamict, gravel/conglomerate, mud(stone), clay(stone) and carbonate. These facies occure in associations that are repeated in particulare sequences throughout the core, and are interpreted as representing different depositional environments through time. Seven lithofacies associations are interpreted as representing offshore shelf, ice protected/below wave-base; prodeltaic/offshore shelf; delta front/sandy shelf; ice system; subglacial till/rainout diamict/debris flow diamicts singly or in combination; and a carbonate-rich shelf bank. The facies associations are used to infer that the Quaternary section represents deposition on a polar shelf with perhaps two or three glacial fluctuations. The Quaternary carbonate unit indicates a period of ice sheet retreat, but local glacial activity may have increased with an increase in costal precipitation. The Miocene section represents polythermal glacial systems. The older Miocene section is glacially dominated whereas the younger section is much less so. The glacially dominated section may provide evidence for a major glacial advance thar resulted un a low stand of global eustatic sea level at that time. After the low stand, eustatic sea level was gradually rising during deposition of the younger section dominated more by non-glacial processes.