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A most significant finding of the ODP Leg 107 drilling campaign was the recovery of at least 56 distinct sapropel intervals in upper Pliocene to Pleistocene sediments of six sites drilled in the Tyrrhenian Sea. Except for 3 repots of disturbed organic-rich sediments - recovered in Core 201 of the Swedish Deep-Sea Expedition, in Core 2R-1,107 cm of Site 373 (Leg 13 DSDP) and at Site 373, Core 1-2,O-5 cm of DSDP Leg 42A - sapropels had previously only been described from the eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Scientific deep-sea drilling in the Tyrrhenian Sea during DSDP Legs 13 and 42A apparently missed most of these deposits due to spot coring and rotary drilling techniques; high sedimentation rates may have precluded recovery by conventional gravity coring devices. The recovery of multiple layers of sapropels and sapropelic sediments in the Tyrrhenian Sea demonstrates that oceanographic conditions conducive to sapropel formation were not confined to the Black Sea and eastern Mediterranean, but occurred sporadically and possibly simultaneously in the entire Mediterranean during the Pliocene and Pleistocene. In the light of this finding, previous models of sapropel genesis may need reconsideration. In this paper, we present some initial data on the Tyrrhenian sapropels and suggest some implications of their massive occurrence in the western Mediterranean realm. We end by outlining possible causes for deposition of sapropels in an attempt to revive the interest in sapropels and their paleoceanographic significance.


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Ocean Drilling Program Site 975 is located near the base of the Menorca Rise in the South Balearic Basin of the western Mediterranean Sea. Coring at this site penetrated the Pliocene/Miocene boundary and recovered a sequence of sediments that represent the final stages of salt deposition and the transition from evaporitic to open marine conditions at the end of the Miocene (Messinian). Detailed petrographic observations and bulk mineralogical analyses by X-ray diffraction form the basis for preliminary interpretations of depositional environments for this section. Gypsum is thought to have been deposited in an evaporating basin below wave base. Cycles consisting of a clay layer overlain by gypsiferous chalk, laminated gypsum, and finally pinch-and-swell gypsum suggest upsection increases in salinity. The gypsum section is overlain by two exotic sand layers thought to mark events of fresher water (marine or meteoric) inflow to the basin. Gypsum deposition terminated and was replaced by inorganic precipitation of micritic calcite with periodic, variable dilution by fine-grained terrigenous sediment. The micritic sediments have fine, slightly wavy, laminations indicating either an algal/microbial mat origin, or varve-like fluctuations in deposition, perhaps in a deep basin. The Pliocene/Miocene boundary falls within an interval of banded micritic silty clays that reflect the final environmental fluctuations during the transition to the open marine conditions of the Pliocene.


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Carbonate oozes recovered by hydraulic piston coring at DSDP Site 586 on Ontong-Java Plateau and Site 591 on Lord Howe Rise have carbonate contents that are consistently higher than 90% with only minor variations. Consequently, paleoceanographic signals were not recorded in detail in the carbonate contents. However, mass accumulation rates of carbonate increased in the late Miocene to mid-Pliocene, reflecting an increase in productivity, then abruptly decreased from mid-Pliocene to the present. Variations in relative abundances of coarse material (foraminifers) and fine material (mostly calcareous nannofossils) do reflect histories of current winnowing and biogenic productivity at the two sites. The late Miocene from 10.5 to 6.5 m.y. ago was a time of relatively constant, quiet, pelagic sedimentation with typical southwest Pacific sedimentation rates of 20-25 m/m.y. The average coarse-fraction abundances are always higher at Site 586 than at Site 591, which reflects winnowing at Site 586. These conditions were interrupted between 6.5 to 4.0 m.y. ago when increased upwelling at the Subtropical Divergence and the Equatorial Divergence produced greater productivity of calcareous planktonic organisms. The increased productivity is suggested by large increases in both fineand coarse-fraction material and constant ratios of foraminifers to nannofossils. The maximum of productivity was about 4.0 m.y. ago. This period of increased upwelling is coincident with the inferred development of the West Antarctic ice sheet. The high productivity was followed by an abrupt increase in winnowing about 2.5 m.y. ago at Site 591, but not until about 2.0 m.y. ago at Site 586. By 2.0 m.y. ago in the late Pliocene, quiet, pelagic sedimentation conditions prevailed, similar to those of the late Miocene. The last 0.7 m.y. has been a period of relatively intense winnowing on Lord Howe Rise but not on Ontong-Java Plateau. The coarse-fraction data have both long- and short-period fluctuations. Long-period fluctuations at Site 591 average about 850 *10**3 yr./cycle and those at Site 586 average 430*10**3 yr./cycle. The highest amplitudes are found in the Pliocene and Quaternary sections. The short-period fluctuations range from 100 to 48*10**3 yr./cycle at Site 586 and from 250 to 33 *10**3 yr./cycle at Site 591. The effects of local fluctuations of productivity and winnowing have modified the primary orbital forcing signals at these two sites to yield complex paleoceanographic records.


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The hydrothermal mounds on the southern flank of the Galapagos Spreading Center are characterized by the following main features: 1) They are located over a young basement (0.5 to 0.85 m.y. of age) in a region known for its high sedimentation rate (about 5 cm/10**3 y.) because it is part of the equatorial high biological productivity zone. 2) They are located in a region with generally high heat flow (8 to 10 HFU). The highest heat-flow measurements (up to 10**3 HFU) correspond to mound peaks (Williams et al., 1979), where temperatures up to 15°C were measured during a dive of the submersible Alvin (Corliss et al., 1978). 3) They are often located on small vertical faults which displace the basement by a few meters (Lonsdale, 1977) and affect the 25- to 50-meter-thick sediment cover. Most of these characteristics have also been observed in the other three known cases of hydrothermal deposits with mineral parageneses similar to that of the Galapagos mounds. However, the case of the hydrothermal mounds south of the Galapagos Spreading Center is unique because of the unusual thickness of the hydrothermal deposits present. The mounds are composed of several, up to 4.5-meter-thick, layers of green clays which, in one case (Hole 509B), are overlain by about 1.4 meters of Mn-oxide crust. We suspect that such a large accumulation of hydrothermal products results from the "funnelling" of the hydrothermal solutions exiting from a highly permeable basement along the faults. This chapter reports a preliminary study of those green clays collected by hydraulic piston coring of the Galapagos mounds during Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Leg 70 of the D/V Glomar Challenger. Green clays have also been reported from three presently or recently active hydrothermal areas in or close to spreading centers.


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Magnetostratigraphic studies of Paleogene sediments piston-cored on Maud Rise, Weddell Sea (ODP Sites 689 and 690), are a cornerstone of Southern Ocean Paleogene and Neogene chronostratigraphy. However, parts of previous magnetostratigraphic interpretations have been called into question, and recent reinvestigation of the upper Paleocene-middle Eocene portion of Site 690 suggested that the records might be contaminated by spurious magnetizations, which raises doubts about the reliability of these important records. We undertook a high-resolution magnetostratigraphic study of Eocene-Oligocene u-channel samples from ODP Holes 689B, 689D, 690B, and 690C in order to address these concerns. A pervasive overprint appears to be present below the middle Eocene, which compromises magnetobiostratigraphic interpretations for the upper Cretaceous and lower Paleogene. Nevertheless, our new results provide a robust record of geomagnetic field behavior from 38.5 to 25 Ma and confirm the reliability of these sediments for calibration of biostratigraphic datum events during a crucial phase of earth history when major Antarctic ice sheets developed. Also, comparison of magnetozone thicknesses in multiple holes at the same site indicates that ~1.2-1.8 m of the stratigraphic record is missing at each core break, which corresponds to time breaks of 120-360 k.y. Lack of a continuous record within a single hole renders useless spectral analyses for investigating long geomagnetic and paleoclimatic time series. This observation reinforces the need for coring of multiple offset holes to obtain continuous paleoceanographic records. Sedimentary hiatuses have been identified only at the deeper of the two investigated sites (Site 690), which could mark a local response to the onset of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.


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The Integrated OceanDrilling Program's Expedition 302, the Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX), recovered the first Cenozoic sedimentary sequence from the central Arctic Ocean. ACEX provided ground truth for basin scale geophysical interpretations and for guiding future exploration targets in this largely unexplored ocean basin. Here, we present results from a series of consolidation tests used to characterize sediment compressibility and permeability and integrate these with high-resolution measurements of bulk density, porosity and shear strength to investigate the stress history and the nature of prominent lithostratigraphic and seismostratigraphic boundaries in the ACEX record. Despite moderate sedimentation rates (10-30 m/Myr) and high permeability values (10**-15 -10**-18 m**2), consolidation and shear strength measurements both suggest an overall state of underconsolidation or overpressure. One-dimensional compaction modelling shows that to maintain such excess pore pressures, an in situ fluid source is required that exceeds the rate of fluid expulsion generated by mechanical compaction alone. Geochemical and sedimentological evidence is presented that identifes the Opal A-C/T transformation of biosiliceous rich sediments as a potential additional in situ fluid source.However, the combined rat of chemical and mechanical compaction remain too low to fully account for the observed pore pressure gradients, implying an additional diagenetic fluid source from within or below the recovered Cenozoic sediments from ACEX. Recognition of the Opal A-C/T reaction front in the ACEX record has broad reaching regional implications on slope stability and subsurface pressure evolution, and provides an important consideration for interpreting and correlating the spatially limited seismic data from the Arctic Ocean.


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Bathymetry based on data recorded during M51-4 between 13.12.2001 and 28.12.2001 in the Black Sea. The purpose of the present-study was to sample sediments and the water columns of the nw/sw Black Sea and the E Marmara Sea to study a) a high resolution sediment records of Holocene climate, b) biogeochemical associated with deep anaerobic methane oxidation, and c) element cycling in the stratified water column. Bathymetric data (hydrosweep + parasound) was primarily used to choose appropriate sites for coring of undisturbed sediments. Samples were taken for future analyses of abundance and activity of bacteria, geochemistry and dating.