Accumulation rates, grain-size fractions and calcium carbonate at DSDP Sites 89-586 and 90-591

Autoria(s): Gardner, James V; Dean, Walter E; Bisagno, Lynne; Hemphill, Eileen

MEDIAN LATITUDE: -16.040800 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 161.473450 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -31.584300 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 158.498200 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -0.497300 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 164.448700 * DATE/TIME START: 1982-11-19T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1982-12-19T00:00:00




Carbonate oozes recovered by hydraulic piston coring at DSDP Site 586 on Ontong-Java Plateau and Site 591 on Lord Howe Rise have carbonate contents that are consistently higher than 90% with only minor variations. Consequently, paleoceanographic signals were not recorded in detail in the carbonate contents. However, mass accumulation rates of carbonate increased in the late Miocene to mid-Pliocene, reflecting an increase in productivity, then abruptly decreased from mid-Pliocene to the present. Variations in relative abundances of coarse material (foraminifers) and fine material (mostly calcareous nannofossils) do reflect histories of current winnowing and biogenic productivity at the two sites. The late Miocene from 10.5 to 6.5 m.y. ago was a time of relatively constant, quiet, pelagic sedimentation with typical southwest Pacific sedimentation rates of 20-25 m/m.y. The average coarse-fraction abundances are always higher at Site 586 than at Site 591, which reflects winnowing at Site 586. These conditions were interrupted between 6.5 to 4.0 m.y. ago when increased upwelling at the Subtropical Divergence and the Equatorial Divergence produced greater productivity of calcareous planktonic organisms. The increased productivity is suggested by large increases in both fineand coarse-fraction material and constant ratios of foraminifers to nannofossils. The maximum of productivity was about 4.0 m.y. ago. This period of increased upwelling is coincident with the inferred development of the West Antarctic ice sheet. The high productivity was followed by an abrupt increase in winnowing about 2.5 m.y. ago at Site 591, but not until about 2.0 m.y. ago at Site 586. By 2.0 m.y. ago in the late Pliocene, quiet, pelagic sedimentation conditions prevailed, similar to those of the late Miocene. The last 0.7 m.y. has been a period of relatively intense winnowing on Lord Howe Rise but not on Ontong-Java Plateau. The coarse-fraction data have both long- and short-period fluctuations. Long-period fluctuations at Site 591 average about 850 *10**3 yr./cycle and those at Site 586 average 430*10**3 yr./cycle. The highest amplitudes are found in the Pliocene and Quaternary sections. The short-period fluctuations range from 100 to 48*10**3 yr./cycle at Site 586 and from 250 to 33 *10**3 yr./cycle at Site 591. The effects of local fluctuations of productivity and winnowing have modified the primary orbital forcing signals at these two sites to yield complex paleoceanographic records.


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Supplement to: Gardner, James V; Dean, Walter E; Bisagno, Lynne; Hemphill, Eileen (1986): Late Neogene and Quaternary coarse-fraction and carbonate stratigraphies for Site 586 on Ontong-Java Plateau and Site 591 on Lord Howe Rise. In: Kennett, JP; von der Borch, CC; et al. (eds.), Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Washington (U.S. Govt. Printing Office), 90, 1201-1224, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.90.129.1986

Palavras-Chave #<63 µm; >147 µm; >63 µm; 147-63 µm; Acc rate <63 µm; Acc rate >147 µm; Acc rate >63 µm; Acc rate 147-63 µm; Acc rate CaCO3; Acc rate carb <63 µm; Acc rate carb >63 µm; Accumulation rate, < 63 µm; Accumulation rate, > 147 µm; Accumulation rate, 147-63 µm; Accumulation rate, calcium carbonate; Accumulation rate, carbonate, coarse fraction > 63 µm; Accumulation rate, carbonate, fine fraction < 63 µm; Accumulation rate, sand > 63 µm; Accumulation rate, sediment, mean; Age; AGE; Age, maximum/old; Age, minimum/young; Age max; Age min; Bulk; CaCO3; Calcium carbonate; Calculated, see reference(s); Carbonate bomb (Müller & Gastner, 1971); Deep Sea Drilling Project; Depth; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; Depth bot; Depth top; DSDP; Event; Label; MAR; mbsf; ODP sample designation; Sample code/label; Sedimentation rate; Sed rate; Size fraction < 0.063 mm, mud, pelite, silt+clay; Size fraction > 0.063 mm, sand; Size fraction > 0.147 mm; Size fraction 0.147-0.063 mm
