362 resultados para N-alkane


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A series of molecular organic markers were determined in surface sediments from the Gulf of Genoa (Ligurian Sea) in order to evaluate their potential for palaeo-environmental reconstructions. Allochthonous input can be characterized by the distributions of n-C29 and n-C31 alkanes, n-C26 and n-C28 alkanols and branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs), whose concentrations are generally highest near the river mouths. In the open basin however, terrestrial n-alkanes and n-alkanols may have an additional, aeolian source. Autochthonous input is represented by crenarchaeol and isoprenoid GDGTs. Their concentrations are highest in the open basin showing the preference of Thaumarchaeota for oligotrophic waters. Indications of a significant degradation of sterols and C37 alkenones exclude these lipids as reliable productivity proxies. Using terrestrial and aquatic lipids as end-members allows estimating the percentage of terrestrial organic matter between 20% and 58% in the coastal area decreasing to 1 to 30% in the deep basin. The spatial distribution of sea surface temperature (SST) estimates using the alkenone-based UK'37 index is very similar to the autumnal (November) mean satellite-based SST distribution. Conversely, TEXH86-derived SST estimates are close to winter SSTs in the coastal area and summer SSTs in the open basin. This pattern reflects presumably a shift in the main production of Thaumarchaeota from the coastal area in winter to the open basin in summer. This study represents a major prerequisite for the future application of lipid biomarkers on sediment cores from the Gulf of Genoa.


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Study of biogeochemical processes in waters and sediments of the Chukchi Sea in August 2004 revealed atypical maxima of biogenic element (N, P, and Si) concentrations and rate of microbial sulfate reduction in the surface layer (0-3 cm) of marine sediments. The C/N/P ratio in organic matter (OM) of this layer does not fit the Redfield-Richards stoichiometric model. Specific features of biogeochemical processes in the sea are likely related to the complex dynamics of water, high primary produc¬tivity (110-1400 mg C/m**2/day), low depth of the basin (<50 m for 60% of the water area), reduced food chain due to low population of zooplankton, high density of zoobenthos (up to 4230 g/m**2), and high activity of microbial processes. Drastic decrease in concentrations of biogenic elements, iodine, total alkalinity, and population of microorganisms beneath the 0-3 cm layer testify to large-scale OM decay at the water-seafloor barrier. Our original experimental data support high annual rate of OM mineralization at the bottom of the Chukchi Sea.


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Abundances and compositions of aliphatic hydrocarbons (AHC) and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were investigated in water and bottom sediments of the southwestern Amur Bay, Sea of Japan. Water contained 0-129 ?g/l AHC (average 42.2 ?g/l) and 5-85 ng/l PAH (average 18 ng/l). Bottom sediments contained 168-2098 ?g/g AHC and 7.2-1100 ng/g dry mass PAH. It was shown that input of anthropogenic hydrocarbons is better recorded by molecular markers than by distribution of AHC and PAH concentrations. Discovery of elevated hydrocarbon concentrations in the bottom water layer suggests that bottom sediments induced secondary contamination of the water body.


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Past sea surface water conditions of the western Iberian Margin were reconstructed based on biomarker analyses of a marine deep sea core MD03-2699 from the Estremadura Spur north off Lisbon, providing new insights into orbital and suborbital-scale climate variability between marine isotope stage (MIS) 15 to MIS 9 (580 to 300 ka). We use biomarker-based proxy records such as the alkenone unsaturated index to estimate sea surface temperature (SST), the total alkenone concentration to reconstruct phytoplankton productivity, and terrestrial biomarkers to evaluate the continental input. The results extend the existing biomarker record, namely the SST for the Iberian Margin, back to the sixth climatic cycle (580 ka). A general trend of stable interglacials contrasts with glacial periods and glacial inceptions which are marked by high-frequency variability. Thus, several short-lived climatic coolings were identified by large SST decreases, the occurrence of ice-rafted detritus and high percentages of the tetraunsaturated alkenone C 37:4. Some of these events were extremely cold and similar in their general trends to the well-known Heinrich events of the last glaciation. We identified eight Heinrich-type events between 580 and 300 ka. The general deglaciation pattern detected between MIS 15 and MIS 9 is similar in their general trends to that characterizing the more recent climatic cycles, i.e., marked by two coolings separated by a short warming episode which may reflect the southward, northward, and southward migration of the Polar Front.


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This reconnaissance study was undertaken to determine whether the mass extinctions and faunal successions that mark the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary left a discernible molecular fossil record in the sediments of this period. Lipid signatures of sediments taken from above and below the K/T boundary were compared in core and outcrop samples taken from two locations: the U.S. east coast continental margin (western Atlantic Ocean, DSDP Site 605) and Stevns Klint, Denmark. Four calcareous sediments taken from above and below the K/T boundary in DSDP Hole 605, Section 605-66-1, revealed changing lipid signatures between above and below that are characterized by a large component of unresolved naphthenic hydrocarbons and a homologous series of n-alkanes ranging from Ci6 to C33. These lipid signatures are attributed to an influx of a terrestrial higher plant component and to bacterial reworking of the sediments under partially anoxic depositional and/or diagenetic conditions. The outcrop samples from Stevns Klint had extremely low concentrations of indigenous lipids. The fish clay at the K/T boundary contained traces of microbial hydrocarbons and fatty acids, whereas the carbonates above and below had only microbial fatty acids and additional terrestrial resin acids. The data from both sites indicate a perturbation in the deposition of lipid compound classes across the K/T boundary.


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This study presents a new alkenone-derived Sea Surface Temperature (SST) record and d18ONoelaerhabdaceae data of the 2-5 µm carbonate fractions from the IODP site U1338 located in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific (EEP), over the Miocene-Pliocene. Our data and those available from other sites of the same area show the establishment of a cold tongue during the early Pliocene (4.4 - 3.6 Ma). SST and d18ONoelaerhabdaceae time-series indicate periods of significant salinity variations. Comparison with the d18Obenthic curve from sediment cores of the Equatorial Pacific Ocean allow us to distinguish between global changes and local surface salinity variations in the EEP. Ice sheet growth and evaporation-precipitation are then discussed as possible drivers of such changes, as well as the role of Central American and the Indonesian seaway restriction. Our data suggest a shallowing of the thermocline in the EEP, between 6.8 and 6 Ma, and its shoaling between 4.8 and 4.0 Ma, suggesting the appearance of the cold tongue (Steph et al., 2010). The Pliocene climate transition would therefore not be primarily driven by Northern hemisphere glaciation.


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A 415cm thick permafrost peat section from the Verkhoyansk Mountains was radiocarbon-dated and studied using palaeobotanical and sedimentological approaches. Accumulation of organic-rich sediment commenced in a former oxbow lake, detached from a Dyanushka River meander during the Younger Dryas stadial, at ~12.5 kyr BP. Pollen data indicate that larch trees, shrub alder and dwarf birch were abundant in the vegetation at that time. Local presence of larch during the Younger Dryas is documented by well-preserved and radiocarbon-dated needles and cones. The early Holocene pollen assemblages reveal high percentages of Artemisia pollen, suggesting the presence of steppe-like communities around the site, possibly in response to a relatively warm and dry climate ~11.4-11.2 kyr BP. Both pollen and plant macrofossil data demonstrate that larch woods were common in the river valley. Remains of charcoal and pollen of Epilobium indicate fire events and mark a hiatus ~11.0-8.7 kyr BP. Changes in peat properties, C31/C27 alkane ratios and radiocarbon dates suggest that two other hiatuses occurred ~8.2-6.9 and ~6.7-0.6 kyr BP. Prior to 0.6 kyr BP, a major fire destroyed the mire surface. The upper 60 cm of the studied section is composed of aeolian sands modified in the uppermost part by the modern soil formation. For the first time, local growth of larch during the Younger Dryas has been verified in the western foreland of the Verkhoyansk Mountains (~170km south of the Arctic Circle), thus increasing our understanding of the quick reforestation of northern Eurasia by the early Holocene.


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High-, i.e. 15-140-yr-resolution climate records from sediment cores 23071, 23074, and PS2644 from the Nordic Seas were used to recon:;truct changes in the surface and deep water circulation during marine isotope stages 1-5.1, i.e. the last 82 000 yr. From this the causal links between the paleoceanographic signals and the Dansgaard-Oeschger events 1-21 revealed in 0180-ice-core records from Greenland were determined. The stratigraphy of the cores is based on the planktic 0180 curves, the minima of which were directly correlated with the GISP2-0180 record, numerous AMS 14C ages, and some ash layers. The planktic d18O and dl3C curves of all three cores reveal numerous meltwater events, the most pronounced of which were assigned to the Heinrich events 1-6. The meltwater events, among other things also accompanied by cold sea surface temperatures and high IRD concentration, correlate with the stadial phases of the Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles and in the western Iceland Sea also to colder periods or abrupt drops in 0180 within a few longer interstadials. Besides being more numerous, the meltwater events also show isotope values lighter in the Iceland Sea than in the central Norwegian Sea, especially if compared to core 23071. This implies a continuous inflow of relative warm Atlantic water into the Norwegian Sea and a cyclonic circulation regime.


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A 20 kyr long sediment sequence from the Congo deep sea fan (core GeoB 6518-1), one of the world's largest deep sea river fans, has been analysed for bulk and molecular proxies in order to reconstruct the marine, soil and plant organic carbon (OC) contributions to these sediments since the last glacial maximum. The bulk proxies applied, C/N ratio and d13Corg, ranged from 10 to 12.5 and from -24.5 to -21 per mill VPDB, respectively. As molecular proxies, concentrations of marine derived alkenones and terrestrial derived odd-numbered n-alkanes were used, which varied between 0.2 and 4 µg/g dry weight sediment. In addition, the branched vs. isoprenoid tetraether (BIT) index, a proxy for soil organic matter input, was used, which varied from 0.3 to 0.5 in this core. Application of binary mixing models, based on the different individual proxies, showed estimates for terrestrial OC input varying by up to 50% due to the heterogeneous nature of the OC. Application of a three end-member mixing model using the d13Corg content, the C/N ratio and the BIT index, enabled the distinction of soil and plant organic matter as separate contributors to the sedimentary OC pool. The results show that marine OC accounts for 20% to 40% of the total OC present in the deep sea fan sediments over the last 20 kyr and that soil OC accounts for about half (45% on average) of the OC present. This suggests that soil OC represents the majority of the terrestrial OC delivered to the fan sediments. Accumulation rates of the plant and soil OC fractions over the last 20 kyr varied by a factor of up to 5, and are strongly related to sediment accumulation rates. They showed an increase starting at ca. 17 kyr BP, a decline during the Younger Dryas, peak values during the early Holocene and lower values in the late Holocene. This pattern matches with reconstructions of past central African humidity and Congo River discharge from the same core and revealed that central African precipitation patterns exert a dominant control on terrestrial OC deposition in the Congo deep sea fan. Marine OC accumulation rates are only weakly related to sediment accumulation rates and vary only little over time compared to the terrigenous fractions. These variations are likely a result of enhanced preservation during times of higher sedimentation rates and of relative small fluctuations in primary production due to wind-driven upwelling.


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The transition from the last Glacial to the current Interglacial, the Holocene, represents an important period with climatic and environmental changes impacting ecosystems. In this study, we examined the interplay between the Indian Ocean Summer Monsoon (IOSM) and the Westerlies at lake Nam Co, southern Tibet to understand the climatic effects on the ecosystem. Different organic geochemical proxies (n-alkanes, glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers, dD, d13Corg, d15N) are applied to reconstruct the environmental and hydrological changes on one of the longest available paleorecords at the Tibetan Plateau. Based on our paleohydrological dD proxies, the aquatic signal lags the terrestrial one due to specific ecological thresholds, which, in addition to climatic changes, can influence aquatic organisms. The aquatic organisms' response strongly depends on temperature and associated lake size, as well as pH and nutrient availability. Because the terrestrial vegetation reacts faster and more sensitively to changes in the monsoonal and climatic system, the dD of n-C29 and the reconstructed inflow water signal represent an appropriate IOSM proxy. In general, the interplay of the different air masses seems to be primarily controlled by solar insolation. In the Holocene, the high insolation generates a large land-ocean pressure gradient associated with strong monsoonal winds and the strongest IOSM. In the last glacial period, however, the weak insolation promoted the Westerlies, thereby increasing their influence at the Tibetan Plateau. Our results help to elucidate the variable IOSM, and they illustrate a remarkable shift in the lake system regarding pH, d13Corg and d15N from the last glacial to the Holocene interglacial period.


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Geochemical studies of organic "biomarker" compounds were applied to Eemian sediments cored at Dagebuell (DA-1) on the west coast, and at Krummland (KR-1) in the east of the Baltic Zone of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. 10 samples from the early stage of the Eemian Transgression to the high Eem at Krummland, and 24 samples from the peak and late phases of the Eemian at Dagebuell provide new insights on the development of the Eemian Sea in the region. C37-C39-ethyl- and methyl-ketones in the Krummland sediments indicated unstable conditions at the onset of the marine trangression, and freshwater influence in keeping with their shallow nearshore environment. In the Dagebuell deposits, patterns typical of marine to brackish conditions were observed, comparable to those found today in the Skagerrak and Belt Sea areas. The sea-surface temperatures estimated from the alkenone unsaturation ratio UK37 at DA-1 corroborate the evidence from "standard" faunal and pollen assemblages, and lithological successions. Here, the temperature maximum attained in pollen assemblage zone PAZ Illc, indicates the early onset of very warm conditions, preceding the highest sea level of the penultimate interglacial by 8,000 years, based on previously published U/Th ages.