707 resultados para Sakalaves seamounts
At Holes 650A and 651 A, set respectively in the Marsili Basin and the Vavilov Basin, Pleistocene sediments (turbiditic inputs interbedded with essentially hemipelagic sediments) may show layers of mudrocks with moderate to strong induration. Except in the two samples from Hole 651 A, it seems that zeolite crystallization does not play a role in the induration phenomenon. This latter appears to result from in situ clay authigenesis. Secondary K-Fe beidellite or Fe-Mg beidellite form diagenetic growths and bridges between sedimented particles. Turbidites are rich in volcaniclastics (glass, pumices and other volcanogenic elements) but the induration phenomenon appears to be associated essentially with the occurrence of basaltic detritus. It is proposed that clay authigenesis results from low temperature alteration of basaltic fragments issued from Vavilov and probably Marsili seamounts in sediments isolated from seawater by overlying deposits.
Original geological, geophysical, lithological, mineralogical data on uplifts of the Central Atlantic are given in the book based on materials of Cruise 1 of the R/V Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov. Geological and geophysical studies include description of the obtained material and analysis of structural and morphological elements of the ocean floor. Results of lithological, petrochemical and geochemical studies were extremely innovative and develop a conceptual model. The latter include studies of petrochemical evolution of tholeiitic alkaline plate volcanism, large-scale hydrothermal transformation of basement rocks - palygorskitization, phosphatization and ferromanganese mineralization. Showing imposition Superposition of hydrogenic alteration on hydrothermally altered rocks and its role in Cenozoic history of sedimentation is shown.
Cretaceous, Tertiary, and Quaternary sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 164 and 196 (13°12' N, 161°31' W and 30°07' N, 148°34' E, respectively) were analyzed for major chemical elements and mineralogy. Sediments from these sites contain large proportions of authigenic minerals: mainly palygorskite, clinoptilolite and chert in the Cretaceous, and montmorillonite, phillipsite and chert in the Tertiary. The montmorillonite-phillipsite assemblage is thought to be derived from volcanic ash or glass, and the palygorskite-clinoptilolite assemblage is thought to be derived by reaction of biogenic silica with volcanic ash or glass or with montmorillonite and phillipsite. Both assemblages have generally moderate Ti/Al ratios, ranging from 0.026 to 0.047, so most of the palygorskite, clinoptilolite, montmorillonite and phillipsite could not be derived in situ from alteration of basaltic material. Plagioclase compositions suggest that the volcanic precursors were silicic or intermediate, but it is also possible that the sediments have been extensively fractionated by redistribution from nearby seamounts. Available data on other Late Cretaceous sediments in the Pacific were analyzed. Clinoptilolite and chert are present nearly everywhere where palygorskite is abundant; phillipsite is rare where palygorskite is abundant. It is suggested that increased water temperatures during the Cretaceous increased reaction rates and determined the alteration products.
The monograph gives the first systematic description of ore-bearing guyots from the West Pacific. It is mostly based on data obtained in numerous expeditions of Russian vessels during 1984-1992. Ore deposits located on upper parts of all slopes and tops of the guyots include phosphorites associated with cobalt- and platinum-rich ferromanganese crusts. Location, origin and prospecting of mineral deposits are discussed on the base of new data on metallogenic factors (geodynamics, tectonics, magmatism, sedimentation and morphostructures).
Radiocarbon and uranium-thorium dating results are presented from a genus of calcitic Antarctic cold-water octocorals (family Coralliidae), which were collected from the Marie Byrd Seamounts in the Amundsen Sea (Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean) and which to date have not been investigated geochemically. The geochronological results are set in context with solution and laser ablation-based element/Ca ratios (Li, B, Mg, Mn, Sr, Ba, U, Th). Octocoral radiocarbon ages on living corals are in excellent agreement with modern ambient deep-water D14C, while multiple samples of individual fossil coral specimens yielded reproducible radiocarbon ages. Provided that local radiocarbon reservoir ages can be derived for a given time, fossil Amundsen Sea octocorals should be reliably dateable by means of radiocarbon. In contrast to the encouraging radiocarbon findings, the uranium-series data are more difficult to interpret. The uranium concentration of these calcitic octocorals is an order of magnitude lower than in the aragonitic hexacorals that are conventionally used for geochronological investigations. While modern and Late Holocene octocorals yield initial d234U in good agreement with modern seawater, our results reveal preferential inward diffusion of dissolved alpha-recoiled 234U and its impact on fossil coral d234U. Besides alpha-recoil related 234U diffusion, high-resolution sampling of two fossil octocorals further demonstrates that diagenetic uranium mobility has offset apparent coral U-series ages. Combined with the preferential alpha-recoil 234U diffusion, this process has prevented fossil octocorals from preserving a closed system U-series calendar age for longer than a few thousand years. Moreover, several corals investigated contain significant initial thorium, which cannot be adequately corrected for because of an apparently variable initial 232Th/230Th. Our results demonstrate that calcitic cold-water corals are unsuitable for reliable U-series dating. Mg/Ca ratios within single octocoral specimens are internally strikingly homogeneous, and appear promising in terms of their response to ambient temperature. Magnesium/lithium ratios are significantly higher than usually observed in other deep marine calcifiers and for many of our studied corals are remarkably close to seawater compositions. Although this family of octocorals is unsuitable for glacial deep-water D14C reconstructions, our findings highlight some important differences between hexacoral (aragonitic) and octocoral (calcitic) biomineralisation. Calcitic octocorals could still be useful for trace element and some isotopic studies, such as reconstruction of ambient deep water neodymium isotope composition or pH, via boron isotopic measurements.
Sr contents in phosphorites on shelves of the Southwest Africa, and of Chile and Peru increase with degree of their lithification, from 0.05 to 0.28% and from 0.13 to 0.16% respectively. Phosphorites from Pacific submarine seamounts have the average Sr content 0.11%, and bone phosphate from Pacific floor 0.13%. Shelf phosphorites are characterized by high correlation coefficients between Sr and P2O5 (R = +0.82) and constant Sr/P2O5 ratio (0.0084). In phosphorites from submarine sea-mounts and in bones from the ocean floor Sr/P2O5 ratio is only a little higher than a half of that in shelf phosphorites. This indicates specific and different genesis of phosphorites from submarine mountains. Ba content in recent phosphorites from the shelf of the Southwest Africa changes with increasing degree of lithification. At first their Ba contents rise from 0.031 to 0.188%, then they diminish to 0.016%, and thereafter again increase to 0.070%. This is due to successive predominance of one of the following processes going in different directions: co-precipitation with phosphate gels or formation of true separate Ba phase, loss of phosphate in crystallization and "self-purification" of concentrations, and surface adsorption. In Peru-Chile shelf phosphorites the average Ba content is 0.017%, in phosphorites from Pacific seamounts 0.192%, and in fossilized bones 0.010%.