998 resultados para ODP Leg 184


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During the late early Miocene to early middle Miocene, the Owen Ridge was uplifted to a sufficient height as to be above the realm of turbidite deposition. Monsoonal-induced upwelling appears to have been initiated during the Miocene. On the Oman Margin, the effect of upwelling on the microplankton was established by the middle Miocene. However, the effects of upwelling on the Owen Ridge region were not realized until later, in the early late Miocene. A transition in the upwelling regime took place between the Pliocene and Pleistocene. While the Miocene and Pliocene sediments are dominated by the siliceous component, the Pleistocene sediments seem to be dominated by the calcareous component.


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Anaerobic methane oxidation (AMO) was characterized in sediment cores from the Blake Ridge collected during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 164. Three independent lines of evidence support the occurrence and scale of AMO at Sites 994 and 995. First, concentration depth profiles of methane from Hole 995B exhibit a region of upward concavity suggestive of methane consumption. Diagenetic modeling of the concentration profile indicates a 1.85-m-thick zone of AMO centered at 21.22 mbsf, with a peak rate of 12.4 nM/d. Second, subsurface maxima in tracer-based sulfate reduction rates from Holes 994B and 995B were observed at depths that coincide with the model-predicted AMO zone. The subsurface zone of sulfate reduction was 2 m thick and had a depth integrated rate that compared favorably to that of AMO (1.3 vs. 1.1 nmol/cm**2/d, respectively). These features suggest close coupling of AMO and sulfate reduction in the Blake Ridge sediments. Third, measured d13CH4 values are lightest at the point of peak model-predicted methane oxidation and become increasingly 13C-enriched with decreasing sediment depth, consistent with kinetic isotope fractionation during bacterially mediated methane oxidation. The isotopic data predict a somewhat (60 cm) shallower maximum depth of methane oxidation than do the model and sulfate reduction data.


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Long sequences of Upper Cretaceous through Quaternary sediments rich in calcareous and siliceous microfossils were recovered at Ocean Drilling Program Sites 689 and 690 on Maud Rise off East Antarctica. These sites have become the southernmost anchor in the Atlantic Basin for bio-, magneto-, chemostratigraphic, and paleobiogeographic studies. ODP Sites 692 and 693 on the Weddell Sea margin of East Antarctica and Site 696 on the South Orkney microcontinent of West Antarctica yielded calcareous nannofossils within some stratigraphic intervals. Sites 691, 692, 694, 695, and 697 did not recover Cenozoic calcareous nannofossils. Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy suggests a major hiatus across the Paleogene/Neogene boundary at Sites 689 and 690, and two additional hiatuses in the middle Eocene-lower Oligocene section at Site 690. Correlation with magnetostratigraphy reveals: the last occurrence (LO) of Reticulofenestra umbilica at Maud Rise is over 1 m.y. younger than that at the middle-latitude sites; the LO of Isthmolithus recurvus is synchronous in the middle-latitude and high-latitude areas (about 34.8 Ma); Reticulofenestra oamaruensis ranges from 38.0 to 36.0 Ma at Maud Rise; Reticulofenestra reticulata has a shorter range at Maud Rise (42.1 to 38.9 Ma) than at the middle-latitude DSDP Site 516; the range of Chiasmolithus oamaruensis is diachronous over different latitudes; and the LO of Chiasmolithus solitus is a good datum at 41.3 Ma from 30°S to 65°S in the South Atlantic Ocean. Comparison of calcareous nannofossil abundances in a latitudinal transect shows: Reticulofenestra bisecta is a temperate-water species and its LO, which crosses below that of Chiasmolithus altus at Maud Rise, is not applicable for the Paleogene/Neogene boundary in high southern latitude areas; Clausicoccus fenestratus is rare or absent at Maud Rise and can not be used as a marker; Coccolithus formosus is a warm-water species which disappeared earlier toward higher latitudes. Calcareous nannofossil assemblages indicate that by at least the middle Eocene, surface water temperatures became considerably lower in the high southern latitudes than in the middle-latitude areas and that there have been more extreme cold events in the high latitudes during the Neogene. Bicolumnus ovatus n. gen., n. sp. is proposed in this paper.


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We have studied the effects of slow infiltration of oxygen on microbial communities in refrigerated legacy samples from ocean drilling expeditions. Storage was in heat-sealed, laminated foil bags with a N2 headspace for geomicrobiological studies. Analysis of microbial lipids suggests that Bacteria were barely detectable in situ but increased remarkably during storage. Detailed molecular examination of a methane-rich sediment horizon showed that refrigeration triggered selective growth of ANME-2 archaea and a drastic change in the bacterial community. Subsequent enrichment targeting methanogens yielded exclusively methylotrophs, which were probably selected for by high sulfate levels caused by oxidation of reduced sulfur species. We provide recommendations for sample storage in future ocean drilling expeditions.


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We present benthic isotope stratigraphies for Sites 1236, 1237, 1239, and 1241 that span the late Miocene-Pliocene time interval from 6 to 2.4 Ma. Orbitally tuned timescales were generated for Sites 1237 and 1241 by correlating the high-frequency variations in gamma ray attenuation density, percent sand of the carbonate fraction, and benthic d13C to variations in Earth's orbital parameters. The astronomical timescales for Sites 1237 and 1241 are in agreement with the one from Atlantic Site 925/926 (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 154). The comparison of benthic d18O and d13C records from the east Pacific sites and Atlantic Site 925/926 revealed a surprising clarity of the "41-k.y. signal" in d13C records and a remarkably good correlation between their d13C records. This suggests that the late Miocene-Pliocene amplitudes of obliquity-related d13C cycles reflect a magnitude of global response often larger than that provided by obliquity-related d18O cycles. At Site 1237, the orbitally derived ages of Pliocene magnetic reversal boundaries between the base of Réunion and the top of Thvera confirm astronomical datings of the generally accepted ATNTS2004 timescale, except for the top of Kaena and the base of Sidufjall. Our astronomical age for the top of Kaena is about one obliquity cycle older. The base of Sidufjall appears to be about one precession cycle younger. The age models of Sites 1236 and 1239 were established by correlating their benthic d18O and d13C records directly to the orbitally tuned isotope record of Site 1241.


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During Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 202, Pleistocene calcareous nannofossils were recovered from several sites situated between 16°S and 8°N latitude. These sites are under the influence of coastal or equatorial upwelling and offer the opportunity to refine biostratigraphic patterns using alternative events from those used in "standard" zonations (Martini, 1971; Okada and Bukry, 1980, doi:10.1016/0377-8398(80)90016-X). Differences in the positions of the studied sites determine changes in sedimentation rates, which range from ~0.8 to 6 cm/k.y. (Shipboard Scientific Party, 2003, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.202.101.2003). These differences are due to the proximity to the continent and to organic production.


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We have reanalyzed the porosity, bulk density, and seismic velocity information collected from continental rise Sites 1095, 1096, and 1101 during the drilling of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 178 (Fig. F1). The purpose is to provide a comprehensive composite digital set of data readily available for future studies aimed at well-seismic correlation. The work originates from the occurrence of overlapping sets of physical parameters and acoustic velocity collected by different methods (downhole logging, core logging, laboratory determination, and derivation from seismic data) and from different holes at the same site. These data do not always provide the same information because of difficulties encountered at each specific hole or methodological differences. In addition, a basic correlation between these parameters and onsite multichannel seismic (MCS) data is presented.


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The shape and morphology of the northern Barbados Ridge complex is largely controlled by the sediment yield and failure behavior in response to high lateral loads imposed by convergence. Loads in excess of sediment yield strength result in nonrecoverable deformations within the wedge, and failure strength acts as an upper limit beyond which stresses are released through thrust faults. Relatively high loading rates lead to delayed consolidation and in-situ pore pressures greater than hydrostatic. The sediment yield and failure behavior is described for any stress path by a generalized constitutive model. A yield locus delineates the onset of plastic (non-recoverable) deformation, as defined from the isotropic and anisotropic consolidation responses of high-quality 38-mm triaxial specimens; a failure envelope was obtained by shearing the same specimens in both triaxial compression and extension. The yield locus is shown to be rotated into extension space and is centered about a K-line greater than unity, suggesting that the in-situ major principal stress has rotated into the horizontal plane, and that the sediment wedge is being subjected to extensional effective stress paths.


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Calcareous nannofossils were studied by light microscopy in Neogene sedimentary rocks recovered at four sites of the Ocean Drilling Program Leg 127 in the Japan Sea. Nannofossils occur sporadically at all sites, and allow recognition of seven zones and two subzones; four zones in the Holocene to the uppermost Pliocene, and three zones and two subzones in the middle to lower Miocene. Forty-eight nannofossil species are recognized in 95 of the 808 irregularly-spaced samples taken from all the sites. The nannofossil assemblages in the Miocene are more diverse than those in the Holocene to Pliocene sedimentary interval. The greater diversity and the presence of warm-water taxa, such as Sphenolithus and discoasters in the upper lower Miocene to lower middle Miocene, suggest a relatively warm and stable surface-water condition, attributed to an increased supply of warm water from the subtropical western Pacific Ocean. Site 797 in the southern part of the Yamato Basin contains the most complete and the oldest nannofossil record so far reported from the Japan Sea. The lowermost nannofossil zone at this site, the Helicosphaera ampliaperta Zone (15.7-18.4 Ma) gives a minimum age for the Yamato Basin. This age range predates rotation of southwest Japan, an event previously believed to be caused by the opening of the Japan Sea.


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Mineralogical and geochemical analyses were performed on 40 ash layers of Pleistocene to late Miocene age, recovered during Leg 124 in the Celebes and Sulu Seas (Sites 767, 768, and 769). They provide information on alteration processes related to burial diagenesis. The zonal distribution of secondary volcanic products emphasizes a major diagenetic change, characterized by the complete replacement of volcanic glass by an authigenic smectite-phillipsite assemblage, in tephra layers dated at 3.5-4 Ma. This diagenetic "event" occurs simultaneously in the two basins, and, on the basis of isotopic data, under low-temperature conditions. It is independent of distinct sedimentation rates and related to a relative quiescence of on-land volcanic activity. This period suggests a more uniform paleooceanographic situation having tectonic significance, and probably reflects a kinetic and environmental control of diagenetic reactions.


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Twenty-one samples, ranging in depth from 0 to 150 meters below seafloor (mbsf), were obtained from Leg 123 Sites 765 and 766. All samples were tested for Atterberg limits: 14 for laboratory vane shear strength and seven for uniaxial consolidation. Based on the determined Atterberg limits, along with shipboard measurements of water content, the sediment appears to be underconsolidated from 0 to 40 mbsf at Site 765 and from 0 to 80 mbsf at Site 766. Normal consolidation trends were observed for the sediments below these depths. Vane shear strengths, when compared with calculated values for a normally consolidated clay, indicate underconsolidated sediment at both sites. However, the use of Atterberg limit and vane shear strength data to assess consolidation state is complicated by the presence of silt-sized calcium carbonate in the form of nannofossil ooze. Thus, uniaxial-consolidation test data were analyzed to determine the overconsolidation ratios (OCR) and sediment compressibilities. OCR values were found to be less than one (underconsolidated) at both sites, using two separate methods of analysis.


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Five Ocean Drilling Program sites (657-661), which form a north-south transect off the western periphery of the Sahara, were selected to measure the long-term history of Saharan/Sahelian dust flux and fluvial sediment discharge and the fluxes of marine CaCO3 and opal over the last 8 m.y. Sites 658 and 659 served for high-resolution studies, and Sites 657, 660, and 661 for insights into the spatial patterns of dust flux. The nearshore mean flux of opal off Cap Blanc (21 °N) showed an abrupt increase about 3 Ma that appears to reflect the main onset of coastal upwelling fertility and enhanced trade winds. At the same time, the input of river-borne clay strongly decreased, suggesting a dry up of the central Saharan rivers. Later, marked short-lived spikes of clay and opal may indicate ongoing ephemeral pulses of fluvial runoff linked to peak interglacial stages. Given the zonal dust discharge centered near 18 °N at Site 659, the aridification of the south Sahara and Sahel increased in several steps: at 4.6, 4.3, and especially at 4.0, 3.6, and 2.1 Ma, and again, at 0.8 Ma. The late Miocene and earliest Pliocene were humid. Although the central and north Saharan climate appears to be linked to the glaciation history of the Northern Hemisphere, the long-term aridification further south followed a different schedule. The spatial distribution of quartz accumulation suggests that the dust outbreaks linked to the Intertropical Convergence Zone during summer did not shift in latitude back to 4.0 Ma, at least. The short-term variations of dust output over the last 0.5 m.y. followed orbital scale pulses with a strong precessional signal, showing a link of Sahelian humidity changes to the variation of sea-surface temperature and evaporation in the tropical Atlantic.