603 resultados para glaciation


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Depositional environments, stratigraphic relations, and 35 new AMS 14C dates at Cape Shpindler, Yugorski Peninsula, help constrain the late Pleistocene glacial and environmental history of the southern Kara Sea region. Fifteen- to fifty-meter-high coastal exposures reveal a complex package of shallow marine, fluvial, glacial, and postglacial deposits, and are documented here in a 19-km-long cross-section and eight vertical sections. The shallow marine (Unit A), estuarine or prodeltaic (Unit B), and fluvio-deltaic (Unit C) deposits contain an interglacial molluscan fauna, yield radiocarbon dates greater than 40 ka, and may correspond with a regional sea-level highstand during the Eemian. These units are overlain by a diamicton (Unit D), and are pervasively deformed by folds and low- to high-angle faults into a stacked glaciotectonic accretionary complex. The diamicton (Unit D) is a subglacial till, and associated massive ground ice with deformed debris bands (Unit E) appears to be relict glacier ice. Glaciotectonic structures document both southward- and northward-directed glacier movement. Above the till and associated glaciotectonic horizons lies 0- to 11-m-thick postglacial deposits of peatland, eolian, fluvial, and primarily lacustrine origin (Unit F). The postglacial deposits yield radiocarbon ages of 12.8 to 0.8 ka. Thus, at least one regional glaciation is prominently represented in the stratigraphy, and occurred probably after the Eemian but before 12.8 ka. We infer that the bulk of the glacial record corresponds with southward advance by an early Weichselian Kara Sea Ice Sheet, in agreement with other recently documented, regional records from Yamal Peninsula and the Pechora Basin. The timing and source of northward-directed glacier ice are less well constrained. Across the broad expanse of the Eurasian Arctic, Quaternary stratigraphy is still sparsely documented. The new data from Cape Shpindler fill a spatial gap in paleoenvironmental research.


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Cretaceous to Quaternary sediments recovered at Leg 119 Sites 738 and 744 on the southern tip of the Kerguelen Plateau were studied in order to determine the depositional environment and the paleoceanography of the southern Indian Ocean and especially the long-term glacial history of East Antarctica. Emphasis is given to bulk-sediment composition, grain-size data, and clay mineralogy. The sediment sequence at the two sites is generally of a highly pelagic character, with nannofossil oozes, chalks, and limestones dominant from the Turanian to upper Miocene and diatom oozes dominant within the uppermost Miocene to Holocene interval. The first indication of glaciation at sea level is the occurrence of isolated gravel and terrigenous sand grains, which indicate ice rafting in the middle Eocene interval of 45.0-42.3 Ma. A major intensification of glaciation, probably the onset of continental East Antarctic glaciation, is recorded in sediments of early Oligocene age (36.0 Ma). All major sediment parameters document this event. The clay mineralogy changes from smectite-dominated assemblages, typical of moderately warm and humid climatic conditions in which chemical weathering processes are prevalent, to illite- and chlorite-dominated assemblages, indicative of cooler climates and physical weathering. Ice-rafted debris of both gravel and sand size occurs in large quantities in that interval and coincides with a change in the mode of carbonate deposition. Carbonate contents are relatively high and uniform (90%-95%) in strata younger than early Oligocene; in Oligocene to upper Miocene strata they fluctuate between 65% and 95%. Oligocene and Neogene hiatuses reflect an intensification of oceanic circulation and the increased erosional force of Circumpolar Deep Water. The long-term Cenozoic cooling trend was interrupted by a phase of early Miocene warming indicated by maximum Neogene smectite concentrations. Although ice-rafted debris is present only in minor amounts and mainly in the silt fraction of early Oligocene to late Miocene age, it shows that glaciers advanced to the East Antarctic shoreline throughout that time. Ice-rafting activity drastically increased in latest Miocene time, when carbonate deposition decreased and diatom ooze sedimentation started. This suggests a pronounced intensification of Antarctic glaciation combined with a northward migration of the Polar Front.


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The circum-Antarctic Southern Ocean is an important region for global marine food webs and carbon cycling because of sea-ice formation and its unique plankton ecosystem. However, the mechanisms underlying the installation of this distinct ecosystem and the geological timing of its development remain unknown. Here, we show, on the basis of fossil marine dinoflagellate cyst records, that a major restructuring of the Southern Ocean plankton ecosystem occurred abruptly and concomitant with the first major Antarctic glaciation in the earliest Oligocene (~33.6 million years ago). This turnover marks a regime shift in zooplankton-phytoplankton interactions and community structure, which indicates the appearance of eutrophic and seasonally productive environments on the Antarctic margin. We conclude that earliest Oligocene cooling, ice-sheet expansion, and subsequent sea-ice formation were important drivers of biotic evolution in the Southern Ocean.


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Carbon isotopic records from benthic foraminifera are used to map patterns of deep ocean circulation between 3 and 2 million years ago, the interval when significant northern hemisphere glaciation began. The delta18O and delta13C data from four Atlantic sites (552, 607, 610, and 704) and one Pacific site (677) show that global cooling over this interval was associated with increased suppression of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) formation. However, the relative strength of NADW production was always greater than is observed during late Pleistocene glaciations when extreme decreases in NADW are observed in the deep North Atlantic. Our data indicate that an increase in the equator-to-pole temperature gradient associated with the onset of northern hemisphere glaciation did not intensify deepwater production in the North Atlantic but rather the opposite occurred. This is not unexpected as it is the "warm high-salinity" characteristic, rather than the "low temperature", of thermocline waters that is critical to the deepwater formation process in this region today.


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First thermoluminescence (TL) datings of glacial deposits from several well-known sites in northwest Germany (Schleswig-Holstein) indicate a possible Middle Weichselian Glaciation in this region. The TL dates obtained imply an ice sheet at about 70-40 ka B.P. here, whose presence in this part of Europe has not been previously considered. The reliability of the TL dates was cross-checked on different lithologies; the dating was performed in two independent laboratories. These dates and their interpretations, however, must still be confirmed both geologically and paleontologically on suitable sites where glacial sediments are sandwiched between Eemian deposits and interstadial deposits older than the Late Weichselian.


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A major tipping point of Earth's history occurred during the mid-Pliocene: the onset of major Northern-Hemisphere Glaciation (NHG) and of pronounced, Quaternary-style cycles of glacial-to-interglacial climates, that contrast with more uniform climates over most of the preceding Cenozoic and continue until today (Zachos et al., 2001, doi:10.1126/science.1059412). The severe deterioration of climate occurred in three steps between 3.2 Ma (warm MIS K3) and 2.7 Ma (glacial MIS G6/4) (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005, doi:10.1029/2004PA001071). Various models (sensu Driscoll and Haug, 1998, doi:10.1126/science.282.5388.436) and paleoceanographic records (intercalibrated using orbital age control) suggest clear linkages between the onset of NHG and the three steps in the final closure of the Central American Seaways (CAS), deduced from rising salinity differences between Caribbean and the East Pacific. Each closing event led to an enhanced North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and this strengthened the poleward transport of salt and heat (warmings of +2-3°C) (Bartoli et al., 2005, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2005.06.020). Also, the closing resulted in a slight rise in the poleward atmospheric moisture transport to northwestern Eurasia (Lunt et al., 2007, doi:10.1007/s00382-007-0265-6), which probably led to an enhanced precipitation and fluvial run-off, lower sea surface salinity (SSS), and an increased sea-ice cover in the Arctic Ocean, hence promoting albedo and the build-up of continental ice sheets. Most important, new evidence shows that the closing of the CAS led to greater steric height of the North Pacific and thus doubled the low-saline Arctic Throughflow from the Bering Strait to the East Greenland Current (EGC). Accordingly, Labrador Sea IODP Site 1307 displays an abrupt but irreversible EGC cooling of 6°C and freshening by ~2 psu from 3.25/3.16-3.00 Ma, right after the first but still reversible attempt of closing the CAS.


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We investigated two lignite quarries in northern Greece for orbital and suborbital climate variability. Sections Lava and Vegora are located at the southern and northern boundaries of the Ptolemais Basin, a northwest southeast elongated intramontane basin that contains Upper Miocene to Lower Pliocene lacustrine sediments. Sediments show cyclic alterations of marl-rich (light), and coal-rich or clay-rich (dark) strata on a decimeter to meter scale. First, we established low-resolution ground-truth stratigraphy based on paleomagnetics and biostratigraphy. Accordingly, the lower 67 m and 65 m that were investigated in both sections Vegora and Lava, respectively, belong to the Upper Miocene and cover a time period of 6.85 to 6.57 and 6.46 to 5.98 Ma at sedimentation rates of roughly 14 and 22 cm/ka. In order to obtain a robust and high-resolution chronology, we then tuned carbonate minima (low L* values; high magnetic susceptibility values) to insolation minima. Besides the known dominance of orbital precession and eccentricity, we detected a robust hemi-precessional cycle in most parameters, most likely indicative for monsoonal influence on climate. Moreover, the insolation-forced time series indicate a number of millennial-scale frequencies that are statistically significant with dominant periods of 1.5-8 kyr. Evolutionary spectral analysis indicates that millennial-scale climate variability documented for the Ptolemais Basin resembles the one that is preserved in ice-core records of Greenland. Most cycles show durations of several tens of thousands of years before they diminish or cease. This is surprising because the generally argued cause for Late Quaternary millennial-scale variability is associated with the presence of large ice sheets, which cannot be the case for the Upper Miocene. Possible explanations maybe a direct response to solar forcing, an influence on the formation of North Atlantic Deep Water through the outflow of high-salinity water, or an atmospheric link to the North Atlantic Oscillation.


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On- and off-mound sediment cores from Propeller Mound (Hovland Mound province, Porcupine Seabight) were analysed to understand better the evolution of a carbonate mound. The evaluation of benthic foraminiferal assemblages from the off-mound position helps to determine the changes of the environmental controls on Propeller Mound in glacial and interglacial times. Two different assemblages describe the Holocene and Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 2 and late MIS 3 (~31 kyr BP). The different assemblages are related to changes in oceanographic conditions, surface productivity and the waxing and waning of the British Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) during the last glacial stages. The interglacial assemblage is related to a higher supply of organic material and stronger current intensities in water depth of recent coral growth. During the last glaciation the benthic faunas showed high abundances of cassidulinid species, implying cold bottom waters and a reduced availability of organic matter. High sedimentation rates and the domination of Elphidium excavatum point to shelf erosion related to sea-level lowering (~50 m) and the progradation of the BIIS onto the shelf. A different assemblage described for the on-mound core is dominated by Discanomalina coronata, Gavelinopsis translucens, Planulina ariminensis, Cibicides lobatulus and to a lower degree by Hyrrokkin sarcophaga. These species are only found or show significantly higher relative abundances in on-mound samples and their maximum contribution in the lower part of the record indicates a higher coral growth density on Propeller Mound in an earlier period. They are less abundant during the Holocene, however. This dataset portrays the boundary conditions of the habitable range for the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa, which dominates the deep-water reefal ecosystem on the upper flanks of Propeller Mound. The growth of this ecosystem occurs during interglacial and interstadial periods, whereas a retreat of corals is documented in the absence of glacial sediments on-mound. Glacial conditions with cold intermediate waters, a weak current regime and high sedimentation rates provide an unfavourable environmental setting for Lophelia corals to grow. A Late Pleistocene decrease is observed in the mound growth for Propeller Mound, which might face its complete burial in the future, as it already happened to the buried mounds of the Magellan Mound province further north.


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Holes 572C and 573A provide high resolution (about 5000-yr. sampling interval) records of oxygen and carbon isotope stratigraphy (Globigerinoides sacculifera) and carbonate stratigraphy for the Pliocene of the equatorial Pacific. These data enable detailed correlation of carbonate events between sites and provide additional resolution to the previous carbonate stratigraphy. Comparison of calcium carbonate and d18O data reveal a "Pacific-type" carbonate stratigraphy throughout the Pliocene. The d18O data have two modes of variability with a boundary at 2.9 Ma. The planktonic d18O record does not have a steplike enrichment at 3.2 Ma, which is observed in benthic records elsewhere, suggesting that this event does not represent the proposed initiation of northern hemispheric glaciation. Hole 572C does record a distinct d18O enrichment event at about 2.4 Ma, which has been previously associated with the onset of major ice rafting in the North Atlantic.


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Pelagic sediments from DSDP Hole 5O3B contain, in their carbonate abundance data, a clear record of glacial-interglacial cycles. The eolian component of those sediments was analyzed over the past four carbonate cycles, and the mass accumulation rate (MAR) and grain size of the eolian component was determined. Eolian MARs range from 24 to 169 mg/cm**2/10**3y. and commonly are higher by a factor of three to five during times of glacial retreat. Reduced contribution during periods of glaciation most likely reflects glacial-age humidity in the American source. Grain-size values (phi50) range from 8.25 to a minimum of 8.79phi-a variation in grain mass by a factor of 3.1. Larger grains reflect more vigorous atmospheric circulation, but sizes do not covary with the carbonate or eolian accumulation curves. These data suggest that the intensity of atmospheric circulation in the tropics may reflect the 42,000 y.-tilt cycle rather than the 100,000 y.-cycle of glacial advance.


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For Middle Jurassic to Pleistocene times, clay mineralogical and geochemical data provide information on the evolution of continental and marine paleoenvironments. They are a source of information on marginal instability, on the continental and shallow marine environments related to the development of the Southern Ocean during the Middle and Late Jurassic, and on tectonic relaxation of the continental margins at the end of the Late Jurassic. They also provide evidence for the influences of the South Atlantic opening and the movement of the Falkland Plateau in a reduced marine environment until Aptian-Albian times, and the transition to an open marine environment during Albian time; the influences of the Albian-Turonian and Coniacian-Santonian Andean deformations in an open marine environment; the limited tectonic effects and strong influence of marine currents at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary; the influences of the global climatic cooling and inferred bottom water circulation during the late Eocene and Oligocene; the widening of the South Atlantic Ocean during Oligocene time, which was accompanied by an increased influence of the biogenic components on sedimentation; increased carbonate dissolution from late Oligocene to early Miocene, related to the deepening of the ocean; limited mineralogical and important geochemical modifications when the Drake Passage opened in the early Miocene; the influence of the late Miocene development of the Antarctic ice-sheet; the major Antarctic cooling and Patagonian glaciation during Pliocene time; and the change in the Antarctic Bottom Water circulation at the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary.