143 resultados para direct current distribution
Original geological, geophysical, lithological, mineralogical data on uplifts of the Central Atlantic are given in the book based on materials of Cruise 1 of the R/V Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov. Geological and geophysical studies include description of the obtained material and analysis of structural and morphological elements of the ocean floor. Results of lithological, petrochemical and geochemical studies were extremely innovative and develop a conceptual model. The latter include studies of petrochemical evolution of tholeiitic alkaline plate volcanism, large-scale hydrothermal transformation of basement rocks - palygorskitization, phosphatization and ferromanganese mineralization. Showing imposition Superposition of hydrogenic alteration on hydrothermally altered rocks and its role in Cenozoic history of sedimentation is shown.
Geophysical surveys of the Mariana forearc, in an area equidistant from the Mariana Trench and the active Mariana Island Arc, revealed a 40-m-deep graben about 13 km northwest of Conical Seamount, a serpentine mud volcano. The graben and its bounding horst blocks are part of a fault zone that strikes northwest-southeast beneath Conical Seamount. One horst block was drilled during Leg 125 of the Ocean Drilling Program (Site 781). Three lithologic units were recovered at Site 781: an upper sedimentary unit, a middle basalt unit, and a lower sedimentary unit. The upper unit, between 0 and 72 mbsf, consists of upper Pliocene to Holocene diatomaceous and radiolarian-bearing silty clay that grades down into vitric silty clay and vitric clayey silt. The middle unit is a Pleistocene vesicular, porphyritic basalt, the top of which corresponds to a high-amplitude reflection on the reflection profiles. The lower unit is a middle to upper (and possibly some lower) Pliocene vitric silty clay and vitric clayey silt similar to the lower part of the upper unit. The thickness of the basalt unit can only be estimated to be between 13 and 25 m because of poor core recovery (28% to 55%). The absence of internal flow structures and the presence of an upper glassy chilled zone and a lower, fine-grained margin suggest that the basalt unit is either a single lava flow or a near-surface sill. The basalt consists of plagioclase phenocrysts with subordinate augite and olivine phenocrysts and of plagioclase-augite-olivine glomerocrysts in a groundmass of plagioclase, augite, olivine, and glass. The basalt is an island arc tholeiite enriched in large-ion-lithophile elements relative to high-field-strength elements, similar to the submarine lavas of the southern arc seamounts. In contrast, volcanic rocks from the active volcanoes on Pagan and Agrigan islands, 100 km to the west of the drill site, are calc-alkaline. The basalt layer, the youngest in-situ igneous layer reported from the Izu-Bonin and Mariana forearcs, is enigmatic because of its location more than 100 km from the active volcanic arc. The sediment layers above and below the basalt unit are late Pliocene in age (about 2.5 Ma) and normally magnetized. The basalt has schlierenlike structures, reverse magnetization, and a K-Ar age of 1.68±0.37 Ma. Thus, the basalt layer is probably a sill fed by magma intruded along a fault zone bounding the horst and graben in the forearc. The geochemistry of the basalt is consistent with a magma source similar to that of the active island arc and from a mantle source above the subducting Pacific plate.
The physical (temperature, salinity, velocity) and biogeochemical (oxygen, nitrate) structure of an oxygen depleted coherent, baroclinic, anticyclonic mode-water eddy (ACME) is investigated using high-resolution autonomous glider and ship data. A distinct core with a diameter of about 70 km is found in the eddy, extending from about 60 to 200 m depth and. The core is occupied by fresh and cold water with low oxygen and high nitrate concentrations, and bordered by local maxima in buoyancy frequency. Velocity and property gradient sections show vertical layering at the flanks and underneath the eddy characteristic for vertical propagation (to several hundred-meters depth) of near inertial internal waves (NIW) and confirmed by direct current measurements. A narrow region exists at the outer edge of the eddy where NIW can propagate downward. NIW phase speed and mean flow are of similar magnitude and critical layer formation is expected to occur. An asymmetry in the NIW pattern is seen that possible relates to the large-scale Ekman transport interacting with ACME dynamics. NIW/mean flow induced mixing occurs close to the euphotic zone/mixed layer and upward nutrient flux is expected and supported by the observations. Combing high resolution nitrate (NO3-) data with the apparent oxygen utilization (AOU) reveals AOU:NO3- ratios of 16 which are much higher than in the surrounding waters (8.1). A maximum NO3- deficit of 4 to 6 µmol kg-1 is estimated for the low oxygen core. Denitrification would be a possible explanation. This study provides evidence that the recycling of NO3-, extracted from the eddy core and replenished into the core via the particle export, may quantitatively be more important. In this case, the particulate phase is of keys importance in decoupling the nitrogen from the oxygen cycling.