Velocities and densities of submarine basalts obtained during Leg 65 are distinguished by their relatively high values (about 6.3 km/s and 2.9 g/cm/**3, respectively). This is consistent with their low degree of alteration. The range of velocities covered by these samples correlates well with porosity, and a comparison with in situ velocities from refraction data suggests maximum porosities ih the upper 100 meters of the crust of about 10%.
Eight whole-core samples from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1244, Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia continental margin, were provided to Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA) for geotechnical characterization. The samples were collected from depths ranging from 5 to 136 meters below seafloor (mbsf). Seven of the eight whole-core samples were located within the gas hydrate stability zone, whereas the eighth sample was located in the free gas zone. Atterberg limits testing showed that the average liquid limit of the soil is 81% and the average plastic limit is 38%, giving an average plasticity index of 43%. The liquid limit is sensitive to oven drying, shown by a drop in liquid limit to 64% when tests were performed on an oven-dried sample. Loss on ignition averages 5.45 wt%. Constant rate of strain consolidation (CRSC) tests were performed to obtain the compression characteristics of the soil, as well as to determine the stress history of the site. CRSC tests also provided hydraulic conductivity and coefficient of consolidation characteristics for these sediments. The compression ratio (Cc) ranges from 0.340 to 0.704 (average = 0.568). Cc is fairly constant to a depth of 79 mbsf, after which Cc decreases downhole. The recompression ratio (Cr) ranges from 0.035 to 0.064 (average = 0.052). Cr is constant throughout the depth range. In situ hydraulic conductivity varies between 1.5 x 10**-7 and 3 x 10**-8 cm/s and shows no trend with depth. Ko-consolidated undrained compression/extension (CKoUC/E) tests were also performed to determine the peak undrained shear strength, stress-strain curve, and friction angle. The normalized undrained strength ranges from 0.29 to 0.35. The friction angle ranges from 27 to 37. Because of the limited amount of soil, CRSC and CKoUC/E tests were also conducted on resedimented specimens.
Tables 1 and 2 contain the data for the physical properties of the material from Sites 535 and 540, respectively. These data are summarized for Site 535 in Table 23 and Figure 31 in the site chapter, Sites 535, 539, and 540. Site 540 data summaries can be found in Table 25 and Figure 37 of the site chapter, Sites 535, 539, and 540.
Sediment cored within the Barbados subduction complex at Sites 541 and 542 are underconsolidated. Underconsolidation and changes in physical properties of the cored section can be related to excess pore water pressure that equals the lithostatic load at Site 542 and to major thrust faulting observed at Site 541. Apparently, the pore fluids within the subduction complex are absorbing the tectonic shock of underthrusting. Sediment sampled from the reference Site 543 on the adjacent Atlantic Plate are also underconsolidated. However, underconsolidation in Hole 543 is apparently due to the movement of excess nitrogen gas observed deeper in the hole. Excess gas was not observed at Sites 541 and 542.
Sediment composition and rate of deposition are the primary factors responsible for determining the spatial distribution of geotechnical properties on the Wring Plateau. Grain size and depth of burial have no significant influence. Vertical and lateral changes in geotechnical properties are associated with vertical and lateral composition changes in which biogenic silica is the most important variable. Anomalous trends of decreasing density and increasing porosity and water content with depth are associated with increasing silica content downsection. Void ratios, inferred in-situ permeability, and change in void ratio during consolidation testing are relatively high in siliceous sediments and tend to increase as the biogenic silica content increases. Portions of the section are overconsolidated, probably as a result of changes in sediment accumulation rates. However, the higher permeabilities of siliceous sediments may also be a factor influencing consolidation state.
Compressional and shear velocities, density, and porosity were measured for 22 serpentinized peridotites recovered during ODP Leg 125. The densities of the samples vary from 2.40 to 2.86 g/cm**3, whereas the compressional velocities at 200 MPa are between 4.60 and 6.47 km/s. A positive linear trend exists between both compressional and shear velocities and density. The high porosity in serpentinized peridotites decreases the density and seismic velocity.
The geotechnical characteristics of 22 sediment samples from Leg 84 sites were studied in an effort to associate these with processes active along the Middle America slope and with sedimentation mechanisms. Geotechnical properties measured include water content, porosity, bulk density, Atterberg limits, consolidation characteristics, permeability, and vane shear strength. A majority of samples obtained from Sites 565, 568, and 570 show significant disturbance resulting from degassing. This disturbance apparently results in underconsolidation, although other mechanisms such as excess pore pressures generated from the subduction process can also contribute to this state. Overconsolidated sediments were found at Sites 565, 566, and 569. The overconsolidated sediments at Sites 565 and 569 may result from downslope transport mechanisms rearranging and stressing the sediment mass under consideration. The sediment condition at Site 566 is probably a result of eroded overburden: an estimated 87 m of overlying sediments may have been removed. Geotechnical and permeability relationships with depth are consistent with those found for other hemipelagic sediments of silty clay to clayey silt textures.
A detailed study has been made of the physical properties of core samples from Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 395A. The properties include: density, porosity, compressional and shear wave velocity, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and electrical resistivity. Of particular importance are the relations among the parameters. Most of the variations in the basalt properties follow the porosity, with smaller inferred dependence on pore structure, original mineralogy differences, and alteration. The sample measurements give very similar results to (and extend previous data from) Mid-Atlantic Ridge drillholes, the sample data from this site and previous data are used to estimate relations between porosity and other large-scale physical properties of the upper oceanic crust applicable to this area. These relations are important for the analysis and interpretation of downhole logging measurements and marine geophysical data.
Erstmals quantitativ bearbeitete Rutschungen aus dem Tiefseebereich des äquatorialen Ostatlantiks liegen auf Hängen von 0,4 Grad und 0,7 Grad - das ist sehr viel flacher als die für statische Rutschungsauslösung benötigte kritische Hangneigung (14 Grad bis 16 Grad ). Im Gegensatz zu Flachwassergebieten kann bei Wassertiefen von über 4000 m natürlich der Einfluß von Wellenwirkung und Tidenhub auf die Hangstabilität vernachlässigt werden. Die Sedimentationsraten sind in diesem Bereich zur Bildung eines Porenwasserüberdruckes vielfach zu niedrig. Nach den Hangstabilitätsanalysen bilden hier Erdbeben den wirksamsten Auslösemechanismus für die Rutschungen. Dies gilt auch für Rutschungen an den Kontinentalrändern von Nordwest- und Westafrika sowie für das europäische Nordmeer und für Rutschungen im nördlichen Fidji-Becken. Das Alter der besonders gut datierten Rutschungen vom nordwestafrikanischen Kontinentalrand und der Tiefsee des äquatorialen Ostatlantiks schwankt zwischen 16,000 J.v.h. und 18,000 J.v.h. sowie etwa 130,000 J.v.h.. Es handelt sich dabei um Phasen des Beginns besonders starker Meeresspiegelschwankungen. Ein Vergleich der Meeresspiegelkurve mit dem Alter älterer Rutschungen zeigt ebenfalls eine Parallele mit Zeiten von Regressionen und Transgressionen. Durch die Meeresspiegelschwankungen werden isostatische Vertikalbewegungen des Tiefseebodens von bis zu 30 m bewirkt, die Spannungen in den Lithosphärenplatten erzeugen. Sie allein sind jedoch nicht groß genug, um Brüche in intakten Plattenbereichen zu verursachen. Entlang alter, ehemals aktiver Transform-Bruchzonen (Fracture Zones) können jedoch die aufgebauten Spannungen eher wieder abgebaut werden. Dabei entstehen kleinere Erdstösse und führen zur Auslösung von Rutschungen. Ein Vergleich der Verbreitung von Transform-Störungen und Rutschungen vor Norwegen, Nordwest- und Westafrika sowie vor dem südlichen Afrika zeigt, daß in diesen Gebieten Rutschmassen tatsächlich besonders häufig entlang und in der Verlängerung von Fracture Zones auftreten. Modellrechnungen, die mit typischen Werten für Hangwinkel (0,5 Grad bis 3 Grad) von Tiefseeböschungen und passive Kontinentalränder sowie für häufig ermittelte Scherfestigkeitsgradienten im Sediment (0,5 kPa/m bis 1,7 kPa/m) durchgeführt wurden, ergaben, daß in Gebieten mit normal konsolidierten Sedimenten (ohne Porenwasserüberdruck) nur Erdbeben Rutschungen ausgelöst haben können.
Seismic velocities have been measured at confining pressures of 100 MPa and 600 MPa for sheeted dike samples recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Legs 137 and 140. The compressional- and shear-wave velocities show an increase with depth at Hole 504B, which is in sharp contrast to the atmospheric pressure velocity measurements performed as part of the shipboard analyses. Rocks exposed to different types of alteration and fracture patterns show distinct changes in their physical properties. The seismic reflectors observed on the vertical seismic profile (VSP) experiment performed during Leg 111 may have been caused by low velocity zones resulting from alteration. The amount of fracturing and hydrothermal alteration in several zones also may have contributed to the acoustic impedance contrast necessary to produce the E5 reflector. Poisson's ratios calculated from laboratory velocity measurements show several low values at depths ranging from 1600 mbsf to 2000 mbsf, which tends to follow similar trends obtained from previous oceanic refraction experiments. A comparison of physical properties between samples recovered from Hole 504B and ophiolite studies in the Bay of Islands and Oman shows a good correlation with the Bay of Islands but significant differences from the measurements performed in the Oman complex.
Prior to the Deep Sea Drilling Project the composition of the oceanic crust could only be inferred from seismic-refraction and gravity data and the recovery of a wide variety of dredged rocks. Through the success of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, it is now clear that the top of oceanic Layer 2 usually consists of basalt. Several laboratory studies (e.g., Fox et al., 1972; Christensen and Shaw, 1970; Hyndman and Drury, 1976) have demonstrated that the seismic velocities of oceanic basalt are similar to velocities reported from refraction studies of Layer 2 and that the variability in Layer 2 velocities has many causes, the most important being fracturing and sea-floor alteration produced by the interaction of basalt and sea water (Christensen and Salisbury, 1973). To date, most reported measurements of velocities in oceanic basalts are from samples obtained from the main ocean basins. With the exception of an earlier study of velocities and related elastic properties of a suite of rocks from DSDP Sites 292, 293, 294, and 296 located in the Philippine Sea (Christensen et al., 1975; Fountain et al., 1975), elastic properties have not been determined for oceanic rocks from marginal basins. In this chapter compressional- and shear-wave velocities and elastic constants are reported at elevated confining pressures for basalt and volcanic breccias from Holes 447A, 448, and 448A.